evil spirit

Chapter 61 Underwear Model

Chapter 61 [Underwear Model]

In the morning, I had a simple meeting with the employees of the department in the manager's office, and Qian Pan was also present.

I have a total of five subordinates in this department, all of whom are women. Two designers, two customer service, and one is responsible for the work of foreign cooperation. Both designers are graphic designers who have graduated from famous universities. It is estimated that women around the age of 30 are both married and moderate-looking, but they seem to be well dressed and behave steadily. And the two customer service are girls in their early twenties, especially one of whom has a few freckles on her cheeks, a round face, and a chirping girl like a small sparrow. Her temper makes me feel a little similar to A Mei, and the other girl in a slightly thinner yellow sweater looks literary. Calm down.

What surprised me most was that the woman who took on the work of the Foreign Association was about twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old. She was plump, her face was ruddy, her lips were thick, and she looked quite amorous. She wore a tight one-piece suit that could match her figure, which was full of elasticity and outlined the perfect curve of It's just like a ripe peach.

This seemingly open woman has a shrewd look in her eyes, which makes me dare not underestimate her. Her job is "Painting Association", which is very important. Because in our department, designers only specialize in designing activity plans and some green-faced art design and so on. Customer service is specially responsible for contacting customers and handling some customer requirements.

And the foreign association is the most important part!

To make an example. In the upcoming underwear show in this shopping mall, the designer is responsible for designing the stage and advertising paintings, while the two little girl in customer service is responsible for contacting the underwear manufacturer. Listen to their requirements at any time and make some adjustments according to their local requirements.

And the rest is all about the work of the Umbrella Association. The woman named Ning Yan should deal with: the loading and unloading department of the company that directs the on-site stage, coordinates the personnel of the modeling company, the printing factory responsible for printing advertising posters, and finally coordinating the venue, time, rental, etc. with the shopping mall...

If you compare this underwear show to a movie. Then the other seven people are all actors or screenwriters and so on. And Ning Yan is the commander-in-chief! It is equivalent to the director's function!

Obviously, this woman must be very capable.

"Well, I've introduced myself just now... I'm actually a good-tempered person." I looked at the women in front of me with a smile. Such an occasion reminded me of the scene when I was a supervisor in a nightclub and lectured the ladies: "After all, I'm new to this department and I'm not familiar with many things. I also hope that a few beautiful women can support my work more. I would like to thank you all in advance. If you have any problems or ideas, you can tell me directly. Anyway, since I'm in this position, as long as the people in my department work hard, I will definitely cover her!"

After saying the last sentence, I suddenly couldn't help laughing.

This feeling is really a little familiar.

It seems to work well. Although I'm young, I don't have much airs. Several women are quite friendly to me. Ning Yan looked very enthusiastic. He also exaggerated: "I didn't expect that there was a handsome man in the company! Mr. Chen, you came on the first day, and you are a man again. Please invite me to lunch!"

It seems that the atmosphere of this department is very united and friendly. The other four girls immediately cheered loudly. Of course, I will not refuse this good opportunity to get close to my subordinates.

I paid more attention to this Ning Yan in my heart. Obviously, she is helping me. Help me establish a relationship with my subordinates.

Probably aware of my eyes, Qian Pan said with a smile, "Chen Yang, if there are any problems in the future work, you can listen to Ning Yan's opinions. She has rich experience in business activities."

Qian is looking forward to seeing that we get along quite well, so don't worry.

And throughout the morning, I seriously tried to familiarize myself with the new environment, and also humbly asked several female colleagues for advice on some work in the department... But unfortunately, women's gossip hobbies seem to be born!

As soon as Qian Pan left, the round-faced customer service girl showed me some performance information of the department and customer information. At the same time, she chatted with me. However, she saw that I was very kind, and finally asked about my personal situation.

Are you married?

Do you have a girlfriend?

How much do you weigh?

What are your hobbies on weekdays?

What do you like to eat?

With that, Ning Yan and the other customer service girl also came in and joined the chat together. After all, only the two designers were a little older and more stable. They stayed on their desk and were busy with the advertising stage design of the upcoming underwear show.

