evil spirit

Chapter 154 She is really not my son!

Chapter 154 [She is really not my horse!] Don't dip the wound in water for a week.

The doctor in front of him was a middle-aged man. He stood up, took off the plastic gloves of his hands, and then went to the pool to uncoction the faucet and wash his hands.

I lay in **, and my palms were wrapped in gauze.

The injured feet were also wrapped in gauze, and I also had some soft tissue injuries all over my body.

"So I can't take a shower in a week?" I opened my mouth.

"If you want to get better faster."

The doctor's tone is indifferent.

Then he took out some drugs for me, some of which were antibiotics to prevent the wound from inflammation.

"How long will it take for him to fully recover?" This time, it was the eighth master who opened his mouth.

The eighth master sat in the room, next to him were Tiger, Ciro and others.

Originally, Ciro and others were not qualified to follow the Eighth Master, but I won the ring. Ciro and others, as my brother-in-house, were specially approved to come here.

This is a hospital...or a private clinic.

The doctor is a Chinese. He is indifferent by nature. He only recognizes money but not people, but his medical skills are good... But the special note is that he does not have a legal medical license, and it is said that he has been revoked.

"Recovery?" When the doctor looked at the eighth master, he still maintained a lot of respect: "It depends on the standard.

You see, he can walk and move now, but his hand bone is sprained, and his foot is also contusion.

If I accidentally order treatment, I'm afraid it will affect him.

And... it's better to have someone take care of him.

If it were me, I would lie in ** in the coming week. Except for going to the toilet, even God would not let me get out of bed!" Then the doctor smiled and said, "Of course, I'm just careful... Maybe the situation is not so serious, but this can avoid the risk of disability."

The eighth master didn't say anything, just nodded.

Then the doctor gave me an injection of medicine and walked out of the room with the eighth master and Tiger.

When the eighth master went out, Ciro, who had been a little reserved, immediately relaxed.

There were also two other young men who practiced boxing together. These three guys cheered and rushed around me. Ciro was even more excited: "Xiao Wu, so handsome! You are so handsome! How did you do it...you...your last time..." He cheered excitedly and stroked the time I finally stabbed the back of the sand tiger's neck with his hand... I lay ** and looked a little tired.

After all, I was almost killed by the sand tiger today, and I really don't have much strength at this moment.

I took a deep breath and said slowly, "This is a fluke. Before that, I was not completely sure."

Then I explained to Ciro: "People on the back of the neck, that is, the cervical vertebrae, are a place where the nervous system is staggered and concentrated... There is a fatal life gate here, where a lot of nerves are concentrated, and when they are hit hard... You can also see it.

But this position must be very accurate..." In fact, I didn't lie, which is really a fluke! Although I know the position of the back of the neck, that place must be stabbed accurately to be effective! Otherwise, it can only cause skin and meat injuries to the other party at most.

With my situation at that time, if I can't hit it, at most let the sand tiger bleed and hurt.

But it won't cause deeper damage to him... In that case, I'm done.

Before that, I have practiced many times. Although I have been on the farm for three months, I have been familiar with all the life gates and deadly points of the human body... But in practice, it's not easy to hit it! I tried it before the ring.

Even if I'm in good condition, my hit rate is only about 70%.

Don't think it's simple! In fact, it's very difficult! Let me make the simplest example: you pick up a kitchen knife at home and cut it against the table.

There will be an incision on the table... Then, you raise the kitchen knife over your head, and then try to cut seven or eight times at the table... aim at the incision! Cut it down quickly... Cut seven or eight times in a row... You can't cut that gap every time! Some people can't even hit it once! After I said this, Ciro and others were a little distracted and couldn't help showing admiration on their faces.

In my eyes, I don't have much excitement and happiness.

"Ciro, these are all killing skills, and there is nothing to show off."

I sighed.

Ciro was silent for a while, but then he still patted me gently: "Okay.

Xiaowu, we are not philosophers. These problems are not what we think about... At least now, you have killed one of the strongest masters in the Chinese gang, and you have killed their strongest double flower red sticks! And it's just under so many eyes! This is so *** cool!" I just smiled helplessly.

Ciro took out his cigarette and just wanted to smoke, but the doctor outside came in, took a look, and said coldly, "If you want to smoke here, I promise I will kick you and your friends into the street.

Now, extinguish the chimney in your hand and get out of here.

Ciro smiled awkwardly, stuck out his tongue at me, and then quickly retreated with his two accomplices.

