evil spirit

Chapter 137 Opportunity Sub

Chapter 137 [Opportunity] (Part 2) In the evening, we were suddenly called out of the room and shouted to the warehouse behind the garage! I found a car parked here. Ciro and I, as well as more than a dozen workers present, were ordered to start working.

This is a red Mustang off-road vehicle. The license plate is gone. I clearly saw a few bullet holes on the windshield of the car! And the doors and tires of the car are stained with some blood! Seeing this, I remembered the news I saw today, and I almost immediately understood something! More than a dozen of us workers, with all kinds of tools, spot welding guns, cutters, and some skilled repair workers... We opened the front cover of the car's engine, and then quickly removed all the mechanical parts inside! Tires, spindles, etc.... All the parts of the car have been taken out, and there are special people waiting behind them. With tools, they easily erased the numbers and marks on the engine, typed new ones, and then did some processing.

After last night, there was only one shell left in the car... There were no tires, and the seat cushions inside were removed... Then, we picked up the spray gun and started to move on the shell of the car.

We actually changed the paint of the car, and then the car made a four-row lamp on it, made some changes to the door and rear of the car... Finally, we continued to disassemble it... An originally complete car was made into countless pieces almost one night.

It has been dismembered into countless parts.

I know these parts, engines, spark plugs, and oil pipes.

and so on, these will be used in the future when the repairer will repair the car for other people's guests. If there is anything that needs to be replaced, it will be used immediately.

And modifying the roof of the car will not be wasted.

Because guests often drive their own cars here, they ask to modify their cars to be more personalized, such as modifying the roof to make a row of lights, or raise the rear of the car a little higher, which looks very different... We were busy all night.

until dawn! At dawn, I can say for sure... that car.

It doesn't exist at all! I'm even sure that there is almost nothing that can be seen! Because this car no longer exists at all! It is divided into countless parts, and then it will be assembled into countless cars... I'm afraid even if it's a fairy, it can't be found out! I know it's necessary to do this.

The police usually go to the black car market to check the lost vehicles, but now that the car has been turned into zero, how to check it? We workers have been busy all night.

No one was so tired that their eyes turned red, and then we were allowed not to work during the day, and then some older leaders asked us to go back to rest.

I washed my hands and washed the oil in my hand. I was about to go back to my room with Ciro when I was stopped.

"Chen Yang."

When I turned around, I saw a man under the eighth master. Last time I seemed to have seen him in the eighth master's room.

My heart jumped and I heard him say to me, "Come with me."

The eighth master wants to see you.

I subconsciously looked at Ciro. His eyes were a little envious, but he didn't say anything.

smiled at me and left alone.

I followed this man out to another warehouse. This is a big repair workshop. It's so late that I see that there are still many workers busy. They seem to be modifying cars. The dazzling light of electric welding makes me subconsciously avoid my eyes.

I went down the stairs to the second floor. I stood on the railing and looked down. I found two men standing aside, both in simple coats... They were not wearing work clothes here, which surprised me.

Because I've been here for a week, unless it's my own people here, no one outside is allowed to come in from behind! However, I didn't talk too much, but followed the Eighth Master's men to the flash door.

"Go in."

The man took a look at me.

When I pushed the door in, I saw the Eighth Master sitting in a chair, dragging his chin with one hand, as if he was meditating about something.

"The Eighth Master."

I walked up to him and stopped and shouted in a low voice.

He came to his senses, looked up at me, and then pointed to a sofa by the wall: "Sit down."

This sofa is right by the wall. I sat down, and behind me was the window. Outside the window and downstairs, the workers who were modifying cars were busy.

The eighth master handed me a cigarette first, and then smiled and said, "I've been here for a week. How do you feel?" .........Very good."

I answered calmly, "It's good here, and everyone is very good to me."


The eighth master smiled, then took out a large envelope of kraft paper from the table and gently threw it to me: "This is yours."

I was stunned. I opened it and looked at it. It was all some certificates, and I couldn't help looking up at the Eighth Master.

"Your legal identity."

The eighth master smiled. His smile was very peaceful and amiable: "In the future, you will not be a black household. Even if you meet the police on the street, you don't have to be afraid. Now that you have a passport and a visa, you don't have to be afraid of the immigration bureau.

