evil spirit

Chapter 143 The performance begins Next

Chapter 143 [The performance begins] (Part 2) After two days of rest, I found a traditional Chinese medicine massage master in the car wash and gave me a massage for two days. I felt that my body had recovered. In the afternoon, I was practicing boxing with Silo in the gym.

I'm starting to teach him some kung fu now. Ciro is very smart and learns quickly. In the case that I don't have a heavy hand, he has been able to practice with me for a while. "Chen Yang, the eighth master wants to see you."

The door of the gym opened, and Tiger shouted at me at the door. I broomed Ciro down and looked at Ciro, who was lying on the ground and gasping: "Put up the horse for another hour."

Then he pulled a towel to wipe his sweat and went to the door.

"The eighth master is back?" Yes, he wants to see you."

The eighth master is indeed back. I remember that I haven't seen the eighth master for almost a week.

The place where he met me is still in his office.

The eighth master looked in good spirits. He was wearing a Tang suit, black, a pair of cloth shoes under his feet, and his hair was obviously carefully repaired. The expression on his face was very relaxed, and he felt a little energetic.

Seeing me come in, he asked me to sit down, and then suddenly asked me a strange question: "Chen Yang, how did you know Princess Sophie? Did you offend her?" I was stunned for a moment: "No."

Then I told you what happened at the police station that day.

The eighth master just smiled after listening to it.

I'm a little surprised: "Is there a problem? The eighth master?" It's nothing."

He shook his head: "She is just a playful little girl.

Only this little girl has a very powerful father.

We now have some cooperation with his father..., but it seems that she misunderstood you last time, and you left some impression on her.

I met her last night, and she asked me about you... Well, she's just a child. I'm going to meet the hell angel tonight. You can go with me, and then you can apologize to her.

She is Solin's daughter, and I don't want to affect our cooperation because of some unnecessary things.

Do you understand? The reason is that the relationship between us is in the honeymoon period recently.

"There is no problem."

I didn't ask Ba Ye what business he cooperated with Hell Angel. I understood what to ask and what not to ask.

"Well, originally I also wanted to take you with me. You are the young man I admire. Now that you are my own person, I will train you more. There is an occasion in the evening. You can go with me, and I will introduce you to some people.

Some of them are likely that you will deal with them in the future.

The eighth master looked at me with a smile: "You look very good... by the way, do you have a suitable dress?" I shook my head.

In the afternoon, the eighth master found someone to get me a suit.

I took a look and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The brand of this suit is the same as the first suit Fang Nan bought for me. Coincidentally, even the style and color are exactly the same.

I changed into this suit in my room and looked at myself in the mirror... The last time I dressed like this, I followed Fang Nan when I was in China.

Looking at myself in the mirror, it seems that I have returned to the years in China... To be honest.

Up to now, that's the warmest and most comfortable life I've ever had... And now I'm still wearing the same clothes, and I'm still me.

The face is still a face, but looking at the man in the mirror, I can't help sighing... I rubbed my cheek and smiled bitterly at myself in the mirror. I had to be a little helpless, but more of an indescribable complicated mood.

My eyes are no longer like the little five at the beginning... That eyes are a little more fierce... A little bit of vicissitudes... and even murderous!! I have encountered too many things in the past few months.

I feel that my clothes are a little tight. Maybe I have exercised a lot recently, and my figure is stronger than in China.

The top button of my shirt has been unbuttoned.

Because I don't have the habit of wearing a tie.

A little bit of a strong chest was exposed, and I carried a small thing with a silver chain on my chest.

This is my ring! In fact, since I came to Canada, I have thought a lot about the ring... The more I think about it, the more I feel that the reason why I have encountered so much trouble always seems to have something to do with this ring! The idea of this ring in my heart now is very complicated... so that I even have a little more resistance to using the ring... I don't even want to, or don't want to, or avoid using this ring again.

On the one hand, I seem to have a strange treasure in my hand, but on the other hand... it seems to bring me not only good luck, but also always bring me trouble! It can even be said that if I hadn't met this hunting ring, I might have lived a peaceful life in China with Yan Di now... Yan Di... Alas, Yan Di... I shook my head and forbade me to continue thinking.