The round-faced girl actually has a very cute nickname called "Pig", because her surname is Zhu, and her face is a little baby fat. He is very cheerful and lively, and very bold... Finally, he asked almost all my personal questions, and mysteriously added, "Mr. Chen, are you a virgin?"

I'm speechless. Ning Yan next to her laughed and hit her, and then casually found a topic to change.

"They are like this. The company is full of girls. Suddenly, there is a man. These girls are very excited." When the two girls went out, Ning Yan stayed in my office and said to me, "They didn't mean any harm. It's just a little naughty."

I smiled bitterly and touched my nose: "It doesn't matter... I don't mind."

"OK." Ning Yan smiled, and then looked a little more serious. She said seriously, "We have made preparations for the underwear show. I will go to the mall in the afternoon to supervise the construction of the stage, as well as the lights and posters and advertisements of the printing factory, which will be delivered in the afternoon. Then the customer wants to invite us to dinner together after tonight. My suggestion is that it's better for us to treat. It doesn't cost much, and it can leave a good impression on them. In addition, the company's ground loading and unloading department. You have to sign all the expenses before you can pay them. These people who load and unload the stage are actually not employees of the company. They just hang up the company's relationship. They are not the people of the company. When there is work in the youth, they will let them do it. When there is no work, they will also go outside to do it. These people are very difficult and slippery. I often open high prices on the price! However, I will check the cost this time before giving it to you for approval. When you deal with them in the future. Just be careful. They know that you are the new manager, and they will definitely find a way to quote more prices.

I smiled: "Oh? Then what should I do?"

Ning Yan made a slashing action: "It's simple. What price they quote, you can just cut half of it. Ha ha... But in the future, when you are familiar with the company's operating costs and other situations, you will naturally make a correct estimate of the cost of these activities. At that time, they can't fool you if they want to.

I sighed. He said with a straight face, "Miss Ning, thank you. I can see that your work ability must be very strong! In fact, to be honest, after hearing so much from you just now, I even feel that this department doesn't need my manager at all. With you, everything is completely done. Looking at Ning Yan's ugly face, I quickly waved my hand: "Don't get me wrong, I'm telling the truth... I won't be in this department for a long time... You are so capable. Before I leave, I will make a fair evaluation to the above.

I'm telling the truth.

It seems that Ning Yan knows all the work of this department well. And she is also well-ed, capable and popular, and it can be seen just now that the other girls are quite convinced of her.

Such a person is undoubtedly the best candidate to serve as the manager of this department... At least, he is a hundred times better than me, a rookie who knows nothing.

At noon, I paid for my own money to invite these girls to go out for dinner. It has long been spread in the company, and a new manager has come to the second department of business activities. He is young, kind, has no airs, and is quite handsome.

When I go in and out, many girls from other departments will quietly glance at me.

When I was eating, I was even more witty - after all, I had been in that group of women for a few years, and easily coaxed these girls to laugh. When I returned to the company in the afternoon, they were almost estranged from me.

In the afternoon, Ning Yan came to ask me if I wanted to go to the mall with her to supervise the construction of the stage. After thinking about it, I decided to go with her.

After leaving the company, I was going to take a taxi, but Ning Yan had already driven a "Hyundai Coolpad" from the parking lot by herself. This is a car with a very obvious feminine style. The body is a bit like a sports car. Of course, the performance is incomparable to a real sports car. But the streamlined body is very popular with many women.

The price is about 200,000 yuan.

Looking at Ning Yan's private car, I was a little surprised. This Ning Yan looks only 28 or 29 years old, and she can afford a private car at such a price... Is her income very high?