This doctor is known by Ba Ye. It seems that even Tiger is very polite to him. Ciro and others dare not make mistakes.

"And you, boy."

The doctor hooked his finger at me: "You can also go.

But I suggest that you don't move these two days. If you really don't want to lie down and need to come down and walk around... Remember to use this.

Avoid your injured foot touching the ground.

He took a crutch from behind the door and threw it at me.

Then he didn't even look at me and pointed to the gate: "You can go out."

I'm a little speechless.

From wood, to the doctor friend of Fang Pangzi in Guangzhou, to the current doctor... It seems that the doctors I met are all strange-tempered guys.

I was helped into the car, and then drove all the way back to the garage of the eighth master.

When our car was just repairing the door of the garage, the electronic roll door behind us immediately put it down.

As the rolling door behind was completely lowered, I saw all the brothers in the field rushing over. They were surrounded by a huge repair shed, with pliers, wrenches, or waving their coats in their hands.

were all cheering. Their faces were full of joy, and their mouths were shouting my name. Finally, their voices became neat and uniform, with a fixed rhythm: "Chen Yang! Chen Yang! Chen Yang! Chen Yang! Chen Yang..." I sat in the car and sat next to the eighth master. I was a little surprised. The eighth master showed a smile on the corners of his mouth. Then he looked at me and smiled slowly and said, "What's wrong? Take it easy. Get out of the car first and say hello to your brothers! Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time!" I touched my nose: "Master Eight..." "Okay, you give your brothers a light on their faces. This is the respect you deserve!" Then the eighth master came over, pushed open the door on my side, and made a gesture to get out of the car first.

I took a deep breath, then held the car door, held my crutches, and stepped forward.

When I walked out of the car door with crutches under my armpits and stood there, the brothers in the audience cheered loudly at the same time. The few closest to me immediately rushed over. They raised me with all their hands and feet, while the others applauded and cheered around. Some sang loudly and repaired the atmosphere in the shed. It's getting hot all of a sudden! Fortunately, under the stop of Master Ba, they didn't throw me up... Otherwise, I was afraid that my wound would burst.

They carefully put me down, and then someone on both sides helped me and walked in.

All of us poured into the restaurant in the garage... that is, the place that is affectionately called the "big canteen" on weekdays.

All the tables here are full of food... Although it is obvious that the food was made on the last minute... It's funny. I didn't know afterwards that when I won the ring, the brothers present called the house, and then the brothers who stayed in the garage immediately began a series of joys. Celebration activities.

With the acquiescence of the eighth master, they immediately closed the door for a day, and at the same time, the people in the restaurant began to prepare food... Although it was difficult to make a big meal in a hurry, the wine was really prepared a lot! Surrounded by me, I came to the front table, where there was some temporary meat, vegetables, and a large plate of lunch meat, obviously open canned food.

But wine is good wine... Maotai! Then, everyone went to their respective tables and sat down. Everyone calmed down and looked at the eighth master.

The eighth master stood beside me and then picked up a glass of wine. He smiled first, and then said briefly: "Today, I'm proud of Xiao Wu! I hope I will be proud of you tomorrow!" After saying that, the eighth master took the cup to his mouth, raised his neck and drank it.

Countless men below are shouting, making noise, and then everyone raises their glasses together... It's just a pity for me... To be honest, I really want to have a few drinks with them, but the doctor strictly ordered me not to drink! Therefore, in the face of the brothers who came to toast round by round, I drank plain water.

After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere of the brothers was even more happy. I saw boxes of liquor being brought up... There were some hot-blooded men present. Hot-blooded and alcohol simply brought the atmosphere of the banquet to its peak! Even the eighth master was slightly drunk. Although Tiger still sat beside the eighth master without drinking, when the brothers who were usually respectful to the eighth master came to toast me, they came up with the courage to toast the eighth master, and even the eighth master unconsciously drank a few more drinks.

Suddenly, I saw a brother coming in from outside, quickly running to the Eighth Master and whispered a few words to the Eighth Master.

"Oh?" The eighth master's eyes were a little strange. He looked at me with a smile, and then whispered, "Xiao Wu, someone is looking for you outside. It's a girl... a Chinese girl."

Then, before I could speak, the eighth master had already smiled and said to the brother, "Let her come in and let the brothers see what kind of beautiful girl it is to find our Xiaowu!" Everyone at the table laughed kindly.

