evil spirit

Chapter 66 Eighteen Touch

Chapter 66 [Eighteen Touch]

In the photo, there is a girl who looks very delicate. She looks a little pure, with a clean smile. She is wearing a school uniform and long hair. She looks only sixteen or seventeen years old. This is a three-inch color photo of the ID card.

From the eyebrows, I can faintly see a little bit of Brother Huan's shadow.

And the matter that Jinhe told me was far beyond my expectations!

Brother Huan actually has a daughter!

And this daughter has been hiding it from everyone's sight for so many years?!

In Jinhe's words, "In the capacity of Brother Huan, many things are involuntarily, and he has to take these precautions."

And Brother Huan's expectations for his daughter are also very sighing.

Because that's what Jinhe told me before he left:

"Winter Friday, just like you... Brother Huan's expectation for her is that she will not touch this *** for the rest of her life and live a clean life as an ordinary person!"

And the reason why this secret can be kept for so long... It also shocks me!

Over the years, Brother Huan has only seen this girl three times! And they all look at it from a distance! But I have never had contact with this girl!

Even this girl herself didn't know that she had such a father with such a complicated identity! Moreover, Brother Huan left all the things to take care of this girl to Jinhe himself! Jinhe is extremely secretive and does everything. In the past few years, he has secretly helped the girl deal with some troubles.

And now, the whole world. Including me, there are only three people who know the relationship between this girl and Brother Huan! Me, Brother Huan. Golden River!

Even this girl doesn't know herself!

Ni Duoduo, female, 18 years old, born on February 13, 89, was born out of wedlock. She grew up with her mother. At the age of 14, her mother died of illness and lived with her grandmother. At the age of 16, her grandmother died, and she still lives alone. My father is said to have immigrated to the United States. I have never met her. Only after her mother's death, Ni Duoduo can receive alimony from the United States every month. The money is not much, but it is enough to cover her living needs and tuition.

Ni Duoduo, who is 18 years old, is studying in a foreign language school in Nanjing. She will graduate from high school next year and will then study abroad. The place of study is a well-known university in the United States, arranged by her biological father in the United States.

The display of these materials is not very conspicuous.

At least in the foreign language school where Ni Duoduo attended. Almost 30% of graduates study abroad every year. And the family conditions of the students in this school are very good... Of course, the tuition fee of the school is also very high.

And the 18-year-old Ni Duoduo doesn't know that the place is... The so-called biological father who has settled in the United States and has never met him... In fact, he doesn't exist at all!

Including studying abroad and other things, they are all handled by Jinhe.

That's all the information in my hand.

And Jin He only asked me one thing: "Don't tell her the truth of the matter. After she goes to the United States next year, Brother Huan will naturally have an arrangement."

It turns out that these things are handled by Jinhe himself. Although Jinhe is first-class and safe to do things, there are still risks after all. And now he wants to be with Brother Huan. My identity is much safer and much cleaner, and no one will notice me as a little person.

I'm just a little supervisor who resigned and left in a small nightclub under Brother Huan.

I have a personal relationship with Brother Huan on weekdays. No one knows.

One sentence: I'm an outsider!

Jinhe also left a bank card with a sum of money in it. He didn't say anything. After saying this, he patted me on the shoulder and left.

And I went home, locked myself in the room, and carefully looked at the things in the envelope left by Jin He.

"You are different from me... In the past, whether it was me or Brother Huan, we couldn't get close to her in order to keep this secret. But you don't have these concerns. What Brother Huan means is that I hope you can take better care of her. She is still young. Brother Huan is worried that it is difficult for a girl to take care of herself at such a young age. Because I couldn't get close to her before, I could only help her deal with some small troubles secretly, but after all, I still couldn't do too much. It's all up to you now.

I think of Jinhe's words in my mind.

I smiled bitterly.

What should I do? I can get close to this girl, but how can I get close... Did I come to her and say to the girl: Hey, little sister, let me take care of you in the future...

Damn it! If I really say so, it's strange that they don't treat me out of the house as a hooligan!

I thought about it all night. The next morning, I called the company and found a reason to tell Ning Yan that I had something to do. I won't go to the company today. There are some advantages to being a manager. You don't need to ask your superiors to ask for leave, just tell your subordinates.

Then I called Aze.

"Aze, have you got up yet?"

Aze's voice on the other end of the phone was vague and confused: "No... You know it's immoral to interrupt other people's sleep..."

"Get up, let's drive to Xianlin University Town!"

