evil spirit

Chapter 31 Making a scene at the police station

Chapter 31 [Havoc in the police station] (Part 1) In the eighth master's office, I didn't care about politely and directly told Yang Wei what had happened recently.

When I said it, Yang Wei listened quietly, that is, he didn't interrupt me or ask questions.

Just when I finished speaking, she closed her eyes and thought for a while before she said, "So, now Vancouver is in such a mess. Is it really your hand?" Her tone was a little strange, but I still nodded.

"What a little five..." Yang Wei's tone was a little complicated. She looked at it for a while and whispered, "Your behavior this time really surprised me... Hey hey, good means, good means!" Yang Wei...you..." I frowned.

Yang Wei shook his head, looked at me, and said straight, "Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to satirize you.

But I really want to sigh from the bottom of my heart... Xiao Wu, for the sake of your big circle, you don't hesitate to drag the whole Vancouver underworld into the water.

Your heart has become so cruel now! I think that if it had been in the past, you would probably not have been able to do such a cruel thing! You will still have some kindness in your heart, and you don't want to hurt other innocent people... But this time, you are a little heroic enough.

"Are you scolding me or praising me?" I smiled faintly.

"I don't know. I think I should praise you.

Even if it's me, I think you're very beautiful!" Yang Wei said this quickly and whispered, "But...but in the depths of my heart, I feel a little uneasy. It seems that I don't want Xiaowu to become such a person... Alas..." "Humph!" I raised my eyebrows and said, "I really can't do it! But... do you mean kindness? That's because you didn't see a lot of things! How many brothers have we died this time! And those bodies were cut into pieces, their heads were cut down and put on the table to demonstrate against us... I don't know anything now! I just want to kill people!" Yang Wei was silent for a while and waved his hand: "Okay, let's not talk about this.

I take back what I just said! Maybe it's me.

will do the same... So, you said that the police now invite all the bosses on your way to negotiate... Humph, how are you going? What should I do after I go there? I smiled and said, "Of course, I hope that the best Vietnamese boss can go with me, like that.

Even in the police station, I dared to shoot him on the spot! But I know that Vietnamese will definitely not appear.

As for why the police did this kind of thing, it is not difficult to imagine. Naturally, they felt that there was nothing they could do, so they gathered us together. Let's sit down and talk about it and try to calm down the storm as soon as possible.

"Well, that's good."

Yang Wei's thinking was really quick, and he immediately said, "But it's not easy for you to get such a situation.

In this negotiation, the police want to calm down the situation. Naturally, we can't help but let them do as they want! It's better for the pool to continue to muddy.

is good for you.

"But you can't overdo it."

I laughed and said, "If the government is really forced to take extremely tough measures, everyone will be doomed."

"I'll go to the police station later, and I'll go with you."

Yang Wei slapped the table and said with a smile, "How can I miss such an interesting scene? This is your fifth brother's first appearance on Vancouver Road!" Afternoon.

I'm with Yang Wei, and Yang Wei's bodyguard Hansen, my hammer.

The group of four came to the police station.

In order to show my sincerity, I didn't bring too many men here.

I put on a posture. It was supposed to be three o'clock, but I didn't come to the police station until nearly four o'clock.

What makes me laugh is that there are also about two or three hundred citizens of various social groups protesting and demonstrating at the gate of the police station. They are dissatisfied with the deterioration of the public security situation in the past two days and the incommeritious work of the police.

What surprised me even more was that I don't know where the news was revealed, although our car bypassed the front door of the police station.

I entered from the back, but as soon as I got out of the car, two people in windbreakers ran out of the distance. They took a camera and snapped at me. Although the police soon drove them away and tried to grab their camera, I found some sneaky guys on the street... Reporter? No way... Jeff was waiting for me in the door. Seeing me coming, he smiled bitterly: "My God, my little fifth brother, fifth master, don't you know what punctual is?" I said lightly, "It's my first time to attend this kind of police invitation party. I have to prepare for it."

I wear a very formal suit. Instead of being a gang leader, I look like a mall elite who wants to participate in some business negotiations.

And Yang Wei, who is next to me, is dressed in a decent women's suit and a knee-high skirt.

The hammer and Hansen behind him are like two King Kongs, one black and one white.

We entered through the back door and went straight up the stairs. Jeff led us to the door of a conference room.

I found that the whole corridor was blocked and guarded by police at both ends.

I smiled and pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as you enter this conference room, it is full of thick smoke. The room is full of all kinds of strange-looking gangsters. Although there is ventilation in the room, it is still full of the smell of choking cigarettes.

