evil spirit

Chapter 40 Oh, I'm lying.

Chapter 40 [Oh, I lied.

] At three o'clock in the morning, in a restaurant on a street in Area C of Vancouver, the signboard outside was written in English and Italian, which showed the identity of the owner of the restaurant, who was Italian.

Sure enough, it offers what is known as authentic Italian pizza, as well as pasta, and there is a takeaway service.

At three o'clock in the morning, the whole street is very quiet, and only the street lights emit a faint light. This street is located on the fork of a main road, which is not too busy. There are still cars parked on the street... The main building of this restaurant is a three-story building. The restaurant is located on the first floor, People's residence.

"It tastes really good."

I took a piece of pizza that had just been taken out of the oven in one hand and took a careful bite. The smell of cheese filled my mouth and nose.

I gave a thumbs-up, then opened the curtains and looked at the street downstairs.

"Don't worry, sir, madam, we are not malicious."

I smiled and said, "So you don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you... Oh, we are not robbers. We came here late at night just to ask you for a favor."

Sitting on a slightly shabby old-fashioned sofa in the middle of the room, a pair of white men and women hugged each other, and the woman's body trembled a little.

The man was calm and hugged his wife tightly.

The outline of their faces has obvious Mediterranean characteristics. They are all standard Sicilians, especially this man, with a high nose and green eyes.

Then he looked at me in English with a strong accent: "What do you want?" He was scared, and his eyes swept over my other brothers in the room from time to time.

And obviously, trying to suppress the anger in my heart.

I can understand him very well.

After all, in the middle of the night, a group of people with weapons broke into their homes and dragged themselves and their wives from **. Everyone would run away.

I handed the pizza box in my hand to Ciro: "Try it. It tastes really good."

Then I wiped my hands and took out a note from my pocket with the phone number copied.

"This is a phone call. Someone used this phone to call you recently. Recently, the owner of this phone should have ordered a lot of takeaway food from you."

I stood in front of the boss: "I don't want much, just ask me to recall it, and then tell me every detail of this matter.

How much food they order every day, where to send it, and other things... Anyway, as long as you can think of it, regardless of the details, please tell me all."

The boss calmed down a little. He took a look at the phone number on the table and hesitated: "I'm sorry... I can't remember this number... No, no, I'm not trying to lie to you, but I get a lot of ordering calls here every day. There are fifty or sixty calls every day. I can't write I need to check my accounts... After all, I'm not a computer."


I spread out my hand: "Please go."

The boss let go of his wife, and then pointed to a drawer in the room: "My account is in that drawer..." He stood up and walked over, and I signaled the stone that they didn't have to stop him.

"Wait a minute."

Just as his hand was about to touch the table, I smiled and said, "I need to remind you that if you want to touch the gun hidden under the table, then I can't keep my promise just now... I don't want to hurt you, but please cooperate. We just want to ask you for a favor."

The boss's face turned pale, and he looked at me in surprise.

I laughed: "There are not many Italians in this city, and I heard that many small Italian restaurants have something to do with the mafia family... I respect you Italians, so I don't want to get into trouble."

I walked over, and the boss's body was a little stiff. I groped under the table for a while, took out a pistol from below, and the gun got stuck in a groove under the table.

"A very secret position to hide the gun."

I smiled, picked it up and took a look. I casually said, "Do you have anything to do with Mr. Abetoni?" Abetoni is the leader of an Italian mafia family in Vancouver, but the power of Italians is not strong in Vancouver.

Abetoni is just a second-rate and third-rate figure.

"I...my cousin is the godchild of Mr. Abetoni."

The boss is a little depressed.

I laughed, the typical gangster model of Italian family + religious relations.

"Listen, I just need help. I have no conflict with Mr. Abetoni, and it's just a coincidence that I came here today."

I looked at him: "I just want to know everything about that phone number, that's all."

"Who are you and which organization do you represent?" The boss asked another stupid question: "I won't show you my account book!" Unless you kill me."


I cursed in a low voice, took the gun in my hand, pointed at him, and said with a wry smile, "Are you deaf? Whether you are from Abetoni or an Italian gangster, these have nothing to do with me! I'm here tonight, not to bother you Italians! I just think of you as the owner of a restaurant, and it happens that some of my opponents have ordered a batch of food with you these days. What I need is to find the addresses of my opponents through you! Do you understand? Italian? Humph, Abetoni, that guy is polite when he sees me! I'm not interested in your account book here! As long as you tell me everything about that phone number, I will disappear from here immediately, and what happens tonight can be regarded as a dream.

