evil spirit

Chapter 132 Life Shouldn't be destroyed

Chapter 132 [Life Shouldn't Be Extined] I silently beside Xiaofeng's body for a long time. Looking at the dead woman, I couldn't help but have a strange idea gushed out many times in my heart, as if I hoped that she could turn over and come back to life.

But as time went by, I finally sighed.

I was not willing to drink too much water. I just took a few sips to relieve my thirst. After resting for a while, I felt a little more strength.

I sat next to Xiaofeng and looked at her. I knew that she couldn't hear her, but I couldn't help whispering to her, "Thank you!" Then I picked her up, pushed her hard to the edge of the boat, and let go of her hand... Xiaofeng's body fell into the sea, slowly sank, and disappeared little by little... I couldn't help immersing my head in the sea, opened my eyes in the sea, and watched her sinking down little by little under the water... Her body Open, the hair was rolled up by the sea and drifted away.

It was not until I couldn't hold my breath and my eyes were pierced by the sea that I shrank back and lay on the boat and gasped.

I told myself, Chen Yang, there is nothing you can do.

I have to push Xiaofeng's body down into the sea and put it on the boat. The sun and wind will stink in two days.

This extreme woman, she finally had a little conscience before she died... I hope she can rest in peace.

Originally, I was desperate and thought I was dead this time, but now I suddenly got such a bottle of glucose water... In despair, I suddenly saw a glimmer of hope, even if it was just a little bit.

will instinctively use it all to catch it! So do I! I don't know if this bottle of water can support me to get through this.

But at least I see a glimmer of hope now! At least I don't have to die for the time being! Don't die now! I can't bear to drink it all at once. It's only when I can't support it that I allow myself to drink only a small sip, a small sip! I began to work hard for my own survival! With the orientation of the sun, I distinguished the direction, and then began to row with the oar. I rowed to the east.

According to my judgment, at least I saw the gunboat chasing the stows, which is the Canadian flag, so I think my current position should be not far from the west coast of Canada... This is purely a blind judgment in despair, but I still try to encourage myself.

I started rowing and took a break when I was tired, although I knew that I tried to row for a long time when I encountered an ocean current.

It's easy to grasp the deviation from the direction... But at least it's much better than lying down and waiting to die and do nothing! Glucose water can not only quench my thirst, but also replenish my physical strength! Relying on this bottle of water, I persisted for another two days... Two days later, although I was not dead, I only had one breath left.

My body was as soft as cotton, and I didn't have any strength at all. I was so hungry that I didn't even feel it... At first, my stomach was uncomfortable, but then my stomach had no feeling.

I only feel that my body is empty.

Looking at the money in that bag, I really want to eat the money! But I know that if it's white paper, maybe I really ate it... But the money, with printed ink on it, eating it is equivalent to dying.

The turning point of things has finally arrived on the third day! The mineral water bottle is empty... not a drop can be poured out.

I licked the mouth of the bottle with my dry tongue, but I couldn't lick a drop of water.

But I felt the tip of my tongue greedily, as if I could feel a touch, and I could feel the residual sweetness on the wall of the bottle... The wind has changed! I looked up at the sky in surprise and found that the sun that had been exposed to me for so long had finally disappeared, the clouds in the sky began to pile up thicken, and the waves on the sea began to become violent... If I guess correctly, it should be a storm is coming! I'm really thirsty and hungry.

But his body was also very cold, and his whole body was numb with cold. At this time, he struggled, picked up the bag on the ship and tied the three bags together, which may increase the weight a little, which is good for stability.

Then I pulled the rope on the rubber raft, carefully tied myself in two ways, sat quietly on the boat, holding the oar in my hand, clenched it tightly, and also fixed it in my hand, quietly waiting for the storm to come! The waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger, and the hull of the ship goes up and down.

Finally, a thunder came from the sky... I just felt my body tremble, as if the whole sea was raging! A wave threw up my rubber raft and started the storm! I couldn't open my eyes anymore. The raindrops were almost without warning. I tried to fix my body while trying to fix my body. At the same time, I rowed with oars. The rubber boat flew up and down like a roller car. I was afraid that I would be thrown out several times. Fortunately, there was a rope under my feet.

I opened my mouth, but unfortunately, although the rain was heavy, it didn't fall much in my mouth.

