evil spirit

Chapter 140 Blood Washing on

Chapter 140 [Bloodwashing] (Part 1) East China Sea Siding Street, Vancouver Chinatown.

In Shunchangzhai, a Cantonese teahouse in Guangdong, I sat near the window and looked at the street relaxedly.

It should be said that Vancouver's Chinatown is still relatively noisy and prosperous, but those typical Nanyang-style buildings, in my opinion, are always rustic.

Most of the Chinese here are from the southern population. Of course, most of them are towards Minnan and Cantonese. In the teahouse, there are Cantonese operas that I can't understand at all. Dingdong, Yiyi... I just look at the opposite side of the street with a teacup... In my pocket is the photo given to me

In the photo, there is a middle-aged man, about 40 years old.

In the photo, he looks kind, but there is a scar on his head, which completely destroys the person's artistic quality.

Like many mixed roads, he has a gold chain with thick fingers on his neck - obviously, this photo was taken secretly, because he was sitting in a car with a cigar in his hand, with a somewhat arrogant look on his face.

This person's name is called "sand snake" and is a leading figure of the Luo Clan Association, a well-known organization in Vancouver's Chinatown.

The clan association is a very distinctive term in Chinatown, Vancouver - basically, here, the so-called clan association is a black organization, just like the domestic Taoist community, a product formed under many historical factors.

There are many clan associations in Chinatown, which are basically some Chinese community gangs, but this Luo clan association is obviously a very important one here.

I know.

The goal that the eighth master gave me.

That is the name of the person who sounds like a sand snake, it is not the main goal of his intention to attack the local Chinatown gang this time - he will not give a very important thing to a newcomer like me.

But for me, this matter cannot be ignored.

The eighth master was well prepared. He gave me all the information about the sand snake. I studied it for a day and found that he had a very fixed habit, of course.

This is also a common problem of men all over the world - lust.

Sand Snake is not the number one figure of the Luo clan. He can only rank third and fourth at most, because the biggest economic source of the Chinatown gang: the drug trade is not the responsibility of the sand snake.

He is responsible for some basic things in the streets of nearby Chinatown, such as.

In the porn industry, there are also some teahouses and other local protection fees.

This is also a thing that makes me sigh.

In this place abroad, there are Chinese gangsters in Chinatown... But what disdainful thing is that these local traditional gangsters can only bully Chinese and are very weak to foreigners. Their power is basically shrunk in Chinatown in Chinatown, and they can't extend out.

That is to say.

They are also immigrants from China, but these gangs rely on parasitic survival on the basis of other ordinary Chinese immigrants.

The sand snake is lustful, which gives me a very important message.

He has a favorite lover on this street.

From the seat I'm sitting in now, there is a barber shop across a narrow street.

This is a place where the decoration is a little different. The wide rainbow lights flashing outside and the large advertising fashion posters are very fashionable, but there is a little rustic inside, and some girls who wash their hair wear a set of pink T-shirts.

The lower body is a pair of denim shorts... A pair of bare legs deliberately revealed, a little obscurity... Especially the hem of the T-shirt is too long, which will even cover the shorts, which will make people look a little erotic.

This place is a famous pornographic place in the nearby Chinatown.

Its operator is one of the many mistresses of the sand snake.

And now, the sand snake comes here almost every two or three days.

Of course, part of the profits in this field also belong to the Luo clan.

I have been sitting in the teahouse opposite for the whole afternoon.

This street is not prosperous.

There are not many pedestrians coming and going. In the narrow streets, I didn't even see a few cars coming in all afternoon.

The waiter of the teahouse is a very young Chinese boy. When you are young, you will even doubt whether he is an adult. Since the last hour, he has looked at me with a suspicious look from time to time.

I know that I have sat for too long and attracted people's attention.

I'm wearing a very ordinary coat on the street, light color, and the style is very ordinary.

My hair has been repaired very short, with a wide toad mirror, black, covering one-third of my face, plus two glances of the fake beard I can put on my lips, I'm sure that no one will really control my appearance unless he approaches me.

A pot of Tieguanyin in front of me, because I have added water many times, is already very light.

I still kept my patience and looked across the street.

From time to time, there are also some suspicious men in and out of the shampoo center. They all come here to have fun.

