evil spirit

Chapter 43 Fang Nan's Strange Performance

Chapter 43 [Fang Nan's strange performance] [It's eight o'clock in the morning, and it's all night.

Update a chapter first, so that you can see the update as soon as you turn on the computer in the morning, hehe.

I didn't look carefully at the number of words. It should be about 5,000.

By the way, I accompanied my girlfriend to watch the movie "Casino Royale 007" last night. It's a super bad movie. I'm disappointed...] - I'm a little confused! I just talked to Raymond on the phone last night. It seems that the only way for me to get the full version of the ring is the other one in the hands of this European ship king... However, I didn't expect it to appear in my sight so soon! And it's so close! To be fair, I actually have a chance to get it... After all, this is a public auction. As long as I have money, I can buy it.

And the price doesn't seem to be expensive... At least, I know that the European ship king spent millions of dollars when he bought this ring, and now looking at the base price on this booklet, it's only one million yuan. The price is really too different... But then I realized that I'm afraid that the generous European ship Wang himself may not know the real value of this ring. I'm afraid that in his opinion, it's just a momentary interest to throw away millions to sponsor a scientific research project to do good deeds. Although this ring is exquisitely made, it is just one of many jewels for him.

Now I just throw it out again and open a "low price" as a good deed.

Unfortunately, I can't afford such a "low price".

The 800,000 yuan left to me by Brother Huan, plus the 200,000 yuan I won last time at home... Add up, it's just enough to mark the reserve price... Moreover, the problem is that this is just the "bottom price" of the auction! Although I have never experienced an auction, I know that under normal circumstances, a lot will be much higher than the "bottom price".

What's more, I don't know how many rich people are waiting to spend money on this kind of charity auction in high society.

At that time, any lady will take a fancy to the ring, but it is absolutely impossible for her own financial resources to have a chance... There were a lot of thoughts in my mind. Suddenly, I heard that the door behind me was pulled open, and then Fang Nan came in and sat in the back.

I saw from the mirror that her face seemed to be a little pale, and her eyes were a little tired.

"Miss Fang, where are you going?" Take me home."

She seemed to be a little tired, leaning against the seat and closing her eyes to refresh herself.

I already know Fang Nan's address. As her personal assistant, when she came to the company today, Qian Pan had given me some information.

I drove steadily all the way, and the Audi A8 worth nearly two million yuan drove steadily on the highway. To be honest, I was actually a little absent-minded.

From time to time, he peeked at Fang Nan, who was nagging in the back seat, and suddenly had an idea in his heart: Can the hope of getting that ring be pinned on this woman? Fang Nan is very rich, which I have seen for a long time.

It can be seen from the company she owns, as well as the house she wears in, and the car that belongs to her.

And yesterday, I casually swiped my card for more than 20,000 yuan and bought me a suit! To be honest, I don't gossip so much to guess how much her assets she has.

It's completely a professional habit.

Because I used to be a supervisor in a nightclub, I specialized in contact with customers. My professional habits made me have to have a general understanding of the customer's financial resources based on my contact with the customer.

Because in this way, the consumption capacity of this guest can be estimated! The simplest point is that in the face of a new guest, I need to see what price he can afford according to his clothes and behavior.

Is it to suggest him to drink a few hundred yuan a bottle of Chivas, or a thousand yuan a bottle of royal salute! As a supervisor, this is a necessary experience.

In my opinion, Fang Nan, a woman, has about tens of millions of personal assets. She should definitely have the financial resources to buy this ring.

Fang Nan lives in a place called "XX Garden Apartment" in the west of the city.

The city is an emerging real estate site in the city in recent years.

Originally, 2,000 years ago, it was still an old city with many bungalows. Now, after years of construction and demolition, pieces of mid-range and high-end residential buildings have been built.

The garden apartment where Fang Nan lives is a high-end residential area that was just sold last year. Last year, I saw the advertisement here and invited several famous contemporary celebrities in Asia. The lowest real estate price is more than five digits, and it is famous for its beautiful European style.

In short, just one word: expensive! Driving into this closed community, the uniformed security guard at the door stood straight and saluted the car respectfully. Instead of waking up Fang Nan, who was taking a nap, I drove the car to look for it one by one.

Fang Nan lives in a row of small villas and foreign-style houses located on the edge of the closed community.