I blushed a little, but I quickly said, "No... I think maybe my friend came to look for it..." The eighth master didn't say anything, just shook his head.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw that the previous brother who reported the message pushed the door first, and then I saw that what followed... was Miss Qiao.

Miss Qiao looks very bad... She looks very unhappy.

She looked a little tired, wearing a short windbreaker, her hair casually, and a silk scarf around her neck.

At the foot is a pair of small leather boots, and it makes a "clucking" sound when walking.

What caught me more attention was that she was carrying a small sheepskin suitcase in her hand.

When Qiao Qiao came in with his head held high, the eyes of all the brothers in the audience immediately drifted away.

Such an amorous beauty suddenly came in through the door and immediately attracted the attention of these men! Qiao Qiao's eyes did not drift to both sides.

Just locked me directly, and then strode towards me... There were already many brothers whistling on both sides, and some people laughed loudly, "Xiao Wu, is your daughter-in-law looking for you?" Qiao Qiao didn't move his face, so he strode to me and put down the suitcase in his hand.

She looked up and down at me, and her eyes swept from the top of my head to my feet, and then stayed in the place wrapped in gauze on me for a few seconds.

"Are you hurt? Is the injury serious?" Jojo's first sentence sounded calm... even a little too calm.

She didn't even ask me how I got hurt... What's more, with what I know about Jojo.

Although Miss Qiao's tone was calm, it could be seen from her eyes that Miss Qiao was talking to me with fire.

"I... I'm fine. The injury is fine. Some skin trauma will be healed in a couple of days."

I answered quickly.

"Well, that's good."

Joe took a deep breath, then raised a hand and put it on my shoulder - the unwounded side.

Then, everyone laughed and thought that the sudden beauty was going to hug me.

Miss Joe has raised her other hand, and then slapped me on the forehead.

Miss Qiao's eyebrows are upside down, her apricot eyes are wide open, and her index finger is bent.

Knocked hard on my forehead with my knuckles, and shouted crisply, "Xiao Wu, you bastard! Didn't I tell you that I would come back to you? Didn't I say I would call you? My plane arrived here last night.

But you guy actually turned off the phone!!! I called all night, but I couldn't find you! In the end, I was forced to look back to find that sissy! Do you know that in order to run back to you, this time in Toronto, I almost put the plate on the face of the sissy old man! I turned against his family before I ran back! As a result, in order to find you, I lost face to ask for help from that sissy! I finally found your address just now! It turned out that you went out early in the morning to fight with people!" When she said this, she suddenly became furious! This mother Tyrannosaurus Rex is in the eyes of the public.

Suddenly, I picked up a plate with lunch meat from the table, and then the whole plate was buckled on my face. At the same time, I heard Joe's anger and roar at me: "You guy! Unexpectedly, he ran to fight with people again! Shit! You can spell it, at least you have to tell me! You still think I'm a friend! If you die, where the hell am I going to collect your body!" My nose was almost flattened by this plate. I rubbed my face in pain and wiped the lunch meat residue on my face. I had to listen to Miss Qiao's anger shock at me.

"What I'm most angry about is nothing else, but that you didn't tell me before you went to fight with others!!! If you die, haven't you ever thought of saying goodbye to me before you die!!" Speaking of this, Miss Qiao couldn't stand her anger any longer. Suddenly, she raised her foot and looked at the headbone of my calf... The leg I didn't hurt.

I immediately snorted, but looking at Qiao Qiao's angry look, and her eyes... I felt soft for no reason, and I could only smile bitterly.

The whole audience was stunned, and countless men stared at Miss Qiao... Ciro next to him couldn't help holding me, and then whispered in my ear, "Xiao Wu... Shit, your horse is too tough..." "She's not mine..." When I said this, I felt that Miss Qiao had used the belt. He looked at me with murderous eyes.

Then the murderous spirit in Qiao Qiao's eyes dissipated, took a deep breath, then picked up the wine glass in front of me, sniffed it in front of my nose, saw that it was boiled water, poured it casually, and then put the empty cup on the table.

said to me quickly, "Where's the wine?" I quickly picked up the bottle and filled it up for her.

Qiao Qiao picked up the glass and smiled sweetly on her face. Then she turned to the crowd, mainly to the Eighth Master, in a solemn tone: "This old gentleman.