The other end of the phone was stunned for a few seconds, and then the sleepiness in Aze's voice was swept away! With a howling, he said in a rippled tone: "Okay! I'll drive downstairs to your house in half an hour.

Then before I could speak, he hung up the phone first.

Xianlin University Town, located outside the eastern suburbs of Nanjing, is a large school district integrating more than a dozen universities in Nanjing.

Even well-known universities such as Nanjing University have set up branches in Xianlin, and then they simply moved several departments to Xianlin as a whole.

This place is not too far from downtown Nanjing, which is about ten kilometers. It has been well developed all the way, surrounded by green space on both sides, and the environment is excellent. The most pleasant thing is that the terrain is empty. Just one word: big!

Even a third-rate university covers an area of dozens of acres! This place has developed to a considerable scale in recent years! There are more than a dozen universities and hundreds of thousands of students in the whole university town! Later, there were even many middle schools and even primary schools that opened branches here! There are also some famous universities, and even set up their own affiliated middle schools here!

Gradually, Xianlin has become a famous school district in Nanjing, with hundreds of thousands of college students, middle school students and primary school students, plus teachers and school workers in the school. Wait, so many people have come to this area. Revitalize the economy of this place immediately!

And the foreign language school Ni Duoduo attended was also set up in Xianlin.

There are several advantages of running a school here: First, the land is cheap! The schools in the city are pitifully small, and the land in the city is an inch of gold! And it's different here. It's open to row the land! Open to build a school! Even the auditorium in any middle school is as magnificent as his mother's Olympic hall! Then a lot of money went down. The magnificent buildings were built one after another. The school gate was built like a triumphal arch, and the teaching building was built like a Pentagon. The playground was built in accordance with the international first-class sports field standards, and walking around was a first-class plastic runway...

First, make the facade beautiful, and then dare to claim to be an aristocratic school, and the tuition fee is at least seven or eight times higher!

As for the quality of teaching... These days, the school is concerned about efficiency! The industrialization of education!

And those universities are desperately trying to expand and expand! Anyway, it is the national policy now. The university has expanded its enrollment, so don't worry about not having a lot of students giving money to the school.

The foreign language school Ni Duoduo attends is also famous for its expensive tuition. The annual tuition and miscellaneous expenses are tens of thousands of yuan! Ordinary people can't afford to go to this kind of school at all. In addition to other miscellaneous expenses, students' accommodation expenses... If you don't throw in a middle school, you don't want to graduate!

Of course, expensive also has the advantage of being expensive. At least the dormitory in the school is not a traditional tube building. A room is stuffed with upper and lower bunks for seven or eight people. They are all small apartments, and each student has a separate room.

As for why I am so familiar with Xianlin Campus...

This is a little ine sly..."

In the past, Aze and I and Qiao Qiao. In addition to the wood guy who was not good at this, the three of us men and women were perverts' favorite thing to do was to drive Azedi's very cool high-end car and run to Xianlin University Town to get MM.

In Aze's words:

Damn it! Who is still picking up girls in the bar now? It's fucking outdated! Now the high-end hooligans have come to school to pick up girls!

How to soak? It's very simple!

Drive a B-headed car, either BMMW or BN. If you drive a Baolai, you will be embarrassed to say hello to others!

Anyway, the gate of the university does not stop the car. When you go in, you can drive around the school. Don't worry about the roads and paths that go around a few laps. Since it's a hunting beauty, you have to have the patience to wait for the prey!

Looking at a beautiful MM from afar on the way, I immediately drove up slowly, then honked the horn, first attracted the other party's attention, then slowly rolled down the window, and politely asked, "Classmate, where is the XX building?"

Don't ask me where the XX building is. In fact, it's just nonsense, that is, casually talking about a foreign language building, a library, an astronomical building, etc... Anyway, there are such places in ordinary universities!

At this time, you are a young handsome man, dressed in a valuable outfit, polite, driving a beautiful car with a cool head... Generally, girls can't ignore you when they look at it!

These days, beautiful women are also powerful!

If the other party answers you and tells you how to go, where and where...

No matter how detailed and clear she is... Even if you listen to it, you can find it with your eyes closed... You must also pretend to be confused and incomprehensible!! Remember!!

Then, you can open the door and politely invite: "I'm sorry, classmate, I really can't find a place. If it's convenient for you, could you please get in the car? Can you tell me how to drive and take me there? I'll drive you back later. OK?" "

At this time, it reflects the benefits of soaking MM in the college circle!

If it is on the street, girls will be on guard and dare not get on the stranger's car. But in school, she won't be too wary.

OK. After she got on the car, in the narrow car, it was a good time to pick up a set of porcelain! As long as your eloquence is not too bad!