I don't know how many times my rubber raft has been thrown up and down. Every time I think I'm really finished this time! But every time, I was surprised to see that I was still alive! The ship is constantly ups and downs in the waves, and it may be subverted at any time! I should feel lucky, because although the storm came violently and quickly, it also disappeared quickly! It was the same as when it started, as if it was after a big wave, I suddenly felt the speed drop, and the boat landed in a wave and gradually calmed down... The clouds all over the sky dissipated in an instant, and the sun penetrated again. I even felt that the light was colorful! Then I was surprised to find that there was already a lot of water in the rubber raft! I almost shouted happily, took out the bottle and carefully filled a bottle first, then threw myself on the raft and tried to drink a full meal. Finally, I thought about it for a while... I did not hesitate to take out a canvas bag full of money, empty the money inside, and then carefully filled the accumulated water with the canvas bag.

I think I'm at least thirsty for the time being! For the first time in my life, I suddenly felt that drinking water was so luxurious and a happy thing! In the following days, my heart was full of hope! I was exhausted, but suddenly I felt that I had some strength again! The feeling of hunger still torments me, but I picked up the oars and started rowing again! In this evening, I finally saw a little sail in the distance! The course of a ship came towards me. The hull was a little old, and I could even see the rust on it, the sails on the mast, and the long net pulling devices hanging on both sides... I immediately recognized that it was a fishing boat! I immediately stood up from the raft, raised my arms and waved hard, and at the same time exhausted the strength of my life, I shouted loudly! The boat found me, and there was a sharp whistle from the boat, and I was relieved! A string in my heart, which had been tight for a few days, finally loosened! I was like an athlete who suddenly ran 10,000 meters. At the moment he rushed across the finish line, his whole body's strength left me. I felt that my legs were weak and my brain began to faint... The boat began to shake in my sight... No, it's not that it's shaking, but myself! I tried to open my eyes, but I found that the shadow of the boat in front of me was getting more and more blurred... Damn it, it was getting closer and closer, but how could it be blurred... I subconsciously raised my hand to rub my eyes, but at this time my body softened... Plop! I fell into the sea! The cold sea water annihilated the top of my head and poured it into my mouth. I had no intuition, but I felt that it was very dark in front of me... It was very dark... ****** A ray of strong light shot into my eyeballs.

I feel that my eyes hurt a little and my head is dizzy. I try hard to open my eyes, but I always feel that my eyelids are out of control... Not only my eyeballs, I can't even feel my body, as if my body has been completely separated from my consciousness.

I only vaguely saw that there seemed to be a room around, a flashlight shaking in front of me, and the light was shining on my eyeball.

Instinctively, my eyes turned a few times, and I immediately heard a few chatuting dialogues in my ear.

I regained a little consciousness and finally understood why I couldn't control my eyelids... My eyelids were stretched out by one hand... Then the man let go of his hand, and my eyelids gradually closed. My last trace of consciousness was to see that there seemed to be a sign on the wall... It was in English, and I couldn't understand it.

But there is still some joy in the bottom of my heart.

I'm sure of one thing... I'm still alive! After confirming this, I fell asleep again...********"! @#$$%%$^^" I woke up, and the words in my ear made me a little confused. I couldn't understand a word. I tried to open my eyes and look at the people around me.

A man who looks very strong, standing in front of me in a pair of fat trousers with a strap, is quite clean, but his face has a lot of beard, and the bridge of his nose is very high, very strong, very tall.

I tried to open my mouth: "I don't understand what you're saying."

He saw me open my eyes and speak, with a surprised expression on my face, and then a long list of words, and then shouted something... While he was shouting, I looked around.

This is obviously a cabin. The space is very small and full of fishy smell. The bedboard under the body is very hard, but it is good enough to be very warm, and I still have a blanket on my body.

A man came in, wearing a thick coat, a little dirty. To my attention, he was wearing a hat, like a captain's hat. He was tall but thin.

Hold a cup in your hand.

This man came in, first said a few words to the strong man, and then the strong man went out. The man came down to me and handed me the cup first.

I hesitated to pick it up. This is a cup of hot coffee. I took two sips and felt much more comfortable.

This person looks very strange. I identified it and confirmed that he doesn't seem to be a white man.

But it doesn't seem to be a purebred yellow race... It should be mixed race.

I saw it from the color of his skin, the height of the bridge of his nose, and the outline of his facial features.

Then he spoke to me in English.

I understand this time, because what he said is very short, just a word.

"North Koreans?" Koreans?" I always shake my head.

He continued to ask, "Japanese?" No!" I loudly denied it.

"Chinese?" Yes."

