evil spirit

Chapter 27 Swear by Blood

Chapter 27 [Swear by Blood] I took a deep breath, used the loudest voice, and suddenly shouted, "Be quiet!!" When there was not much noise around, I pointed to the person lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and said angrily, "What are you doing? The eighth master is not dead yet!! Have you started to infighting? What's the matter? A martial arts competition? Compared with what? Do you want to choose a new boss?? You like to fight, don't you?" I pulled off my coat, threw it on the ground, and shouted, "Come on! Come and fight with me!!" No one said anything.

"You!" I pulled one from the ground and stared at him: "You like to fight, don't you? Ah! Still holding a wrench? Do you want to kill someone? Who do you want to kill! Kill your own brother?!" I pushed him out hard, he stumbled into the group, and everyone around him dodged.

I stared again: "What are you looking at! This is my brother! What are you hiding from! Why don't you help him up!! Are you all crazy! Are you all stupid!! Don't you even know your own brothers!!" Under my scolding, the people who were knocked down on the ground got up, and some who couldn't get up were also helped up.

Everyone retreated to the periphery tacitly, waiting for me to speak.

I took a breath, gritted my teeth and said, "What did you fight just now! Who can tell me a truth!" Xiaowu..." A man took a step slowly. This man was about thirty years old. He was very tall and strong: "Now we have been bullied at the door, and Boss Huang is also dead! We can't stand it anymore. We have to go out and fight with the Vietnamese!" Well, what else?" I looked at him coldly.

"And... Just now, we thought about it and wanted to do it with the Vietnamese with a gun, but some people refused.

Damn it, coward! Are we all going to put up with being ridden on the head and killing our boss!" Oh? Who won't?" I looked around.

"It's me."

A man who was kicked down just now had a piece of black blue on his face and looked at me proudly: "I won't.

The matter was not clear, and the police blocked the door.

We don't know how many eyes are being stared at now. Aren't we going out to die now!! Besides, the eighth master is not here, Lao Huang and the others are dead, and we don't even have a leader..." "Damn it, you are fucking timid! If you are afraid of death, go back to your hometown!" With a shout and scolding, the scene suddenly became chaotic again.

I looked at it coldly and found that most people were very excited.

But there are also about twenty or thirty people around the big man.

I was a little relieved.

Fortunately, it seems that there are still some rational and calm people among these brothers after all.

I deliberately didn't say anything. These people tossed and turned and shouted at each other for a while, and their voices gradually quieted down.

I waited for everyone to be quiet and said in a serious tone, "Have you all finished arguing? After the quarrel, can you listen to me a few words? These people looked at each other for a while, and someone said, "Xiao Wu, you are the highest-ranking person around the Eighth Master after we went out here. You can speak, brothers, just listen to you!" Do you really listen to what I say?" I took a look at everyone.

"Listen! Damn, Xiaowu, you are the boss now! We've done it with you!" Shit, who is not convinced of Xiaowu? Do you have a pair of red sticks that can be beaten!" I took a look, and most of them looked at me with eager eyes.

Of course, there are also some people with complicated eyes.

After all, I'm still too young.

Although I have made a name for myself before, but after all, I want to order everyone.

To be the boss, it's not only famous, but also popular.

To put it simply, you are very popular, and everyone is willing to drink and chat with you.

But you may not be convinced that you command them.

I know that I don't have time to manage these details one by one. I'm very satisfied that I can suppress most people.

I cleared my throat and shouted, "Okay! My fifth child is actually younger than most people! But in this case, I will take the lead when I come out. If anyone has a problem, just say it face to face. Everyone knows who I am. If anyone thinks he has a better idea than me, I am willing to listen to him!" No one is talking.


Then I'll say it."

I said something slowly, and then my face suddenly changed. I sank my face and shouted, "First of all, I want to scold you first!" You are such a bunch of brainless guys!! What time is it now? What's the mess outside! You guys are good! Very good! It's really good! I'm setting up the ring at home! Good fight! One of them is one! When the Vietnamese come to the door, it will be convenient!! At that time, they will not let go of a single shot, just come and collect the body for us! Isn't it!!" When I first said it, some people looked a little unconvinced, but in the end, most people looked guilty.

"Now, the first thing we have to do is not to take a gun out to do it with others!" I said slowly, "Where are Lao Huang's bodies?" No one speaks.

Ciro hesitated for a moment, came over and whispered, "The body is still with the police."

