evil spirit

Chapter 35 Fall into a pile of powder

Chapter 35 [A fall into a pile of fat powder] [This is today's third chapter. Today's update has more than 10,000 words, which is generous enough... Compared with many so-called 2K parties with only 2,000 words per chapter, dancing should be more qualified to solicit votes righteously, right? So, smash the ticket to your heart's content! The more you smash, the more energetic I write!!] In the following days, it was really like what the little money fan said.

Yan Di was distressed that I was injured. He rushed to my house after work every day, helped me clean up the house, and cooked for me in different ways every day.

The little girl looked at me more and more gently, but she was shy, but she refused to say a word.

To be honest, I would like to make some breakthrough progress.

I know in my heart that at this point, the fire has arrived. At this time, if I hug her and kiss her, Yan Di will probably not refuse.

It was originally a pleasant thing to be served by such a charming girl every day, and this girl is still your prospective lover, looking at you with affectionate eyes from time to time.

Even when I was eating, because my arms were inconvenient, Yan Di fed me with his own hands.

A spoonful of rice, a spoonful of vegetables, a mouthful of soup, and then add a bunch of gentle eye waves.

To be honest, what I yearn for most every day is the time to have dinner.

In less than a week, I grew a few pounds of meat.

Hate! Hate! It's hateful that there is also a super light bulb around!! Actually, I don't care.

Anyway, it's my beloved woman. Even in front of the street, I dare to hug her and kiss her.

But Yan Di refused.

This girl is very tender, very weak in other aspects, and obedient to me, but she refused to compromise on this aspect.

At most, I can only quietly pull her little hand when Ah Mei can't see it, and occasionally hug her little waist, even if she smiles secretly.

However, Ah Mei died, which seemed to deliberately vent his resentment of not being able to make money, and swaying around in front of our eyes every day.

I have made it clear several times that she can't see it.

In the end, he even changed my medicine and took medicine every day. These things were served by Yan Di himself.

Anyway, she also majored in nursing, and her technique is no worse than that of a small fortune.

Little money fans are happy and leisurely anyway. Every day when Yan Di is away from work, he fights with me to relieve my boredom.

By the way, Mei has been living in my house, and of course, so has Yan Di.

At the beginning, it was A Mei who left Yan Di to accompany her.

In Mei's words, two girls are safer than one.

Besides, the environment of my house is very good.

I hate it! Why is it autumn now? Even at home, the two girls wrapped themselves tightly.

If it's summer... What would it be like to have beautiful legs and jade arms... Of course, I won't mess around.

Moreover, I heard from Yan Di that when A Mei sleeps every night, she puts a pair of scissors under the pillow... Sometimes, I even wonder if the ring brings me a gentle Yan Di, and then in order to balance, she brings a Mei who disturbs me? Finally, the days passed heartlessly day by day.

On this day, the weather forecast said that there was a sandstorm in the north going south, standing in the window and looking out. The sky and the earth were gray, and the sad clouds looked bleak.

But I'm in a very good mood, which can almost be described as cheering.

Because today, I can remove the bandage.

The plaster has been removed and the arm has been restored.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I touched my chin.

After so many days of leisure life, I live the life of the landlord young master every day, and there are two little beautiful women serving me back and forth. I have gained a whole circle fat than before, and I even feel a little falling meat in my waist.

I asked A Mei to count for me, and then sat in several sets of push-ups and several sets of sit-ups in the living room.

Tested the heartbeat and pulse.

A Mei stopped me from continuing to exercise.

She advised me in a professional tone not to do a lot of exercise in the early stage of the injury.

I accepted her suggestion.

But next, I began to think about one thing.

Work! I'm back to health, so I have to find a job for myself now.

While I was calculating, the phone call came.

Looking at the number, I pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Yang."

A slightly hoarse voice, but always elegant and calm: "I'm Cang Yu.

I heard that you have removed the bandage and plaster from your arm today. Congratulations on your recovery.

"Oh? Your news is very fast!" Cang Yu smiled gently: "Actually, I have always heard about your recent situation.

The nursing around you will report your physical report back to the nursing company, and the nursing company will give the report to me. Don't forget to pay the nursing company's salary, but I.

"Thank you."

I took a deep breath: "Miss Cangyu... Brother Huan, do they have any news?" The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds: "I'm sorry, no."

Her voice is so steady that I can't hear anything else in her voice.