When you wake up at dawn, nothing has happened.

"Really?" The boss looked at me with a puzzled face.

I have no patience to talk nonsense with him. I picked up the gun and pointed it at his head.

"XX Street, No. 6, B-4."

The boss quickly reported an address, and then seemed to be afraid that I wouldn't believe it. He explained, "They have ordered food from me for three days in a row, and they ordered 16 servings each time.

This is a big business, so I remember it clearly.

But..." "But what?" However, they ordered the meal with me three days ago, but they didn't order it tonight.

"Thank you!" I immediately put away the gun and looked at the others: "Come on! Let's go!" Before leaving, I looked at the brain-instorming boss and smiled, "I haven't seen you tonight, and you haven't seen us either."

I don't think you want to get into trouble either.

I casually threw a bill out of my pocket and said with a smile, "By the way, your pizza is really good."

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ I rushed all the way to the back of the street, I urged Silo to start the car.

Ciro is still a little nervous and confused: "What's wrong? Now that we know the hiding place of those guys, don't we have to make a good plan before we act? I sighed and didn't say anything.

Stone said first: "The boss made it very clear that the other party ordered food with him three days ago, but he didn't order it tonight... This shows that they may have changed places! So we have to rush there immediately... As for whether we can catch them or not, it depends on luck.

Ciro woke up and quickly started the car to step on the accelerator.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the address. This is a very old urban area, surrounded by old-fashioned buildings with brick walls. Most of the buildings are only three or four floors high, and the houses are gray and low.

The streets are narrow, and even the street lights at night are not well maintained. Many street lights are not on, and some are constantly flashing and making a sizzling sound.

"It's here, on the fourth floor."

We tried our best to reduce the speed, so that the sound of the car was relatively low, and we slowly drove to a building.

There was an alley right across the street, and I asked Silo to drive the car in.

Another car behind also followed in.

"Leave two brothers to guard the car below."

I took a look at Ciro: "Ciro, you stay."

"Why?" Ciro was a little disappointed: "I'll go up with you!" I ignored him and looked at the stone: "Leave one of your people and watch the car with Ciro. We are ready to retreat at any time.

And... please prepare the weapons in your hands."

The people in the other car also got into our car. Everyone checked the time, and then under my strict order, Ciro agreed to stay depressedly.

"Divide into two ways, all the way from behind, the stone lead the team.

Scorpion, you took eight people and rushed in with me from below..." After a pause, I said slowly, "Don't hesitate to make it as clean as possible!" ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ The rapid footsteps came from the old-fashioned stairs, and ten of us quickly went up the stairs.

One advantage of this spiral staircase is that it runs fast.

rushed to the fourth floor in one breath, and there was a wooden door in front of him, and there was a little dim yellow light inside.

"Pss!" I made a gesture, and a man immediately walked up behind me and stamped on the door panel.

Bang! The whole door was kicked down, and I immediately took the lead in rushing in. With a gun in my hands, the three people who rushed in immediately consciously formed a triangular group.

But we were disappointed.

Behind the door is a large room, but it is empty. A chandelier on the ceiling is shaking gently, and the dim yellow light is flashing.

At this time, the stone people at the window also turned in from the outside. Their movements were very capable, and the people in front of them immediately occupied the favorable terrain to cover the people behind... Unfortunately, all this was in vain! The room was very messy, and there was a lot of discarded debris and garbage on the ground. I also saw a pile of pizza boxes in the corner, and even a bad smell came from the room... We quickly checked the place. There was also a room inside, which was a little cleaner than the outside. A lot of plastic cloth and debris were thrown on the ground.

Dad... I even saw a condom.

"They have already left."

The stone said sullenly.

I took a breath and punched the wall.

Go to the front of the table and look at a half-gnawed pizza on the table, in addition to some drinking mineral water bottles.

"Well, we're only one step slower, but we still have a chance to find them."

The stone came to comfort me.

"It's okay."

I forced a smile: "They must have changed their place to hide.

These Vietnamese are very cunning.