I'm sorry that I was presumptuous just now... I'm a friend of Xiao Wu, but I was a little excited to see him injured today... The little woman made a fool of herself just now. Please forgive me! I'll have a toast here first, and I'll treat it as a reward for everyone!" After saying that, Qiao Qiao raised his neck and drank the wine, easily wiped his small mouth, and then lit up the empty glass.

The eighth master smiled, and he looked at me with deep meaning.

Then he said slowly, "Come on, add a chair to this young lady!" A brother next to him immediately gave up his chair and let Jojo sit next to me, and then ran to other tables and squeezed others.

When everyone sat down, the eighth master took a look at me: "Xiao Wu, this is..." "My surname is Qiao. Just call me Qiao Qiao."

Qiao Qiao smiled quickly and said, "This old gentleman, I'm not Xiaowu's wife... Don't get me wrong, but I can temporarily take care of him on behalf of Xiaowu's daughter-in-law, and there's nothing!" Just as I was about to speak, Qiao Qiao stared at me: "What's the matter? Don't you listen to me?" I smiled bitterly.

I know that when Miss Qiao is far away, it's better for me to keep my mouth shut... "I'm here to be a guest."

The eighth master smiled faintly: "It happens that Xiaowu is injured. I want to find someone to take care of him, but since you are here, it seems that I don't need to find anyone else."

Joe immediately narrowed his eyes and smiled sweetly at me: "Okay, just let me take care of him."

I feel cold in my heart... I know Qiaoqiao's means of taking care of people... Basically, the pets in Qiaoqiao's family can't survive... No matter what animal she raises, there is no way to live! Up to now, Miss Qiao's family can only raise turtles... What makes me more depressed is... It seems that all the brothers did not take my words to clarify my relationship with Qiao Qiao seriously, but took it as a cover of my guilty heart. For a while, many people came to coax, and even took the opportunity to come to toast Qiao Qiao.

Who is our Miss Qiao? "Drinking? OK!" " She patted an empty glass on the table and looked at a guy who came to toast in front of her... "What do you think to drink?"

The guy who came to toast is a man in his thirties, and he seems to be quite honest.

In the face of Qiao Qiao's amorous eyes, he suddenly became a little nervous, and his face turned red. Under Qiao Qiao's sweet smile, he stammered a little.

Qiao Qiao smiled, narrowed her eyes, and smiled with a lovely smile: "But I'm a woman. You ask me to drink like this, but you bully me! Look at you as a man, you can't bully women... Well, I'll have one drink and you two drinks! See who loses first in the end! How about it? You are a man, you can't bully women!" It's over! As soon as I saw the man's face and eyes, I knew he was over! This is Qiao Qiao's unique secret skill, enchanting eyes, delicate voice, and the charming smile... Basically, when we used to hang out in the bar, Qiao Qiao didn't know how many men to talk to her to drink.

"Good!" Sure enough, under Qiao Qiao's delicate demeanor, this guy patted his chest very proudly! Well, if I drink one, you can drink twice as much! Don't play tricks!" Qiao Qiao was very small and smiled... Basically, when Miss Qiao didn't show her power, her appearance was still quite deceptive... But then, the buddy's eyes were wrong... Miss Qiao casually threw the glass in front of her, picked up a teacup in front of me, and poured it full of one in one breath. Cup! This is the kind of enamel teapot commonly used in the army! It is estimated that there are three or four taels in one cylinder! Miss Qiao casually poured a full cup, and then raised her neck and went down. Finally, her face did not change color: "It's your turn."

The man's face was a little unnatural, but in full view of the public, he could only gritted his teeth and bring two teapots, which were full, and then began to pour them into his mouth.

Basically, pour seven or eight taels in one breath... Even if you drink well, you can't stand it at that time.

What's more, our Miss Qiao... That's also a tough type! At least when I saw Miss Qiao drinking with my own eyes, I once blew at the bottle and drank a whole bottle of 42-degree vodka in one go... And... I don't have to go to the toilet! Just after the man poured seven or eight taels in a row, Qiao Qiao had raised his second glass of wine as if nothing had happened... The buddy fainted at that time, with a determined look on his face, as if he were on the execution ground, gritted his teeth and picked up the glass.

I looked up to my neck, and another teapot of wine went down.

But Jojo didn't drink it this time. The cup in her hand just touched her lips and put it down.

Then he looked at the buddy who was already a little dizzy with a sweet smile, and drank seven or eight taels in one breath... When he put down the cup, his eyes were completely lax, just with a big tongue and a breath of wine: "You... you haven't... didn't drink it..." Qiao Qiao sighed leisurely, with a sincere Son, patted this guy gently.

