evil spirit

Chapter 24 Cute Asshole On

Chapter 24 [Lovely Bastard] (Part 1) A long time ago, I saw a movie about paratroopers, in which the paratroopers have a saying that "it is safest to land on the buttocks first".

And now, I completely understand the meaning of this sentence.

To be honest, even if I ask myself boldly, I dare to do any evil things such as killing and setting fire, but I really admire myself for jumping down thousands of feet in the sky and thinking about it afterwards.

I don't believe in God, but I'm lucky enough to open the parachute bag smoothly. Although the wind at high altitude makes me can't open my eyes and open my mouth, when the altitude gradually drops, the situation is much better.

This is a place in the southeast of downtown Vancouver. The place where I landed is not too far from a highway.

As soon as my body shook, my body shrank instinctively, and then naturally, my legs did not dare to exert force, so I took the opportunity to lie down on the ground. My buttocks landed first, but the damn ground was bare, and there were many gravel stones, one of which was on my buttocks, and I didn't care about the pain. As soon as he landed, he quickly pulled out a dagger from his shoes and quickly cut the parachute rope on his shoulder.

This is what I saw from the movie, especially in the windy place. After landing, because the umbrella bag is open, the wind will drag the umbrella. If you don't cut the rope - if you are unlucky, if the rope strangles your neck, you may even be strangled alive.

I rolled on the ground like a mud monkey before I took the opportunity to stand up. The original high-end clothes were finished.

I identified the direction. I remember that I saw that the road was not far from here before I landed.

So he ran over quickly.

Fei has to say that the pilot technology sent to me by Yang Wei is quite good. The landing site selected is very good, and the orientation is also very accurate.

I ran about 500 meters in one breath and came to the highway. From here to the north, it was Vancouver.

Although it's night, there are few cars on the highway, and this is the suburbs.

But I'm not worried at all.

Because I have known it for a few months in Vancouver, there are usually a lot of trucks in the southeast before the city and the seaside. After all, Vancouver is close to the sea city, and the ocean transportation industry is very developed.

I'm right.

But in an old saying: I guessed the front.

But I didn't guess the ending.

I waited on the side of the road for about half an hour, during which three cars passed by. Unfortunately, no one refused to stop no matter how I waved.

After the pain.

I understand the problem.

First of all, it's night now.

Secondly, the area around here is relatively remote.

Again, my clothes are weird and dirty.

The face is gray.

Three points look like a fugitive, three points like a tramp, and three points like a stowaways who just came from the sea.

As for the last point left, I guess I'm afraid there is still a little trend of mental patients.

May I ask, at night, in such a best geographical environment for road robbery, any normal person sees a fugitive, a tramp, a stowaway and a mental patient, stopping a car on the roadside.

I'm afraid that ninety-nine out of a hundred people will not stop, but will speed up the accelerator and run over... I can't do it.

sighed... In fact, I want to be a good person, but it's just the reality... It's really *** to be a prostitute! Looking at a small truck coming from afar, I pulled out a dagger and quickly moved a stone as far as possible from the roadside and threw it in the middle of the road.

Sure enough, the car first turned on the headlights. When it saw an obstacle in the middle of the road, it immediately slowed down.

I hold a dagger in one hand and a stone I picked up in the other hand. If the other party doesn't stop, I can't say it, I have to be rough.

After slowing down, the car seemed to have no intention of stopping, but slightly adjusted its direction to go around the stones on the ground. I didn't care about it, and the stones in my hand were smashed out.

Bang! Oh my go! With the sound of glass breaking, the car braked sharply, squeaked, stopped, and the window glass on the left was smashed by me.

I strode forward and shouted loudly, "Robbery! Get out of the car!!" As soon as the words came out, I found that something was wrong. Under the conditioned reflex, I spoke Chinese.

So he immediately changed his words and said it in English.

After the door was opened, three or four strong men jumped out of the inside, all in dirty sailor's clothes, and smelled a strong fishy smell on the face.