But then Cang Yu's voice was a little lighter: "Mr. Chen Yang, I heard that you have a job at home recently. I don't know if you are interested?" My heart jumped.

I almost subconsciously said, "Is it arranged by Brother Huan?" Cang Yu's tone on the other end of the phone was very flat: "No."

Then she smiled and said, "Well, a friend of mine is also a customer of mine. He just needs an assistant around him. He wants a person who has experience in all aspects and can deal with some things on the scene. Of course, he is smart enough.

I immediately thought of you.

Chen Yang, the salary of this job is good, and I think it suits you.

I thought it was a little strange: "Cang Yu... you..." "Before Brother Huan left, he told me to take care of you."

I nodded and accepted her explanation.

Anyway, if it is Brother Huan's arrangement, of course I will accept it.

If it weren't for Brother Huan's arrangement, it was completely in Cangyu's kindness, then I don't seem to have any reason to refuse.

"If you don't mind, I hope you can go to his company this afternoon.

Do you have any questions?" No."

I smiled and said, "I've been idle at home for so long, and I also want to go out for activities."

Then I said seriously, "Miss Cangyu, thank you."

Cang Yu smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Then give me an address.

At 2:00 p.m., I appeared on the top floor of a famous office building in the business district of the city on time.

The place I came to is a company called Deep Blue Entertainment.

The top floor of this writing hug is down, and four floors belong to this company.

After getting out of the elevator, you can immediately see the front desk of the company.

To be honest, I immediately felt dizzy.

There is a hot girl standing behind the front desk.

It's not very appropriate to say that she is a hot girl. Her appearance can only be counted as the best, but no one, especially a man, never cares about her appearance when he first sees her... Just because of her chest... The only four words I can think of in my mind for a while are: rough waves! To be honest, except for the so-called busty girls in Japanese porn, I have never seen such a "sty straight" woman in real life! What's more, because the heating is on in the company, she actually wears a low-cut top! People have to worry about her, because it seems that the front of her clothes will be broken at any time! Watching me walk in front of me, the receptionist immediately leaned slightly, and this bending almost made my heart jump out of my throat! Then she said in a sweet voice, "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?" God testifies! Such a hossy voice immediately reminded me that when I used to work in a nightclub, the young ladies were somewhat pretentious to the prostitutes.

And this woman's voice seemed to be so sweet that she could pinch out the water... I coughed and tried to control my eyes not to look down her neck: "I'm Chen Yang, I'm coming..." The breast girl immediately looked through her record quickly when she heard the words and didn't wait for me. After saying that, a warm smile appeared on her face: "Ah, Mr. Chen, our general manager has ordered it. Please go in and see him as soon as you come."

Then the busty girl came out from the front desk, made a gesture of invitation, and led me into the company.

I observed her from behind... To be honest, it was really difficult for me to move my eyes off her back.

Although this woman's face is not outstanding, God really gave her a great figure! Originally, women with plump breasts would be fatter.

But she is not! Her waist looks only one foot and nine inches at most. When she walks, she will twist gently, like a water snake, which makes people can't help but have countless reveries in their hearts... If it is "at a certain time" when the water snake's waist twists, what will it be like? I can't say that I'm lustful. When I think about it, I haven't had sex with women for more than a month.

And I was originally mixed in the *** place. Although I also have a Yan Di MM at home, to be honest, I am used to the *** place, and I never have the idea of ending up in my heart.

For me, more beautiful women are, the better.

I like Yan Di because he is sincere, but I won't refuse occasional sexual encounters.

When I met this rare super good figure, of course, my eyes ate ice cream.

However, as I walked into the office hall of this company, I was almost stunned! Looking at it, there are almost all young women sitting in the open office of hundreds of square meters! And each of them is very beautiful, wearing decent professional women's clothes, skirts fluttering, and the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor echoed in the office.

Ring fat swallows and thin, all kinds of beautiful women passed by me, some holding folders, some holding phones, some holding small handbags, the air is filled with the smell of all kinds of perfume, and my ears are full of women's delicate voices... I seem to fall into the fat powder array! It's not that I've never seen a woman. In my original place of work, there were hundreds of young ladies who get together every night.

But this place is not a nightclub after all... I looked carefully all the way, and there was not even a man in the whole office hall! The boss of this company must be a super pervert! I maliciously thought [Collection is a virtue, and smashing tickets is a kind of kindness!]