evil spirit

Chapter 8 Bloodlight Disaster

Chapter 8 [Blood and Light Disaster] He patted me on the shoulder and said in the most sincere voice, "How's it going? Mr. Chen, you can have a try.

I won't lie to you... This thing does work."

I immediately shook my head like a rattle.

He was anxious: "I also completely give up on the market here. I sold this set of things in my hand early, so that I can leave here and go back to the company's headquarters."

"How much is it?" I tried to ask.

He immediately reported a number, which shocked me! Looking at my face, he had a "surprising" smile on his face: "I know you can't afford it.

At this stage, we do not expect this product to be accepted by the market, so our strategy is to promote customers who do not have purchasing power by rent.

Rental? As I said, this product is still in the trial stage. We must track and investigate the first batch of products put on the market, find out the disadvantages of the product, and make necessary improvements and transformations.

So, what I said about rent, I don't want you to pay a penny, but as a condition, you must send us an investigation report every month according to our requirements.

Is there such a good thing? But I immediately became vigilant again.

Why? It's very simple. When a swindler says to you in an amiable tone, "I don't want your money..." At this time, you should be more careful to cover your wallet! Humph, are you so kind to me?" I don't believe it.

The tall and thin man smiled cunningly: "I told you, of course, we will not refuse customers with purchasing power.

For a customer like you who has no purchasing power, since we can't get money from you, we have to get something else, right? Who will do business with no reward? What do you mean? Well, this... seems to make some sense... The thin and tall man looked at the sky, stood up, and couldn't help stuffing the inferior and cheap ring into my hand: "Okay, this ring belongs to you for the time being.

However, please remember that on the 1st of each month, please fill in the questionnaire carefully and send it to the specified address.

He pulled out a stack of paper from the folder, handed it to me, and said with a smile, "This is the instruction manual and questionnaire with the sending address on it."

At this point, he dragged me off the rooftop and walked to the door of the elevator.

When I approached the elevator, he smiled and bowed to me and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen Yang. I finally completed my sales task. Thanks to you, I can also go to the head office.

Alas, the sales of this kind of product developed by the company is really difficult. When I go back, I will suggest whether it is necessary for the company to develop other products and give up this kind of product with no prospect.

I couldn't help asking, "But what you started to talk about renting a house..." He had a cunning look on his face: "Mr. Chen Yang, I said, only by buying our company's products can you become a full member and enjoy membership treatment.

Our membership benefits include not only housing, but also exquisite gifts every month, free travel abroad every year, etc... Unfortunately, you just rent our products and can't enjoy these benefits.

Probably afraid that I would be angry. He sighed, looked at me deeply, and said, "But in the end, out of gratitude to you, I can give you a suggestion for free..." "?" Alas..." The thin and tall man pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and then said quickly in a stable and professional tone, "As a senior lucky product salesperson, I see that your face is red and black, but the printing hall shines. It shows that you have been lucky recently, but you may encounter villains in the way, but you just need to If you do good deeds with your heart, you will get through it smoothly.

However, you have a small disaster in your recent Universiade, and you may see the disaster of blood again in the near future! But it doesn't matter, it's just a small problem.

I've said everything, and finally I'd like to give you a few words: twenty meritorious deeds are only hard work, and the wealth is only waiting for leisure. Once you walk on the Qingyun Road, remember to be careful of the contempt.

What? Blood and light disaster? I look weird... Shit! Is this guy a salesman or a *** fortune-telling charlatan? But I didn't have a chance to speak. The elevator was closed and drove me all the way down to the first floor.

When I walked out of the building, I felt a little in a trance.

Is it a liar or a madman I met? He said he was a liar... But he didn't cheat anything from me, but I stuffed a ring in my hand.

Strange things happen every year, and there are a lot of them this year... I shook my head.

"Well, do you think I'm going to have a bloody disaster recently? Shit! Nonsense!" I couldn't help looking up at the building... Suddenly, something fell from the sky, getting bigger and bigger in my sight, clearer and clearer... Shit! It's a flower pot... This is my last thought.

Bang! With a crisp cracking sound, a stream of blood came out of my head and I fell down.

Day... Blood Light... Blood Light Disaster... #822; Pain! It hurts! It's not ordinary pain! I was lying sick**, and a serious-looking doctor was treating my wound in front of me.

Despite the anesthetic, I still sweated with pain.

This is actually the hospital I visited last night... And the doctor who treated my wounds was the same person who treated me last night.

"Alas, I said, you young people are very brave and like to fight?" Although the doctor wore a mask on his face, I could still recognize him - he had a distinctive Mediterranean hairstyle on his head.

He obviously recognized me: "My head was broken last night, and my head was broken again today. You're so lucky..." My head was a little dizzy, and I opened my mouth and reluctantly said, "Doctor, how did I get here?" You are lucky to be sent here.

Otherwise, no one will care if you die on the roadside."

After treating the wound, he helped me sit up and said with a smile, "You are lucky. It's just a little trauma, but if you get a heavy blow to the head, you will feel a little dizzy. You will be fine in a day or two."

As soon as I looked in the mirror, I couldn't help screaming!" My hair!!" The head in the mirror, the hair in the middle of the top of the head was all shaved, leaving only the hair around, forming a standard Mediterranean... "What's your name!" The doctor was not satisfied: "You hit your head twice. Of course, you have to cut off your hair when I treat the wound."