The air is full of pale cyan smoke.

I saw a long table in the middle, with about eight men sitting, including blacks, whites, Arabs, and Asians... The oldest is fifty or sixty, and the youngest is thirty or forty.

These people either leaned against the chair, disdainful, or unhappy, staring at each other angrily, while others simply raised their legs and sneakedly observed the surroundings.

I glanced at Yang Wei, smiled, and walked in with her.

Someone immediately glanced at us: "Who is this boy?" The speaker was an Arab with a white headscarf, with dark skin and a beard.

Before I spoke, Jeff had already shouted, "This is Mr. Chen Yang. He is here on behalf of Master Fang Ba."

I ignored the others. I have seen three old people from the Huabang sitting aside and walking straight over.

nodded to them and said hello.

I have met all three people, and they all know me.

When he saw me, his face was a little complicated. One nodded to me, and the other two were expressionless.

Yang Wei and I sat next to Huabang. On my left is Yang Wei, and a little further is the three people of Huabang.

And on my right is an Arab. I don't know if he is an Iranian. He was the first guy I opened my mouth when I just entered the door.

There are already a lot of people in the room.

There are about eight or nine people in front of the table, and behind each of them stand one or two of his bodyguards.

I found that everyone's eyes couldn't help sweeping towards Yang Wei.

After all, it's all men here.

And a beautiful woman like Yang Wei can indeed attract attention.

And I also found that most people look at me with some contempt.

After all, this place is full of famous figures from various organizations on Vancouver Road, and I.

It's too young.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and a white man about 50 years old came in from the outside.

He is very tall.

The body is straight... It's a pity that I'm a little fat, and my waist is already very bloated.

Although the expression on his face seemed very hard and he tried his best to make a tough look, the worries unconsciously revealed between his eyebrows still somewhat betrayed his feelings.

I saw that he was wearing a police uniform... and his level was very high! Jeff stood half a step behind him on his left.

The old man walked in, sat straight on the head of the long table, swept around sharply, and then opened his mouth with an angry sound.

"Guys! I'm Norton, Senior Superintendent of the Royal Vancouver Mounted Police... Of course.

I think everyone here is an old friend. Everyone is very familiar with it. There is no need for me to introduce myself at all.

His voice was very loud and loud. Obviously, this man was an energetic guy. Norton seemed to smile, but he smiled mechanically: "I think everyone here has been old friends for many years... For example, Bill, hey, I remember when I was driving and patrolling the street, the boss of your West District was also It's your uncle, isn't it? Over the years, I have tried my best to get along well with everyone, so I think the purpose of inviting everyone here today is also this.

It was a white man who was called "Yi Er" by Norton. I looked at the man and vaguely remembered that this man was a local gangster. The territory was in the West District, not very large, close to the territory of the Vietnamese Gang.

Norton looked at me at this time, looked back at Jeff, and then shouted, "Of course, I think there are some new friends here.

This is Mr. Chen Yang. He came here today on behalf of Master Fang Ba in the big circle.

I think that although you don't know him, Master Fang should be an old friend of everyone.

"Hey, it's very good. The eight-finger shelf is really bigger than all of us."

It was still the Middle Easterner who opened his mouth. He sat next to me, looked at me coldly, and then looked arrogant, and his eyes were even moved to the top of his head: "We all came in person, but he only sent a boy with no hair!" A trace of anger flashed on Norton's face. I was about to speak, but I turned around and looked at this guy with a pleasant face. There was no anger on my face. I said calmly, "I'm sorry, Master Ba has been a little unice recently, and his body is a little uncomfortable, so I can only be the representative."

"Oh, right?" A trace of sarcasm flashed on the Middle Eastern people's faces: "I don't think it's that I'm not feeling well, but I'm afraid I can't get up, right?" Norton said quickly, "Mr. Aziz, please..." I waved my hand quickly, sighed leisurely, and stared at the Middle Eastern man named Aziz in a very peaceful tone: "Oh, so, do you know that our eighth master has encountered some accidents?" Humph!" He shouted, "Everyone here, who doesn't know that your big circle of square eight fingers was almost killed? Boy, since you are here on his behalf, you should at least know how to be modest! Humph, don't you Chinese always be modest? First of all, if you are late, you have to apologize to everyone, and then you have to remember your identity. You are just a boy! There is no part for you to speak here. Since you just came instead of Fang Bazhi, just sit aside and listen with your ears!" It's crazy! It's really crazy! I felt a little strange in my heart.

Why is this man so arrogant? I took a look at the people around me. Several Chinese people all looked sad, while the two Indians looked resentful.

