evil spirit

Chapter 56 Women's War

Chapter 56 [Women's War] [Some people wonder if I have two chapters a day, probably because my second chapter in the past two days has been delayed until midnight.

But it doesn't matter whether you are lazy or not. Just look at the total number of chapters.

Yesterday's sent was 5455, the day before yesterday was 5253, just like that.

I can't help it. I write until late to bed every day, and it's already afternoon or evening when I get up the next day... I also want to update it during the day, but it's really a way, comrades.

I have forgotten to eat and sleep. If I have to fight again, I can only vomit blood...] - In fact, when Fang Nan first entered the door, Mei and Yan Di were a little distracted, as if they were a little stunned.

The eyes of the two little beautiful girls showed envious eyes.

This is completely the kind of envy of the young little girl for that kind of mature and gorgeous woman! Originally, Yan Di and A Mei took action.

Needless to say, Yan Di is a charming little beauty, and her shy and timid little appearance is very painful.

Although Ah Mei is not as good as Yan Di, she is also a beautiful and lovely little girl.

Standing in front of Fang Nan, it's a little pale.

In fact, in terms of appearance, Yan Di is not inferior to Fang Nan at all - it's a pity that he is a little inferior. After all, he is still young, but he has the extremely charming femininity of Fang Nan! Originally, she was unrestrained and gorgeous and mature, but Fang Nan is not only mature and gorgeous, but also the kind of natural mistress face, with spring eyebrows... In addition, Fang Nan is a rich woman, and naturally her whole body is full of money.

People say that women's beauty is piled up with money.

This actually makes sense.

Many people think that they are born beautiful and don't need to use cosmetics... Those who say such things actually don't know much about women.

For example, Fang Nan, she doesn't actually need any cosmetics.

Nowadays, most women know that cosmetics contain chemical harmful substances. Unless they attend some special occasions, no woman will smear her face like a drawing board.

So, what is the difference between a rich woman and a rich woman? In terms of details! Rich women can go to the beauty salon to make their hair beautiful! It's not the kind of unskilled work such as blowing and hot.

Those really capable hairstylists will design the most suitable hairstyle for a woman according to her face shape and momentum, which best highlights her strengths and temperament! For example, eyebrows.

Even if a woman is naturally beautiful, her eyebrows will be forked, or the eyebrow line has all kinds of defects.

It's time to go to the beauty salon to trim their eyebrows... Many people who don't understand think that the beauty salon has shaved their eyebrows and tattooed them again... Please! That's an antique from N years ago! It's outdated now. No woman would be stupid enough to do that! Now everyone knows that nature is beautiful! People in the beauty salon will help women trim the split ends of their eyebrows and hide some defects, but they don't look like there are any carved marks at all.

Then the skin.

No matter how good a girl's skin is, she doesn't know how to maintain it, and she is exposed to the sun every day, plus the oil and smoke in the kitchen at home... There is always damage.

At this time, all kinds of care supplies are needed.

Now all women know that good skin is "noured"! Go to the beauty salon to make a steamed spa, and the cheapest one costs thousands of yuan at a time! There are also professional masseuses who massage the skin, which can make the blood on the skin unblocked, which is conducive to Xincheng metabolism and so on... It is a good way to nourish the skin! All of this costs a lot of money! Of course, if an ugly woman spends no matter how much money to arm herself, it is absolutely impossible for a qualitative change, and it is absolutely not as good as a naturally beautiful woman.

However, if the appearance level of the two women is almost the same, and the strength is equal... Money will play an absolute role! Fang Nan in front of her is like this. Her whole body is armed with a large amount of silver.

Fang Nan is rich, and women are absolutely willing to spend money in order to keep their beauty! So in contrast, it's not just eyebrows.

Even Yan Di, who was plain-faced and dressed in a simple coat and jeans, was a little faintly discolored... The most ridiculous thing was Ah Mei. A pair of eyes of the little money fan stared at Fang Nan's chest... Then he couldn't help looking at his little chest again, a little depressed.

The little money fan's figure is actually quite good, but the chest is a little flat, but generally yellow women rarely have that kind of bully.

But to be fair, her little buttocks are still very upturned! The two little girl were probably shocked by Fang Nan's bright light and stayed for more than ten seconds.

