evil spirit

Chapter 155 Airborne Mode

Chapter 155 [Airborne Soldier Mode] "Have you ever heard of the theory of airborne soldiers?" Looking at me without saying anything, Qiaoqiao said slowly.

"Huh?" Sissy, he told me something about your big circle.

Qiao Qiao's tone was unprecedentedly serious: "I listened to his words, and I was very worried about you."

I smiled and said, "Li Wenjing, what did he say?" Qiao Qiao pondered for a while and called me.

Basically, the so-called airborne theory is Li Wenjing's original words.

The big circle is a very strange organization.

This organization mixes with the underworld, but it is different from all the traditional Chinese underworld forces... Up to today, the history of the big circle is only more than 20 years.

And the other big Chinese black forces have developed for hundreds of years! The most famous one, of course, is Hongmen! It can be said that the large Chinese underworld organizations in the world are more or less inextricably related to Hongmen.

For example, the name "red flower double sticks" obviously has the color of Hongmen.

They pay attention to hierarchical class, strict internal hierarchy, and have a very detailed division of labor and organizational system... These are all evolved from the ancient underworld rules... But the big circle is a completely different organization.

There is no sitting in the big circle, no second marshal, no elder, no "white paper fan" (that is, a military master or master), and no red stick or red flower double stick.

Generally speaking, the organizational system of the big circle is very simple... even very loose! But the strange thing is that the big circle does things with very strange efficiency! The big circle places great emphasis on obedience and discipline within the organization! Action is unified and disciplined! How to put it... These are very similar to... the army! Perhaps this is related to the background of military service and retirement in many of the first generation.

There are rejections to the action of the big circle, and the organizational discipline is very strict, but the composition of the organization is not complicated... More importantly, every time the big circle acts on a large scale, it is always like a divine soldier falling from the sky! In the 1980s, the big circle swept Hong Kong and was known as the provincial and Hong Kong strange soldiers. They were often like airborne troops, suddenly transiting from foreign ports, and then made a few big cases.

Then leave quickly! They are not like ordinary local gang underworld organizations, relying on the slow development of local forces, but completely invasive and predatory! Generally speaking, gangs everywhere have more or less inextricably related to the police - originally, black and white in the world are relative and common.

But the big circle is not... Unlike the local gangsters, they generally have no foundation. They are completely guerrilla mode, one shot for another place.

Such a situation has cast a layer of mystery on the big circle, but at the same time, it also cast a shadow on the subsequent development of this emerging organization! The large circle that lacks foundation, after the first generation of strong soldiers aging, will soon face a declining situation... In this situation, the mode of airborne troops begins to mature! Generally speaking, the relationship between local gangs and the local police is very familiar. They know each other well, and the police also understand that it is impossible to let the underworld disappear from the world, so most of them take "control" means to control the underworld activities within a permitted range.

Such a strategy is used in most parts of the world. Therefore, in this case, almost all the dangerous elements of the local underworld police have filed and recorded. The under the "semi-monitoring" of the police, whether in the police's filing data, or a Some informants or undercover agents... can quickly find information and then solve cases... But these are based on a long-term familiarity, long-term contact, and long-term penetration!! The "airborne soldier mode" of the big circle organization makes these old methods of the police play little role in the face of the big circle! At present, the scope of large-scale activities includes North America, Central and North America, Australia, as well as Southeast Asia, especially Hong Kong and Macao.

