evil spirit

Chapter 16 The third ring? Next

Chapter 16 [The third ring?] ( Next) My eyes flashed: "Well, that ring..." "He gave me the ring."

Yang smiled and said, "He speaks strangely and keeps begging for mercy.

I immediately had some more doubts in my heart. I didn't say those words to attract him for the time being, but carefully asked a few questions. As a result, this guy actually said everything at once.

The story is like this under Yang Wei's description.

The "gambling master" with a broken leg, in fear, thought that Yang Wei's people killed him, but as soon as he saw Yang Wei, he begged for mercy.

In order to survive, he soon faded the ring in his hand and dedicated it to Yang Wei.

And he was able to explain: he doesn't know any gambling at all! He can win again and again, entirely by this ring!! The third ring? I was shocked, but I still didn't believe it! Because I know very well that at the same time, I have also contacted the person of the organization that made the ring. The research and development personnel once talked to me on the phone, and he also clearly told me that there are only two rings to improve luck in the world!! One is my "test product", and I have seen the other one, but it has been lost in China now! And the one in Yang Wei's hand is obviously that I haven't seen it at all! Is there a third ring in the world? I strongly suppressed the excitement in my heart, took a deep breath, and looked at Yang Wei seriously.

The smile on Yang Wei's face also restrained and looked at me: "That man said very clearly.

This ring came from a 'Mysterious Matter Research Association'. At that time, he was already scared and spoke incoherently.

It's ridiculous. It turns out that he won't take Qian away.

As a result, I was beaten and my leg was broken. I began to hear all this and thought he was a backbone and arrogant master. As a result, I didn't know until we met that he was just a confused person who didn't know the rules.

Later, after being scared out of my courage, I questioned him carefully. He was probably afraid of suffering again and said everything honestly.

"What did he... say?" My heart is tight.

"He first told me a strange theory about luck. At that time, I thought he was just talking crazy and didn't believe his lie.

I thought he was pretending to be crazy, so I decided to try him, and I asked him to bet on me.

If he can win, I will let him go.

Yang smiled and said, "But before gambling, I took away his ring."

I nodded. Yang Wei's method could quickly identify whether the man's words were true or false.

If the man can win without a ring, it means that he relies on real gambling.


I confirmed that he really can't gamble at all.

Yang Wei smiled bitterly and said, "It's ridiculous that he is not even familiar with some of the rules of gambling.

The shock in my heart was absolutely not small at that time..." I smiled and said, "I understand.

A person who doesn't know gambling actually defeated all the masters who raised land at a high price in your family's casino, like cutting melons and vegetables. It will be difficult for anyone to accept it.

After a slight pause, I said tentatively, "Well, the effect of the ring he gave you is..." Yang Wei narrowed his eyes, gently flicked the soot elegantly, and smiled, "Okay, Xiaowu.

We don't have to test each other.

That guy has made it clear. Although the theory about 'luck matter' is a little unimaginable and unbelievable, the more I think about it afterwards, the more I feel that there is no reason in it.

And later, I learned that the Mysterious Material Research Association made a ring specially used to improve people's luck.

She deliberately looked at my ring unabashedly: "This ring in your hand should be one of them, right?" I was silent and didn't say anything. I simply acquiesced.

"The man gave me a website. I looked at it. Originally, I thought it was mostly a prank website. You know, in Europe and the United States, there are many idle and boring people who like to play these pranks.

But after all, this guy casually won 10 million dollars in my casino. I have to be cautious about this kind of thing.

And that website is also decent... I was curious, so I caught the guy and sent someone to check the website, and... the Mysterious Materials Research Association."

"What's the result?" My eyes are bright.

"The result... is that I can't find anything."

Yang Wei smiled bitterly, but the shock in her eyes could not be concealed: "To be honest, the strength of my family is not bad. Although it is not powerful in North America, it can still mobilize a lot of strength to investigate some things.

A website, but I can't find any details at all! It is obvious that this organization has a deep background, and their confidentiality measures are also very strong. It is definitely not a prank of ordinary people!" Yang Wei sighed: "After confirming this, I was really surprised.

If this kind of luck ring is true... I dare not say anything else, at least for us who run casinos, it is simply a disaster!" What Yang Wei said was very resolute, with some vague worries.

Indeed, if that kind of ring can be "produced in mass", then do casinos still need to do business in the world? No need for all, only one-third... No, one percent of the guests wear this kind of ring to the casino, and the casino will have to close down and go bankrupt immediately!" Don't worry."

I laughed and said, "As far as I know, this kind of ring is not energy-produced.

What I know is that the texture of this ring comes from some very rare metal, which may not even be a product of the earth. This metal can absorb lucky waves in the air... Well, that's probably what it means, just like the radio receiving electric waves and radio receiving signals.

But this kind of ring is very rare, as if there should be only two in the world, and that organization is said to have stopped this research and switched to other projects.

The only thing I'm curious about is that I've seen the only two rings in the world, but... I've never seen this ring in your hand!" I also know what you said.

Yang smiled, and she smiled happily this time: "Actually, that guy was severely interrogated by me for a long time. After repeated cross-examination, I confirmed that he did not lie.

And the ring I got from him... In fact, it's not a ring to improve luck at all, but... "wind eye".

"Wind eye?" I was stunned.

Isn't it a ring to improve your luck? Next, what Yang Wei said made me have an incomparable tribute to the "Mysterious Substance Research Association"! I have to say that they are not only a crazy organization, but also a visionary organization! Fengyan, this ring is also based on a rare substance.

It is said that the raw material of the luck ring comes from a rare metal in an extraterrestrial meteorite, and the eye of the wind also comes from it! And the role of the eye is to restrain the "luck ring"! In this world, with tanks, there will be anti-tank weapons.

With planes, there will be anti-aircraft weapons, Scud missiles, and patriots intercept and search for bombs... That is to say, this is "restraint"! Obviously, the Mysterious Substance Research Association, after making such a magical thing as a lucky ring, has also launched a restraint study on this substance! That group of people is undoubtedly very smart! They should understand that there must be restraint in the emergence of a powerful and magical new thing! If there is no restraint, it will lead to bad consequences.

This principle is the same as political power supervision.

And the gold ring in Yang Wei's hand, "Wind Eye", is such a product.

It is also made from meteorites like luck rings, but they are other substances on meteorites.

If this substance is taken out alone, it actually has no effect and has no value at all.

But if it is associated with the luck ring, its value will be reflected at once! Its function is to completely restrain the luck ring! This ring can emit a kind of interference radio wave, interfering with the absorption of the "luck element" in the air by the people around it! For example, if you gamble on money, this kind of interference suddenly appears around you, and you can't accept fortune, then you have to lose.

Because of this eye, it blocks all your luck! However, the person who wears this eye is not affected by the shielding! It's like the name of this ring is "Wind Eye"! As the name implies, the eye of the wind is the center of the hurricane! And people with common sense know that no matter how fierce and wild the hurricane is, there is no one in the center of the eye, and it is absolutely quiet! To put it simply, if someone carries this ring, the people around him will suddenly become uninterested.

And he himself is not affected.

However, it's just "unaffected" and can't improve my luck.

From this point of view, the effect of "wind eye" is very limited, and its only use is to restrain the luck of others.

Somewhat means "damaging others and unfavorable to oneself.

Moreover, after thinking about it, the man who ran to the casino with the wind eye to gamble was actually very smart.

Because, it seems that the ring of Fengyan only plays the greatest role in the casino.

Block other people's luck, but you can't increase your own luck. This effect is originally very useless.