After saying that, he stood up and patted his clothes: "You can rest for a while. Oh, by the way, someone outside wants to see you. It seems that he is the one who sent you here."

In a moment, a person walked into the ward.

In his forties, he has a big brain, small eyes, and his eyes are full of shrewd eyes, wearing a dark suit.

As soon as he walked in, I felt that the man's eyes turned around, as if he was dodging something.


I nodded and smiled at him: "I heard that you sent me to the hospital? Thank you very much... You must have paid for the treatment for me, right? I'll give it back to you right away."

Looking at me as if I was going to put on my wallet, this man suddenly waved his hand to stop me. He smiled awkwardly on his face: "Well, Mr. Chen Yang, right? I'm not in a hurry about the money... I want to ask you first, you... this... um... how did you get hurt and fall to the ground?" Hearing this, a fire came out of my heart and said angrily, "A flower pot fell from that building and hit me in the head impartially!" Shit! I won't stop this matter. I'll go to the property management company of that building tomorrow!" I suddenly found that this guy's face was even more unnatural. After a while, he sighed with a little embarrassment on his face: "Mr. Chen... You see, can you forget this matter privately?" Private?" " Yes."

He took out a business card and handed it to me with both hands.

I glanced at it, frowned slightly, and looked up at him: "Are you the property company of that building?" He smiled awkwardly: "This matter is our mismanagement... In the afternoon, we were decorating on the second floor, and our subordinates were working illegally. As a result, we accidentally dropped a flower pot from the upstairs... Hey hey, this is really right.

In this way, we will be fully responsible for your medical expenses! However, there is no need to publicize this matter..." I looked at him with some doubt, and I didn't understand why this guy was like this.

Probably because I didn't speak, the other party thought that I wouldn't agree. He hesitated for a moment and gritted his teeth and said, "Well, Mr. Chen, we will not only pay all your medical expenses, but also bear the cost of your missed work... Also, if you have any other conditions, you can also put forward... This Well, as long as you don't ask too much, everyone can discuss it..." Now it's my turn to be surprised... Is there such a good thing? Looking at the current situation, this guy just sticks out his head for me to kill, right? Indeed, it should be their responsibility for me to be injured, but there is no need to be so weak, right? My face was calm, and my mind turned quickly.


Seeing that I still didn't say anything, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and reported a figure: "In addition to your medical expenses, we are willing to compensate you for the loss of 10,000 yuan. What do you think?" The final price is not yet! I suddenly had such an idea in my mind. I cleared my throat and said in a calm tone, "This... Look at my head... I've been shaved on the top of my head! When I go out, don't others think I'm old before I get old? How do you ask me to go out to meet people with this image? Please, I still want to make MM. Now in this image, most people will think I'm hair loss! No MM would be willing to date a hair loss man!" The guy took out a tissue to wipe his sweat and took a breath: "20,000! The extra 10,000 yuan is the loss of your image.

"And in the future, I don't know if my head will leave any sequelae... In case of a headache, fever, or concussion or something in the future, I will keep coming to the hospital for re-examination... Alas, you know, the structure of this person's brain is very complicated..." ...30,000! We will add another 10,000 yuan, which is an extension of your future medical expenses.

Is it okay?" I sighed, "And my clothes... You also saw that my clothes were stained with blood! Alas, I'm a world-famous brand. The texture and fabric are first-class. It's stained with blood, and it can't be washed clean..." This guy glanced at the "world-famous brand" on me with hatred and gritted his teeth and said, "But... I see that your suit seems to look more and more like work clothes..." When the color sank, he didn't dare to hesitate any more. He quickly said, "Okay! I'll add another five thousand! It's a compensation for your clothes..." I sighed again. As soon as the guy heard me sigh, his face turned green, and he begged with a wry smile, "Mr. Chen, don't sigh... If you sigh again, I'm going to cry... I was hit on the head, and 35,000 yuan was smashed out.

Such a thing, if it were me, I would be willing to be smashed once a day.

It's almost done.

I know that there is no oil and water to squeeze, so I'm ready to collect it as soon as I see it.

Suddenly, another thing came to my mind, with an intimate smile on my face: "Well, I'm afraid your property management company is responsible for more than that building, right? Here's the thing. I just want to rent a house recently..." After half an hour, when this guy walked out of my ward, he looked unlucky.

And I lay sick ** and breathed a pleasant sigh of relief.

In the end, I offered the terms. He promised to help me find a house in the real estate near their company to rent for me. The rent should not be two-thirds higher than the average price on the market.

At the same time, I also promised to waive me a year's property management fee, parking fee, cleaning fee and other expenses... Finally, I signed a simple agreement with him to make this matter private.

In fact, I still don't understand why this guy came to me and was willing to slaughter me... In my impression, all the property management companies are awesome.

I didn't know until later: the real estate I went to today has just been completed and is making every effort to attract investment.

If the news breaks out at this time, someone will be injured at the gate... It is very unfavorable to attract investment in this real estate.

Now many businessmen are very superstitious, especially at the gate soon after the opening... When such things are exposed, I'm afraid many businessmen will no longer consider renting the office building here.

Touching the still painful head, I suddenly remembered the ring the madman gave me.

I was smashed and saw blood, but I inexplicably made a small fortune and solved my housing problem.

Is this luck or bad luck? `[If you don't smash the ticket, I scream, if you don't collect it, I hit the wall...]`