evil spirit

Chapter 144 You asked for it! Up

Chapter 144 [You asked for it!] ( The banquet hall is undoubtedly very luxurious.

And each of those people who come and go here has a very prominent background! The eighth master obviously has a certain network. I followed him and shuttled through the banquet hall.

Westerners basically choose to use cold dinner parties. I saw that almost all men and women gathered into small ***s to chat in a low voice.

Frankly, in the first ten minutes, I was still shocked... but after ten minutes, I had calmed down... or numb.

In any person, if you stand face to face in front of the third-ranked family leader of the North American Mafia, you will be very nervous.

But if within ten minutes, what you see are all the party charms like mafias, the heads of the notorious Ku Klux Klux Klan, the leaders of the Mormon sect, etc... There are so many prominent bigwigs of the powerful family shaking in front of you, and you will become as numb as I am.

The eighth master and a man with a bright smile on their faces, with a harmless expression and a fat man hugged warmly. The two talked happily for a long time, and then introduced me to each other. When the eighth master introduced me, he gave me an identity: it was his nephew.

I said hello with the English I have learned in a while recently. My English is still not very good. After all, it is not easy to learn a short language with the other party.

However, when the other party is not speaking too fast and the sentences are not too complicated, you can also understand seven or eight points.

This harmless white fat man is actually the representative of a famous drug family in the eastern United States! Then the eighth master chatted with an obvious Sicilian-looking old man for a while.

The two of them just casually talked about some topics such as weather or life. Finally, the eighth master politely cared about the other party's investment fee and got the answer: they invested in a recent movie with a good box office.

This old man is a mafia.

After a few words, we walked away. The eighth master smiled and said to me, "It's a good way to invest in movies to launder money... Unfortunately, we are Chinese, and the investment restrictions are very unfavorable to us... Alas, we can't intervene in a good business channel for the time being."

Tonight so far.

I still have some doubts.

I don't quite understand why the Eighth Master took me to such a level of underworld party.

Although I have officially done something with the eighth master.

But I haven't even touched the business in the hands of the eighth master.

Tonight, the eighth master took me to such an occasion, and it was obvious that the role I played was not just a follower. Several times, he seriously introduced me to several big shots, and the introduction said that I was his nephew.

The intention of this kind of behavior is worth thinking about.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

I finally saw the legendary man who controlled the entire Canadian underworld, the master of the Canadian underground order, and the godfather of the Hellian Angel: Mr. Solin.

Mr. Solin should be as old as the eighth master, but he looks much older than the eighth master.

Full of silver hair, just like the head coach Lippi, who just led the Italian team to win the World Cup last year.

His face is very clear, his chin is slightly thin, and his lines are very attractive, because it is a pair of blue eyes that are exactly the same as Princess Sophie - I'm sure.

Mr. Solin must have been a handsome man when he was young.

His eyes are full of wisdom, which is a kind of calmness and calmness and calmness precipitated by the years. Such a person's whole body is full of a kind of demeanor, which makes him look very eye-catching, and every move seems to have the momentum of a superior.

It can be said that among the big shots I have seen in my life.

Mr. Solin in front of him is absolutely top-notch in terms of his manners and momentum! Then I saw the "Princess" standing beside Mr. Solin.

If the previous short encounter, the beauty of Princess Sophie left the impression on me that her beauty belongs to the kind of innocence like an angel, then tonight, she shows the exact opposite side... The long golden wavy hair was cleverly rolled up, deliberately showing her swan. Ya's neck, she wears a dark tight sleeveless wrinkle shirt, and the low-cut open heart style perfectly shows the upper curve of her hands! It's the two perfect hemispheres exposed to the air on the chest... with a faint ivory-like luster! Under the bohemian skirt, a pair of plump long legs, and then a pair of crystal high heels perfectly set off her noble temperament... The transparent straps outline the beautiful arc of the calves... It can be said that she is dressed tonight! I don't mean to fully show her charm as a woman! I just glanced at her, and two words immediately popped up in my heart; sexy!!! Solin and her daughter came down the steps side by side. Sophie held Lao Suo in arm. Her blue eyes seemed to be still looking around, and finally her eyes suddenly fell on me.