Then wait until you get to the place, go around, and then drive the beautiful woman back to the place where she just got on the bus, or where she is going to go and drive her directly to her!

Before leaving, you can say, "Thank you very much just now... Otherwise, it will delay my big event! Can I treat you to a meal to express my gratitude?

In general, in this case, the probability of a girl's rejection is not too high, and the success rate is already three times! As long as there is nothing to do with girls. I don't mind having dinner with a handsome young man who drives a beautiful car... And in order to keep others off guard against you, don't mention it too far away. Just find a high-class restaurant in the university town... In this case, the girl should not refuse!

Of course, there will also be some MM who have something that can't be agreed to, so it's simple. Leave a phone number and everyone can contact...

At this time, if the girl is willing to leave you a phone number. Then it means that she is also interested in you!

After all, handsome men in famous cars are polite and funny. These points are all in place, and few girls will not be moved!

If she doesn't refuse to leave the phone, it means that even if she doesn't have time to go out with you today... then she has given you a signal... You can call her out!!

At this time, casually ask her out for dinner in the evening. Or go out for a shopping bar, it depends on your personal performance!

There are still a few benefits of soaking in MM in Xianlin University Town!

This place is more than ten kilometers away from the city! It's not long, it's not short. In addition, the vicinity of the university town was originally in the eastern suburbs, and there were no entertainment projects. These students only have time to go to the city for a week to relax and have fun, and they are suffocated on weekdays!!

With this mentality, the success rate of hunters from all walks of life to hunt prey has been greatly increased!!

There was a time when Aze and I drove to Xianlin University Town almost every three days! With Aze's silver BW and our good appearance, they have all lived a depraved but beautiful life...

Of course, the premise is that you have a car! You have to have a good job!

If you wear a Benny Road or Jean Weiss, and then ride a bicycle, follow this way of asking for directions in the school to bubble MM... Humph, the success rate is equal to zero! Don't expect beautiful women to talk to you!

It's not that I look down on the current female college students... Just ask a ***, in terms of the two options of "find a rich man" and "find a good job", I promise that the number of people who choose the latter is far lower than the number of the former!!

As soon as I heard that I went to Xianlin University Town, Aze's enthusiasm was extremely high!

In less than 20 minutes, he called and said that he had arrived and asked me to go downstairs.

This guy is such a hooligan! When I heard that I went to the university town, I didn't even come in 20 minutes, even dressed so well!

Watching me come out, Aze sat in the car and whistled: "Chen Yang, why are you suddenly moved today? Do you want to ask me to go to the university town to pick up girls?"

I shook my head and got in the car.

"How do you say? Where are you going today? Go to Normal University or Nanjing University? I think Nanyi's MM level is the highest, but it's difficult to get it..." Aze pulled his finger and said slowly.

"Go to a foreign language school."

..." Aze was stunned for a moment: "What? Middle school?

"Hmm." I answered calmly.

"Damn it!" This guy raised his middle finger at me: "Holigan! You don't even let go of middle school students! You are too desperate, aren't you? At least leave a way for the future hooligans in our country!" Then he shouted solemnly, "Chen Yang, you are so guilty! You are killing the hope of our motherland in the future, you know?!"

I was about to refute, but I heard a car horn from the roadside. Looking back, I saw Jojo slowly parked on the side of the road in her red Ford.

"Hehe, I called her to come over." Aze smiled shamelessly.

I know he did it on purpose!

Because he usually picks up MM in the bar, Aze is not Qiao Qiao's opponent, but in the university town, Aze's record is much better than Qiao Qiao... After all, in college, in broad daylight, there are still few MMs who are willing to engage in same-sex relationships...

And every time Aze goes to the university town to play MM, he must pull Jojo together, because only in this case can he beat Jojo. Every time he saw the depressed expression on Qiao Qiao's face, Aze said that he was more satisfied than ****...

Qiao Qiao also looks high-willed. It seems that this kind of collective MM activity, whether it is a man or a woman, is very excited and looking forward to it!

I thought about it and told Aze that I had something to say to Qiaoqiao, so I went down and changed to Qiaoqiao's car.

Two cars, three hooligans, let's go, send troops to Xianlin University Town!

Qiao Qiao looked extremely excited. He slammed on the accelerator all the way, drove the car as a plane, and whistled extremely **, with a ** smile on his face. Later, I simply sang the Nanjing local version of "Eighteen Touches"..."

"Touch your head, you are so gentle...

Touch your wave, you are so obscene...

Touch your waist, hello**..."