But there is an interesting phenomenon: that is, the local big circle, never do big cases locally! That is to say, generally speaking, some basic, small-scale underworld activities that will not cause strong suppression by the police will let the local big circle do it, but once you encounter a big case, usually the local big circle will not interfere! So what should I do if I encounter a big case? It's very simple! Just like the previous scene when Vancouver's big circle went to war with the Vietnamese and the Chinatown gang! The eighth master did not use the local circle, that is, anyone in his car repair yard! Almost all people are mobilized from abroad! Therefore, the simplest explanation of the so-called "airborne mode" is: "When there is a big case in North America, mobilize Australia's big circle to commit the crime!" When there is a big case in Australia, mobilize the big circle in Southeast Asia to commit the crime! When there is a big case in Southeast Asia, mobilized the big circle in North America to commit the crime!!" There is absolutely no need for locals to make big cases locally! This is the most basic principle!! This will give the local police a headache! Because criminals all come from abroad, suddenly come, suddenly go, come and go like the wind! The police can only monitor local gangs, but there is very little information about overseas criminal organizations... Even if the information is mobilized through international relations, it is far too late to respond! It can be said that the airborne mode is exactly the consistent strategy of "control first, suppression as the auxiliary" of the police! They are all airborne soldiers from abroad. You don't know anything about them! How do you control it? You have no information, no filing, no informant, no undercover... What should you do?? Of course, the mode of airborne troops also has great shortcomings, mainly because of the loose organizational form, and the preparation and mobilization before the activity requires a very difficult organizational process... This is also the reason why there are almost no large-scale operations in the large circle, but once there is a large-scale operation, it is always earth-shaking!! " Why did Li Wenjing talk to you about this? I frowned and thought quickly.

"He just said this to me, and then maybe he wanted me to tell you."

Joe just lay down to **, then kicked me and motioned me to move in a little.

I threw a pillow at her, and then the two of us leaned side by side at the head of the bed.

"Li Wenjing is a guy... I always have a very strange feeling about him... He is a person that I can't see through."

I sighed: "Maybe I say something **, but I instinctively think this person is very... dangerous!" I just think he's annoying."

Joe touched my coat pocket for a while, then took out a pack of cigarettes, took out two, put them in his mouth and lit them at the same time, and then took out one of them and handed it to me.

"He said that although the development model of the big circle is very good to deal with the police, this mode of airborne troops makes it difficult for the big circle to obtain a solid development foundation... Without a foundation, this is a fatal flaw of the big circle.

No matter how big the noise is, it's just lively for a while.

And this will also cause the antagonism of other local underworld organizations... This is also the reason why the underworld forces everywhere are tense with the big circle.

Qiao Qiao smiled and then explained, "This is also the original words of sissy."

I took a puff of smoke and sighed: "It makes sense... Humph, after every big case, the police will be nervous for a period of time to suppress the underworld forces... Such a situation will of course make other underworld organizations very unhappy... The case was done by a big circle, but as a result, the police suppressed the underworld activities, but It's a loss."

"The conclusion is that the big circle has no future. Although they are very popular now, any underworld organization must have a solid foundation to develop! But the big circle is carried out by a predatory development model. Without a solid foundation, such an organization will not have a long life.

Sissy believes that in ten years at most, the big circle will weaken.

After listening to these words, I didn't say anything immediately, but muttered in my heart: That's not necessarily! There are also people in the big circle who are not far-sighted, such as the eighth master! He has seen the route of development. This time, giving up the share of the drug business in exchange for cooperation with Hell Angel is his attempt to transform the big circle! That night, we leaned against the bedside and lay down all night. Both of them smoked cigarettes and went to bed separately.

At dawn, I woke up with a sore wound.

Because I slept on my side, I accidentally pressed the wound in my sleep. After waking up, I found that the Qiao Qiao people lying next to me were missing.

Look out of the window, it's a little bright and the room is a little cold, but I'm covered with a blanket, which should have been made by Qiao Qiao when I was asleep.

Then I heard the sound of water in the bathroom. I think Jojo is taking a shower.

Except for the sound of water, there is no other sound in the room.

The room is not small, but it looks very narrow in the dark.

I accidentally caught a glimpse of a chair near the bathroom, with a few small pieces of cloth... I was stunned for a moment, and then I saw it clearly... Damn it! That's the lady's underwear... I tried my best not to let my eyes fall on the translucent underwear, which was almost the size of a palm, but a flesh-colored half-cup-style breast next to it still jumped into my eyes...