evil spirit

Chapter 32 "Boh"

Chapter 32 ["Boh"] "What? Do you want to fire me? There is no door!" Ah Mei pouted, his big eyes were dripping round, and his hands were crossed: "Please, you big man, how can you not keep your word!" I spread out my hand and said, "I don't have a job now. I have no income."

Ah Mei turned his eyes and said with a smile, "But you don't have to pay my salary! Everyone has already made the advance!" But I don't even have a place to live now.

I still shake my head.

"Cut! Don't fool me!" Mei shrewdly exposed my excuse: "You are so big that you have no place to live. You can rent a house, but you can sleep in a hotel. Anyway, you can't sleep on the road! Even if you live in a kennel, as a conscientious caregiver, I will follow you.

"Stop it, Mei."

I frowned and said, "Don't follow me. If someone from your company asks, you can say that you still follow me. Anyway, no one knows."

"You think it's that simple!" She deliberately stared at me with an idiotic look: "If the company is so easy to fool, do I still have to run around with you? Please! The company is not a fool! It's not so easy to cheat! I want to record your daily life, your diet, your physical condition, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, and nutritional status every day! I have to report to the company every day! The company will also check my work from time to time! Do you think this job is so good?!" I sighed and couldn't refute her.

In the few days in the hospital, she did a lot of tests for me every day.

At first, I thought it was a hospital examination, but later I learned that a lot of it was her work.

"The report can be faked."

I said lightly, "If I don't say it, I won't say it. Only ghosts know!" Mei thought about it seriously and secretly looked at me: "Are you really willing? Don't take care of me, and still pay me... I've never seen such a stupid person as you."

But then she seemed to hesitate for a while: "No... It's too risky.

The company will check it. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case! If I accidentally miss my foot, I will be fired! To be safe, I'd better follow you honestly.

I can't help it because of this shrewd and stubborn girl.

And most importantly, after being together for a few days, she took good care of me, and the relationship between the two was very harmonious. It was really difficult for me to turn against her.

"It's up to you! I'm going to stay in a hotel now! A bed! Will you follow me too?" OK!" Ah Mei actually nodded, with a heroic and righteous expression: "I just sleep on the floor! Anyway, the salary of this job is so high that it's worth sleeping on the floor!" I'm impressed with you!" I sighed and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered the property company that I had blackmailed, and they also promised to arrange a rental house for me! Take out the phone and dial the number immediately.

As soon as the person in charge of the property company heard that it was my phone call, he was actually relieved and hurriedly asked me where I was and why I hadn't contacted him about the house in the past few days.

I tapped a few words and realized that he was afraid that I would go back on my word.

And these days were when the commercial building where I had an accident was advertising and attracting investment on a large scale. He was afraid that I would go back on my word to expose that matter, which was terrible.

Under the trend of interests, people's work efficiency is extremely high. We can discuss it on the phone and go to see the house immediately. The location is not far from my current location, and it is also a quite noble community.

To be honest, I feel very happy.

I know that community, the house price is very expensive, and the rent is quite expensive.

If I still keep my job in the nightclub, naturally there will be no problem.

And now that I have lost my job, I can't help but consider the price.

Fortunately, when the property company was blackmailed, the rent had been negotiated, which was very cheap! Without saying anything, I immediately stopped a taxi with a cardboard box in my arms and drove to the appointed place.

Natural, my little tail eyebrows still follow me, "That's it!" I looked around the house and was quite satisfied.

Two bedrooms and one living room, newly renovated, two bedrooms facing south, sunny, and the living room is very spacious and bright.

The only drawback is that the toilet is a little small, but fortunately I don't have the habit of soaking in the bathtub. I'm very satisfied to have a shower at home.

There is a set of ready-made furniture in the house, which is very simple, but enough.

is sent by a real estate company. Although it is not a famous brand of high-end goods, the quality is not bad.

Obviously, this is a "single apartment" type of house specially designed for some urban white-collar workers, but I don't care. I like this place very much. The community is very quiet and the surrounding traffic is also good. There is a supermarket downstairs, and life should be very convenient.

The person from the property company met me for the second time. He was obviously very confident in the house and knew that I would accept it.

And it can be seen that he did pay a lot of effort to understand the trouble as soon as possible.

