evil spirit

Chapter 104 Life-saving Call

Chapter 104 [Life-saving Phone] "Brother, we won't see you off. Our car can't get into the city."

Looking at me with a long face, his tone is very sincere. Be careful when you go out! After a pause, he lowered his voice. Don't worry, we'll go back as if we haven't seen you and won't say anything.

I laughed. This guy is not bad and a little smart.

But I'm not worried. He said he wouldn't talk about it, which had no impact on me, and I didn't plan to stay in Shanghai for a long time.

I took out my wallet and gave them the rest of the money. After thinking about it, I added two more and handed it over: bring more money to avoid any more trouble.

Standing outside, the wallet is the courage of people, and you can't do it without money.

The long face refused for a while and took it.

Then they got into the car, and the fat man waved to me in the car and drove away.

At four o'clock in the morning, Ni Duoduo and I are standing on the street of a small road in the suburbs of Shanghai.

There were no pedestrians on the road. Ni Duoduo looked tired and snuggled up beside me, holding a bag in her hand, looking weak and helpless.

I thought about it and pulled her to look for it on the street.

I hurt my knee in one leg, and I was a little limping when I walked. I could only grit my teeth and stand up.

The early morning was the lowest temperature of the day. I dragged such a girl on the street and finally found a small hotel.

This is a place similar to a guest house. From the outside, it is the so-called fake hotel that people often call a "fake hotel". In fact, it also has a lobby like a regular hotel. There are seven or eight clocks hanging behind the counter, including Beijing time, London time, New York time and Manila time.

It's all marked - but most of the clocks have stopped, and at most only half of them are still running.

The waiter also pretends to be in uniform, but it is all dirty. The room is the same standard room as that of a star hotel, but the sheets will not be changed every day, and there is no room service.

Although there is also a TV, there is absolutely no wired phone.

At most, you can receive a central set of two sets and a local local desk. There is only soap in the toilet, no bath liquid, and the hot water for bathing is supplied regularly.

After the hour, there will be only tap water.

There is also a water dispenser in the room, but I don't know how long it has not been changed... If you dare to drink it, the resistance is almost poor, and you will definitely have diarrhea! The floor is paved, but it's greasy. I don't know how many days I haven't washed it.

Wallpaper is also pasted on the wall, but some places have fallen off.

Moreover, there is only one house.

The advantage of this kind of shabby hotel is that the management is lax. The waiter who was woken up by me from his sleep didn't even look at the form I registered. He took it over and threw it directly into the drawer, and then led us into the room with a bunch of keys.

The bath water is from 6:00 to 9:00 every night.

Then I stepped on my slippers and went back to sleep.

Looking at this dirty room, I was expressionless. I threw my bag to the bedside, pointed to one of the beds, and said to Ni Duoduo: Go to sleep quickly.

The girl looked at me timidly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't dare.

I smiled: What's wrong? Do you think it's inconvenient to share a room with me? No... Ni Duoduo bit her lip: Chen Yang... I'm sorry.

Her voice was soft, and her tone was very weak, with a little pleading.

I sighed: "Don't say that.

Go to bed quickly. We need to be energetic.

It's not that I'm stingy or unwilling to forgive her... It's that such a big thing happened. I'm really in a bad mood, very bad! Obviously, I'm really not in the mood to coax this girl. There are too many things to think about in my mind... Ni Duoduo bit her lip and seemed to want to cry, but she didn't dare to sit silently **.

Then he pulled over the quilt, just took off his coat, and lay down wrapped in the quilt.

I debugged it for a while. The air conditioner is good and can make heating, but the noise is very loud. There is nothing I can do... I looked at the brand of the air conditioner, and it turned out to be a bat brand... This brand seems to have existed more than ten years ago, and then the manufacturer closed down and did not produce it.

Looking at this antique that is as noisy as a sewing machine, I smiled bitterly and said to **'s Ni Duoduoduo, "Hold on. It's cold at night. If you don't have an air conditioner, you will get cold. If you feel noisy, take a tissue and stuff your ears."

Ni Duoduo of

** said "en" and said nothing.

I sat down and began to clean up the injury. It bumped in the car, and there were outsiders present, but I just dealt with it in a hurry.

I know that outside, the body is the capital. If the wound is not treated properly, once I fall down, the girl will be finished.

The fingers are swollen, and it is even difficult to bend the finger and index finger, especially at the nail, where the nail cover is already purple.

I found a small pair of scissors and carefully cut off the broken nails on them... When I lifted the nails, I inhaled in pain. As soon as the scissors went, the blood immediately came out, and I dyed two or three tissues to stop.

I sighed, found a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao, wrapped my fingers in gauze, and rolled up Xiangzi's knees.

Ni Duoduo sat up silently from **, looked at me and said carefully: I... I'll help you.

Looking at the girl's begging eyes, my heart softened, holding the medicine and gauze in my hand: Will you? Yes.