Originally, a foreign-style house was divided into two houses for sale, so it was called "row".

However, it seems that Fang Nan bought two houses together, so she monopolized a foreign-style house.

I found the door number and looked at the green lawn in front of the house and the garage beside it. I felt a little strange.

The life of a rich man... I'm afraid the garage area is much larger than that of many ordinary people's houses... Parking, turning off the engine, I gently woke up Fang Nan. Fang Nan looked a little lazy, and his face was a little flushed. I tried my best to control my eyes not to look at her seductive eyes and skirt he Come out with a straight calf: "Miss Fang, your home is here."

"Um..." There was a soft hum in her nose. To be honest, the hum made my heart jump a few times. I watched Fang Nan stretch out, and then heard her smile and say, "I just fell asleep?" Uh-huh."

I answered steadily.

"I... fall asleep, isn't it ugly?" Ah?" I was stunned, smiled bitterly, and tried to answer in a tone without any emotion: "I was driving just now, but I didn't notice."

Fang Nan said oh, and a faint loss flashed in her eyes. Then she opened the door and got out of the car and looked at me: "Come in with me."

To be honest, I really want to go in and see what this beautiful single woman's home looks like... But reason tells me to forget it.

This kind of **, just think about it in your heart. It's unnecessary.

"No, I'll wait for you in the car, just in time to smoke."

Fang Nan squeezed her lips and smiled. She smiled very beautifully, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, like a crescent moon: "You're welcome. I may need a little time to get ready. You're bored in the car.

Go in, I may have something else for you to do.

Then she walked away to open the door by herself.

I thought about it. Anyway, she is the boss. That's what she said, and I can't object.

Get out of the car and enter the door, I really feel the life of a rich man... The door has no key, but a password lock. There is a very advanced security system in the whole house, which is very humanized! If this system is intruded by external violence, it can put down the metal fence on all the doors and windows of the whole house within a few seconds! At the same time, after the door is opened, if it is not closed within a certain period of time, the alarm system will immediately notify the security office in the community! There is another advantage of this system: if someone at home, especially single women, is at home, the owner can temporarily close the security system during the security period. In such a state, only the people inside can open the door, and the people outside can't open the door even if they steal the password! In any abnormal state, the system will directly issue an alert to notify the security of the community.

It can be said that this system is very advanced. It is said that many rich people are using it. It is a new European product... Of course, the price is also "international standard".

walked into Fang Nan's house. After entering the door, she bent down and took off her high heels, and then threw them aside. I tried my best not to sweep my eyes down, because when she just took off her shoes and raised her legs, I was just standing behind her... "You can sit in the living room for a while, and there is something to

Fang Nan left a word and went up the stairs.

The first floor is very large, with a hall of about 100 square meters, which is cleverly separated into a living room, and then a row of European-style wooden railings. The upper two steps is the dining room. The kitchen is translucent, which can be seen and very tidy.

I just look around carefully.

Obviously, Fang Nan is a person who has high requirements for the quality of life. All the furnishings and furniture in her home do not have that kind of luxurious atmosphere. It looks very warm. The sofa is red and the shape is very unique. It seems to be a big boat with two small boats, and there is a soft collapse next to it, which is probably used to The movie... because I saw a huge wall TV hanging on the wall.

There is a fireplace in the corner, not for that kind of decoration, but a real fireplace! A circle of black metal fence exudes a simple atmosphere. The inside is very clean, and it can be seen that she doesn't use it often.

The two chairs in front of the fireplace are obviously not available in China, and the floor is covered with a piece of animal fur that I don't know.

I sat down on the sofa and couldn't help sighing.

It's very soft! I seemed to be trapped in the clouds, and my whole body was deeply trapped in the sofa, so comfortable that I couldn't help sighing.

At this time, Fang Nan just came down from upstairs. She changed into a simple casual dress. Her upper body was a wide white T-shirt, and underneath was a pair of very fat trousers. Her long hair was simply tied behind her head, which looked like a little woman at home.

"How's my home?" That's great!" I sincerely admire it.

She smiled and then threw me a cylinder. I picked it up. It was a tube of cigarettes, a red panda, a hundred pieces.

I'm afraid I don't need to say more about the value of this kind of cigarette.

But I'm curious... This cigarette hasn't been opened, and it's still new.

