evil spirit

Chapter 25 Underwear

Chapter 25 [Underwear] I haven't played bungee jumping... I think it's the kind of thing that makes a person have nothing to do, tie a rope on his body and jump down from the cliff... What? Exciting? Jump down without a rope on your body! I promise it will be more exciting! It's just a neurotic exercise! What challenges the limit? I think it's almost a challenge to death.

But the question is, what are the challenges of death? Sooner or later, people will be killed and lay down.

Besides, in this world, from human beings to animals, from primates to bamboo worms... What kind of creature can defeat death? Sooner or later, it will turn into ashes... Just because I haven't played bungee jumping, I haven't experienced this feeling of free fall from a height... But now I know... This feeling is very unpleasant! When I fell, my heart suddenly picked it up, as if I couldn't get out of my chest in one breath, and the blood all over my body seemed to rush to the top of my head! But to be honest, I can't be regarded as a complete free fall, and it's more like "rolling" down the hillside.

The hillside is close to 90 degrees, but after all, there is still a little slope.

I rolled all the way down, and I didn't know how many places I bumped. When I first encountered the first stone, I screamed in pain, but soon my scream was blocked back in my throat by the second collision. I didn't know how many wounds there were all over my body. In the end, my whole body was numb! Fortunately, no stone touched my head, otherwise I would have lost my life in this place today.

When I fell, it began to be a stone pit, and below was a forest, and two or three crooked-necked trees were rooted on the hillside. I crashed into it. After breaking one directly, I successfully hung on the second one. Unfortunately, there was a Yang Wei behind me. Unbiasedness hit me, so with her strength, the tree below couldn't stand it, and the two fell down again... When I finally landed, I only felt a violent shock all over my body! The vibration almost broke my waist. I can't remember how many branches I broke along the way. The first reaction after landing was: It hurts! There is no place in the whole body that doesn't hurt! It hurts so much! I didn't faint. If I faint, I'm afraid I'll feel better! I felt that I was even trembling with a gasp, and there was a burst of blackness in front of my eyes. When I looked up, the sky changed color. Suddenly it was dark and red. Only then did I realize that it was bleeding on my head, blocking my eyes.

I struggled for a moment and tested my body first... It seems that the situation is not bad. It seems that all the parts are still there, and there is nothing missing, but I don't know whether the interior is intact.

I know common sense. For this kind of person who falls higher than falling, don't use too much force after landing, but it's better to try all parts of yourself little by little to see if you can use your strength.

Unfortunately, I tried for a while and felt that I really didn't have the strength to move, so I had to lie down and gasp.

I don't know how long it took before I felt that my limbs had regained a little control. I struggled to sit up half of my body, but I immediately felt so much pain that I almost fainted on the spot! My left arm seems to be broken, and it hurts so much that I sweat coldly when I touch it.

I gritted my teeth and held my left arm, pinched it, and shivered with pain.

There is a forest around, which is not lush. Looking up, I saw the hillside.

I can't help but feel the rest of my life after a disaster.

I'm really desperate! Looking up from here, the hillside is very high, at least a few floors high, but fortunately it is not completely 90 degrees, otherwise I will be seriously injured if I fall down.

Rolling down like this slowed down a lot of falling force. In the middle, it was blocked by a few small branches. Now it seems that the only serious injury is the fracture of the left arm.

As I sucked the cool air and looked left and right. Sure enough, I saw Yang Wei's head lying down beside me not far away. Her leather coat was torn in a lot of places, and the scratches were already tattered, and her head was full of dust.

I sat and gasped for a while, and finally saved some strength and climbed two steps towards her. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my right ankle, and my heart sank! Is my foot broken? This shocked me! Most of the kung fu I practice is on my legs. If my leg is seriously injured, even if it is cured in the future, my kung fu will be greatly reduced! I struggled to move myself to Yang Wei's side and turned her over. Yang Wei's face was dark and stained with a lot of dead grass. I was a little depressed, and I didn't care about pity for the jade. I patted her on the face a few times.

Yang Wei woke up quietly and opened his eyes. As soon as he moved, his face suddenly changed, and his eyebrows were full of pain.

"How are you? Yang Wei?" It hurts!" Yang Wei gritted his teeth and answered me in a low voice.

But then she gasped for a while and finally recovered. She gently tried to move her body, as if there were no serious injuries, and she sat up.

I have to say that she is luckier than me, because she has been following me all the way, and I have swept out all the bumps. Her injury is much lighter than mine, but her elbow and knee joints are broken, and the blood is flowing, and there are many hard injuries on her body, but they are not serious.

It's just that I may have been shaken when I landed, and I was frightened, so I have been lying for so long.

Seeing that she had nothing to do, I smiled bitterly and said, "Well, can it not hurt to fall from such a height? It's good that you didn't get more serious injuries.

