evil spirit

Chapter 158 Return to China?

Chapter 158 [Repatriation?] Yes, I couldn't help seducing and flirting with me like Joe... It's not because I'm stupid, or because I'm wrong.

This is because I really value Qiao Qiao in my heart! I value her feelings very much! Maybe, if I didn't help it, what really happened to her... Yes, what happened to such a beautiful woman, I know it must be a very pleasant thing... And I can feel that in the past few days, at some point, Qiao Qiao and I can't help it, although she is deliberately teasing. I, but sometimes, she seems to have invested too much, and some of them are really emotional.

But this is only limited to a few short moments.

Most of the time, she just jokes with me.

If something really happens to us... even the ecstasy moment is very short! When we have all vented and woke up... it's hard to guarantee that we won't regret it! I cherish such a good friend very much... If something happens to her because I can't help it, I'm worried in the end, can our friendship continue? Can we still be as close as we used to be? In order to vent for a while, I lost a good friend... I won't do this kind of thing! However, I also have to admit... After a few days, it seems that subconsciously, my feelings for Qiao Qiao... It seems... it is difficult to maintain that simplicity.

After the injury healed, Qiao Qiao still lived in the same room with me, but she would not continue to provoke me.

In her words, "Men are all beasts, and so are you.

But you were injured before, and the lethality was greatly reduced. It's okay to tease you.

But after you recover now, if I tease you again, I will beg for trouble.

I'm not that stupid!" I began to recover from exercising.

At the same time, I also began to continue learning.

Every day is still in the morning of the day, follow Tiger to learn some business in the organization, such as smuggling channels.

How to deliver, how to trade, if you avoid risks, how to deal with goods... And in the afternoon, I will sweat in the gym! Now the brothers in the gym almost regard me as the boss! Although my age is small among them, they all recognize my strength! After all, under the gaze of so many eyes, I rely on my own strength.

After a hard battle, I personally killed the double flower red sticks of the Huafu community!! Tiger has been very busy recently, and the time he meets me during the day is also shortening! In fact, Tiger should have been the No. 2 person in the repair yard.

Because the eighth master is often absent.

So in the repair yard.

Tiger has almost become a family member.

But he has also often gone out recently... It turns out that since the sand tiger died in my hands, the sand tiger's Luo clan will disintegrate! A gang that lacks a leading figure, and according to the agreement between the Eighth Master and the Sand Tiger, the Sand Tiger lost.

Then his organization must disappear! Other associations in Huafu did not intervene. On the one hand, the signing of the contract was seen by everyone! This is a credit, but also a dignity! It's a tradition! At the same time, these Chinese gangs seem to be a little scared! The collapse of the Luo clan, and the Chinatown immediately vacated some territory! There are restaurants, teahouses, hotels, and a "meat farm" (pornographic places) in those sites.

That's the house where I killed the sand snake! Originally, according to the agreement, these sites were given to those Chinese gangs.

But I don't know why, after the sand tiger died, none of the other gangs dared to reach out! This situation is really a little delicate... Those Chinese gangs, some of them wait and see each other, and more are afraid! Although everyone verbally agreed that the sand tiger's territory can be divided by the Chinese gang, and we will not interfere, it seems that there is such a concern in everyone's heart: I killed the sand tiger! The sand tiger's gang disintegrate, and that's why! Among them, Huabang didn't make any effort! If they divide up the sand tiger's territory, even if we don't talk about it, in private, they may offend us! At this stage, it is just the time when the big circle is at its peak! At this time, no one will offend us head-on! But if we are humble, others may not have this kind of demeanor! At least in the past two days, I heard Tiger talk about this matter. He said that some Vietnamese had stretched out their claws! In the territory left by the sand tiger, some Vietnamese have infiltrated, and some Vietnamese drug traffickers have begun to quietly sell drugs in some fields! After all, addicts take drugs every day, and those sexists also want to find women to go whoring! Those gangsters, no one is suppressing them, and it is inevitable that they will come out to make trouble! Under such circumstances, the vacuum of this territory is not necessarily a good thing! Tiger told me that Master Ba only ordered one sentence about this phenomenon: "If others don't want it, send it to your door. If we don't eat it again, we will feel sorry for ourselves!" As for the Vietnamese... the Chinese people's territory, when will it be their turn to be arrogant? The eighth master's original words were: "The Vietnamese claws, stick one out and cut one!" Reach out a pair and cut a pair!" In the past two days, the police have found that within the originally sandy territory of Chinatown, a body was found in the garbage bin behind an alley. Later, it was identified as a Vietnamese drug dealer.