I smoked one cigarette after another, and in the smoke, I was like a poisonous snake waiting for prey... Finally, at six o'clock in the evening, the target I was waiting for came.

A black Ford slowly drove into the street and stopped at the door of the shampoo center. A driver-like man jumped out of the car first, then opened the back door, and then I saw the sand snake coming out of it.

His real person looks fatter and stronger than in the photo.

However, that face looks faintly with the unique tough temperament of a man on the road, especially the scar on the forehead, which is faintly oily.

The hair is also very short, with only one layer of green.

He wore a Tang suit, touched his forehead casually, and then strode into the center of the shampoo.

I narrowed my eyes and watched the driver standing at the door smoking. Then I waited for about five minutes. I stood up slowly and carefully extinguished the cigarette.

I slowly pushed the door onto the street, lowered my head, walked slowly to the driver, and then passed in front of him with a blank face.

I noticed that he seemed to look up at me, and there was a smell of examination in his eyes, but he turned his eyes away with just one glance.

I opened the door and walked in.

The place inside is obviously not big. There is only a narrow corridor. Two women with heavy makeup at the door stand behind the counter, but they are very revealing. They are all the kind of long hem T-shirts and shorts, plus low neckline.

Seeing me coming in, one of them immediately greeted me, and then seemed to say hello to me in Cantonese. I didn't understand, but I probably understood that she might ask me if I was looking for my young lady. I just said "OK" briefly.

She immediately took me in, and deliberately twisted her waist, which was not slim, in front of me.

Obviously, the barber chairs and mirrors outside are all decorated, and the hair washing boxes in the back are the main place.

I was taken to a small dark room in the back. There was no door in this room, but it was separated by a cloth curtain that was put down.

The young lady led me in, then went out and put down the curtain.

There is only one lounge chair in this small room, which is the kind that can make people lie down and wash their hair.

I waited quietly for a while, then carefully took out a toy mask from my pocket and put it on myself. Then I took off my coat, turned the inside out, and put it on.

As soon as I finished all this, the curtain was lifted outside.

A girl in a low-cut top and short skirt came in.

From the heavy makeup on her face.

I can't see her age clearly. She wears slippers and looks tired, but she is strong.

Her hair was a little curly yellow. Obviously, as soon as she came in, she suddenly saw a person standing in front of her wearing a mask. She was a little stunned, and her subconscious reaction was to open her mouth to shout.

I went up and covered her mouth, and the other hand pinched her neck from the side. With a force, I pulled her over, strangled her with my elbow, and then raised my hand to cut the artery behind his neck.

The woman hummed and softened.

I sent her away, lifted the chain and went out.

This is a corridor, with many almost identical private rooms on both sides. There are curtains hanging at the door of each room, and some suspicious sounds come from inside.

I slowly walked through the corridor, walked all the way in, and then walked to the end of the corridor. It was a closed door. I pushed it, then took out a needle from my pocket and straightened it.

This kind of inferior door lock was opened silently with a double poke. I heard the music of a very old Cantonese song and the sound of water.

I took a deep breath and walked in gently with my waist.

This is obviously a separate private room. On a retractable chair inside, the sand snake is half lying down, with its face up, and his face is covered with shaving cream and white flowers. He closed his eyes and put his hands on the armrests on both sides of the chair. From time to time, he tapped gently according to the beat of the music Standing in the middle of the chair and the pool, she was in good shape from her back. She was not tall, but had a thin waist like a water snake. She carefully held a brush and continued to apply shaving cream on the chin of the sand snake, and there was a razor on the edge of the pool next to her.

The sand snake was obviously very interested. Her hands slid down quickly and touched up the woman's calf little by little. I heard the woman laugh very much, knocked off the sand snake's hand at will, and then whispered something.

twisted his waist to the pool and picked up the razor.

I waited quietly at the door, hiding behind the wall, only revealing a pair of clear eyes.

When the woman turned around and walked towards me, I immediately withdrew.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. When the woman walked to the door, I immediately reached out and scratched her neck, didn't let her make any sound, and dragged her aside.

Almost just for a moment, I punched her on the chin accurately, which made people dizzy in an instant.

Then I walked into the room silently.