But he didn't speak... My heart moved and I thought of it.

The muddy water I provoked. In the past two days, Middle Easterners are the most fierce.

They not only beat the Indians very lightly, but also occupied some territory that originally belonged to our big circle.

It's probably a short victory that made this guy a little dizzy.

Thinking of this, I laughed... What a coincidence. Just as I was about to go to bed, someone sent me a pillow.

I'm still thinking about how to pick something out, and someone immediately sent the opportunity to me... "Dear Mr. Aziz."

I was not in a hurry, with a smile on my face: "First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name is Chen Yang."

"Who cares about your name... What is he still muttering?

I continued to laugh and said, "Oh, because I think you should remember my name.

The name will leave a 'very deep' impression on you.

After saying this, the smile on my face had been restrained in an instant! A trace of evil spirit flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly waved his hand and punched Aziz in the face.

His unique Middle Eastern eagle hook nose was smashed by me! With a scream, he fell back. His body was so bloated that he could not get up after turning over.

And there are two Middle Easterners behind him.

Obviously his bodyguard! One quickly took out the gun, and the other waved a machete! Oh!! I looked at the cold light of the machete and didn't dodge at all.

He pinched his wrist with one hand, and then pushed it. The machete immediately wiped it in the opposite direction, and heard a scream. Under the blood light, the Middle Eastern man's wrist with the gun was heavily cut, the blood spewed out, and the gun also fell.

I have taken the opportunity to pinch the shoulder of the Middle Easterner with a knife and shake my hand.

His shoulder thumped, and the joints were removed. I had stood up, pinched into fists with the other hand, and hit his stomach with three consecutive punches. He didn't hum and softened directly.

Another bodyguard covered his wrist, looked fierce, and struggled to hit me. As soon as I raised my leg, my knee hit his face. Suddenly, blood sprayed. He lay on the ground. I picked up the machete on the ground, and then nailed it to the table! Everyone next to him hasn't reacted yet.

Some faces are shocked, while others are full of complexity... Some people seem to be a little confused! No one could have thought that on such an occasion, in such a negotiation scene in the police station, I dared to do it! If you say you turn against each other, you will turn against each other! But I haven't finished it yet! I looked at the Aziz lying on the ground. He covered the bridge of his nose, as if it was broken? I smiled, and God knows how cruel I laugh.

I was under the gaze of so many eyes in the room.

Stand beside him, lift my right foot in leather shoes, and then step heavily on his face... once! Two times! Aziz screamed like a pig. I never thought that a person could call such a sound... His face had been blurred by blood so that he couldn't see his original appearance clearly.

I think if he just had just broken the bridge of his nose.

So now, I'm afraid that the bridge of his nose can't be restored to the original state by inviting the best plastic surgery experts in the world! I slowly removed the chair under the shocked eyes of everyone. There were already three people lying on the ground, and Aziz was still screaming.

I deliberately moved my chair, and the foot of the chair was deliberately pressed on one of his hands, and then I sat down... "Ah!-!!!!" Aziz was about to faint, but the severe pain made him suddenly howling bitterly again.

I took the opportunity to kick him on the head, and he finally tilted his neck and fainted.

I sat there, looking at all the people staring at me or fire, or scheming, or a little panicked, or a little confused... In the face of so many eyes, I casually took out the cigarette, sandwiched it between the two fingers, and the hammer behind immediately took a step, reached out and took out the lighter... Ding! In the flames, I took a sip of a cigarette, then slowly sprayed it out, smiled at the crowd, blue and said softly, "Sorry, everyone, I was a little impulsive just now."

"..." "..." "..............." On the table in front of me, the shiny machete was nailed, and the cold light of the blade was reflected on my face. At this moment, everyone looked at me as if they were a ghost, or... looked at a madman.

I even took out a tissue, casually wiped the blood stains on my hands and body, and then looked at Norton, who was already stunned with anger, and smiled, "Mr. Norton, I think our topic should continue... It's just that the number of people participating in our discussion may be reduced by one.

Now, if anyone has a phone, it's better to call an ambulance.

...Bang!! Norton got up, pointed to me and shouted, "Mr. Chen Yang, please don't forget, this is the police station! In front of my eyes, you actually did such a bad hurtful act to a person! You..." I stared at him without hesitation, and the smile on my face faded little by little. I said coldly, "Mr. Norton, I think you forgot the names of me and my brother... Have you forgotten? We are in a big circle! You should also know that if anyone dares to bully the big circle, what will happen to it!"