Then he said with infinite sincerity, "Brother, well, I admit defeat! You won! All right."

With this buddy being set up unconsciously, no one dares to come up to ask Qiao Qiao to drink.

After that, for a long time, Miss Qiao's tough image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of this group of brothers! After the celebration dinner, Master Ba simply said to me, "Let's take a break for a while. When you get better, I have something to tell you to do."

Then he left.

Joe helped me back to the room in person.

At the order of the eighth master, I moved to a separate room.

Ciro followed me to move things over.

I know that these guys looked at me with some ambiguity, but Qiao Qiao didn't pay attention to these at all. When everyone went out, she closed the door as if nothing had happened.

Then he came over and said to me, "Take off your clothes and I'll show you the wound."

"No, there is no need to change the medicine today.

The doctor said that you only need to change it once a day.

I smiled bitterly.


Joe didn't say anything. He just glanced at the closet on the wall, opened it, threw his suitcase in ** to open it, and then threw the clothes inside into the closet one by one.

"Joe, what's wrong with you? You just said... you and Li Wenjing's family..." "Oh, I fell out."

Qiaoqiao replied indifferently, "That old guy, I didn't like him for a long time... Why did he say that I was going to marry his son? This kind of person bothers me the most.

I think I am superior, and I have to decide the fate of others in one sentence, but I never consider other people's thoughts.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he was my father's friend and my elder, I would have covered the plate on his face!" What the hell...what's wrong?" Qiao Qiao sighed and threw down the clothes in his hand: "I went to see the sissy family. It turned out that we agreed that it was just a play to coax these old guys, and then lied to them that we didn't want to get married for the time being. After thinking about it for two or three years, everyone could date first... But this Mother said that she wanted us to get married as soon as possible... She also said that she wanted to have a grandson as soon as possible... Shit! If they want to have grandchildren, they can have a baby with another woman! Why do they want to have grandchildren... Shit, just for their simple words, others must give up their lives and sacrifice their lives to cater to them!" Then..." I swallowed my spit.

"Then?" Qiao Qiao said proudly, "I said NO to my sissy parents at that time.

They said a lot to me again. The most annoying thing is that the sissy father said that their elders had decided, and we must follow their decision...**! I told them directly and asked them, 'Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to arrange my life? How I want to live is none of your business!' At that time, the old guy was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

Then I just lost my face and left, and then... I came to you with my luggage."

I vaguely felt a little bad in my heart: "You said... defection?" Of course."

Qiao Qiao took it for granted: "Please, this matter will definitely reach my old man's ears. He will definitely be furious... I'm going back to China now. Aren't I looking for death? Let's avoid the limelight outside first.

After thinking about it, you are also in Canada anyway, just come and stay with you for a while.

My old man doesn't know that you are here. The only one who knows that you are here is the sissy... But the sissy won't say it, because he doesn't want to marry me. I disappeared and can't find me, which is just good for him!" I almost fainted: "You... you said you were going to live here?" Yes."

Miss Qiao looks innocent.

"But... do you know where this is? Yes..." "It's Fang Baye's place."

Qiao Qiao answered me quickly: "Master Fang is the leader of the Vancouver Big Circle Gang. This repair yard is your base camp, I know!" I know... I know you still want to live here? Is it possible?" Why is it impossible?" Qiao Qiao said quickly, "The gangsters will have no home? No relatives or friends? Don't think I don't know. The people in the car repair yard are actually not really big circles! The Eighth Master just gathered these people here to give you a legal identity, just like a reserve team! We won't pull you out until we need to go to war! At least... I've inquired about it. I've been in trouble in Vancouver for a while before, and the big circle and other gangs have been happy to fight, but the eighth master didn't touch any of the soldiers here!!" I frowned: "Do you know this?" Qiao Qiao stared at me: "The sissy told me.

Although Li Wenjing is a little annoying, he really knows a lot of things... If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been able to find it here."

But then Qiao Qiao smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter. Even if the sissy doesn't help me, I have a way... At worst, I'll go to our beautiful princess... She always knows where you are."

After we talked and laughed for a while, Qiao Qiao restrained his smile and said to me, "There is something that I think I have to talk to you well."

"What?" Have you ever thought that Fang Ba Ye raised so many people and worked in the car repair yard every day.

It's like a reserve team... But I played so well some time ago, but I didn't let the people here take action at all... Why is that?"