evil spirit

Chapter 17 Prelude to Killing Next

Chapter 17 [Prelude to Killing] (Part 2) Yang Wei asked her bodyguard to send me out, that is, the black man named Hansen.

This guy was very cold, and his face was as stiff as granite. On the way to send me away, he didn't say a word, and his eyes when he looked at me were cold without any expression.

He drove me to the villa area by the lake, and I was a little confused.

After all, I'm a subordinate of the Eighth Master, and I should go to the Eighth Master.

And Yang Wei's men sent me back. This Hansen was another silent iceberg. I asked him on the way, and he only answered me coldly, "This is arranged by the young lady."

Fortunately, I returned to the villa area. After Hansen stopped, I saw the Eighth Master's men not far away.

I recognized that one of them was the young man named "Pig" who admired me.

I quickly said "thank you" to Hansen and jumped out of the car.

The little pig was standing at the door of the villa smoking with another young man. Seeing me coming from afar, the little pig immediately greeted him and said with a smile, "Little fifth brother, you are finally back.

The eighth master said, go to see him as soon as you come back.

I said quietly, "When did you come back?" An hour ago.

The little pig hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "Little fifth brother, the eighth master is meeting the guests inside. He said, go to see him as soon as you come back."

"Guest? What guest?" Humph."

Piggy looked disdainful: "A Japanese devil."

I was stunned for a moment and then smiled.

Japanese, is it the Japanese congressman? It seems that that guy is smart.

Most of them now know that the eighth master is Mr. Solin's partner, and he has come and gone on a round and round route.

I nodded to the little pig, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I know."

The little pig seemed to respect me and said angrily, "I really don't understand what to talk about with the Eighth Master and the Japanese devil.

If I had followed my temper, I would have kicked him out long ago.

I smiled and said leisurely, "You don't understand this.

This Japanese is very useful.

I walked past him quickly and pushed the door into the villa.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the eighth master sitting on the sofa with a serious look.

Holding the teacup in his hand, he slowly blew the tea foam.

And sitting opposite him is indeed the Japanese congressman.

Unlike the Japanese's always rigorous and serious attitude in my impression, this Japanese congressman really grew up in the United States, and his behavior has been completely Americanized.

With a relaxed smile, he looks very calm and has a little affinity.

Seeing me come in, Master Ba immediately put down the teacup and nodded to me.

And Jason Nakata has stood up, looked at me and smiled, "Oh, our god of gambling is back.

Young man, let's bet two more games when we have a chance.

After saying that, he smiled as if nothing had happened and said, "Oh, by the way, why didn't the beautiful princess come with you?" I laughed.

The princess deliberately became intimate with me at the banquet, which was seen by many people.

This Japanese congressman seems to have looked up to me a lot because of this.

I didn't say anything. I just nodded to him, said hello politely, and walked to Master Ba: "Master Ba, are you looking for me?" Uh-huh."

The eighth master smiled and said, "This Senator Nakata, you have seen it.

We happen to be talking about something, so sit down and listen.

Young people will have to take on more things sooner or later.

He looked at Jason Nakata and said, "This is my nephew Chen Yang."

"Very good young man.

He should be about the same age as my son.

Jason Nakata smiled and said, "You can call me uncle."

Damn, I scolded in my heart: If I call your uncle, there will be black smoke from the ancestral grave!" Mr. Nakata, in fact, Chen Yang will be responsible for many things in our cooperation with Mr. Solin. I have roughly understood your intention today.

10 million dollars, not too much, not too much.

But I'm a little surprised, why don't you just go to Mr. Solin? After all, he is the person who is the partner of the company, and I am just a partner now.

The eighth master said lightly.

Jason Nakata hesitated for a moment, but said something that surprised us.

"Because you and your nephew are Chinese."

I took a look at the eighth master and found that he was also looking at me.

"Oh?" The eighth master frowned: "What does it matter?" It's relevant!" Jason Nakata is indeed a politician: "Maybe you should have heard of my political position.

I am a famous 'pro-China faction' in the House of Commons. My political position has always been closer to the Chinese government, and in a series of bills and votes in the House of Commons, I respect your country very much... Of course, I know that the two are in Canada, but cherishing the motherland is the emotional part of most overseas Chinese.

I have always taken a pro-China position, especially in the last bill, I feel deeply guilty and bitter about the crimes committed by Japan during World War II! In addition, I have firmly voted against all kinds of anti-China bills in the House!" He looked into the eyes of the eighth master: "So, compared with Mr. Solin, a white North American, I think I may get more support from my Chinese friends."

Indeed, these words are somewhat high-sounding.

But it is clear that he is indeed a famous "anti-Japanese" in the U.S. Congress, although he is of Japanese descent.

Keep him to continue to exist in politics and find more trouble for Japan. I think many Chinese people are happy to see it.