The stone waved his hand and told others, "Check carefully to see if there is anything useful and if you can find any clues.

We will leave in five minutes."

Soon... "Stone, we found this."

A man came over with a smile, and there was a golden thing on the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

This is a gold watch.

"I saw it in the toilet inside. Maybe someone left it here and forgot to take it away."

The man smiled and said, "This thing should be worth a lot of money."

I picked it up and took a look... Well, Rolex.

This kind of table is worth about 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars, which is not too expensive.

But let me notice that yes, the back of this watch is engraved with a few words, which seems to be cut with the tip of a knife.

And the body is very old, very old, it looks like a very old thing.

I handed it to the stone, and he took it over and took a look, especially the words drawn in the back. He smiled: "Well, this thing is old.

The following strokes are Vietnamese characters, which means 'trophy'.

I forced a smile. Before I could say anything, I heard a walkie-talkie around my waist suddenly flash.

"Hello?" I picked it up and said, "Ciro? What's the matter? Ciro's voice was very excited: "Xiao Wu, someone is coming! They just entered the stairs, as if they had gone up... Maybe they were Vietnamese! Two superiors!" I was shocked! He smiled and looked at the stone: "Someone is coming up. It's two Vietnamese. They're back!" Without my command, the stone immediately gestured, quickly made a few orders, and then whispered, "Are you catching alive?" With my affirmation, everyone moved quickly.

Someone first picked up the door panel that fell to the ground, pressed it on the door frame, and separated three people to the door and hid behind the corridor outside.

Stone and I stood on both sides of the door.

The others found their own places in the room.

A minute later, there was the sound of footsteps upstairs, and I faintly heard the sound of someone talking in a low voice while walking.

What reassures me is that they are indeed Vietnamese.

I took a look at the stone, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ The door panel fell down. Probably two Vietnamese outside were about to open the door. As a result, the door panel had already been kicked down by us. They pushed it gently outside and fell down.

With the exclamation of the two Vietnamese, their reaction was not slow. One of them had pulled out the gun from his waist, but immediately, the two brothers hiding outside the corridor had reached out from behind and strangled their necks. The stone and I had rushed out, and one punched the two people first and knocked them. The gun also kicked away.

Two Vietnamese were dragged into the room by us, and someone immediately closed the door again.

At first, they seemed to want to resist, but when they came in, the room was full of us, and suddenly their faces showed an expression of panic and despair.

"Do you speak Vietnamese?" I glanced at the stone, and he smiled and said, "Most of us here will say it."

"Good!" I waved to the two Vietnamese and pressed them to the ground.

I pulled a chair and sat in front of them.

"Ask them how they got here."

Stone immediately asked them in Vietnamese.

The two Vietnamese hesitated for a moment, but they both kept their mouths closed.

I went up and slapped them one by one, swelling half of their faces.

I found that both of them looked desperate.

But the one on the left is a fateful look, and his eyes are just staring at the ground.

And the other one, with a little panic in despair, and his eyes seemed to be a little dodged.

My heart moved: "tell them that I want to ask them questions. As long as I am willing to be honest, I can not kill people."

Stone translated for me, and the expressions of the two people were a little different.

One of the corners of his mouth showed a sneer, and the other had more dodging in his eyes.

"You, what are you laughing at?" My tone is very cold.

Every time I say a word, Stone is by my side to help me translate it into Vietnamese.

This person did not continue to be silent this time.

The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and his words were a little vague. Maybe he bit his tongue when he was slapped in the face just now.

"He said... Since he was caught by us, it must be a dead end, so he didn't believe you. He said that he was ready to die, and you can do it at any time."

Stone slowly translated it to me.

"Oh..." After listening to it, I answered lightly, and then I suddenly stood up and walked quickly behind this guy.

Grab his hair with one hand, pull out the dagger with the other hand, and then take the opportunity to wipe it on his neck... Pounce!! With internal pressure, the blood immediately spewed out! I rubbed it deeply! His throat was cut off by me.

When a person is dying, he will naturally struggle, but he has been caught by me for a long time and held down by my hair, and his body twisted a few times in vain.

There was a "cluck" sound in his mouth, but his throat was cut off, and he couldn't even make a complete scream.