Looking at me holding an arm, Yang Wei frowned: "What's wrong with your arm?" It's probably broken."

I shook my head.

Yang Wei came over and was about to touch my arm. He saw me dodged her and whispered, "Don't move, I've studied medicine!" She pinched it carefully twice, and then whispered, "It seems to be a fracture. What else do you feel uncomfortable about?" Nonsense! I feel uncomfortable all over!" I laughed and scolded, but then my face darked: "My ankle hurts, won't it break?" Yang Wei groped for my ankle for a while, which made me grin in pain, but she shook her head: "I don't know, it should not be broken, but it may be that there is something wrong with your joint. I can't see it now."

Then she stopped talking, and her face was a little gloomy.

I was moved and whispered, "Those people are here to deal with you!" If we fall down, they may chase it down. I hurt my foot and can't move. You go first and find a place to hide! Do you have a phone? Call back and ask for help!" Yang Wei snorted and said, "Let's go? Where can I go now? Where do I have a phone? Even if there is, it will be broken!" After a pause, she said again, "They shouldn't want to kill me, otherwise they will use guns as soon as they come up.

It seems that she wants to catch me back..." At this point, she lowered her head and thought about something.

I sighed: "Don't think about it. You go first. Even if you can't go far, find a place to hide first.

They will probably come down to find you.

"What about you?" I suddenly got angry: "There's so much nonsense! Of course I'm sitting here waiting! They caught you, not me! When they find me, I will lie on the ground, pretending to be dead or dizzy, and they can still kill me..." At this point, I couldn't help but close my mouth.

Kill me, I guess these people can really do it! Since they want to catch Yang Wei back, there is no reason to keep me, the person who has been with them, right? Yang Wei had already stood up, ignored me, turned around and walked away.

I was stunned for a moment, damn it! Is this woman so amazing? It's really like this, without a word?! However, she just walked away a few steps and turned back, holding a wooden stick picked up from the ground in her hand, threw the stick to me, and then came over and grabbed me by the shoulder and picked me up.

"You're holding a stick, and I'll stand you again. I can't wait here to die. I don't have a phone on me, and I can't get in touch with my people! It's a few kilometers away from the hotel. We can't call for help, can we? Yang Wei couldn't help but object. He had pulled my arm around the back of her neck. I snorted. My arm was broken and I was pulled by her, and I almost cried out in pain.

"Hurry up! Do you want to die?!" Yang Wei shouted.

I know that I can't be a mother-in-law at this time. I gritted my teeth and endured. I grabbed the wooden stick with the other hand and supported my weight hard.

At the beginning, I was embarrassed to put all the weight on Yang Wei, but after all, I couldn't hold on after two steps, and the weight of my body was finally transferred from the wooden stick to Yang Wei little by little.

The two of us walked towards the woods while carefully listening to the movements around us.

It's dark in the woods, but fortunately, I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child. My eyesight in the dark environment is much better than that of normal people. While looking at the surrounding environment, I pointed out Yang Wei.

The two of us staggered for five or six minutes, about more than 300 meters. I couldn't hold on. When I saw a small concave place under the hillside on the left, I pointed somewhere: "That place should be able to hide for a while."

When I got closer, this place is indeed very secretive. There are two trees in front of me blocking the sight, and the concave place under the hillside is two meters deep, which is barely a cave, but in my opinion, it looks more like a spoon.

After walking for a while, the blood on my head kept flowing, and it had flowed down my neck to my body, and some blood flowed down my arm to Yang Wei's neck. The two went to the spoon and sat down. Yang Wei felt sticky on his neck. She touched it with blood in one hand. She frowned: "What's wrong Why do you bleed so much? I smiled feebly: "Nonsense! You fell from such a height, you have a try!" After saying this, I didn't think it was right. Didn't he fall down like me? After thinking about it, he changed his words and laughed and said, "I'm bleeding for you!" I worked as a meat cushion in front of you all the way. The injury made me suffer alone, and now the blood naturally flows a little more.

Yang Wei didn't say anything. He hooked my neck and hugged my head and looked over for a few times. His tone was a little solemn: "Why have you hurt your head? The wound cracked again before it grew well!" I've had a bloody and bloody disaster recently... Hey hey!" I shook my head feebly, but then I stopped, because I felt dizzy as soon as I shook my head.

"Lie down!" Yang Wei pushed me to the ground, and then suddenly stared at me: "Close your eyes and don't look around!" After saying that, she turned around and unzipped the zipper of the leather coat. I saw from my back that she tore the clothes inside me a few times, and then closed the zipper, turned around and looked at me. Without saying anything, I took a piece of cloth in my hand, wiped the blood on my head first, and carefully bandaged it for me.

My nose is full of blood, but it is faint, and there seems to be a faint fragrance on the cloth on my head... My heart suddenly moved. Isn't this Yang Wei's underwear? ( Recommendation ticket (There is one more chapter in the evening!)