Then I saw her bow her head and say something to Solin.

The eighth master also saw Solin and immediately walked towards him... "Hello, my friend."

Mr. Solin smiled and sent his daughter away. At the same time, he opened his arms and smiled at the eighth master. The two hugged each other.

I saw Sophie squinting at me. I pondered in my heart and remembered the old master's previous ex-exchange.

I was about to say hello to Princess Sophie, but the eighth master was talking to Mr. Suo. It's not easy for a person like me to interrupt.

"Your business has been good recently."

Solin has a cigar in his hand with a faint smile. His English pronunciation is very clear, and I can barely understand: "However, it seems that the movement here in Vancouver is too big these days. Some old friends have come forward to find me. I hope I can come forward and advise everyone that negotiations are always more than war. Effective."

"But when the negotiations break down, war is inevitable, isn't it?" The eighth master replied quietly.

Solin smiled. He didn't get entangled in this topic and immediately looked at me: "This gentleman is..." "My nephew."

The eighth master smiled, and then looked at me. I immediately took a step forward, shook hands with Mr. Solin, and then said hello to him in English.

I speak short English to the standard.

Mr. Solin looked at me for a while, and then suddenly smiled deliberately and said, "Mr. Fang, is this young man really just your nephew? He is very handsome. He can't be your illegitimate child, right? The eighth master smiled and said, "He is a very good young man. If I could have such a son, I would be very happy, but it's a pity that he is not my son."

Solin smiled like an old fox, and then he looked at the time: "Well, we still have some time. Now let us old guys talk about our old guys's help. You young people still go somewhere else for a while, so as not to be bored.

Anyway, you are not interested in our old guys.

Then he glanced at his daughter, with undisguised doting in his eyes.

I understand this very well. If anyone gave birth to a beautiful daughter like Princess Sophie, it will definitely be regarded as the apple of the eye.

Sophie smiled. She greeted the eighth master generously, then said hello to me, and generously stretched out her arm to hold me.

"Come on, I'll take you around."

I know that next, Mr. Solin may have to talk about something important with the eighth master.

I guess it is also likely to have something to do with the scale conflicts between us and the Vietnamese and the local Chinese gang during that time.

After all, Mr. Solin is the arbiter of Canada's underground order. If this kind of thing is big, he will definitely not sit idly by.

Sophie and I walked away. We only felt that we could faintly feel a soft pressure on the arm she held. Her chest was close to my arm. To be honest, this feeling was wonderful.

But I instinctively know that this woman is what I shouldn't have provoked, and I don't have too many thoughts in my heart.

The two of us walked side by side to the open-air terrace on the side of the banquet hall, which is nearly 100 square meters large and has a small fountain on it. In fact, there are many such terraces on both sides of the banquet hall, which are probably specially designed for some guests who need a quiet space to talk.

Along the way, Sophie greeted many people. Her face was full of smiles and charm. I could feel a little fascinated in the eyes of many men.

Walking out of the terrace, I was relieved. I quietly pulled out my arm, coughed, and opened my face slightly. Instead of looking at her directly at the lamppost behind her, I pondered: "Miss Sophie... I must be honest about our last meeting... cough... I think I have It is necessary to apologize to the lady... Well..." Sophie raised her chin slightly, and her blue eyes stared at me. After suddenly opening, she interrupted me in a rude tone: "Don't you know that when apologizing to someone, at least look into the other person's eyes and speak, is it polite?" I smiled bitterly, withdrew my gaze from the distance, looked into her eyes at close range, and said slowly, "I'm sorry."

I must say that only by looking at her eyes up close can I feel the amazing ** power! Those blue eyes are like a pool of lake water. The more you look at it, the more you feel like you have been trapped in it.

I saw a little smile in her eyes... But unfortunately, it didn't seem to be a kind smile, but a little cunning and mocking... and even teasing or sarcasm.

"Oh, have you apologized?"