evil spirit

Chapter 123 Marginal

Chapter 123 [The Marginal Man] The fat man immediately moved away from the doctor's place.

When I came out, I found that it was behind a small yard, and in front of it was a pet hospital... The doctor was indeed a veterinarian! Now that Jin He has let me go, with his character and personality, he will not go back on what he said, so Jin He will not do anything to me again.

But the fat man can't believe Brother Huan... In his words, Brother Huan is not Jinhe. Since he can kill me ruthlessly, he probably won't let me go! After all, for him, unless I die, I can completely reassure him!" He didn't believe you at the beginning. You had to die to reassure him.

And now, if he kills you, it means that the relationship between the two of you has broken, so he won't believe you even more! He wanted to kill you before, let alone now?" The words of a fat man make sense.

I didn't say anything and obeyed his arrangement.

He pulled me away in the gray minivan.

This place is strange to me anyway. I'm not healed from my injury. I just lay behind the car. I let the car bump for most of the day. I don't know where the fat man drove me. I just feel that the bumps under my body are getting worse and worse. Originally, the car was still driving on the road, but with The road conditions are getting worse and worse.

Finally arrived at the destination, the fat man got out of the car and pulled around the back to open the door, helped me up, and said with a smile, "Okay, boy, you can stay here these days."

My upper body is injured, but the good thing is that my legs can still move, but I feel a little dizzy after losing blood. I can't do strenuous exercise. I can barely walk two steps slowly with the car.

It is obviously far away from the city, it seems to be a piece of countryside, and the surrounding air is full of local flavor.

The rural areas in the south are different from the rice fields in the north.

The smell of heavy chemical fertilizer came from some vegetable field, and it almost smoked me.

There is a village next to it, but it doesn't look very dilapidated.

The cement utility pole paved the circuit all the way to the village.

A typical southern spire-style tile house... Here is the big difference between the rural buildings in the south and the north.

Many roofs in the north are flat, while those in the south are spires.

mainly because there is a lot of rain in the south.

Especially in the southern coastal areas, a large amount of rainwater can only be supported by spired houses. If it is flat-roofed... There will inevitably be too much water on the roof and cause some trouble.

The place where we are is the end of the village, with two forks on one side, one left and one right.

The fat man pointed to one of the small courtyards and smiled, "That's it. Don't worry, it's safe here."

Cement wall, iron security door, door with door god.

The fat man took out the key and opened the door and walked in. He saw that the ground in the yard was very dusty, and there was a lot of charcoal on one side.

One kitchen, two large rooms.

This is the whole structure of the yard.

The fat man helped me into the house, and then carefully locked the door.

The room inside should be fully furnished, but it seems that no one has lived there for a long time.

There is some yin and dampness.

There is a big bed in one of the houses inside, and the one outside is a hall room. The fat man helped me lie down inside. I felt a little moldy on the quilt. It seems that I really don't know how long it has been.

The fat man went out for a while and drove the car to the back of the house.

In the lest it be seen.

Then he came in to me, wiped my face for me first, and said with a smile, "Your boy is so life-threatening. Do you know where this is?" I smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

"This is the place where many bosss have run and lived!" The fat man smiled and said, "There have been many famous people living in this place before."

I raised a little spirit: "Oh?" The fat man drove for a long time and seemed to be a little tired. He leaned against the head of the bed and sat next to me and said slowly, "You know, everyone has a little back.

It is very close to the outer port. After all, it is the southern coastal area. Some of the leading figures of those associations in Hong Kong have committed crimes and come out to run away. They usually go to Thailand and Vietnam, or to the mainland.

It's usually the same two.

He slapped his mouth, took out a cigarette, and we lit a twig. Then the fat man continued: "Running to Vietnam and Thailand is because of the low consumption level in those places, such as Vietnam, an ordinary family of three in the city earning only two or three hundred yuan a month. At that time, it will take a long Those who run to the mainland consider that the place in the mainland is too big, the population is large, and the place is large. Just find a squat. As long as you don't come out and don't contact with people, you usually can't find you.

He suddenly patted the bed under him, blinked, and said with a smile, "Do you know? A year ago, a club in Hong Kong and Kowloon committed an incident and came to the mainland, that is, I took him to hide here. He lived in this house for a month!" After listening for a while, my heart suddenly moved and I whispered, "Dude, what on earth do you do?" After saying that, I took a deep look at him: "Don't tell me that you are just a chef. A chef can't help people run away."