Tiger has begun to take over the sand tiger's territory under the order of the eighth master... And the other Chinese gangs seem to have acquiesced to this situation.

"Are you interested in managing this street?" Tiger asked me with a smile, "This street is in Huafu. You should be familiar with that place. That's the place you took action for the first time."

I thought for a moment, "Does this mean by the eighth master?" No."

Tiger smiled and said, "I just want to ask you... Because I have a lot of things in my hands. Now among the brothers in power, you are in the limelight. If you take action, no one will be unconvinced.

You can choose a few brothers, and then you will be the boss of that street!" I thought about it carefully, and then said slowly, "But... The eighth master seems to have said that he has something else to do for me... You also heard our conversation that time."

I noticed that an imperceptible light flashed in Tiger's eyes, but then he just smiled simply: "Okay.

If you don't want to, I will tell the eighth master and ask him to decide and send other brothers to take care of it.

I didn't take this matter too seriously at that time, but the next day, the eighth master returned to the parking lot, and then he immediately asked me to see him.

In the eighth master's office, he asked me bluntly, "I heard Tiger say.

He intended to let you take over something, but you refused? The eighth master's tone was very calm, and he couldn't tell whether he was dissatisfied or not.

So I just answered him calmly: "Yes.

Tiger suggested that I take over the territory left by the sand tiger.

The eighth master took a look at me.

The eyes are a little strange: "The sand tiger's territory is not small.

Haven't you always wanted to get ahead? Why don't you take over? Besides, you have nothing to do now. What's wrong with you to take a group of brothers and be the boss? I laughed.

said slowly, "Master, have you forgotten? I remember you said that you asked me to learn some details during this period, and then ask me to be your assistant in the deal with the hell angel.

"But the land of the sand tiger has a good income."

The eighth master pondered: "If you get that site, it means that you have real power in your hand. It's much better than following me as a follower, isn't it?" This time I just looked at him calmly: "Master Ba.

If you let me do it, I can go."

Unexpectedly, the eighth master smiled.

There was a little complicated smell in his smile, and then he looked at me for half a minute, waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, I have something else to do for you. I'll arrange for others to take over the sand tiger's territory... Well, what do you think of Ciro?" Ciro? I thought for a moment: "He is very good, and he is my good brother... But he is still very young and hasn't officially come out to do anything..." "Well, I understand that I will let an old brother take over, and then Ciro can be his deputy."

The eighth master sighed and said leisurely, "He is a good young man... And we, we are all old."

I smiled bitterly: "Master Eight... But Ciro once told me that he wanted to work with me.

I also promised him that I would convey his words to you.

"Oh?" The eighth master was a little surprised: "That's what the child Silo said?" He frowned. This time he thought about it seriously for a while, and then made a decision: "Well, I happen to have something to ask you to do... Let Ciro go with you this time! If things are done well, then take it as a test for him. When he comes back, I will let him exercise in the sand tiger's territory for a year, and then he can become the leader of that street! But if things are messed up... Humph, not only him, but also you, go back and wash the car!" After saying that, the eighth master laughed and scolded, "You little bastards, you have a lot of tricks!" I saw that he was joking, so I smiled and said, "So what do you want me to do?" You go back and pack your things. I'm going to let you go to Asia. You will go back to China first..." My heart jumped! Back to China?! But then I heard the eighth master continue to say, "Then meet someone in China, and you can go to Vietnam together!" After a pause, the eighth master waved to me and motioned me to his side. Then the eighth master lowered his voice and said to me, "There are two people who went with you this time, one is Tiger, and the other is our contact person in Asia.

You go this time, the task is not simple... The following words, I said, you listen, but don't tell anyone... including Tiger!" The eighth master's eyes were very serious... and the chill flashed!