When he walked out of the room to see the eighth master, the eighth master looked at me with a little satisfaction in his eyes. He looked in a good mood, and even patted me on the shoulder and smiled, "Good boy, it's not bad."

Ba Ye's car was driven by Tiger.

This makes me a little more associated... Obviously, Tiger's position beside the Eighth Master is like Jin He beside Brother Huan... Forget it, I smile bitterly and still don't let myself think about these uncomfortable things.

Baye's car is a Rolls-Royce with bulletproof glass and explosion-proof tires.

There are only me and Tiger around the eighth master, which makes me a little surprised.

Because of the recent situation, don't you bring more people around the eighth master? In response to my question, the eighth master smiled, and he said lightly, "Now they have been scared by us.

I dare not mess around.

If they dare to touch me.

Then in less than a month, our people will sweep the whole Vancouver over! They are not fools.

We have shown our strength, and now it's time to negotiate.

Tonight's occasion is a charity party at the Hilton Hotel.

Ironically, those who came to this charity party were representatives of some famous underworld families in North America, as well as some large companies with underworld backgrounds! The organizer of this charity party is Mr. Solin, the godfather of Hell's Angel, the emperor of the underground world of Canada.

A charity party held by the underworld world... It's really ironic to say so.

But this is normal.

I remember that when I was in China, the fat man said something to me: What is really black? Only when the black has reached the realm of black and white can it be called real black! Now is not the era of pure fighting and killing.

Big underworld organizations are industrialized, bleached, corporated... from black to white, and then use their legal identities to engage in illegal undertakings, or whitewash the large amount of illegally obtained wealth... This is the mainstream of the development of the underworld world now... Those street gangsters.

In fact, it can't be regarded as a real underworld at all.

Enter the mainstream, corpsification, industrialization... All of these need exposure, some necessary procedures, according to certain rules of the game.

For example, for some large companies with a gangster background, they also need to build credibility with the public and do charity to buy people's hearts... These are all necessary means.

The three floors of the Hilton Hotel have been wrapped up tonight, the largest banquet hall has been newly decorated, and all guests will be picked up and dropped off.

I also saw some police walking back and forth on the street... I think it must be very interesting... These big shots in it, their background.

Ordinary people don't know, but the police all know.

It seems that the world is really like this. The so-called black and white, soldiers and thieves are just different positions. At a banquet like tonight, if someone puts a bomb here and kills these underworld bosses... Or the police rush in and chase all these people inside to prison... I guarantee that I will issue a certificate. It will take at least five years to fight the underworld with a big hand! The crime rate will also be reduced a lot... But this is impossible... No police dare to come here to arrest people! As for the reason, it goes without saying.

This is the capitalist world. Here, a gangster boss, as long as the police have no evidence to arrest you, you can stand up and shout at the police: "Don't mess with me! I'm also a taxpayer, a taxpayer who feeds your police!" Not to mention the big shots in it.

I'm afraid that the police chief of Vancouver will be respectful when he sees them! In this world, it's really a little ***... Tiger and I accompanied the eighth master to the hotel, and the hotel opened a special elevator to the banquet hall.

The security level here tonight is also very high... Of course, there will be no body search, but there is a detection electronic door at the entrance, but each electronic door is decorated with flowers and other things, which is not so dazzling.

In fact, these are more than, because Tiger inadvertently said to me: "The whole of Canada.

No one dares to bring a gun in the banquet held by Mr. Solin! The police can't do it either!" The banquet hall is gorgeous and magnificent. I'm even sure that the diamond necklace on the chest of a noble lady on my left is enough for me to eat and drink for a few years! But after all, I have experienced this kind of situation in China, so it doesn't seem too cramped.

I relaxed and just followed the eighth master into this banquet hall... However, what I never expected was that I actually went from here to a stage that belongs to me, Chen Yang, belongs to my Xiaowu... stage! The show has started, hasn't it?