"Miss Fang is very good to the employees in the company. The company's salary system is very rich. Generally speaking, the salary of the company's employees is more than 20% higher than that of similar companies. As for me, for the position I do, to be honest, there are many opportunities to get oil and water... Deep Blue Entertainment is developing very well now. I am responsible for a lot of things. Those printing houses, those modeling companies, and those small advertising companies all hope to be flattered with Deep Blue Entertainment. Therefore, when I sit in this position, there are many people who give me red envelopes every year. As she drove, she smiled and said, "Miss Fang knows all these things. However, her approach is very shrewd. She said that this is the national conditions of our country. Chinese people pay attention to human relations and connections when doing business. This kind of gift-giving red envelopes is inevitable. As long as you don't eat the company's kickbacks, she will ignore other small things. For all red envelopes sent privately by other parties, we will take the initiative to report to the financial department, and then hand them over and put them into the cost. Then when the salary is paid every month, the company will actually be sent back to me as a bonus. Of course, it will not be sent back in full, but generally the red envelopes we hand in will be returned to us about half of the cost after entering the cost... This is good. And don't take any risks...haha. The income of female compatriots in the company is not low. In a position like me, the income is higher... In other companies in the same industry, many people want to drill into Deep Blue Entertainment... But Miss Fang has never been easy to recruit people. Even if you recruit, you only recruit women... You are the first man."

The car drove all the way to the large shopping mall in the city center. There was a space in the middle of the lobby on the first floor of the shopping mall. Some male employees in overalls were building the stage, and the huge advertising painting behind was also erected.

Ning Yan didn't chat with me anymore. As soon as she arrived at the scene, she immediately became busy. Big and small things, everything is silent, as if everything is in her mind, as well as the palm of her hand! She immediately commanded the people quickly, the light. Stage setting, angle. The posting and location of the advertising drawings, and then keep picking out some problems that do not meet the requirements, and order those staff to make adjustments.

She is a commander-in-chief. She used to look like a steady and lady, but she actually has a little momentum to visit the Taoist land at the scene! Even to those arrogant loading and unloading workers, she simply rolled up her sleeves and quarreled with them!

I even feel that I'm a superfluous person... I don't know anything about the situation. I can only stand aside and watch her busy. At the beginning, Ning Yan tried to take time to introduce some information to me, but later she gradually became a little busy.

I feel a little embarrassed... Looking at a woman who is busy, I, a big man, can only stand aside and smoke and drink mineral water. I'm really sorry. I seriously observed all the details of the scene - originally with the mentality of a temporary guard, but now I gradually learn the details of these work.

In the evening, the flow of people in the mall gradually increased, and a stage in front of her began to take shape, while Ning Yan quarreled with people on the phone. The momentum is very fierce! Watching her yelling and scolding on the phone, I couldn't help but feel that this woman definitely has the potential to become a strong woman!

"There's a little trouble... The models in the model company will be a little late." Ning Yan frowned: "It was agreed that they would arrive two hours in advance! It's a little late now, and the arrangement is a little tight. Alas. These guys, don't want to get the money after it's over!"

Then she sighed and apologized slightly: "Sorry, Mr. Chen, have you been waiting for a long time? I was too busy just now, I..."

Looking at this woman's sweaty face, I couldn't help but feel a little ashamed and quickly said, "It doesn't matter! I just feel a little embarrassed that I couldn't help you.

I suddenly feel that it is really not easy for women to work hard in this social environment...

I didn't have time for dinner. While Ning Yan was busy, I ran to KFC on the street to buy something casually and swallowed it with her.

"At the way, do you have any friends who can come and watch this underwear show together! Although this brand of underwear is not a world-renowned brand, their products are actually very good! If your friend is interested, you can come and have a look. Ning Yan's careful advice.

I thought about it and called Jojo and Aze.

Qiao Qiao's female bandit heard that there was an underwear show to watch. She was a woman and was originally interested in underwear. At the same time, as a qualified girl, she could see so many underwear models. Of course, it was also a very pleasant thing. She hurriedly hung up the phone and ran.

As for Aze... I thought of him this morning... It's also a brother's compensation to invite him to watch the beauty underwear show in the evening. As expected, Aze was very excited when he answered the phone. He even omitted the thought of scolding me and rushed directly from home.

I waited outside the mall for 20 minutes and saw Qiao Qiao rushing over in a very cool leather suit, dressed as evil as ever, while Aze casually put on a large T-shirt, wearing big scalp shoes, and a pair of eyes looking around at the beautiful woman.

"Where is the underwear model? Where is it? Where is it?" As soon as we met, Qiao Qiao looked around.