But I vaguely remember that Fang Nan only smokes women's cigarettes... How can she have this kind of men's cigarettes at home? Is it for others? Or... specially prepared for me? I gave up this ridiculous idea in my heart. Don't joke, what's my identity... "Are you used to this? I don't know what men like to smoke, but it seems to be the best.

I don't know if I bought it with your intention.

She smiled.

God, my heart is starting to beat! Is it really bought for me?" What do you drink?" Fang Nan seemed to notice that the atmosphere was a little awkward. He quickly walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator: "I have juice and beer..." "Water is enough."

I quickly said, "I still have to drive, so I dare not drink."

Fang Nan took out a can of soda and threw it to me - to be fair, I don't like to drink this kind of steaming water, but in the current situation, how dare I be picky? I picked it up and took a few mouthfuls.

Fang Nan squinted and stared at me for a while, then sat down on another single sofa beside me, picked up the red panda on the table, opened it and handed me a branch, and ordered another one by myself.

Unfortunately, as soon as she took a sip, she coughed and said with a wry smile, "I still can't get used to your men's cigarettes. It's too choking."

Looking at me with a little embarrassment, Fang Nan's eyes were very calm: "Don't be nervous, just think of me as a guest at a friend's house."

I smiled exaggeratedly: "Please, you are my boss, and now I still owe you 300,000!" Looking at me smoking, Fang Nan's eyes seemed to be in a trance. I didn't dare to contact her eyes, but casually said, "Miss Fang... Well, didn't you just say that there was something for me to do? What's the matter?" Oh...oh..." She seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal. She said, "The door of a cabinet in my kitchen is broken. You know, we women are not very good at this kind of work..." "Where is it?" I immediately pinched the cigarette in my hand and stood up and rolled up my sleeves.

Then I feel that I have almost become a hard laborer! I first helped Fang Nan repair a cabinet door in the kitchen, then ran to the basement to find an almost rusty toolbox, and helped her check the cabinet door one by one to strengthen each screw.

Then she said that there seemed to be something wrong with the lights in the kitchen, and I ran into the basement and found a spare light bulb to help her change the lights in the kitchen.

Next, she said that there was some poor contact with a wiring board in the living room. Although I tried it on the spot and found that it was normal and there was nothing wrong, I didn't say anything and still replaced her with a spare new one.

When I ran around to help her with these housework, I felt that Fang Nan had been standing quietly behind me and looking at me. She didn't say a word, but seemed to be a little distracted... So much so that when I helped her change the light bulb, I asked her to hold the ladder. As a result, she didn't move at all I already feel that something is wrong! She seemed to be looking for trouble at all. Many things were obviously not broken, but she asked me to help her repair and replace them, as if to see how I was working... I was busy for an hour. Although it was all small things, I also sweated a little. My coat had been taken off, and my shirt was accidentally stained a lot. Dust.

"Is there anything else?" I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan put her arms around her chest and leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, with a very gentle expression on her face. Hearing my inquiry, she was suddenly stunned, as if trying to think about it, and then hesitated, "Well... and the lawn outside has not been trimmed for a long time... I have a lawn in my basement..." "..." I smiled patiently and said, "Miss Fang... I'm afraid I can't help you with this... I can't weed, and I won't use that machine. I'm afraid I'll cut your lawn in a mess."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the gardener comes every week... Ah..." After that, she suddenly woke up and whispered.

Damn it! Since the gardener comes every week, you still ask me to get rid of the grass! My face darkened a little.

She made it clear that she was fooling me! Is it interesting for me to run around to work? The two of us stood in the kitchen and looked at each other for a while. Fang Nan suddenly sighed, "Chen Yang, I'm sorry, let's go out to talk."

I hummed, a little unhappy, and put a wrench in my hand into the toolbox.

When we were all sitting on the sofa, she suddenly ran upstairs, then came down with a flat box and handed it to me.

is a new shirt.

"You... your shirt is dirty. Change it."

Fang Nan's cheeks were a little red, but then she seemed to cover it up: "You have to attend the charity auction with me in the evening. You can't dress carelessly."

I saw the shirt box in my hand, which is completely brand-new, and even the size is completely my size... Obviously, this is also specially prepared for me... "Okay."

I sighed. After thinking about it, I could only smile bitterly: "...thank you."

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