However, politics is politics. Don't think that this is always a righteous gentleman with a "just heart"! Politics is a game of hypocrites, and decent men are just tools to be played with! Although this guy is anti-Japanese and pro-China, it's just because of his own official needs.

As a Japanese and anti-Japanese, this is a major gimmick in itself, and it is also with this political capital that he can gain a foothold in the political arena! Don't think he is really a good man or a gentleman.

From another perspective, although he is anti-Japanese, I actually feel quite disdainful of this guy! He made trouble for the Japanese government, and I applauded.

But in any case, sell your home country for the sake of your personal career interests... What's there to respect for such a person? A person who does not hesitate to sell his hometown for his own benefit, so what else can't he sell? The Eighth Master was obviously a little hesitant, and he didn't seem to be very interested in the contact of this politician, and even... a little embarrassed.

I was also secretly curious. Jason Nakata suddenly came to the Eighth Master.

Of course, he may have found out that there is a share of the eighth master in Solin's normal business.

But he was so reckless to ask for help, which was somewhat reckless.

It is reasonable to say that as a politician, you should not be so calm.

"Mr. Congressman, I can't give you any promises right now, but I promise I will seriously consider it."

After thinking about it, the eighth master finally picked up the teacup again.

This is "tea for customers".

Jason Nakata got up and said goodbye immediately, and there was no disappointment between his eyebrows.

The eighth master asked me to go out to see off the guests, and he didn't mean to move his buttocks.

I followed Jason Nakata out, and the two of them walked for a while. It was less than 100 meters away from the outside gate of the villa area. We exchanged a few words at will.

He asked casually as if nothing had happened, "Mr. Chen Yang, it seems that you are also familiar with Tony?" My heart moved and I took a look at him.

His face was calm, as if he had an indifferent tone: "Oh, I didn't expect Tony to come today."

My heart suddenly lit up! Tony, it's Li Wenjing! In the gambling game, Li Wenjing seems to be indifferent to Jason Nakata... And Li Wenjing's family is more or less related to the U.S. government.

Probably everyone is in different political factions.

After calculating, Jason Nakata ran to the Eighth Master in such an impatient way, and the answer was obvious! He has no choice! The family behind Li Wenjing is obviously different factions from Jason Nakata, which can be seen from Li Wenjing's indifferent attitude towards him.

And Li Wenjing and Mr. Solin seem to have a close relationship... And today Li Wenjing seems to have come here on a special cost... I'm afraid that Jason Nakata will have a sense of crisis!" Oh."

I smiled and said, "Tony and I are just a personal relationship, but Tony doesn't know the eighth master.

And I don't know much about the Tony family... I said that he and I are just personal friends.

Although Jason Nakata tried his best to hide it, the slightest light in his eyes betrayed him.

When he got to the door, there was a car parked and waiting. Before Jason Nakada pulled the door on the car, he suddenly seemed to remember something and looked back at me: "Oh, by the way, it's impolite not to come and go.

I'm visiting today. Tomorrow I'll prepare a glass of thin wine for you. Master Ba has promised to go to the banquet. I don't know if Mr. Chen Yang is interested? It would be my honor if you could come with Her Royal Highness.

Looking at the light in his eyes, I immediately understood his idea. It seemed that I wanted to take the princess's route? I smiled, dealt with it casually, and saw him leave by car from afar.

When I walked back to the villa, I was still outside the door when I suddenly heard a bang of broken glass inside! And the angry voice of the eighth master! I was shocked and quickly pushed the door in, but I saw the little pig and the other subordinate of the eighth master. The two of them were standing there, a little at a loss.

And the eighth master stood there, with a broken teacup under his feet. His face was already blue with anger, and his fingers were trembling even more! I frowned and took a few steps: "Master, what's wrong?" His chest fluctuated, and he was obviously very angry. He looked at the little pig and the other subordinate. The eighth master seemed to press the fire and said, "You go out first... Xiaowu stay."

The two pigs were suddenly relieved and quickly retreated.

I walked to Master Ba: "Master Ba, what can I do for you?" The eighth master's face was pale, with a murderous look in his eyes. He pointed to something on the sofa and gritted his teeth and said, "Look at this. It was sent when you saw the guests off just now."

On the sofa is Ba Ye's mobile phone. The mobile phone is on, and it seems that there is a picture on the screen! This was just sent to me by my family... You can see for yourself!" The eighth master trembled with anger, and I picked it up and took a look. Suddenly, I was angry from my heart, and the evil turned to the gall! This is a picture, and the content is very bloody! Obviously, there is a dead man in the picture... Moreover, the deceased was tortured miserably, because all his limbs had been cut off! Just lying on the ground, and a line of bloody characters was smeared with blood on the ground, which was in Chinese! Big circle! This is just the beginning of revenge!" There is infinite murderous spirit in my heart! Because I know the deceased!