evil spirit

Chapter 29 Fire on All Sides

Chapter 29 [Fire on all sides] At this time, it is noon. The sea is calm and the sky is clear.

Our yacht slowly leaned against the island, and I looked into the distance with a telescope.

As Wick said, there is a tall lighthouse on the island, which seems to have been built during the colonial period. I'm afraid it will have a history of hundreds of years.

The abandoned lighthouse is full of traces of water rust, which is about ten meters high.

Our ship dodged the reef and docked. Wick stood beside me and sighed, "This island is the only one place to land, and it can only come every day when the tide is punished. After the low tide, the reef blocks the landing place.

I nodded silently and looked at Xi Luo and others behind me: "Brow something and come up with me."

Wick hesitated for a moment and said with a wry smile, "I won't go up with you. I'd better wait on the boat."

I didn't say much, I just nodded.

Stepping on the stone platform under the lighthouse and looking at the entrance of the black hole under the lighthouse, I walked in the front and stepped in. There was a fishy smell on the face. Everyone around me couldn't help frowning. I looked at the blood that had completely dried up under my feet, and all of them had solidified into a The color is red and black! Slowly stepping on the stairs, I walked to the top floor of the lighthouse first, although I was mentally prepared.

But the first time I saw five heads on a table in front of me. The hair was scattered and the face was gray.

My eyes are white and black. Staring at me so quietly, my scalp can't help but feel numb.

And after I walked up, the brothers who followed, including Ciro, all exclaimed! The lighthouse is well ventilated and the sea breeze is very strong, so although these heads have been cut down for more than a day, they have not rotted. I looked at the many brothers behind me.

Everyone is pale, surprised, or angry.

Or looking at the heads on the table in horror, I walked over quietly, then bent down and knelt on one knee at the table.

Then he took out the cigarettes from his pocket, took out three of them, and looked back at Silo: "Fire."

Ciro is barely calm.

Come and light the cigarette for me. I leaned over the ground to pick up a handful of dust, pinched the soil into a pile, and put three cigarettes in front of my head.

Many brothers behind couldn't help but kneel on the ground on one knee, just like me.

"A few brothers who died! Although I, Xiaowu, are not familiar with everyone, but everyone is in a big circle, and they are all in their own robes! You were killed by the Vietnamese.

I, Xiaowu, will definitely get justice from you and ask for blood debts!" After saying this, I sighed, "You have spirits in heaven, and you can close your eyes."

After saying this, I don't know whether it was a psychological factor or a coincidence. I felt a gust of gloomy wind blowing by me, and the group of brothers behind me were all discolored.

I looked as usual and shouted, "Brothers who died, we are here to collect the bodies for you today. Don't blame us!" After saying that, I knelt on the ground on one knee quietly. When the three cigarettes on the table were burned out, I stood up, took the wooden boxes brought from Ciro's hand, and put the five heads on the table into the box with both hands.

Then I looked for it slightly on the top floor of the lighthouse and found the place where Wick said was to throw the corpse at the originally abandoned searchlight.

Looking at the corpse that had been cut into dozens of pieces in front of me, my face turned pale, and a burst of anger in my heart, and my fingers were trembling... I shouted suddenly and punched the wall.

I hit very hard, and blood had flowed out of the bone joint, but I didn't seem to know it at all.

The corpses were piled up there disorderly, the ground was full of dark red hair and black blood, and there was a faint stench on my face, and I even saw mosquitoes and flies flying.

I looked back at the person who brought it, and then took out a pair of gloves from my arms and put them on: "Take the corpses for the dead brothers!" The others put on gloves and walked up with me to carry the body.

Because the scene in front of him was too terrible, the original five living people were cruelly dismembered of the bodies, and the broken bodies piled up together, solidified blood, the smell, and the terrible scars... Wow! There was a man I brought who couldn't stand it anymore. He held the wall and vomited. I looked at him and didn't say anything.

Some people are a little trembling, as if they are a little afraid, and they cringe and don't dare to do it.