The rent is 30% lower than that of a house of the same grade, and all property management fees are free! Just as I was about to pay for it, Mei suddenly shouted, "Wait!" Then the little girl jumped in front of the guy in the property management company and pouted, "This house is a big problem!" Then with a small mouth, it was like a machine gun to pick out countless problems: for example, the floor is the tenth floor, and there is a problem in the little girl's mouth. She said that according to the urban environment we live in, the location of the tenth floor is about 30 meters from the ground, which happens to be the exhaust layer in the air! Air pollution and car exhaust emissions in the city are generally suspended at this height, which has a great impact on the human body... Then they accuse the two rooms of facing south, but the sun is blocked by the opposite building from a certain angle, and the sunshine time will be short for two hours every day.

In this way, the more you say, the more you say that in the end, there are all kinds of problems with such a house that seems to me that I am very satisfied with. In the mouth of Miss Mei, it has become a tofu dregs project full of quality problems.

Although the person in the property company was also very shrewd, he was obviously not the opponent of the sharp-mouthed eyebrows at this point. After being robbed by her, he was anxious and angry, and his face turned red.

A Mei just closed it when she saw it was good, and then waited for the other party's anger to reach the critical point, so she didn't panic and said, "So many problems, you give up a little more in the price!" Finally, under the coercion of this little fan, the people of the property company actually promised to waive me half a year's water and electricity costs! I was also given a one-year network broadband fee! After signing the lease contract, I immediately paid the deposit on the spot, and the guy from the property company finally came to his senses. He gave a thumbs up to the little money fan and sighed, "High! It's really high!" Then the guy ran away with a faceless face.

The little money fan watched him leave with satisfaction, and then turned his head to look at me. He still had a tone of teaching the children a lesson and shook his head: "Chen Yang, a guy like you is simply not good at living! Spend a lot of money. Does your money fall from the sky? I ignored my stunned look, she went to the sofa in the living room, and then shouted happily, "Finally there is a nest!" Then Xiao Cai Fan turned his head and looked at me seriously: "My distinguished customer, in the next period of time, we will live in the same roof before you fire me!" Then he sighed and said in an envious tone, "Oh, this house is so good... It's really hard for you to find such a good house!" I curled my lips and said, "What are you so proud of? If you want to live with me, let's clean up first.

The windows need to be cleaned, the floor needs to be washed, and there are quilts for home use, towels, toothbrushes, etc., and many things need to be bought.

"Ah!" The little fan jumped up from the sofa and stared at me: "Are you right! I'm your personal nurse, not your maid! I'm just a nurse, taking care of your body and your injuries! Not including your babysitter! I don't do housework!" I deliberately shook my arm in plaster: "Do you think I may do the housework by myself like this? Fortunately, this is pipeline natural gas, otherwise, I'm afraid even the gas tank will have to be carried by you!" A Mei smiled cunningly: "This is your problem... It's better for you to do something to make the injury worse... so that I can continue to stay with you as a nurse."

This cunning girl! After leaving her luggage, Mei went back to get her things and had to go back to the company to do a work report.

By the way, she also has to go to the supermarket to help me buy some daily necessities - of course, I gave her the money.

Not only the money for shopping, but she also asked me to pay her a tip.

She even made a list of all the housework except her nursing job.

For example, washing clothes, ten yuan at a time.

Clean up, ten yuan at a time.

Cooking, ten yuan at a time, brackets: If she has to cook three meals a day, you can get an appropriate 8.50% discount.

But fortunately, I cleverly added one, and the reward for cooking wrapped the dishwashing! At that time, the little money fan looked very helpless and sighed, "You guys learn so fast! It seems that I made less money!" I'm in a cold sweat... What kind of girl is this!! I have never met a girl who is so careful about money!! However, her price list is fair. I calculated it, which is much cheaper than that I hired a part-time worker. I agreed after thinking about it.

Of course, I also wanted to retaliate against her, so I deliberately made a malicious request: "So how much does it cost to help me warm the bed?" This time her answer was very simple, just one word: "Boh!" [ Note, I have modified the ballot box. There is no choice. In order not to waste resources, let everyone click to add a little points, hehe.

Honest and kind...smash tickets...]