Just after I shouted, the guys who jumped off the car were stunned for a moment. Looking at me holding a dagger alone, I couldn't help laughing.

"You? Robbery?" Standing in the front of me, a white man was one head taller than me. He was wearing a denim canvas dress, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular arms, with a beard on his face, licked his lips, and came to me: "Dongzi, are you looking for death?" As he spoke, he pinched his fists with both hands, and his bones rattled. He stretched out a palm as big as a fan to grab my collar.


I dodged as soon as I dodged, sighed, and looked at him with pity. Although this guy was big, he was far from my opponent. At most, he was a little brute force.

I said slowly, "I just want your car, give me your car, and I won't hurt you.

Um... By the way, I'm just borrowing it. You can leave me the phone number. I'll give it back to you when I get to Vancouver.

I will also pay you a sum of money as a reward.

"Dongzi, let me crush the bones in it first, and then we will take you to Vancouver to see a doctor."

The big man laughed ferociously and pinched his fist and hit me.

I stepped up, twisted his wrist sideways at the same time, and then took the opportunity to send him away. His huge body went forward. I added another kick in the back and kicked him on his buttocks. The guy slammed on the ground with a plop, and then I stepped on his back, and the dagger forced his neck. He shouted in a low voice, "Don't move!" The blade of the dagger was behind his neck, and he immediately stiffened. I threatened: "Come on, give me the car keys!" Otherwise, I..." Just before I finished speaking, suddenly, a pretentious voice came from the car... "Oh! Oh my God! What happened?" A thin and tall man jumped out of the car. I couldn't see his appearance clearly in the dark, but he tilted a hat over his head, which was the captain's hat on the ship.

vaguely, I felt that the voice was still a little familiar. Just as I was stunned, this person had separated and walked to me, with surprise on his face and looked at me: "God, it's you? Oh, my God, Chen... Well, Mr. Chen Yang, I remember that I sent you to Vancouver a long time ago. It has been a few months. How did you become so depressed? God, you look like a tramp.

I was stunned.

The man in front of me, wearing a captain's hat, was thin and tall, with traces of mixed blood from East and West. When he smiled at me, he showed his teeth slightly yellowed by cigarettes, but his smile was very kind, with a typical joke of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger in his eyes.

When I saw this man, I was stunned for a moment, and then immediately remembered. The dagger in my hand was also loosened, with a smile on my face, took a step back, and let go of the guy on the ground.

"Is that you? Captain Wick? I remember your name correctly, don't I?" Oh, it's so uncomfortable that you can't even confirm my name? You know, I once saved your life!" This guy smiled exaggeratedly.

Yes, he was right. He did save me.

The man in front of me was just a man who had just come to Canada, jumped into the sea and drifted for many days before he was salvaged by his boat.

And Captain Wick, who took the two packs of money I played on the stowaway at sea as a reward, and safely sent me to the shore.

Wick is still the same, but his clothes are a little dirty, and his hat is more crooked than before. He looked at the dagger in my hand and smiled, "What's wrong? Do you still need to take this when your old friend meets you? I immediately put away the dagger without hesitation and went up to shake hands with him, but Wick did not shake hands with me, but hugged me hard. After parting, he looked at me and shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, it's been so long. Why are you still so depressed? Have you been living a wandering life for nearly a year? I laughed and scolded, pointed to my clothes and said, "Damn, have you ever seen a tramp in 'Amani'?" Oh!" Wick's eyes lit up immediately: "So you're rich? But why are you..." He pointed to me.

At this time, the guy on the ground got up, limped to Wick's hand, and looked at me angrily with a depressed face.

"Okay, Victor, don't be depressed. Our Mr. Chen is my old friend. He was the one who once ran away from Martin's boat! His skills must be quite good. You are not his opponent, and it's not a shame.

He patted the strong man on the shoulder, looked at me, and narrowed his eyes: "Oh, so, Chen Yang, are you in trouble? Do you need any help?" Shit! His eyes seemed to have seen Kaizi.