evil spirit

Chapter 128 A Group of Beasts

Chapter 128 [A Group of Beasts] There is too much difference between here and first class treatment.

I leaned against the corner, but the stench around me made me a little suffocate. I carefully found two pieces of paper from my bag to pinch them into a ball, stuffed my nose, and breathed with my mouth.

This is a little better.

Lying down, in addition to the unpleasant smell, what is even more unbearable is the lack of oxygen.

There were so many people in the narrow cabin, but the upper hatch was closed, and dozens of them were breathing in the cabin, feeling as if their lungs were blocked by something.

After a long time, it is inevitable that the brain will be dizzy.

There was a hard hatch under me, and there were some branded people. I leaned against the corner to make my body more comfortable and pressed the bag behind my waist.

After a long time, the eyes adapted to the dark environment in the cabin and could faintly see something.

Maybe it's an illusion or maybe I'm too **. I always feel like some guys around me are sneaking at me.

In the dark, I saw a few pairs of eyes staring at me, spying on something.

The woman not far from me is still coughing, but her voice is very depressing. It seems that she doesn't dare to make too much noise... I think it's a little strange. Do I have to bear to cough and dare not make a sound? Sitting in the cabin, I don't know what's going on outside at all, and I can't even calculate how long the time has passed.

In the dark, I sat for a long time. At first, I tried my best not to sleep, but finally I closed my eyes... I don't know how long it took, I was in a daze.

I felt that someone touched my feet. I woke up and squatted beside me. One person was touching my feet, and the other seemed to reach out and lean towards my waist and abdomen.

I shouted instinctively, "What are you doing!" Then he kicked a person's hand away, and then waved to open the other person in front of him.

When the two people saw that I was awake, they simply did not sneak around, but brazenly grabbed me.

One hugs my waist and the other presses my leg! I was so angry that I twisted my body and threw it away.

Then he pinched the recent man's wrist and twisted it hard. The man screamed, and he immediately fell to the ground. The guy who pressed my foot was fiercely held on my face, covered his face and screamed and bounced away.

I immediately turned over and sat up, grabbed the guy beside me who had dislocated my wrist with one hand, grabbed his neck, and lowered his voice: "What are you doing!" The man "snucked" a few times, and I only saw him staring at me in the dark.

There is a little malice and timidity in their eyes... They are like coyotes in the wilderness, despicable and vicious, but full of timidity at the same time.

He muttered a few words. I couldn't understand a word, and I couldn't tell whether he was Vietnamese or someone.

But I judged that these two people are also stowaways, not the crew above.

I was relieved, but I saw three or four more people next to me.

Looking at his figure, he looked bad. He just looked at me and knocked down two of them. It seemed that he was a little hesitant to come over.

Then the person who was held by my neck muttered a few words in a hurry.

I feel that his body is not struggling.

Slightly loosened his hand holding his neck, he immediately sat up and carefully retreated.

Open your hands at the same time.

This is a gesture of surrender or compromise.

He carefully retreated to a safe distance, and then his eyes were still staring at me, and a short word suddenly appeared in his mouth.

"Water!" This time I understand. He speaks English. Although my English is very poor, I still know a little bit of single words.

After all, I also went to middle school.

I looked at him coldly: "NO."

The man said again, "Food?" I STILL SAID, "NO."

This guy still didn't give up. He said a few more words and made a gesture.

I didn't understand what he said, but according to his gesture, I understood that he seemed to want to exchange food for water for me, or water for my food.

That's probably what it means.

I sneered and still rejected him.

If he was still on weekdays, I would have gone up and couldn't beat him up! I know very well that they just wanted to steal from me while I was asleep! And when I woke up, they wanted to rob! If it weren't for my skills, I'm afraid I would have been bullied by them! Shit! If you can't grab me, do you want to exchange it with me? I looked at him coldly and thought it would be good if I didn't rob you! Those guys didn't dare to approach me. They confronted me for a while and retreated.

I don't want to make trouble at all.

Because I don't know how many people they still have in the dark. In this situation, I told myself not to be too arrogant and try not to mess with things! This is not your place! Several people retreated behind the crowd around me, and I found that not far from me, several people sitting and lying around the ground were secretly looking at me.

These people clearly saw someone rob me when I was sleeping, but no one asked to remind me... I'm not surprised. Don't expect anyone to be so great when you go out! To my surprise, the place closest to me, the coughing woman, also sat up a little and seemed to face me.

However, because it was too dark in the cabin, I couldn't see anyone at all, but I vaguely felt that she seemed to be looking at me.

This woman still coughed one by one, but her voice was very soft, trying to hide something.

I always feel that her cough is a little familiar, but I don't think much about it.

When I encountered this kind of thing, I was a little more vigilant.

I don't know how long it took in the dark. I just felt that I was starting to be hungry.

My mouth was very dry, so I touched it from the bag for a while.

There are still two bottles of mineral water in my bag. I took out the first bottle and found that when I left the fat man's land, the Vietnamese black man who drove the boat gave it to me.

That bottle of water seems to have been drunk by him. I instinctively changed it to an unopened bottle.

The unopened bottle was touched from the old snake's boat. I unscrewed it and took a few sips.

In the dark, the sound of me muttering and drinking water is very clear, and everyone around me can hear it.

Although I can't see, I can feel as if a lot of greedy eyes are shooting at me.

I didn't say anything. I twisted the bottle coldly and put it back.

I'm still hungry, so I can only put up with it.

