evil spirit

Chapter 115 One pot

Chapter 115 [One Pot] After thinking about it, I said, "What kind of business is Xiaofeng going to do? Are you going to set up a portal and open a file to do business? Brother Xiaofeng smiled, sighed deliberately, and said leisurely, "Ouch... what else can I do! I'm from a woman's family, and I don't know anything about business? I can only do my old job! I have chosen the place. Don't worry, it's not in China! I plan to open a new stall, and then take advantage of the recent trouble to settle the mess here, and then take the money to do small business at ease for retirement!" I really guessed it! This woman actually wants to roll up the money and go abroad to start the game!! I stared at her for a while and couldn't help sighing: "I'm really curious... How did you pull up such a team in such a few months?" Don't worry about it!" Xiaofeng's face darkened slightly, flashed a strange color, and then giggled again: "Anyway, don't worry, I'm in charge of this place! If I don't sell you, you will be safe! My men are very tight-mouthed. People outside can't get in easily, and people here can't get out easily! You're right. I'm here. It's safe!" I sighed and shook my head: "If you do this job, you are not afraid of retribution... Damn it, the people below have been made crazy one by one. They cheat and leave a way to live. Your deception is to drag your family.

The whole family is trapped.

Xiaofeng raised her eyebrows and smiled coldly. She smiled a little shocked and stared at me coldly: "Retribution! Are you still afraid of retribution in your life? When I was 18 years old, I went to the sea to sell myself all the way to my twenties. I can't remember how many men rolled over me! You tell me about retribution?!" Her tone was a little vain and disdainful. In fact, it was a kind of hysterical venting, and the cigarettes on her fingertips were trembling: "Yes! I was forced by you to jump out of that *** and get into the current situation.

I have sworn that I will never be happy. I will beat Xiaofeng with my hand and then live by laughing to men!! Damn, do you think it's easy to make money if I sold it before? Young and beautiful, with two thighs, something seems to be easy, and the money goes smoothly! But no matter how beautiful a woman is, she is willing to open her thighs.

How many years can his mother sell it? You can't sell it for a lifetime! Inconscience? I will not be ignorant of my conscience and expect someone to support me for the rest of my life!" She laughed with a kind of light laughter: "Retribution! I'm not afraid of retribution! What happened to the bad thing? This world... Yes, men become bad when they have money! If a woman becomes bad, she will have money!!" Xiaofeng raised her chin, her eyes were like a poisonous snake, her tone was flying, and the soot fell to the ground without noticing it.

I saw a sign of madness in her eyes. After thinking about it, I closed my mouth and didn't say anything more.

To be honest.

I actually admire the crazy woman in front of me. How can a person like her say such a very interesting thing... Although the words are rough, the things in the words... are deep! Xiaofeng was a little irritable. She slowly walked back to Baiji's seat, reached out and pinched the cigarette butt, staring at me: "Xiao Wu! Can you give me a happy word? If you say it's okay, I can arrange someone to send you out tomorrow!" If I say no, are you going to tie me up to the person who is looking for me on the outside? Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I'm not as cruel as you. I won't tie you up and send you out. I'm in trouble for no reason! I kicked you out and threw you on the street at most. Didn't you say that now people outside are looking for you, of course... I'm at most kind to sneak out.

I looked at the woman and slowly stood up.

Xiaofeng glanced at me: "Why, do you want to kill me first?" I dare not."

I confessed honestly and said with a wry smile, "You are very cunning. Only when you know that I have a girl in my body can you dare to see me alone.

Don't be afraid that I will kill you.

Outsiders rushed in, and at most everyone died together. You know I won't spare my life, but you can see through me... But my little sister is over, and I can't bear to let her die.

"That's it!" Xiaofeng looked at me and said, "I know you so well. You are a wolf!" I'm not sure. Do I dare to meet you here alone? I'm from a woman's house, and I can't lift my shoulders.

You can kill me with one finger.

However, I know that you are very nervous about the little sister around you! I've been watching you all day. You have to protect him everywhere you go, and you have to take her by your side when you sleep at night... Xiaowu, I've never seen you treat anyone so well!" You're still wrong. You don't know me very well!" I deliberately sighed and stretched out my finger and shook it in front of her: "Since you know that I am principled in doing things, you should know that I won't do such an unconscionable thing now."

Xiaofeng said lightly, "Then I have to stop complaining that I don't miss the past... Hey! As I just said, we don't have any feelings anyway, but there is a lot of hatred.

