evil spirit

Chapter 23 Yang Wei's Secret

Chapter 23 [Yang Wei's Secret] I have never been in such a sports car. Although I don't know how much this car is worth, it must be very expensive, very expensive.

Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, I feel a little constrained. There is not much space in the sports car. With my height, I feel that the space is a little depressing. The texture of the car is made of metal, which makes me afraid to touch it.

It was probably the effect of self-esteem. I didn't show any crampedness on my face. I just looked at Yang Wei coldly and pulled out a slender cigarette from the cigarette box.

"Fire?" I glanced at her and spit out a word vaguely.

Yang Wei snorted and threw me a lighter. I just lit a fire, but I was not prepared for her to step on the accelerator. The sports car made a roar, and then rushed forward like a suddenly awakened monster! The momentary strong sense of weightlessness made me stagger and hit the front windshield, and then smashed back to the seat.

The cigarette in my mouth fell on my clothes. When I picked it up in a hurry, I found that there was a hole in my trousers! Shit, my clothes! This dress was given to me by Brother Huan tonight. It's very expensive! She stared at Yang Wei, but the woman ignored me at all and focused on driving. The superior sports car burst out of the clubhouse like a whirlwind. I only saw the buildings and trees on both sides flying back. I saw the numbers on the dashboard, and then I suddenly woke up! This woman actually rushed to 140 yards! He quickly pulled out the insurance and tied himself up, but Yang Wei had already driven the car on a highway.

The car drove all the way to the Panshan Highway in the eastern suburbs... There is a mountain in the eastern suburbs of the city where I live. The mountain is not high, two or three hundred meters above sea level, but seven or eight miles long. Such hills are very common in the hills of southern China.

The mountain is well greened, and there is an ancient temple with a history of hundreds of years. In addition, the graves of one or two historical celebrities are built here.

To be honest, if you measure it simply from the perspective of a scenic spot, this place is nothing unusual.

The scenery is just so-so.

However, this mountain has another reputation in this city... This is a good place for men and women to have an affair! Many car owners like to drive the car to the mountain, find a secluded fork in the road, or park next to the woods, then turn off the lights, flatten the seats in the car, and drive in the car with their own female companions... It is said that some people like this kind of tone, saying that it feels very exciting, and talk about the Point... There is a feeling of melting into nature... This is really a little ***.

Isn't it "wild"! Oh, by the way, there is another one called "Fighting the Field".

So, in our place, if men chat with each other, ask each other with an ambiguous face, "Did you go up the mountain last night?" It probably means, "Did you do it last night?" It's similar to the greeting "Eat it?"

I was thinking nonsense. Looking at the car cutting into the Panshan Highway from the fork in the road, my eyes couldn't help but drifting towards Yang Wei.

What does this woman want to do? You don't want to find me and her... She doesn't look like that kind of messy woman... Well, but it's hard to say that this woman came from the United States. Isn't that place very open? If she asks me, will I agree? The car was on, and she came... Besides, her appearance was also stunning, and I promised not to lose... Just as I was still concerned about ** in my heart, the car suddenly shook and stopped.

I woke up and scratched my middle finger in my heart. What do I think? Hasn't the fire caused by the twins gone away tonight? But I don't regret coming out of the room.

I'm not a good person, and I know that.

I'm not lustful either.

I like beautiful women, and I also like to have something to do with beautiful women.

There are two best twin beautiful girls who don't touch, not to show my kindness or something else.

The key is... The two girls are crying and pitiful. In this case, how can I force myself to drop them? If it were you, when you circled with a woman, she cried with a miserable face, and there was another girl next to her who also cried and looked at you with desperate eyes... Can you go on? I'm not interested in ** or **! Yang Wei pressed the button, and the windows on both sides slowly opened. She glanced at me, and then snapped her finger at me and stretched out two fingers.

"Huh? What?" I was stunned for a moment.

"Smoke!" Yang Wei spat out a word briefly.

I just remembered that she gave me the cigarette box, took it out and gave it back to her. Yang Wei first ordered a branch for herself, took a leisurely sip, and then turned her head to look at me. A column of smoke spewed out of her little mouth, which just sprayed on my face.

