evil spirit

Chapter 125 Mountain of Swords and Fire

Chapter 125 [Sword Mountain and Fire Sea] "No one can believe it, no one can believe it..." I chewed the fat man's words carefully, quietly looked at the gun in front of me, and then suddenly looked up and smiled at him, slowly stretched out my hand and picked it up.

"I'll choose the second one."

My fingertips gently touched the handle of the gun, and the tentacles were cold.

The fat man seemed to sigh: "I guessed that you would make such a choice."

He seemed to smile: "Young man, who will hide from it all his life?" He picked up his glass and looked at me again: "Come on, drink another one!" Tonight is our dinner. After this meal, I'll take you out of here.

Suddenly, a trace of confusion gushed out of my heart, and I smiled bitterly and said, "So fast?" It's so fast."

The fat man smiled sarcastically: "You haven't had enough of this dog kennel yet? I'm bored here... If it hadn't been for the fact that I couldn't find someone else to take care of you, would you be willing to stay with you for more than 20 days in this place where birds don't lay eggs? I looked at the fat man and suddenly choked. I picked up the cup and drank it all. I stared at him: "Brother Fang..." This is the first time I have called him that, but I shouted very seriously! I slowly smashed the small wine glass with my finger, and then took out a piece. I scratched a cut on my thumb to let the fresh blood flow out a little. Then I took the empty bowl in front of me, took the bottle and poured half a bowl of wine, squeezed out a few drops of blood on my thumb, and dropped it in the wine The fat man gritted his teeth solemnly and said slowly, "In my lifetime, I will never forget your kindness!" In the future, I, Chen Yang, will not die, and I will repay you ten times and a hundred times!" Then I picked up the bowl and poured the blood and wine into my mouth.

The fat man didn't say anything, just smiled gently, picked up his glass and took a sip with me.

Then he smiled gently and said, "I didn't expect you to be young.

will also learn from us old antiques to play the old scene of drinking blood for the alliance.

I shook my head: "What I'm telling the truth tonight!" I believe it."

The fat man nodded: "Live well. I'm waiting for the day you will repay me."

After eating this dinner tonight, we divided a bottle of white wine and drank it.

Not a drop was wasted.

The food on the table is also eaten up.

The next morning, the fat man took me away.

When the sky was hazy, we got into the car, and the fat man drove me away from the countryside where I had been dormant for more than 20 days.

I have been here for more than 20 days, and I haven't even gone out of the door, and I don't even know the surrounding environment at all.

The car drove for more than an hour.

Then he came to a warehouse, which was far away from the city and seemed to be a building materials market. The fat man's minivan drove into the city and stopped at the door of the warehouse in the back.

"That's it."

The fat man jumped out of the car and pulled me into a small door in the warehouse.

In front of a container truck inside, two men were squatting there smoking. Seeing the fat man come in, they immediately stood up and shouted "fat brother" with a smile.

The fat man nodded, then took me over, pointed to me and said, "This is a brother. This time I'm taking him there.

Who is driving today? One of the two, who was thin and tall, immediately smiled and said, "It's me, boss."

He spoke a typical Cantonese Mandarin with a cigarette in his ear.

Then he looked at me twice: "This handsome boy is very young. He must have done great things in the past. Don't forget your little brother when he is developed in the future."

The fat man laughed and kicked him: "Is the pass ready?" Boss, don't worry!" The thin man smiled and took out the key, then went to the back of the container to open the door. He smiled at me and said, "You've been wronged. Sit inside for a while. If I park the car, don't make a sound and don't move, okay?" I nodded and stepped into the container.

I leaned against the innermost part and put a bottle of water on the ground. There was nothing else.

Then the fat man and the thin man worked together to move a lot of boxes in. They piled up outside me. After a while, they couldn't see me from the outside.

Ten minutes later, I felt that the car started on the road... I don't know where the car is, but I believe the fat man's arrangement.

If he doesn't say anything, I won't ask much.

The cars along the way are very stable. They seem to be driving on flat roads. The boxes piled up in front of me look like some electronic plastic accessories.

The car stopped twice along the way. Every time I stopped, I carefully huddled in it without saying a word or making a sound.

One of them, I even heard someone open the door of the container outside, and then there was a faint sound of a thin man smiling face.

I seemed to hear him laugh and say, "Sir, no problem. They are all formal goods entering the port, and there is a customs clearance form."

