evil spirit

Chapter 126 First Class Treatment

Chapter 126 [First-class treatment] I have never been out of the sea and at night.

I can't tell the direction of the sea at all. The motorboat drove for a long time, and then stopped halfway. The black man who sailed the boat made a canvas ^ There is a can of gasoline below!! I was in a cold sweat! Just now, the fat man and I even leaned against the canvas and smoked!! I feel cold when I think about it! The fat hand looked indifferent.

I added oil halfway, a few hours later.

The black man who sailed the boat measured his position with an instrument, then took a look at the fat man and said a strange language.

He is not speaking Chinese.

The fat man looked at him and then talked to him in that strange language.

I was moved and looked at the black man carefully. He really didn't look like a Han Chinese.

"Don't look, he's Vietnamese."

The fat man said lightly, "He has a bad temper. Don't always look at him."

After waiting quietly for a while, our boat floated on the sea, and the Vietnamese were impatient.

Speaking to the fat man from time to time, the fat man has a leisurely expression.

Finally, there was a faint motor sound in the distance, and then the searchlight flashed a few times. The fat man immediately stood up, took out a large flashlight from under the canvas, and lit it at the other party a few times, all flashing at a strange rhythm.

When the two sides lit the lights for a while, the fat man nodded and looked back at me: "Kid, your boat has arrived."

The big ship stopped, and our motorboat started and leaned over. I saw that there was no national flag flying on the ship, and the hull was a little dilapidated. It seemed to be modified by a large fishing boat.

There are also abandoned fishing nets and other devices next to the mast.

After the two boats docked, someone above put down the rope.

The fat man smiled and said to me, "Let's go up."

I picked up the bag that the fat man gave me, thought about it, and turned my head to look at the Vietnamese.

said in a very sincere tone, "Thank you."

To be honest.

I'm purely habitual to do this.

Because others have helped me, I will get used to saying thank you.

The Vietnamese looked at me and suddenly there was a smile on his cold face.

Then he took something out of his seat and handed it to me.

is a bottle of mineral water, and it is a miscellaneous brand.

And it's open, only half of the bottle.

The fat man glanced at the bottle, then looked at the Vietnamese with strange eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Kid, he likes you.

Take this thing.

Maybe it's useful on the road.

I took it in doubt. Although it was a mineral water that he had drunk, I still carefully put it in my bag.

The fat man accompanied me on the boat.

There were five or six crew members on this ship, all of whom looked indifferent. I saw someone even brazenly pinned a gun around his waist.

There are still several diving devices hanging in the cabin.

The fat man laughed and hugged a man.

Then he pulled me and introduced, "This, my brother!" That man is very short and thin. He actually speaks Chinese, but he is very non-standard and very stiff: "Your brother... and you, not like you! You.

It's very big, he.

It's very small!" He smiled and made a hand gesture, which probably described the figure gap between me and the fat man.

Fat smiled at himself.

Then he took out an account number from his arms, took out his mobile phone in front of the man and dialed a number. After the phone was pressed, the fat man took the mobile phone and handed it to the man. The man immediately looked serious. After listening for a while, he smiled with satisfaction and patted the fat man: "Very good, it'

Me too!" He raised his chin to me: "Go in, you sleep in my room!" The fat man told me another phone number: "After you get ashore, find a place to call this, and someone will pick you up."

After finishing all this, the fat man patted me to say goodbye.

Before leaving, he grabbed me and looked at me with a smile: "Kid, do you know why I saved you?" I don't know."

I shook my head.

"Because there are too few people like you.

If you die, one will be one less."

The fat man smiled sadly: "So I don't want you to die."

When I watched him jump off the rope, I was suddenly a little moved and reluctant. I walked to the side of the boat and said to him loudly, "Fang Dahai, I, Chen Yang, will come back one day!!" The fat man just waved to me, and then laughed and said, "Ask yourself before doing anything in the future. Is it worth it!" The motorboat left quickly and quickly went away.

I looked at the distant boat and said to myself, "It's not worth it! But... I don't regret it!" I seemed to be free from myself: "At least I don't owe him now."

This is a stowaway ship, that is, the legendary snake-headed ship.

The man who traded with Fatty is also a Vietnamese, but he seems to have done a lot of business with Fatty.

I can speak Chinese.

His name is even more strange, and he is called "Old Snake".

When the fat man sent me on board.

I also wondered why the black Vietnamese on the fat motorboat didn't go on the boat.

I didn't know until later... Although they are both Vietnamese, they come from different origins, one from South Vietnam and the other from North Vietnam.

Although the political situation is different from many years ago, after the historical resentment, we also say that we will not invite Chu to the resentment between South Vietnam and North Vietnam.