Until Fang Nan sat next to me and grabbed my hand to her face... The little money fan was the first to react! The envy on her face was immediately replaced by surprise. When she grew up, she pointed to Fang Nan and stammered, "You, you... What are you doing?" Yan Di was originally sitting on the other side of my bed. When he saw Fang Nan's movements, he couldn't help shaking his body, and his eyes showed incredible eyes. Then he looked at me in surprise. His lips opened again and again, and his eyes dimmed in an instant.

She was still sitting, but now she has slowly stood up.

I was completely stunned. I just looked at the distressed look on Fang Nan's face. Her hand was held by her and forgot to pull it back.

I didn't suddenly wake up until I heard the cry of the little money fan... I carefully pulled back my hand and tried my best to squeeze out the smile on my face that I thought was the most natural: "Fang Nan, why are you here?" Then, no matter what other people's eyes were, I quickly introduced, "This is my boss, Miss Fang Nan."

"This is my friend Yan Di."

"This is nursing eyebrows."

Only then did the three women finally meet their eyes... murderous! Although it was only autumn and the temperature in the room was not low, I still felt a chill rising in the room... The three women's eyes lasted for ten seconds. After all, Yan Di was a weak girl, and her eyes couldn't help dodge.

How can there be such a sharp look as a strong woman like Fang Nan in the mall? However, the little money fan immediately came to Yan Di's side and stood side by side with her, expressing his firm position! However, although the eyes of the little money fan are sharp, most of them are not aimed at Fang Nan... but at me! God testified that I almost faintly saw a series of sparks in the intersection of eyes... After all, Fang Nan was much older than the two girls, and soon her face calmed down, but her eyes cooled down. She slowly turned her head and looked at me, with a reluctant smile on her face: "Chen Yang, this is your daughter. Friends, right? She raised her chin slightly and glanced at Yan Di.

My heart pounded, sighed secretly, and answered seriously: "Yes.

She is my girlfriend, Yan Di.

Fang Nan's body stood straight, but I saw that a trace of loss flashed in her eyes, and her faint eyes enveloped me for several seconds... Yan Di and Xiao Cai fans didn't say anything. Xiao Cai fans looked at Fang Nan with hostile eyes and held Yan Di's hand tightly at the same time.

Finally, the corners of Fang Nan's mouth slowly burst into a smile.

It was a very bright smile. There was no trace of resentment in her eyes. It was as calm as a lake... But there was something deep hidden in it.

That kind of thing, I vaguely, seems to be able to read a little... But I don't dare to read it... Fang Nan's smile is like a warm sunshine, gentle, elegant, generous, with infinite charm! Then she had walked to the two girls and stretched out her hand: "Hin, I'm Chen Yang's boss. My name is Fang Nan."

The first person to react this time is not a little money fan.

Instead, it's Yan Di! Yan Di still looked very delicate, but his eyes had calmed down. He shook hands with Fang Nan quietly and said gently, "Hello."

Then there is a little money fan.

Fang Nan's performance was impeccable, fully demonstrating her demeanor and charm. She acted like a truly generous leader who was extremely loving to the employees. With that kind of cordial greeting, she comforted Yan Di, and then said seriously, "How can this ward live? Let the hospital change to a better one.

The cost is paid by the company!" I immediately declined, "No, this separate ward is already very good, and..." As soon as I said, I was in a cold sweat, because Fang Nan turned his head and stared at me, which made me almost subconsciously swallow the second half of the sentence.

"That's the decision."

Fang Nan immediately made a decision.

Then she recruited people from the hospital. Miss Fang was rich and immediately helped me complete all the formalities.

Although that kind of high-level ward is not something that ordinary people can enter if they have money... But what kind of person is Miss Fang? After making a phone call, the vice president of the hospital trotted in front of her.

When I changed the ward, I even had an additional chief doctor, who was solely responsible for my treatment in the hospital.

Fang Nan finished all this and immediately got up and left without hesitation.

She said goodbye to the two girls cordially, then walked to my bedside and looked down at me.

At this time, she turned her back to the two girls, with deep sadness in her eyes, and her tone was very flat: "Chen Yang, have a good rest and get well soon. I still have a lot of things for you to do when I go back to the company!" I feel cold for no reason.

But then I was a little depressed... Why am I guilty? In fact, strictly speaking... I didn't do anything!!!! After Fang Nan left, there were only three of us left in the room.