Then I couldn't understand what they talked in Cantonese, but then the container was closed and the car continued to start... I don't know how long it took, and I almost fell asleep halfway... The most uncomfortable thing was that I couldn't go to the toilet and peeed for a long time... Finally, after the car stopped, someone put a The son moved away, and the fat man laughed outside and said, "Come out!" I watched a few workers in uniforms who didn't know what they were wearing, coming in to carry the boxes down. The fat man stood outside the car and smiled at me with cigarettes in his hand.

Those workers work very well, but they don't look at me at all. It seems that they are not surprised at all that there is a person hiding in the car! I jumped out of the car. The fat man saw the doubts on my face and said lightly, "The goods in this truck are real. They are all legal commercial goods. There is no problem.

This worker is a porter of a logistics company... In fact, most of these Hong Kong E logistics companies are empty-handed at the dock station, which are controlled by the community. Many workers themselves are members of the community. They take people across the border in the car. If they see too much, no one will say it, and no one will be surprised.

I have used this line for a long time. Their boss has something to do with me and won't say it.

This is a warehouse, next to the dock.

The sea breeze is blowing.

I suddenly have a feeling of being a person for two generations.

"Is this Hong Kong?" I opened my mouth.

"Strictly speaking..." The fat man stood by the sea and pointed to the countless spark lights on the opposite coast: "That's Hong Kong Island."

I nodded and then jumped down one step.

Run to the seaside below.

The fat man shouted, "What are you doing?" Pee!" I laughed and scolded, "I almost blew up!" When I zipped up, I asked the fat man, "Are you going to take me to Hong Kong?" It's not E-book sky hand-made.

The fat man shook his head: "Hong Kong is still too close to the mainland.

And Hong Kong's underworld and Hongmen are the same vein, and you are still within Ye Huan's radiation range.

I looked at the fat man: "Then where are you going to let me go?" The farther the better."

The fat man didn't explain it after saying that.

Then he took me to the edge of the dock, where there were a lot of containers, but most of them were empty.

It seems to be a container yard.

He took me to an unmarked delivery on it, and then opened the door.

It is actually arranged into a room, with beds, cabinets, and tables and chairs.

I even saw a lamp.

"Sleep for a while. There will be a boat to pick you up at night."

The fat man looked at me before he left, and suddenly smiled: "By the way... by the way.

You don't get seasick, do you? If you are seasick, don't eat from now on.

This is the standard smuggling... I slept in the container and was woken up at night.

When I was resting, the fat man did not come to me again, but woke me up at night. With a relaxed expression on his face, he dragged me up from ** and sighed, "You are so lucky... Alas, I finally found a boat."

I smiled bitterly: "You won't see me off until today, will you?" The fat man curled his lips and said, "Do you think I'm an airliner? Are there regular flights to all over the world every day? Damn it.

This kind of work depends on luck. I'm not in the same family with those snake heads. When I meet someone who is transporting people, I'll take a ride to send you up.

He took me back to the dock. After waiting at the dock for a while, a small motorboat came over. It was very small, and the back of the motorboat was still covered with canvas.

I stared: "How can such a small ship go to sea?" The fat man kicked me into the boat and scolded, "You are a policeman!" It's difficult to smuggle in the mainland now. It's all from Southeast Asia! Now there is a boat passing by. At the outer sea, we will go to sea in this boat, and then let you get on that boat in the outer sea! It depends on my relationship. They reluctantly promised to stop at the sea for an hour and wait for you to get on the boat!" The man who drove the motorboat was a black and strong man with a strong face. He concentrated on driving the boat and didn't look at me.

The fat man pulled me to the back of the boat.

The first time I went to sea, although there was no wind, the hull fluctuated quite a lot. The man drove the boat very fast and quickly.

The fat man touched under the canvas for a while, touched a bag, stuffed it into me, looked at me quietly for a while, and then said, "There are clothes in this bag, and there is still a little money."

The fat man took a good breath and said slowly, "I don't have much money. Do you have any RMB or something on you? Leave it to me. It's useless for you to go out. In case you accidentally show it, it will attract people's attention."

I nodded. In fact, I didn't have any cash on me. The money left by Jinhe that day was collected by the fat man.

"The clothes inside will be changed when you get ashore, and as soon as you get ashore, you will change your clothes and tidy yourself up.

In case of being seen by the police, if you dress like a beggar, be careful not to be caught.

The fat man then slowly reported an address to me: "When you arrive, find this person at this address..." He said a name, and then asked me to repeat the address and the name. Finally, "You saw him, needless to say, just that I let you go, you and the word with him... He will understand when he hears it!" A sea of knives and fire.

I nodded to show that I remembered