Ni Duoduo immediately ran down from **, walked to me and squatted down. She raised my leg and looked at the bloody wound on her knee. Suddenly, her eyes turned red. She turned her face and wiped the corners of her eyes. She took the medicine from my hand, carefully applied it to the wound, and then cut the gauze Get up.

Her movements are very astringent. In fact, she has hurt me several times, but I didn't say anything.

After finishing all this, Ni Duoduo looked up at me: Do you want to drink water? I'll pour it on you... I took a look at the water machine with a thick layer of dust. The ** in the bucket is a little suspicious... I smiled bitterly: No, don't drink that water. It must have expired.

Ni Duoduo burst into tears.

Then he suddenly buried his head on my lap and cried in a low voice: Chen Yang... I'm so scared... I'm so scared... I looked at her quietly for a while before putting my hand on her back, patted her twice, and said lightly, "Don't be afraid... You're safe now, and I'll protect you."

Yes, I'm sorry~ Ni Duoduo cried and gasped, with tears on her face.

My eyes were full of regret: it's all my fault... I made you like this... After saying that, the little girl raised her hand to slap herself. I pinched her wrist and said lightly: I'm so hard to protect you for fear that you will be hurt - do you want to hurt yourself in front of me? Deliberately staring into her eyes, I said slowly: If you really feel sorry for me, live well and be responsible for yourself. You are eighteen years old and are not a child.

Before doing anything in the future, you should think about it with your brain... Do you understand? Ni Duoduo nodded desperately.

Wipe away tears.

I sighed and relaxed my tone a little: "Okay.

Go to bed and refresh your spirits.

We... Where are we going? Ni Duoduo blinked at me, like a helpless chick.

Let's talk about it tomorrow. I haven't figured it out yet.

I pondered for a moment and didn't talk about it in detail with Ni Duoduo.

I can at least guarantee that the people who are chasing us now don't know that we have arrived in Shanghai.

But I don't know how long it will last... Maybe they will find Shanghai soon. Anyway, they can't find me in Nanjing, and they will definitely look for it in the surrounding cities.

At least if there is a scene at Nanjing Railway Station tonight, they must have known that I am going to flee to another place.

So according to normal speculation, on the one hand, they will continue to block the search at the local station dock in Nanjing, and on the other hand, if there is no news from me, they will search in the surrounding cities.

Southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu, to the west is Anhui, and to the south is Shanghai... But Shanghai should not be found yet.

Also, there is a reason why I chose to come to Shanghai.

Shanghai is an international metropolis, with a large number of foreign floating population. Many places are mixed with dragons and snakes, chaotic management, and it is more convenient to hide - the so-called looking for a needle in a haystack! I couldn't sleep at night. I was very alert. I always felt that there was something blowing outside. I was in a daze until dawn, and I felt a little sore in my neck.

My fingers have been a little swollen. After a little movement, it doesn't hurt so much when I bend it, but after sleeping all night, my knee hurts even more.

I know this is a normal reaction, so I can't bear to get up.

This room is on the second floor, next to another building. Even if the window is open in broad daylight, the sun will not shine at all.

Ni Duoduo is still sleeping. The girl is physically and mentally exhausted, and even snoring gently in her sleep. It seems that she is very tired.

The old antique air conditioner in the room was still roaring. I sighed, got up and put on my coat and went out.

When I got out of the gate of the hotel, I felt that the air was a little gloomy and cold. The weather was not very good today. It was overcast and the sky was very gray, as if it was going to rain.

I tightened my clothes, walked a few steps with my head down, and looked at several breakfast stalls at the intersection of the road ahead. I went over to buy two pancakes and brought back a bag of soy milk.

When I walked, I always lowered my head and walked along the corner. When I entered the hotel, I looked carefully to the left and right.

Back to the room, Ni Duoduo hasn't woken up yet. The girl slept a little dishonestly. The quilt was tightly wrapped around her body, and her body curled up in a ball, like a shrimp, but she was half horizontal in **, and even the pillow fell to the ground.

I didn't touch her. I just went into the bathroom, closed the door, then took out my mobile phone and dialed a number.

This number was left to me after Jinhe came to me last time.

An envelope he left before he left, in addition to Ni Duoduo's information and the money, it was such a number.

But he said, don't call when it's not necessary, and this number can only be called during the two-day day, and don't call at other times.

I tried to hit it in the car last night, but it didn't work.

At that time, I thought it was strange. Why was it so mysterious? But anyway, Jinhe and Brother Huan's whereabouts are very mysterious now. I can't find them at all.

Brother Huan and Jinhe's phone numbers would have been changed long ago. If Jinhe hadn't come to me last time, I would have lost contact with them.

I thought about it and dialed this number.

"Bout...Bout...Bout" The phone rang three times and was connected.


"It's a man's voice, which is very strong and his voice is very low.


I tried: It was Jin He who asked me to make this call. My surname is Chen.