evil spirit

Chapter 33 What a smart dog!

Chapter 33 [What a smart dog!] It's a little messy, but it was just cleaned up early this morning.

Walking into Doug's office, it was only about ten square meters, and there was some dust on the shutters. I even doubted that it might have been a waste storage room or something.

Sure enough, as soon as I guessed, Doug said lightly, "I like to be quiet. This room is with my back to the street, and it is the quietest room on this floor.

Before I moved in today, it was still a warehouse for sanitary and cleaning supplies.

He pointed to the chair and smiled, "Fortunately, these chairs are very clean. Please sit down."

Only Yang Wei and I walked into the public office. We left the hammer and Hansen outside.

This is also what Doug means. He seems to want to have a "good" talk with us.

However, I also heard a little clue from his words.

This Doug just came to Vancouver today... His position is a temporary government commissioner, who is responsible for coordinating and resolving this riot.

I just came here today... Then this guy is not easy.

He just came today, but gave up the gangster leaders in the whole room and came to talk to me alone. Looking at his confident and calm appearance, he seemed to know me very well... The only explanation is that although this incident was sudden, in a short time, Doug has mastered enough. A large amount of intelligence and information, including my understanding! It was not until later that I learned something about this Doug from Yang Wei.

This guy can almost be said to be a strange person in the whole of Canada.

His nickname is "Big Dog" because everyone thinks his nose is more sensitive than a dog! Especially in the case of organized crime, this guy can almost be said to be a detective to solve the case! He has been exposed to nearly 100 cases in this industry, and the solve rate is 95%! He is not just a magical detective who solves cases.

Not only Sherlock Holmes, but also an expert in social relations.

He is good at coordinating various relationships and finding breakthroughs in chaotic and complex situations.

Because he has obtained a degree in social psychology, a degree in social public relations, has been a psychologist for two years, and has worked as a lawyer, a negotiator for a short time... "What I didn't expect is that the Sanye family would also interfere in Vancouver affairs."

Doug is very polite to Yang Wei.

But there is a faint temptation in the tone.

"You don't have to be surprised. I don't represent my family. I'm just a good personal friend with Mr. Chen Yang.

Of course, if something happens, I will fully support Mr. Chen Yang in my personal name.

Yang smiled and said.

Doug looked at me deeply, then walked aside with a smile, took the coffee machine and got two cups of coffee. He smiled and said, "I don't like to bring my secretary with me, so I did everything by myself."

handed me a cup of coffee in a secondary cup. He sat in front of me with a restrained look and said solemnly, "Mr. Chen Yang, I want to have an open and honest conversation with you about some of the current problems."

He pointed to the room and said, "You can rest assured that I don't have any [disabled words] here. Our conversation today is purely informal and will not leave any records."

Well, this guy is good at being a man, at least he doesn't like to put on airs as much as other officials.

I nodded, and Doug's first sentence left a good impression on me. He smiled and said, "Norton is old."

"Mr. Norton has served the police for more than 20 years. He has made outstanding achievements and seniority, and has solved many major cases.

Unfortunately, he is old now... and he is beginning to have a lot of worries about what he does.

He laughed and said, "In the past, Norton was called 'iron noodles'. His previous practice was indeed very strong, worthy of this name, but in the past two years, he has become a little too weak.

Of course, in fact, I can't blame him. After all, at his age, he will retire in a year and a half. Before retirement, it is also normal to strive for stability.

But his mentality made his means too weak, and this time the matter in Vancouver will develop into this difficult situation.

Yang Wei and I looked at each other. Doug took a sip of the coffee and then looked at me: "Mr. Chen Yang, your Mr. Fang, are you still in the hospital?" Yes, I would also like to thank the police for sending someone to protect him.

I said lightly.


Doug didn't care about what I said, but continued: "Before I came, I carefully analyzed the incident. It can be said that many people think that the large-scale riots of gangs started two days ago, but I think that this riots started earlier.

The big circle is one of the important forces in the Vancouver underworld at present. Everyone knows what Fang Ba Ye's identity is.

In the past, in the police files, there were as many as two archives in the big circle.

The head of such an organization was attacked, but from what happened to the organization in which you controlled the big circle later, it really made me very interested in you.