I was finally angry. I walked up and kicked him hard: "What are you afraid of! What's so terrible!!" Looking at the man who was hit by me, I was full of anger, pointed to the pile of corpses and shouted, "You can see it clearly!" Who are they! Who are they!! They are not outsiders!! They are our own brothers! It's all our ground robes!!!! Your brother is dead, what are you afraid of!! Will your brother become a fierce ghost and eat you!! If you die and your brother is afraid to collect your body, will you feel cold!!" I scolded angrily. Instead of being annoyed at all, the brother who was kicked by me was straight, with a guilty face. I was stunned for a moment. I slapped myself in the face with my backhand, and then didn't say a word. I bent down to resist half of the body and strode down the stairs... The whole process lasted

We carried all the bodies underneath and packed them with the shroud bag we brought... Especially what I couldn't let go of... Although we tried our best to put together the bodies of five people... But we couldn't put their heads together, because we couldn't tell which head was which body... This result made me very angry and cold! At this moment, I really want to kill people! I once stood in front of the wall with blood characters for a long time, looking at the line of words left on the wall, and the last picture of the cobra drawn with blood... My eyes were almost out of fire! I asked someone to take the seawater from the bucket to rinse the lighthouse up and down, rinsed the blood stains on the ground, and then got on the boat and threw all the things I brought into the lighthouse.

I found Wick: "I can only ask you to take these bodies back and help me burn them. I will store the ashes with you first. When this matter is over, I will bury all the brothers who died this time together."

"Won't you go back?" Wick was a little surprised.

I looked back at this lonely island: "In the next few days, this will be my base camp! Humph... Our current nest is stared to death. If there is a little wind and grass, there will be a problem immediately.

This place is very hidden, and... The Vietnamese did this kind of thing here just now, and they didn't expect that we would live here for a while.

After saying that, I patted Wick: "So, I still have to ask you for your help. We live here these days, and the food and fresh water we need will be delivered by you... I..." I took him to walk and said in a low voice, "I'm going to do something... But you know, according to what you said, now In the inspection of the field, there may be a traitor inside our circle.

So, I dare not let others know that I'm hiding here! The only thing I can absolutely trust now is these brothers around me, who were all born and died in Vietnam with me.

As for those people at home, I can't tell them apart for the time being.

From today on, I will live here. As for what will happen next... Wick, you can wait to watch the news these two days.

Wick hesitated a little, stepped back, looked at me, and said solemnly, "My old friend, I don't want to get into trouble! You know, I have quit.

"I didn't let you take risks, I just asked you to send me some of the most commonly used fresh water and food... At the same time, shut up and don't mention it to others.

It's that simple.

I don't think it's risky, right? I looked at him.

Wick hesitated for a few seconds and sighed, "I knew that I really shouldn't have taken your two bags of U.S. dollars at the beginning... Forget it, just let me pay you back."

"No, it's not a favor."

I said straight, "You are helping me. I will be very grateful to you."

"Well, I will do the delivery in person. I won't let my men participate. I'm sure it will be very secret."

Wick said, "I'll come again in the evening, and then I'll drag you a boat. Otherwise, how can you leave the island?" From now on, everyone hand over the phone.

I said lightly, "I can't trust my brother, but from now on, we are ready to lose our heads at any time!" A small mistake can be a bad thing! So everyone handed over the phone. If there is anything, you must tell me or Ciro first! Then, no one is allowed to leave the island or contact the outside world!" I watched everyone hand in their mobile phones and turn them all off.

Then throw it into a bag.

Then I asked a few people to carry up the boxes we brought this time.

There are guns, ammunition... and some of them are some "props" that I specially prepared.

"Next, we are ready to mix up the pool of water in Vancouver! At noon the next day, on the street in front of the largest Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, this is the site of the largest Chinese gang "Nanyang Hometown Association" in the whole Chinatown. This restaurant belongs to their industry.