I nodded.

He grinned. His teeth were a little yellow, but he smiled kindly.

Then he stammered to me, and this time he said it in Chinese! Although it is not standard, and it is obviously a little stiff, a little stiff, and some words do not make sense, at least it can barely make me understand what she means.

"Hello! Welcome to board the boat.

I, Captain, Wick!" When he said he got on the boat, his pronunciation was like "to go to bed", but I didn't laugh at this time.

But looked at him seriously: "Thank you.

Captain Wick... You saved my life!" I was afraid that he couldn't understand, so I said "thank you" in English again.

At least thank you for the word, I still understand it.

Fortunately, he could understand me, and then he asked me a few questions.

I hesitated for a moment and told him frankly that I was a stowaway.

I don't have a certificate and can't speak English or French (Canada is a bilingual country, and some of the population speaks French).

At first glance, it is a stowaway.

Wick shrugged his shoulders and didn't seem too surprised.

Then he stood up.

Look at me with a very serious expression: "Sir, you don't have to be too grateful for saving you, because that's what any conscientious crew member at sea will do... But for your identity, I have to say... You have brought me a big trouble! It's a lot of trouble!" He was afraid that I wouldn't understand, so he made a gesture with his hand at the same time.

made a huge gesture.

"You... Have you called the police?" I'm a little nervous.

Captain Wick looked at me for a while and shook his head slowly: "No."

I was relieved, and then he smiled at me: "You are very lucky, because you are Chinese... so is my mother.

When she was young, she also smuggled to Canada!" I watched him say nothing.

But Wick changed his tone and looked at me seriously: "If you are just a stowaways, I can not call the police and wait for us to the next port.

You can get off the boat secretly, and I can pretend that I don't know... But now, you have brought a big trouble to my boat!" I looked at him and didn't say anything.

Wick took a step back and pointed to the corner: "Are those yours? Are you really just a stowaway? I took a look at the corner... Those are two bags... There are those dollars in it! I see, Wick is doubting my identity! A stowaways can't carry such a huge sum of money!" Sir, I now suspect that your identity is not just a stowager. I even suspect that you may be a drug dealer or an arms smuggler! You know, on the sea, only these two kinds of people will carry so much money! And it's still cash!" I have calmed down and looked at Captain Wick. I thought for a moment, "What are you trying to say to me..." I suddenly saw a strange look in his eyes... I have seen too much of this look recently.

is a kind of greed! I immediately calmed down and took a deep breath: "Captain Wick, can we make a deal?" No, no, no, no!" He immediately shook his head and said, "I don't deal with drug dealers!" I'm a legal crew member, a legal fishing company!" I laughed.

To be honest, although I have never been a crew member, I also know that the crew is... How many of the crew are really legal? Especially for those who go abroad, even if they are doing proper business, it is also very common to carry some private goods when running a boat.

It's no secret that many boaters smuggle some small goods to earn extra money.

"I'm not a drug dealer."

I looked at him and said, "My transaction is also very simple."

I tried to make my smile peaceful: "I'm very grateful that you saved my life, so in return... I'm willing to give you this money for free... um... just treat it as a private donation to your fishing company."

I can see that although Captain Wick looks serious and friendly, he is actually very cunning! He stopped talking, but looked at me quietly and listened to me.

I saw that he didn't interrupt me, and I knew that there might be hope.

I immediately said, "In addition, I hope you can meet my small request... I just hope you don't call the police, and then let me go ashore when your ship docks, that's it."

Captain Wick seems to be thinking about it.

His eyes wandered back and forth between me and the money in the corner.

My heart is beating... In fact, I don't expect him not to call the police... If he is a legal crew member, then it's normal for him to call the police! What I'm afraid of is... To be honest, I'm afraid that he will make money! It's not that I'm despicable, but that I've seen too many things these days! To put it a bad word, if he is cruel, he will directly kill him on the boat and still go into the sea to feed the fish, and then the money will naturally belong to him! In that case, with my current situation, I don't have the ability to resist at all! Don't think I'm unfounded! At least a trace of greed flashed in this guy's eyes just now, and he didn't escape my eyes! I just hope he doesn't do anything wrong.

I don't care about that money at all. Anyway, it was not my money, so I gave it to him.

As long as I can get ashore alive.

Moreover, if he receives my money, then I'm sure he won't call the police!! Because if I am arrested by the police, he can't afford to collect money! I looked at Captain Wick quietly, and finally, I saw a smile in his eyes...