The fat man narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I'm indeed a chef, but some old friends in the past went into the water to eat. I'm too lazy to move, and I don't want to live the thrilling life of eating on the tip of the knife. I'm just a marginal person here... Do you understand? It's a point of response. If any brother is in trouble and runs to me, I will take care of him.

After watching it, those brothers will repay me more or less.

After saying that, he smiled again: "For example, I just told you that the Gangjiu brother who hid here for a month a year ago later returned to the world and killed him back. Now he is the top three among the registered characters in the Hong Kong o-ki and anti-black group!" I was not surprised at all.

I'm mentally prepared. I've known for a long time that fat people are not ordinary people!" Do you make money from this?" I laughed.

"No, money is not the most important thing."

The fat man said lazily, "I'm almost fifty years old, and more than half of my life has passed. What is money? Humph... I climbed out of the dead. I'm a person who has died once, and I can see everything more than others.

Some brothers are in trouble. Come here and help me if I can. They will be developed in the future.

If you have money, you are willing to give me money, but I won't refuse.

That's what happened..." At this point, there was a faint smile on his face: "For example, the old Hong Kong brother I said.

If I have anything to ask him for help in the future, it's a fire!" I was silent... After a while, I looked at the fat man again: "So... how long have you been doing this?" It's almost ten years."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

I took a breath! Ten years!! That is to say, I don't know how many people he has helped to run away!!! In ten years, I don't know how many people on the road have run away... After all, when people have a little back, in ten years, I don't know how many people owe him!! After these days of running, I have fully felt that after running, people are in a panic, like a homeless dog! And at this time.

If someone can stand up and give himself a hand... Undoubtedly, he will be grateful to this person for a lifetime!! How many of those fat people have helped in ten years? Even among the people he helped, only one-third... No.

Even if it is only one-tenth.

One in twenty, after running back, he became soaring... Then the human debt held by the fat man's hand is amazing enough!! Those popular figures owe him a favor. Even if they don't give him money, if there is any trouble for a fat man to ask for help in the future, as long as it's not too much... That's definitely no problem! What's the matter? Surprised?" The fat man smiled.

I didn't say anything.

I ate bacon at night.

This place is obviously one of the dens for fat people to help people run away, and fat people are obviously very professional in doing this.

A lot of food has been stored in this den for a long time.

In his words, running requires the awareness of running, and you can go out as little as possible.

Try not to contact with the outside world! Only in this way can we avoid the danger of exposure to the maximum extent! There is food and water at home, so it's better not to go out of the door! In a word, safety comes first! The bacon has been put for a long time, and it tastes a little different in the mouth.

But I ate very carefully... The fat man told me that my body needs nutrition to recover faster! Although it doesn't taste good, the combination of vegetables and meat can also meet people's normal nutritional needs.

In the next few days, the fat man has been here with me. He doesn't seem to have to go back to work, and what worries me more is... I'm worried that this will involve him! However, for my worry, the fat man just smiled faintly: "Don't worry, Ye Huan dare not provoke me."

Although it is just an understatement, the implied weight in it is self-evident! You'd better worry about yourself, boy.

The fat man looked at me and sighed, "Jin He won't kill you, but Ye Huan won't stop.

Don't think it's over.

He may get a corpse back, but he will still find a chance to kill you... Now you are alone, single, powerless... If you want me to say, you are a dead end!" But I didn't react to this.

In the past few days, instinctively, I don't want to be affected by mentioning all the topics of Brother Huan... I seem to be careful to avoid thinking of anything about Brother Huan! Sometimes in the middle of the night, I can't sleep when I lie in **.

Listening to the snoring of the fat man next to me, I quietly looked at the ceiling.

To be honest, I dream.

The scene I dreamed of the most was that Brother Huan often smiled and said to me in a generous tone, "Xiao Wu, you are my person, and I will not necessarily cover you!" In a blink of an eye, I dreamed that Jinhe pointed a gun at me and said, "Xiao Wu, I'm sorry..." [I'm sorry to everyone, I have something to do at home today (I went out to see the house in the evening, hehe, everyone knows that I'm getting married this year, and I've been looking for a Please forgive me!! This chapter is a little flat, but tomorrow's content will be wonderful~! ~]