evil spirit

Chapter 6 Do you believe in luck?

Chapter 6 [Do you believe in luck?] Chapter 6 The tall and thin man has put on a standard corporate white-collar business negotiation posture: "Mr. Chen Yang, first of all, I need to introduce to you that our company's business is not the main house rental... Don't be in a hurry to stand up first. I said that the house is indeed available, and the conditions will definitely satisfy you.

However, I need to explain a few questions to you before renting a house.

"First of all, as I just said, the company's main business project is not real estate, but another product.

In short, as long as you buy this product from the company, you will become a member of the company, and the benefits of the company's members are very good, including a lot of preferential services. Of course, the housing you requested can also be included in the membership benefits, and everything can be negotiated..." I thought for a moment. Zi was a little confused and swallowed hard: "Wait...wait...what you mean..." I tried to digest what he just said: "You mean, as long as I buy one of your products, I can become a member, and you will help me solve the housing problem? What kind of organization are you...? Now the national civil servants are not divided into houses. Are your members still in charge of housing issues? You..." I looked at him maliciously: "You are not Qaeda developing members in China, are you?" Of course not."

The tall and thin man answered me with a smile: "The company's business project is environmentally friendly and harmless. Its purpose is to benefit the society and serve the general public. It is definitely not what you call a terrorist organization."

Then, he suddenly moved out a huge wooden box from under the table.

It shocked me even more! Damn it again! I saw it clearly just now! It's empty under the table. There's nothing! Where did he take out such a big box?! The tall and thin man ignored my surprised expression and opened the first layer of the box, which was a slightly smaller box, and then opened the second layer, followed by the third layer and the fourth layer... Seeing him open a small model of boxes from the box, I almost wanted to collapse. Fortunately, he finally He also sighed and smiled bitterly as if he were talking to himself, "Oh, I didn't expect that I was really unlucky to get such a low-level membership."

The thin and tall man has taken out a silvery thing from the small box in his hand and pinched it at his fingertips. Looking at me smiling, he quickly introduced it in an extremely professional tone: "Look, this is the company's main product, which we call the luck adjustment device.

Wear it, you will be able to control your life and make your life full of beauty from now on! Do you want to get your dream career? Do you want to struggle for 30 years less? Do you want to marry a beautiful woman you have loved for a long time? Do you want to be the focus of attention? Wear our company's products, and all your dreams will come true!" Maybe what he said was so excited and forgetful that he didn't notice that he sprayed a spit on my face.

I wiped it hard on my face and finally affirmed one thing: I met a liar.

This guy really looks like a friend of mine who is a pyramid scheme! It's also a crazy look.

I was no longer ready to talk nonsense with him, so I turned around and walked towards the exit of the rooftop.

But as soon as he took two steps, the thin and tall man behind him suddenly said a word loudly.

With such a sentence, I actually stopped... Because the bastard said in a sharp tone, "Chen Yang, haven't your parents taught you to respect others when they speak?" Hearing this, a fire in my heart suddenly came up! This sentence pierced the most uncomfortable part of my heart! My parents have died since I was a child, and my parents really didn't teach me! For this reason, I have often been tounced by others during my student career.

But after I learn martial arts, no one dares to say such similar words in front of me! Since a guy said such a thing and was punched out of my mouth, no one dared to tease me with such words! I have quickly turned around and walked towards him. As I walked, I clenched my fist and prepared to blow off his front teeth as well!" Wait... Wait..." The thin and tall man shook his hand repeatedly, jumped up quickly and retreated: "Look, don't come over and try to hit me... I've checked it carefully. I don't have a bloody disaster today, and I won't be beaten. If you don't want to hurt yourself, you'd better not do it."

I bowed and rushed to his side quickly. I grabbed his coat collar and lifted him up, strode to the edge of the rooftop, and reached out to lean out his body.

The guy immediately screamed. He screamed like a wild cat calling spring in the middle of the night in summer. I have never imagined in my life that a man's screaming voice could be more harsh and decibels higher than that of a woman! You idiot, put me down! I have a fear of heights!!" He hugged my arm like an octopus, and his legs kicked desperately, like a frog.

"Didn't you say that there was no bloody disaster today? So have you ever calculated whether you will fall downstairs today? I looked at him coldly.

He opened a pair of soybean-like eyes, blinked at me, and said pitifully, "This... I haven't counted it. I don't think so."

He didn't dare to look down and begged repeatedly, "Okay, please let me down. I'm really afraid of heights.

I'm not afraid that you will leave me down, because I know you won't... But I'm afraid that I'll be scared out of a heart attack by you. I have a very serious heart attack... I've calculated that I don't have a bloody disaster today, but I can't guarantee that I won't die of a heart This man is crazy.

This is the first thought that comes to my mind.

Although I'm not a good person, I won't argue with the offense of a madman.

If a psychopath violates the law, even the law will forgive it.

What's more, he just tamped me.

I put him down, stared at him, and said coldly, "Listen, I don't care who you are. I'm not interested in what you want to sell to me. Now I'm leaving."

I have decided to leave, and I decided to find the real estate agent who introduced me to him as soon as I went back, and then punched off his front teeth! Don't you want to improve your luck? The thin and tall man behind added a sentence pitifully.

I snorted and looked back at him: "I've heard a sentence that no matter what you want, you have to pay the price! I believe that there is no good thing in the world for no reason... What's more, I don't believe a word of what you said.

What to change luck? If you can change a person's luck, then you can just be God.

"You have to pay as much as you want..." The thin and tall man suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Mr. Chen Yang... Please don't worry first.

Could you please answer me a question first..." The tall and thin man looked at me and asked with a smile, "Do you believe that there is such a thing as 'luck' in this world?" Luck? I was stunned for a moment, and then frowned and said, "Are you a religious sect who came to develop the missionary cause? Then I'm sorry to tell you that I'm an atheist. I don't believe in any religion. I only believe in myself.

"Shot!" The tall and thin man snapped his fingers and smiled, "I also don't believe in any religion. I also think there is no God in the world.

But the kind of luck I said does exist - although we can't see or touch it.

I still look unbelieving: "How can there be something that can't be seen and can't be touched?" Of course it exists!" The tall and thin man met my eyes and said firmly: "Air! Isn't it also invisible and untouchable? But everyone knows the existence of air! This is a kind of common sense!"