I have only been here for a day, and I already know that there are No. 30 people under the cabin! This boat used to be a fishing boat... In fact, it is also now.

It is publicly said that it belongs to a fishing company in Haiphong City, Vietnam, and the fishing devices on board are real.

When you are usually unlucky.

This boat is used for fishing, and when necessary, empty the cabin below to load people! I didn't go to the cabin under the deck, and the old snakes didn't go down by themselves.

The E five books and six empty handboats on the ship all live in the upper cabin. I live in the room of the old snake. It is said to be the captain's room. In fact, it is about the same size as the toilet at home. A small bed, the sheets are full of fishy smell, and there are tattered nautical charts

I eat the same food as the crew. It's all fish food, and there are a little vegetables every day.

And those who also stowaways live under the cabin.

I can't see them at all.

I don't know what they look like... They have never even walked to the deck.

Because the cabin door to the bottom has always been locked! Only one crew member sends a small amount of live water and food every day.

I can be sure with almost a glance... That little water and food are not enough for forty people to eat! But the old snake didn't care at all. He chatted with me.

In his words, the land is full of people and snakes.

"Just don't starve to death."

It is also a smuggling.

And I enjoy almost the best treatment. I eat the same as the crew. I can texathe the deck every day, and I even smoke cigarettes... That's a cigarette left by the fat man in my bag.

I randomly scattered a few packs of cigarettes to the old snake and his crew, and immediately let them see that my face softened a little.

Because of my cigarette offensive.

Most of the crew looks good to me. I can also walk around on the deck at will. Except for one of the cabins they locked, I can't go in, and I can go around other places.

At night.

I can even play cards with the crew.

The bet is a cigarette.

It's fast.

In less than four days, I ran out of cigarettes.

Frankly, I even thought everything was fine in the past four days... until... on the fifth day, the weather was fine, but it was a little hot.

Standing on the deck, you will see the sea on all sides.

No wheel can't see a trace of land from any angle.

This feeling will make people feel very, very small! And there is no wind today, and the sun shines directly on the nail wrench.

It's a little hot! I felt hot when I sat in the cabin and couldn't help but go outside. Most of the crew were naked, and there were people who were lazy to wipe their armor. The old snake sat in the driving room and smoked. His forehead was full of sweat, cursing something with words I didn't understand.

The ship is full of fishy smell. Although I've been used to this smell in the past few days, it's so hot that I still can't stand it. Only when the deck is tate can I feel a little better.

At this time, a crew member went inside and said something to the old snake.

After hearing this, the old snake was very calm and said a few words... Then, I stood on the bow deck and saw with my own eyes the two crew members walking to the cabin below. In less than a minute, I carried a man out! The man did not move. When he was carried up to the ground, his arm drooped, as if he had lost consciousness.

It was less than seven or eight steps away from me, and the two crew members looked indifferent.

Carry it to the edge of the boat and throw it into the sea! I was stunned!! The two crew members seemed to be unresponsive, and even seemed to be used to it. They clapped their hands, then went to the two of them and laughed at each other, and went inside and found a bag.

Open it and look through what's inside.

My heart has been sinking, and I can't help walking quickly to the cabin.

The old snake was also there. I hesitated for a moment, and my face was a little grim: "Just now..." The old snake was watching his men turn over the bag, but just picked up his head and looked at me casually: "That man is dead."

I took a deep breath: "Is it... a human snake?" Yes!" The old snake shrugged his shoulders indifferently and spread out his hand: "It's normal for the dead."

At this time, the two crew members suddenly cheered and pulled out a pile of bills and half a pack of cigarettes from the bag.

The old snake E face book Tian Wukong watch went to flirt and grabbed the money, and then took out half of it and threw the two crew members.

The rest was put in his arms, and as for the half pack of cigarettes, he also took it away.

Then the old snake came to me, took out a cigarette from the half a pack of cigarettes and handed it to me: "Or?" I suddenly felt a little nauseous and want to vomit... Seeing that I didn't mean to answer, the old snake smiled coldly: "What are you afraid of? On the contrary, he is dead. He doesn't need it, does he? Half a pack of cigarettes was distributed to the crew.

Then I ordered one myself.

I didn't say anything and looked at the crew quietly.

In my mind, I was thinking about the person who was thrown off the ship... His identity, his age.

Name, no one knows.

But a big talker.

It's gone!!" What do you think?" The old snake came to me and said to me, "Dead people...normal.

I die a lot every time.

He grinned and pointed to the bottom of the cabin: "It's hot above, and it's hotter below!" Without wind, there is not enough water.

That man was unlucky, so he died.

When he smiled, he showed his yellow teeth.

The sun shines on me, but I feel a little cold.