"Humph!" I was even more angry: "Okay! You are smart! Really *** righteous!! Lao Huang's bodies are left with the police! Poor Lao Huang... He is dying. There are so many people who claim to be 'brothers', but they only care about fighting and killing by themselves. There is not even one to help him collect his body! What the fuck are you 'brothers'!!" When I said this, I saw that many people's eyes were red, and some people cried silently.

I paid attention to it. Most of the people who were red-eyed and cried were originally in the gym.

There are nearly 100 people in the repair yard, but there are only about 20 or 30 people in the gym.

And these 20 or 30 are all mainly cultivated by the eighth master, with the best skills! Most of these people are usually taken care of by Lao Huang. Naturally, they have the deepest relationship with Lao Huang.

After a while, someone suddenly came up in front of me.

He raised his hand and slapped himself seven or eight times. He hit him very hard, and his cheeks were swollen on both sides. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Wu, you're right! We are not fucking things! I... I'm going to the police station to collect the corpses now..." I know, and this is also a brother who the plaintiff and I trained in the gym.

After he finished speaking, he was about to rush out. I stopped him and said slowly, "Okay, if you go to the police station like this, can they give you the body?" He was stunned for a moment.

I sighed and looked at everyone: "Okay, now that everyone is listening to me, I'll talk!" Now everyone go back to my room and change my clothes!" Change..." I saw someone stunned and added, "Change the white one!" We are going to set up a mourning hall for Lao Huang!" No one has a problem now.

I left more than a dozen people, temporarily cleaned the gym, found some candles, made paper money, and set up a temporary mourning hall.

After about 20 minutes, everyone came back.

Everyone found white clothes to wear. Some of them didn't have white clothes, so they tore off the white sheets, curtains and so on in their rooms and tied them.

I kicked down the wooden door of the gym in front of everyone.

Then he took out the dagger, cut off a few boards with his own hands, made a few cards, and wrote his name.

Finally, just as I finished all this, the brother I left on the street at the door came in: "Little...Little fifth brother."

Involuntarily, he changed his name for me from the original "Little Five" to "Little Fifth Brother".

The difference in the word

is very profound! Fifth brother... There's a policeman coming outside!" Everyone was shocked, and someone immediately shouted, "What are the police doing here? They want to..." "It's all quiet!" My voice suppressed everyone: "I called the police... I didn't come to do it, I brought Lao Huang's body back!" I took a look at Silo beside me, and then ordered a few brothers: "Let's go, you guys, go out with me and bring Lao Huang back!" Four pairs of stretchers, the bodies of Lao Huang and others were all packed in bags.

I took Ciro and carried Lao Huang into the door with my own hands.

My move immediately won the respect of countless people.

Then we put the body in the mourning hall, erected the plaque, and I came out.

Jeff stood at the door. He smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Wu... Alas, it seems that you really have a hand. Now it seems that the situation inside has been controlled... In the future, should I call you 'Fifth Master'?" As if I didn't hear his words, I just said lightly, "Officer Jeff, thank you for helping to send back Lao Huang's bodies.

I owe you a favor for this matter, and there will be a report in the future.

Jeff shook his head: "As long as you can keep our promise..." I stopped him: "Okay, this is not the place to talk.

But don't worry, every word I say will not go by word.

Jeff looked at me and left a sentence: "I hope I'm betting on you this time."

Then he left.

Everyone gathered in the mourning hall, and I changed into a sackcloth that Silo temporarily found for me.

I couldn't find the incense at the last minute. I simply lit three cigarettes, and then stood in front of the card and worshipped three times... Just as I put the cigarette in front of the card, I suddenly felt sad... To be honest, I thought I wouldn't cry.

But at this moment, there is a wailing around.

And above... there is Lao Huang lying down! I still remember clearly that when I came here on the first day, I had just been floating on the sea for so many days. The eighth master gave me to Lao Huang. Lao Huang asked me what I wanted... I said foolishly at that time that I wanted to eat.

I still remember clearly that Lao Huang held a bowl of rice, covered with a large piece of braised pork and a few green vegetables... When he handed me the rice to me, his face was still smiling... My nose was sore, and two tears dripping down... I slowly stood up and reached out and made a downward pressure. Everyone Look at me... "Sent someone to buy some of the best refrigerated coffins. Lao Huang's mourning hall will not retreat! Just put it here all the time! When was the revenge? When will Lao Huang be buried? I'm going to sacrifice Lao Huang alive with my enemies!" I shouted, quickly took out a dagger, cut my thumb, and the blood dripped on the table, and shouted, "Yellow sky is thick earth, swear by blood!!"