At noon, a black car suddenly drove from the east side of the street, like a wild horse, rushing to the door of the restaurant, the roaring sound of the car engine, the harsh sound of braking... Then, under the surprised eyes of many people, two or three masked, thin men came out of the car. With a bucket in his hand, he couldn't help splashing it at the door of the restaurant... Oh! The strong smell of blood immediately filled the air. In the frightened screams of the people around them, the two men shouted in Vietnamese: "Chinese, this is just the beginning of revenge!" Then they got into the car and left quickly.

At that time, someone called the police and wrote down the license plate number of the car, but after the police checked, the car was reported lost by the owner one hour before the incident.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, an attack occurred near an Indian neighborhood.

There is an Indian-run construction company here, but it is actually a gangster.

Indian gangsters are here to use it to launder money.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when a person in charge of the company walked out of the gate surrounded by several subordinates, a car suddenly flew around.

In the car, there are several Arabic costumes, wearing robes.

A person with a headscarf and a covered face, with a gun in his hand, and the car sped by.

A burst of rushing and shooting over.

The bullets were like raindrops, smashing the surrounding cars, walls and glass.

The Indian was surrounded by his men and hid behind a dustbin.

By the time they rushed out, the car had gone without a trace.

At six o'clock in the evening, several Iranians rushed to the territory that originally belonged to the Vietnamese gang. As soon as they walked across a street, they were dragged into a box with their heads covered and couldn't help but be beaten.

After playing, the people who hit them warned them in Chinese: "Now this territory is taken over by our Huabang!" Don't come here in the future!" At four o'clock in the morning, it was in a place where Vietnamese immigrants lived.

Someone called the police and said that a car bomb was found here. As a result, the police blocked the road and finally ruled out the danger. It was a false alarm. Just as the police were about to collect the team, a dustbin was less than 500 meters away from the scene of the incident.

It was blown up in a loud noise... After dawn, the whole Vancouver underworld was in chaos! The Arabs began to trouble the Chinese gang, while the Chinese gang began to find the Vietnamese.

The Indians found someone to threaten the Arabs and accused them of suddenly turning against each other... And the police were even more busy. On the one hand, they looked for the person who called the fake police and the bomb that was put in the dustbin. On the other hand, the organizations in several countries on the underworld were rubbing their hands and staring at each At that time, I invited several gangs to have tea, but some of them went.

Some didn't go.

In the afternoon, the Arabs and Indians were the first to fight.

The Indian gang sent people to avenge the raid. They sent someone to throw a tear gas bomb at an Arab-controlled restaurant. As a result, they were caught slowly, and the Arabs were beaten to death, which then triggered a small-scale fight between the two sides.

On a street, a 15-minute gunfight broke out.

The police sent three teams to block the area.

At the same time, the minds of several gangs in India and several Arab leaders were forcibly summoned into the police station.

The Chinese gang was not very quiet, but the Iranians later provoted several times. The Chinese gang was patient, but some people below had a conflict with the Iranians and injured seven or eight with knives.

This is the second day.

On the third day, things will expand.

Almost overnight, the siren of the police car sounded all night on the long Heistine Street! At first, a house was on fire, and the fire spread violently. When the firefighters arrived at the site, they found that the things that had been burned actually included 20 kilograms of drugs! In this house, there were more than a dozen addicts, all of whom were arrested.

After that, several gangsters began to quarrel with each other.

Coupled with the friction of the day before, the fight will officially start after dawn! In just one day, the police stations in various districts of Vancouver were almost overcrowded. When they walked into the police station, they were full of guys who looked like good people who were dressed like good people, and half of them were injured.

The cell in the police station can hardly be stuffed.

In this case, the police were anxiously looking for the heads of major gangs, asking them to restrain themselves and order them to cease fire... In even, the police used some tough measures to arrest the bosses of several gangs... As a result, someone provoked hundreds of people gathered downstairs of the police station to demonstrate and urged the police to let people go... ... Even several newspapers and TV stations in Vancouver reported, and in the end, even NBC and CNN reporters came.