She smiled at me viciously: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I said, I won't do it myself. You'd better run as fast as you get out of me... For the sake of the past, I won't let the wind go out after dawn... Hey hey..." I looked at her rudely and He gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "You're awesome! Xiaofeng, you are the most awesome woman I have ever seen! Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi! I wrote down what happened today!" She sneered, "Don't worry, if you die, I'll burn some paper money for you."

I was too lazy to talk to this crazy woman. I took Ni Duoduo to strode out of Xiaofeng's room. There were really a lot of people squatting in the aisle outside, and many of them looked like good people. No one stopped me all the way.

It's almost dawn now. I looked at the sky and sighed slightly.

As soon as I turned the stairs and was about to go downstairs, I heard a sudden shrill whistle below! Dudu!! Then someone screamed and shouted, "The simp!!" Then with a buzzing sound, it was dazzling. I don't know how many more searchlight flashlight columns were hit around, and I instantly lit up this small building as if it were day! I don't know how many shadows are towering around the front and back, and I can't really see the shadows. I can only see countless big hats shaking.

Then it's fierce.

The siren sounded, and for a moment, countless police and joint defense had surrounded it and rushed into the simple shed area behind from several directions.

In the face of such a sudden sudden, the people here seemed to be stunned.

Xiaofeng rushed out of the room furiously. She held the railing and looked down and shouted something: "You son of a bitch surnamed Zhang usually charge so much money. Now you dare to order me! You stinky street!" But she didn't have time to scold anymore, and she ran out from the other side of the corridor!! The noise outside shocked the whole building and a simple shed adobe house in the back, and several people were awakened from their sleep.

Both the fat sheep and the swindlers rushed out of the room one after another, but they were greeted by the batons in the hands of the police and the joint defense. Some police warned everyone to squat down with loudspeakers. Under the warning over and over again, there were still some old liars trying to He was knocked down by the joint defense.

Some dead elements even shouted something. I want to succeed. I want developed slogans, and then use inflammatory provocation to try to provoke those lunatics to fight against the police.

But it was obvious that the police were well prepared. Several people rushed into the residential area behind and disintegrated the sporadic resistance.

I first saw that the momentum was not good. First, I jumped down from the railing on the second floor behind the small building and then stood below and shouted in a low voice, "Jump down!" Ni Duoduo hesitated for a moment. In the dark, the girl actually held her incomparable trust in me and jumped down. As soon as she fell into my arms, the two of us rolled on the ground.

only eased the momentum of her falling, but the bag was cut open, and a lot of things were scattered.

I knew it was too late to get something now, so I pulled Ni Duoduo and ran back.

Originally, this place is very large. Even if it is surrounded, it is impossible for the police to surround this place into an iron bucket. There are always some dead corners.

Besides, I jumped down from the back of the second floor, and there was a dead end behind it.

I don't care about that much. I stretched out my hand and climbed over the wall.

Meet the room.

Although it's a little inconvenient to pull Ni Duoduo, it's dark at night, and it's noisy outside. The happy houses nearby are all safe to hide at home. No matter how noisy it is outside, no one dares to come out to watch the fun.

I climbed over several walls, and I went up first and then pulled Ni Duoduo.

I was exhausted, but the noise behind was finally a little quieter.

I found a secluded place and listened carefully for a long time. There was no police or joint defense to catch up, so I was relieved.

Damn, it's just luck.

As soon as she turned against Xiaofeng, she was besieged by the police. It seems that I got a chance to breathe for the time being.

It seems that I am really a lucky man, turning bad luck into good luck! I want to laugh, but I can't take care of it at this moment.

I pulled Ni Duoduo out of two or three paths, and then turned to a place where the store buildings on both sides of the road seemed to be slightly decent.

I hesitated again and again, and finally picked up the phone and dialed that number.

The bell rings three times, and the phone is connected.

The other party's first sentence turned out to be: "Have you figured it out?" His voice was still strong, but with a little mockery.

I understand what he meant. He didn't ask me if I had arrived, but asked if I had figured it out. It seemed to be in the phone call before today that he knew that I didn't trust him now! I didn't answer directly, but said lightly, "In my situation, there is no harm in being careful."

"Where are you?" He asked very simply.

I looked at the roadside building for a while and finally found a house address. I said the name of the street.

"... Damn it, you are all out of Guangzhou City! How did you get to that place..." The voice on the phone was a little surprised, and then his tone calmed down: "Wait, I'll drive to pick you up right away."