evil spirit

Chapter 16 The third ring? Up

Chapter 16 [The third ring?] ( 1) Yang Wei pulled me to sit aside, and then glanced at me with her eyes, and my face immediately burned.

Yang Wei clapped her hands, and the door outside opened. The strong black bodyguard Hansen came in and threw a suit of clothes to me.

I rushed into the bathroom with my clothes and put them on quickly.

When I came out, Yang Wei sat lazily on the sofa, playing with a lighter in her hand and looking at me with a smile.

"Okay, what happened today..." I said bitterly, "Thank you very much."

Yang Wei took out a box of cigarettes and threw one to me: "You will still feel dizzy for a while now. When you were in a coma, I asked Hansen to give you a little medicine.

That drug will quickly break down your psychedelic drugs, but the side effect is that you will have a headache for a while. If you drink more water, it will relieve a little.

I picked up a cup on the table and went to the bathroom to take a glass of tap water and sip it in.

Yang Wei had lit a cigarette. She took a slow breath, raised her legs gracefully, straightened her upper body, and looked at me with a mysterious smile on her face. Then she seemed to be nothing wrong, and said something that shocked me: "Chen Yang, I ask you, where did you got this ring on your finger...? ?" Cold sweat! I broke out of a cold sweat on my forehead. I stared at Yang Wei in surprise, opened my mouth, and looked at the ring in my hand... The ring in my hand, both in style and appearance, is completely ordinary, no different from the cheap handicrafts of 100 yuan in the store.

How can a person with the identity of Yang Wei be interested in a ring that looks so "mediocre"? I'm afraid there is only one answer! She.

Do you know something about the ring?! Looking at me without saying anything, Yang Wei suddenly smiled, and then said coldly, "So, do you know an organization called the 'Mysterious Materials Research Association'?" Mysterious Substance Research Association? Of course I know! Since I got this ring, I immediately found the website and knew that the maker of this ring came from such an organization! These came out of Yang Wei's mouth, and I immediately confirmed my judgment! She must know the inside story!! Next, under my shocked eyes, Yang Wei slowly took out something from her pocket... shiny, with a faint gold color... This is also a ring!! Yes, this is a ring that looks like a gold texture. It is very small, but the style is undoubtedly a little rough.

I'm very ** now. I think that Yang Wei can beat me at the gambling table today.

Is her ring... also a luck increase ring? I quickly recalled the brochure I saw on that website... I have seen all the pictures of ring products, but I can confirm that the ring in Yang Wei's hand is not in the picture I have seen! That is to say, the gold ring in Yang Wei's hand is not one of the luck increase rings in the picture.

In fact, this is not the fact that I have a particularly good memory. The other thing that makes me judge is the style of Yang Wei's ring.

I remember that all those "official products" luck increase rings are gorgeous in shape and luxurious style! The only exception is the "test product" in my hand! And the ring in Yang Wei's hand looks more old-fashioned and crude than my style.

"I just got this ring a year ago."

Yang Wei smiled and said, "It's probably the last time I returned to the United States after finishing things in China. By chance, I got it in the hands of a gambler in Las Vegas."

"Oh?" Yang Wei smiled, and her eyes were a little strange: "To be honest, I thought he was a madman at all, but later the facts had to shock me..." About a year ago, at that time, I was taking Ni Duoduo on the road of escape, tossing and turning, struggling all the way... And Yang Wei In the casino in Las Vegas, a strange gambler was welcomed.

This gambler is actually very ordinary in terms of appearance and appearance, but his only strange feature is that he only wins and does not lose! Anyone who gambles with him, no matter how powerful the other party is, will lose to him! Yang Wei's home is a casino.

Since it is a casino, open the door to do business, naturally some people win and others lose.

But if you meet a guest who only wins and does not lose, it will be the biggest enemy of the casino! Generally, when you encounter this kind of gambling master, the casino will have a set of conventions to deal with it.