The original small friction turned into a big friction... And the most wrong thing for the police was that they should not "invite" several gang bosses back.

The people below, once they lose the leader, then once they get messy... Coupled with someone secretly provoking and adding fuel to the trouble, it will be difficult to clean up.

In the end, it turned into grabbing territory! After the Vietnamese contracted and hid, they left a piece of territory. In the eyes of the gangs, there is no doubt that it is a piece of fat! However, because of the previous deterrence of the Vietnamese, no one has dared to move this territory for the time being. Coupled with the existence of our large circle, they also seem to know that we and the Vietnamese will have a big fight sooner or later. If we go to receive the territory now, we may not be able to get benefits.

However, once it gets messy and the situation is chaotic and out of control, people are not so calm.

After all, gangsters are always gangsters.

Without strict discipline and organization, it is impossible to act as rigorously as the army.

Once the people below are splashed, the boss above may not be able to restrain them! Soon.

The territory left by the Vietnamese began to be eclipsted, during which several gangsters fought with each other.

And the territory of our large circle, after I recalled many brothers outside, will naturally cause the control of some sites to be significantly weakened. At this time, everyone's eyes are red, and it is inevitable that someone will come to look for trouble.

The core elements of the real big circle have been ordered by me not to go out in the car repair yard. The outside yard and the site are controlled by those peripheral personnel, very quickly.

We just went to one field after another.

At the beginning, the other party was still restrained, just a test.

Let's see how we react.

But seeing that we didn't do anything, they probably thought that the big circle had been knocked out this time and they didn't dare to come out.

So he brazenly grabbed the territory.

In the police, almost all the police officers have cancelled their vacations, and the number of patrol cars on the street has doubled.

The most important thing is.

The deterioration of the public security situation has caused many democratic groups to gather and protest at the gate of the municipal government every day, which also scattered some of the police to maintain order... After a long time.

An old gangster once said: "I've been in Vancouver for half my life. Except for the time when the big circle just landed in Canada, I have never seen Vancouver mess like this."

"Xiao Wu, drink a little?" Ciro handed me a bottle of water.

Instead of drinking, I poured it on my head and wiped my face hard.

I put some black shoe polish on my face, which blackened the skin on my face, and then I pulled off the turban on my head and threw it on the ground - a typical Arab costume.

The inferior shoe polish stabbed my skin, and it hurt a little hot.

But I don't care about such a small thing.

"How much dog blood do you have?" I took a look at Ciro.

"It's used up."

Ciro smiled bitterly.

His face is also black and white: "We don't have to splash dog blood in the Huabang, do we?" Well, it's almost done."

I smiled, took a towel to wipe my face, and went outside.

Several brothers sit there to wipe the gun, and some people are trying to write down the problem one by one, which is crooked.

"Xiao Wu, do you think I write like Vietnamese notes?" I took a look and said with a smile, "Well, that's right. You write a little scribishly, otherwise it will be drawn deliberately at a glance.

Throw this thing into the nest of Asan in India tonight.

This is a piece of cowhide, on which I asked him to write two abusive threatening words in Vietnamese.

"I think the temperature is almost enough."

Ciro looked at me with a smile.

Thinking of our nonsense in the past few days, Ciro couldn't help laughing.

I looked at him, wiped off a little black oil from his nose, and looked at Ciro's young and impulsive face. I couldn't help but have some strange thoughts in my heart.

Obviously, this boy is one year older than me, but every time I'm with him, I always feel like my brother.

I patted him on the shoulder: "It's almost done. I think the police can't help it."

"The policeman named Jeff is going crazy.

How many times has he called you these days? You didn't answer... The police went to the parking lot many times, but this time we didn't do anything, and the police didn't dare to force you in.

Our lawyer almost lives in the police station now, and he has mushrooms with them every day... Ha ha, the lawyer the little pig is looking for is really awesome. Even the police chief hides from him now.