But your visa is temporary, only three months. After three months, I will help you get a real permanent identity.

"Thank you, Master Ba!" I looked at him solemnly.

"You got it from a fat man. Anyway, I'll take care of you."

The eighth master said lightly, "I heard that you seem to have some emotional problems this afternoon?" I was stunned for a moment, but then I realized that the boss of the gym must have told the eighth master.

I hesitated for a moment, but it's better to say it frankly.

"I'm in a bad mood."

I looked at Master Ba and looked at him without hesitation: "Master Ba.

I jumped into the sea, and the sea is also a life-death. It's not easy to get here. I want to do something! No matter what.

At least I don't want to be a little car washer here all my life! This week, I worked here and felt..." "I don't think it's promising?" The eighth master smiled, with a deep meaning in his smile: "Do you think life is very miserable?" I didn't say anything, so I just came to acquiesce.

"Young people."

He rubbed his temple, then looked at me deeply, and suddenly stood up and walked to the window.

He turned his back to me and looked at the busy workers under the window: "Have you seen them?" I saw it."

"They are all my people! Many of them have good skills and are willing to work hard! There are many like you.

They all jump into the sea and come here! They all have their own passion and want to do big things! They all rely on me to eat now.

Do it for me... Why can my eighth master stand still in Canada? Because I have many brothers! I sincerely admire my subordinates! Each of them can willingly go out and work for me!" He turned around, and there was a trace of a sad expression on his original green face: "Do something big! Everyone wants to do great things! But how can there be so many big things for you in the world? Everyone wants to take the lead, and everyone wants to take the lead! But opportunities are always very few! Do you think we are the U.S. government? Find a place to fight all over the world every day? After fighting Afghanistan and Iraq, and Iraq and Iran? Where are there so many big things for you to do?? He suddenly sighed and shook his head.

whispered, "I'm old... Over the years, I've been in and out of here. I don't know how many people are hot-blooded young people like you. They are extraordinary, and their hearts are higher than the sky. They want to do great things and get ahead... But in the end, how many of them survived? I've seen too much and sent too many people into the coffin... They are all good young men! What about you?

Everyone wants me to give you a chance, but do I like to send you to death? He changed his tone and looked at me: "You are a newcomer... After all, you are a newcomer! Don't forget this.

My eighth master has a lot of brothers to take care of.

Some people have been waiting for me for two years.

For three years, I haven't had a chance to go out to work! How long have you been here? One week! Are you in a hurry to get angry? Can't help it? No one is worse than anyone else! With me, all brothers are equal! I won't look at you because you were sent by a fat man! If I let you go at any opportunity, what will my other brothers think of me? What will they think of you! You were sent by a fat man. I'll help you play with your identity. These are all human feelings.

But you can't pay attention to human feelings when doing things!" I was silent.

I understand that what the eighth master said is very reasonable.

There is nothing wrong with him doing this.

Yes, others have been waiting here for so long. Why did they let me rise up as soon as I came? Looking at my frustrated expression, Master Ba suddenly smiled again, patted me on the shoulder, comforted me, and said, "However, you do have some ability, and I understand.

You are very good at playing and good at it.

I can't see it.

I said that you can't be humane when doing things.

I only look at my ability! You really have the ability, and I won't let you waste your ability! Um... I came to you today. There are two main things. The first is to get your ID card for you, and the second one..." He smiled mysteriously. He looked at me and said gently, "I'll give you a chance now."

I feel refreshed! In the early morning, I had packed up a few clothes, and then I got into a car, that is, under Ba Ye's office last night, the workers modified the car.

I sat in the front co-pilot's seat.

The driver is the man of the eighth master.

In the back row of the car, there are two men sitting, the two men in coats I saw last night in the garage of the Eighth Master.

These two people looked very cold. One didn't like to laugh, and the other kept smiling... But I still felt that he was very cold.

Because even when he is laughing, his eyes are a little sharp! Both of them are 40 years old. They are obviously Chinese. They put their hands in their pockets and start to sleep when they get in the car. They didn't say a word to me.

The car quickly drove out of Vancouver and headed north.