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of gambling masters who run to the casino to win money. One is that other casinos send to pick up the venue. In this way, both casinos gather their gambling masters and then gamble.

And the other is the kind of lone gambler to make money.

After all, the casino is a casino, and it is not a bank. How can you be allowed to come and get money at will? If you run out of money, go to the casino to "win" a sum. What do you think the casino is? It's not an ATM! And that strange guest seems to be a lone warrior.

When he won half a night in a row, the casino had carefully studied him through monitoring videos, as well as the masters inside the casino.

The gambling master of the casino could not find thousands of traces of him from the video record of this strange guest.

This man's gambling method is very normal, and there is no trace of cheating... Of course, it may also be that his "thousands" skills are so high that others can't see it.

But after the most powerful master in the casino studied it, he confirmed that he really didn't make a trut.

If a person can get out of the way that even the most powerful gambling master in Yang Wei's family can't see it... then he has long been famous in casinos all over the world! And the person in front of him is clearly a stranger.

Next, the casino thought it was someone who came to pick the scene.

He found several masters under his company to bet with him.

The result came out soon.

This strange guest has won three casino masters in a row! Generally speaking, since your master loses, the casino is also very straightforward.

According to the rules of the road, the manager in the casino came forward to talk to the guest.

The casino is willing to give him a large amount of money, and then politely ask him to leave.

Don't continue to gamble in your own field.

Once again, the casino is also open for business, not your personal ATM! No *@#%$enemy$dragon$bookstore sorted out Yang Wei's casino to do so, and it has been in line with the rules of the road.

But obviously, the guest didn't understand anything. He didn't understand these rules at all and refused the casino's request.

"I don't want your money. If I want money, I will win it myself."

That's what the guest said at that time. He was very confident and confident.

But the result was that he was broken a leg.

This is the rule of the road! If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished! Originally, this was just a small episode in the casino. If you open a casino for business, you don't know how many of things you will encounter in a year, not to mention breaking people's legs. If you encounter a cheater, you will simply chop up your hands directly.

It's all normal! And this matter was known to Yang Wei.

Yang Wei just happened to go to the casino. As a result, when she knew about this matter, she immediately found something wrong.

First of all, this guest's "gambling" is too smart and scary! Yang Wei's own family's casino, several gambling masters in the town, is really not weak! Of course. Imagine that in a place like Las Vegas, there are a lot of casinos. If you didn't have a few masters in the market, you would have been eaten so much that there were no bones left! But the strange guest almost killed the "masters" in the casino in a sweeping manner.

Secondly, according to the amazing gambling strength of this guest, he seems to know nothing about the rules of the road... Otherwise, his leg will not be broken.

Such a person has super strong gambling skills, but he seems to be a stunned young man who has just entered the world... When the two points add up, Yang Wei immediately has the idea of solicitation.

If such a talent is not recruited, isn't it sorry for the opportunity given by God? Moreover, if this kind of gambling master is recruited by other casinos, I'm afraid there will be a headache in the future! When she said this, Yang Wei seemed to sigh and frowned gently, as if she was a little unhappy.

I understand what she means.

It seems that there are indeed no outstanding talents in Yang Wei's family... With such a simple truth, Yang Wei can quickly figure out that when she meets such a master, she immediately has a heart to recruit.

However, other people in charge of the casino will only follow the rules rigidly, but they can't expect that recruiting this master will be much more than beating him out of his anger! And then?" I saw that Yang Wei looked strange and didn't want her to think too much about these troubles, so she immediately asked.

"Then..." Yang Wei smiled bitterly: "I immediately asked someone to find the gambling master.

That guy was broken in the hospital by a thug in our casino and was being carried back by my people.

It's a pity that I made a mistake... This guy is not only not a master, but also very timid.

It turned out that I thought he had a little backbone, but as soon as he was interrupted, he was scared.

Before I said anything to solicit him, he began to beg for mercy.

He thought we were going to take him back and wanted to kill him.