I was a little unhappy. I fanned it with my hand and said coldly, "Miss Yang, don't you know that this is impolite?" I'm curious about you, Mr. Chen Yang.

Yang Wei suddenly smiled.

Her smile was very strange. First, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and then the corners of her eyes were followed. Her eyebrows were a little raised up, which was very amorous, but her eyes flashed, which made people look a little unfathomable.

"What do I have for you to be curious about?" This is a big deal.

Yang Wei took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled it out before continuing, "I did a deep investigation of Ye Huan before I came... You don't have to feel unhappy. This is a normal procedure. We can't come to do business with him without knowing each other."

I nodded to show my understanding.

This is probably the same as stepping on the plate before the thief commits a crime.

"We all know that the people around Ye Huan are Jin He, but Jin He's identity is just a bodyguard, his subordinates around him, but he has no other skills."

Yang smiled and said, "This business is very big. In this regard, you need him to stay here to make overall plans and communicate with the boss behind you, so Ye Huan himself can't leave.

I've always been curious about who he will send to cooperate with me.

Because of this business, someone needs to go to the United States with me to Las Vegas.

After all, it's such a large amount of money that he can't rest assured to give the money to me to take away. He will definitely send someone to supervise the money.

Yang smiled and said, "This money will open a new casino in Las Vegas. The shares of the casino belong to both of us. Anyway, you have to send someone here to join the management.

I was surprised that Ye Huan introduced you to me today... Because there is no news about you in the information in my hand.

I was silent.

Of course there is no me.

What am I? A migrant worker in a nightclub.

Although the place of Jinbi Brilliant can be ranked in this city, it is almost impossible to see it in the eyes of people with Yang Wei's status.

Except for Brother Huan, who appreciates me, he has been good to me in the past few years. Other than that, I have nothing to pay attention to at all.

Thinking of this, I said, "Does Brother Huan plan to send me to the United States... to be the manager of the casino?" I smiled bitterly: "But I don't understand this... I didn't even go to college."

Yang Wei suddenly smiled, with a little mockery in her smile.

"University? Mr. Chen Yang, stop joking.

Although I'm abroad, what's the situation of domestic universities? I still have a general understanding of... domestic universities? What can I learn?" I nodded, and she was right.

What is a university? In China, for more than 90% of universities and more than 90% of college students... College = surfing the Internet, playing games, absenteeism, reading novels, falling in love, cheating... There is everything in college, there are youth, but there is only one thing... to study.

It can be said that after anyone enters the society in the future, he will work to earn money to support himself. All the skills needed are later learned in the society, and nothing is taught in college! Most of the time, I can't understand... People spend 70,000 to 80,000 yuan on college, waste four years, and get 700 or 800 yuan a month after graduation... Why? Yang smiled and said, "If the business goes well this time, our casino will open in half a year, and this half year is enough for Ye Huan to train you to be a qualified successor.

I think that's what he brought you here tonight.

Although the casino here is not very formal compared with the United States, you can learn a lot after working here for a few months... But these are not important... The important thing is, who are you? Who is it? What is the relationship between you and Ye Huan? Why does he trust you so much? Leave such an important thing to you?" I was about to open my mouth, but Yang Wei shook her hand. She said lightly, "Actually, I don't have to ask you these. I have reported the matter back tonight. At most, one day later, all your information will be put on my desk. From the record of your childhood kindergarten, how many points did you get in an exam when you were in Book, or your first time sleeping with a woman... Everything, as long as I want to know, can be found!" I hummed all over. Although I was a little upset, I understood that what she said was the truth! After thinking about it, I said, "Then why did you bring me here?" Why did you say these words to me?" I said, I'm curious about you."

Yang smiled calmly. There was a mysterious smell in her smile. She suddenly whispered, "Chen Yang... I even thought, will you be Ye Huan's illegitimate son?" I rolled my eyes and couldn't help saying angrily, "You are the illegitimate child!!" As soon as I blurted out this, I immediately thought to myself: It's bad! What is the identity of this woman? This must have offended her a lot! Unexpectedly, Yang Wei just raised his eyebrows and said slowly in a cold but complicated tone, "So what!" What a murderous spirit!