I smiled bitterly: "It should be all in there. I've been waiting for you here for a long time. It seems that the model has come. Change your clothes in the locker room."

As soon as he said this, two hooligans, a man and a woman, suddenly lit up their eyes!

"Go! Go to the locker room!!" Qiao Qiao waved his hand with great momentum.

The stage is cleverly built, and the backstage leads directly to a side door of the mall. A storage room in the back was temporarily transformed into a dressing room, while Ning Yan sat and moved for the last time. Watching me come here with two friends, Ning Yan just hurriedly said hello to them, holding the phone in her hand. I'm losing my temper with someone on the phone.

I took a look at the room with a dressing room sign not far away, and the door was closed.

Qiao Qiao looked at Aze with an eager expression on his face and said, "How's it going?"

Aze was helpless and spread out his hand: "I don't have your unique conditions... It's cheaper for you."

Qiao Qiao laughed and laughed.

She is a woman. Of course, she can walk into the lingerie model's dressing room openly!

And Aze went in, and I'm afraid he would be scratched out in less than two seconds.

"Then I'm going in!" Qiao Qiao smiled and glanced at us proudly, walked to the door of the locker room, and pushed the door in...

At this time. Suddenly, Ning Yan ran from behind and called me, "Chen Yang. Something went wrong! There is trouble!"


"There is something wrong with the model! All the female models from this modeling company were pulled to Changzhou for another show today. They agreed that they would definitely come back on time in the evening... But now they say that there is a traffic jam on the highway and they can't come back!"

"Ah?" I was stunned for a moment: "Can't the female model come back? In the locker room...

Ning Yan blinked and said strangely, "Of course, the male models are changing their clothes..."

I was shocked and subconsciously glanced at Aze, and Aze's face also changed...

The two of us looked at the locker room at the same time... Sure enough, at this moment. A scream of Qiao Qiao suddenly came out of the locker room!

The sound has come out of a high octave! Then I saw Qiao Qiao knocking into the door, staggering out and screaming, "My eyes... my eyes..."


When a woman who hates men's body... Suddenly I see dozens of nearly ** male bodies in the room... I guess this blow is enough to make Jojo in a trance all night...

Ning Yan was also shocked! Staring at the lost Jojo, he opened his mouth wide: "She...how did she get out of the locker room..."

I quickly pulled her aside, a little embarrassed, and explained, "Uh... She thought it was full of female models, and she wanted to go ahead to see the style of underwear..."

Ning Yan shook her head: "The underwear hasn't been sent in yet... and... Alas! The female model didn't come! What about tonight's show? Where can I transfer dozens of female models at this hour?

She suddenly stared at Qiao Qiao carefully. My eyes lit up!

"Chen Yang, are there other girls you know around you who are as beautiful as your friend? The almost one is OK! Just make up ten people!"

She thought for a moment: "It's too late! I'll call back to the company right away. Let them bring some sisters from the company to save the scene! Fortunately, this kind of underwear show is not too formal, and it's no problem to fool it... Alas, it's just that those girls deliberately don't want to wear underwear to be seen in public..."

The more Ning Yan said, the more excited she became, and finally she sweated.

My heart suddenly moved!

Find a group of girls?

Damn it! It's simple!

It's so fucking simple!!!

I immediately caught Ning Yan, who was at a loss, and said with a smile, "Okay! Don't worry! Leave the matter of the model to me!"

"Do you have a way?" Ning Yan immediately had a little more hope.

I smiled and said, "I'm your manager anyway. I'll figure it out."

Then I put aside Ning Yan, went to the corner and dialed a familiar number.

"Hey Lv, there was a charming voice on the phone, with a little surprise: "Ouch, little fifth brother! It's you! It's been so long that you've forgotten them!!"

I quickly stopped her words: "Sister Mary! I'm looking for your help!"

At the other end of the phone, Mary smiled **: "Can you help me? Are you looking for a young lady?"

I smiled and said, "That's right! Sister Mary, do you have the ability to help me mobile 20 beautiful and well-built girls in half an hour? Be in good shape!!"

"Damn it!" Mary shouted arrogantly on the other side of the phone, "Look down on me, Mary! Don't say anything, if you want MM, how much you want!!"