"Oh?" Doug shrugged his shoulders. This is a typical Spanish move. He looks very calm. It seems that he is not negotiating with me on behalf of the police at this moment, but just a chat between friends.

There is no doubt that his posture is very effective, at least not as disgusted as that Norton.

"You are very young, Mr. Chen Yang."

Doug laughed and said, "I have studied many organizations, and my job is to deal with underworld crimes.

In all the files I have studied, few precedents for you to control an organization at such a young age, few... And, without exception, in all other cases of young leaders in power, the personality and age of the leader often determine the style of the organization... For example, young People's impulsiveness, aggressiveness, fierceness, etc... Especially this time... After reading the information about the matter, I think the most important mistake of the Vancouver police is to ignore you too much.

I haven't changed my expression.

"Well, from any point of view, Mr. Fang of your organization was attacked, so you, as his temporary successor, after taking office, with your age, your status, and the nature of your organization... I think from the normal development trend, now in this riot incident The main role should not be the Iranians, Arabs, or Indians in the conference room just now... What should be the most noisy should be you, and the big circle under your leadership now! You have the best reason to make a scene.

But what puzzles me is that your subsequent series of practices make me strange. You first quickly unified the interior, and then calmed down the emotions of your subordinates.

You even gave up a lot of peripheral territory, and then restrained your subordinates... The big circle has always been strong. In this collective riot of the Vancouver underworld, you didn't shoot a shot and didn't see anyone... This is really not in line with your age and the style of doing things in the big circle.

"Then what?" I laughed.

"Then, after careful analysis, I came up with two possibilities... and the only two possibilities I can think of so far."

Doug's tone is still sincere.

I smiled with a relaxed expression and took out a cigarette: "Is it okay?" Oh, please."

Doug shrugged his shoulders.

I lit a cigarette and looked at him: "Please go on. I'm also curious about the two possibilities you finally analyzed."

"Okay, the first possibility is..." Doug changed his tone, looked at me, and said slowly, "You did the assassination and attack of the Eighth Master in your organization!" It is not surprising that there are no one thousand or eight hundred in the underworld organizations to kill their own leader in order to take office.

If you did this by yourself, then after you successfully take office now, because of your mood, you also know that the murderer is actually yourself. Of course, you will not retaliate against others.

I smiled, and Yang Wei was also laughing. She squeezed her lips and said, "Well, it's a very good imagination."

Doug sighed: "Unfortunately, there is a fatal flaw in my guess, that is, after the failure of the assassination, Mr. Fang did not die on the spot, but was admitted to the hospital. These days when Mr. Fang is lying in the hospital, you have most of the chances to kill him, but he still lives until now And... It seems that according to this logic, you should be more active now. I think if the person who assassinated Mr. Fang is you, then if you are smart, you should be at the forefront now, so that everyone can believe that it is the Vietnamese who hurt Mr. Fang... so that you can sit more firmly in your position.

I'm still laughing: "That's right... Fortunately, I'm not the murderer, otherwise, with your analytical ability, I'm afraid I've been exposed."

"You are too modest."

Doug smiled, and a trace of cunning flashed in his eyes: "I admire you very much now... Since I have basically rejected the first possibility subjectively, the second possibility has now filled my head..." He deliberately paused and observed my face before He continued: "Given that your performance and the reaction of your men are too abnormal, and your age and your previous reputation, it seems that you are not a fearless person.

In this case, deliberately tolerant and low-key seems to have ulterior motives.

At this most delicate time, such a riot broke out... Mr. Chen Yang, isn't this coincidence very interesting? He winked at me.

"I have a very interesting habit... That is, if I start to doubt an object, I will try to treat myself as that object, and then analyze. If it were me, in such a situation, what would I do? What do I need most... This analysis is very, very effective... And guess At that time, I tried to treat myself as you. What was the result after the analysis?" What?" My tone is flat.

"disturb everyone's attention and break the balance of the situation! Then... fish in troubled waters!" Doug said slowly word by word, "This is the conclusion I need most from your perspective after thinking for a long time!" Bang! Bang! Bang! Pa... I was expressionless, and then I raised my hands and began to applaud.