I suddenly have an illusion... I'm not with a group of people, but with a wolf! Finally, when my hunger and patience were about to reach its limit, a sound suddenly came from outside. The hatch was opened and a beam of light was shot down from the outside. Then the two crew members came in from above fiercely, with guns in their hands.

drove away several people sitting near the door of the cabin with the butt of a gun, and scolded in his mouth.

Then the two of them threw the next wooden barrel on the ground with a bang, and one of them laughed a few times.

The barrel seemed to be food like bread, but it didn't look real. One of the crew members smiled evilly.

Look at the stowaways around who want to gather in the past.

Suddenly, he picked up the gun and shouted loudly, which immediately scared people to retreat one after another.

He picked up a piece of bread again, just like teasing animals in the zoo, flirting with the hungry people below for a while... I can't describe that appearance, but under normal circumstances, I would definitely want to cut this turtle grandson with a knife! The companion next to him seemed to be a little unpleasant.

He said a few words impatiently and pulled him out.

At this time, the crowd immediately rushed over and went to grab the bread in the barrel.

I immediately got up from the ground, strode over, hit the people in front of me with my shoulders, and squeezed in.

I don't know how many people have heard scolding and how many people are shouting. I don't care so much at all.

This is not the time for me to show my demeanor.

I only understand one thing: if I'm a step late.

I'm going to be hungry! I almost opened the person who squeezed in front of me with my fists. I squeezed out a road with my fists and feet. I was also hit a few times, but my hand was heavier. After I knocked down by a few people, I rushed to the edge of the barrel and grabbed a few pieces of bread in one breath... The tentacles were very hard, and the Hard in hand.

I didn't care about the scolding around me, and someone hit me, as if they were going to hit me. I waved an elbow to knock down the guy closest to me, and then quickly grabbed a piece of bread.

At this time, I was hit on the waist and immediately staggered. When I turned around, I saw several people staring at me maliciously. With their figures, I immediately identified the person in front of me who wanted to rob me when I was sleeping! I rushed over immediately, punched the man on the nose, and then hit the other person hard against the wall, with his knees on his lower abdomen.

The other person immediately retreated and dared not conflict with me.

I squeezed the crowd hard and went back to the corner. When I sat down, I felt my legs weak.

To be honest, I'm hungry and I'm a little exhausted.

Pinch the bread in your hand... Let's call them bread for the time being. I doubt if my teeth can bite them. I can see that this thing is almost dry. I don't know how long it has been left, and there is a layer of suspicious hair on it... Suddenly, an anger gushed out of my heart, but as the anger It feels like it's coming to my mind.

Is this me? Is this my Xiaowu? Is this Chen Yang? I'm still in captivity in the cabin like animals. They feed like pigs, and I grab these foods like animals! I smiled angrily. I wiped off the suspicious moisture from the corners of my eyes, and then gritted my teeth and opened the bread in my hand.

The outer layer definitely can't be eaten, and it can't be bitten, and some parts inside are soft and pointy.

After I opened my petals, I threw them into my mouth.

Try your best to put up with the strange smell.

It's a little sour, and it seems to be bad.

I suddenly looked at the stowaways in front of me and felt ridiculous.

I can't be chased and killed! What about you? You spend a lot of money to smuggle... Damn good people don't do it, they run here as beasts! I don't know when, I feel that my heart seems to have changed a little. My heart is full of resentment and anger! In the past, I might have had a little pity for these people, but now... I think these people deserve it indifferently! I tried to eat something, and I stopped eating.

Take a break and look at the guys around.

The person who grabbed the food was desperately stuffing his mouth, and those who didn't grab it could only sit and sigh.

Of course, there are also some people who are physically strong. When they see that the people next to them have food, they rush to grab it.

Torn, shouting, for a moment, these sounds filled the whole cabin.

I looked at these guys and told myself: See, Chen Yang, these are not human beings, they are all beasts! Just as I was eating and preparing to rest for a while, the door of the cabin opened again. I saw the light above coming in and judged that it was daytime outside.

The two crew members first came down and took out the empty barrel, and then moved a barrel down.

This time, I felt that everyone was staring at the barrel! The things in the bucket are rippled, shining! That's...water! Then a guy came down. It was the black man! He still had a ferocious face, naked, revealing his muscular muscles, trousers and leather boots underneath, a dagger in his waist and a long gun in his hand. He slowly came down the stairs, followed by two crew members, and then sat on the stairs with a bucket of water beside him.

Although people wanted to rush to grab the bucket of water, the crew behind them forced everyone with guns.

The black man suddenly grinned and showed his white teeth. I felt that there was something very evil in his smile.

Then he suddenly stretched out a finger and pointed to a stowaway standing in front of him.

It was a short middle-aged man, staring at the bucket.

The black man's finger ticked and signaled him to move forward.

Then the black man took out something like a ladle from the bucket, which seemed to be a wooden bowl, washed half a bowl of water, handed it to him, and then raised his chin.

The middle-aged man showed a surprised expression and immediately took him over and took a big sip. He only took two sips, and the black man took him back, and then took him back to the crowd with one kick.

Then he laughed, his eyes swept around the crowd, and then hooked his fingers from time to time, pointed out the person he was looking for, and let people out to drink water.

He has a high expression and is extremely arrogant.

Anyone who is ordered by him can come out to drink water... But you can't drink too much, you can only take a sip! If you drink too much, you will get kicked! Most of the bucket of water soon went down.

This guy seems to be teasing these people like a beast.

Suddenly, he turned his fingers in the crowd for a long time, ignored the eager and expectant people, and stopped on me standing in the last row.

I'm taller than these people. Although I was standing in the last row, he noticed me.

This guy smiled indifferently and then hooked his fingers at me...