This is a new high-level ward. The room is larger and spacious, with air conditioning, TV, and even wireless network connection! Separate toilets, wardrobes and so on... In my opinion, in addition to some medical facilities in the room, it can be said to be a star hotel room! The atmosphere was a little awkward and silent. When Fang Nan left, the two girls were obviously relieved.

It seems that under the charming power of Fang Nan, both young girls feel a kind of pressure.

In fact, even if Fang Nan pretends to be indifferent later... After all, the two girls are not fools. Of course, we can see that there are some "problems" about her attitude towards me.

The little money fan didn't make trouble this time. She opened her mouth and said quickly, "I'm going to the bathroom!" Although there was a separate bathroom in the room, she rushed out of the house.

Leaving Yan Di alone, she looked at me quietly and couldn't see whether she was happy or not. Then she silently walked to me, opened the cabinet, tidied up my carry-on clothes, put them in, and was busy back and forth for a while, but she didn't say a word.

I couldn't stand it and whispered, "Yan Di..." "Huh?" She answered softly.

After thinking about it, I thought about the words and carefully said, "Don't get me wrong... Fang Nan and I didn't..." Yan Di turned around and interrupted me in a soft voice: "No need to say, little fifth brother."

She stretched out her hand and gently touched my face and whispered, "You just said... that I'm your girlfriend, and I already understand what you mean."

After saying that, she blushed, bent down and kissed me on the face, and then ran out quickly.

My heart is a little sour and sweet, which is wonderful... I think this is probably the feeling of love.

I'm not sure, because I've never been in love.

#822; And later this day, one thing left a shadow on my good mood! Later, two nurses came into my room to give me medicine.

Xiaocai fan and Yan Di don't know where to go. They probably went out to buy something.

The two nurses removed the bandage and changed the medicine for me, but the content of their conversation shocked me! Oh, that woman was so beautiful a while ago! Alas, I've never seen such a beautiful woman!" Well, her clothes are so beautiful. That windbreaker is so elegant. I also want to buy one.

"Don't think about it. I've seen that dress in the East. It's more than 10,000 pieces!" Alas... But she seems to be quite pitiful. Such a beautiful woman cried all the way. Alas, I don't know which bastard bullied such a beautiful woman!" Um... Maybe it's the family of a patient, or maybe his family has a terminal illness. We have seen a lot of this kind of thing in the hospital.

My first reaction was: They are talking about Fang Nan! The second reaction is: Fang Nan cried?! The third reaction is: immediately pick up the phone and want to call Fang Nan.

But then, I hesitated.

Why should I call her? Who am I, her? Well, aside from these ridiculous self-deception... ridiculous cover-up... Even if she really means anything to me, what can I do? Now that I have made up my mind not to provoke her, I'd better not call her now.

It's better to break the pain than to have a long pain - is that right? Putting down the phone, I felt a little sad.

But ten minutes later, I was in a turbulent mood again!! Yan Di and Xiao Cai fans walked into the room together. Both of them looked a little excited and sighed, as if they were talking about some gossip.

"Chen Yang, do you know? There is a rich man in the place where we live!" As soon as the little money fan entered the door, he shouted, "Ah?" Who is that! The property manager downstairs of our building, the guy in charge of our elevator maintenance! I won five million sports lottery prizes today!! Good luck!" Xiao Cai sighed: "When we came out, we passed the property management office and happened to ask them to take the hospital's invoice for reimbursement. As a result, a guy in it was reading the newspaper, and then suddenly jumped up and shouted that he had won the ticket or something.

Then I knew that he had won millions!" Xiao Cai Fan's face was full of envy: "That guy is so lucky! I heard that he was fired by the property company early this morning because he was responsible for the elevator, including our building! It's the one where you had an accident last night! As soon as I resigned today, I immediately won millions!" My heart suddenly jumped! There is a faint feeling of uneasiness! This man resigned in the morning... and then won millions... "Yan Di! Yan Di!" I sat up straight quickly, and then hurriedly said, "Go home immediately!" Bring me the two boxes I took last night! Hurry up! Hurry up!" - [Attention, brothers, who still has a VIP monthly ticket? Help me smash it! Many friends asked me how to vote for the VIP monthly ticket. In particular, the method of voting for the VIP monthly ticket is as follows. First of all, you must be an advanced VIP user, and then please open the following address: cmfu/smenhu.cn? BID=93122 Pull down this page, and you will see a line of red fonts below: "Vice for "Awe-inspiring", click on this line of red letters!!]