Blood sprayed on the ground in front of him, and it was suddenly bright red. My arm and the blade were also full of blood. Another Vietnamese who knelt next to him was dying. When he was struggling, half of his face was also splashed with a lot of blood.

The stone seemed to be stunned for a moment, and the others in the room seemed to be stunned.

They probably didn't expect me to do things so simply and ruthlessly! Unexpectedly, if you don't agree, you can do it. If you say you want to kill someone, you can kill someone! There is not even any room left.

The body lay heavily on the ground, the blood flowed slowly, and the body was still trembling.

I know this is a natural nervous reaction, but the remaining Vietnamese next to him is full of despair and panic.

I raised my leg, wiped the dagger on the sole of the shoe, and looked at the stone: "You told this guy that he asked me to kill him. I just met his request.

As for this guy, ask him if he also wants to ask me to kill him.

The stone looked at me strangely and translated according to my words.

Sure enough, the rest of the Vietnamese trembled all over, and his face turned pale in an instant. He was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly screamed! His hoarse voice was disgly deformed, like killing a chicken, with a trill.

Although I can't understand his words, that incoherent look can't be wrong.

He is scared! I sneered.

That's right, that's right! I don't believe that all Vietnamese are good men who regard death! They are just gangsters. You think they are all revolutionary martyrs!! He said that he was afraid of death, and he didn't want to die.

The stone looked at this guy with some contempt.

I pulled the corners of my mouth: "Okay, just be afraid of death.

If he is not afraid of death, it will be difficult for us to do it.

I squatted down and stared into his eyes: "Do you know who we are?" ...I know."

The Vietnamese's answer was translated by Stone for me: "You are a big circle."

I nodded with satisfaction: "So, in this place, your people are hiding here these days?" While talking, my hand deliberately or unintentionally pulled the head of the corpse, so that the body's face was facing the guy.

His psychological defense line completely collapsed, and he quickly came out.

It turns out that about 20 Vietnamese people are hiding here... In addition to here, there are four or five hiding places for Vietnamese, with at least 20 to 30 people hiding in each place, and up to 50 or 60 people.

Basically, the most elite hitrs and gunmen in the Vietnamese gang are nearly 200 people.

No wonder we haven't been able to find Vietnamese recently. It turns out that most people are hiding like this.

And the other ordinary little brothers, the hoodlums on the street, were temporarily dismissed home.

It's chaotic outside these days, and those people don't dare to shake outside.

Moreover, the Vietnamese are very cunning. If they stay in one place for three or four days at most, they will change to another hiding place.

This can greatly reduce the possibility of detection.

As for the place where they hide... According to this guy's comment, it's actually some half-key projects done by the Vietnamese's own construction company, and some abandoned buildings or construction sites.

After all, Vietnamese people have intervened in the real estate industry to make money in the past few years, but there are many such places to hide.

This answer made me sigh faintly.

Why didn't I think of this!! Yes, since I know to go to the Vietnamese construction company to check their phone numbers, as long as I check the records of the business that these Vietnamese have done in the past few years and the construction buildings they are responsible for, I will probably find a lot of clues! Hiding in abandoned buildings and old buildings... What could be safer than this kind of place? Before we found this place today, more than 20 people hiding here had changed places.

This time, they changed to the warehouse of a seafood processing factory a little farther away from downtown Vancouver.

I don't need to force him to ask, this guy said it himself.

As for how these two unlucky people came back, it really has something to do with the gold watch we just got.

The gold watch is a leader of the Vietnamese people hiding here. They left in a hurry when they moved, but they accidentally lost the watch.

This thing was very valuable. The leader was a little distressed, so he sent these two men back to help him find it. As a result... I questioned him carefully several times, and asked many details repeatedly to confirm that he was not lying.

But just as I was about to stand up, I saw a glimmer of light in his eyes, and I smiled.

Squatted down again.

Pulled out the dagger, the blade gently picked up his chin and said slowly, "I'm very satisfied with what you said... You are very honest.

However, the news you told me is too low for me to buy your life back.

Unless you have more valuable information, I can't spare your life.

The stone said my words with no expression on his face, and the Vietnamese's body trembled again.

He hesitated for a few seconds, but I deliberately turned my wrist, and the blade gently pierced the skin on his chin and suddenly flowed blood.

This guy was so scared that he screamed as soon as he saw himself bleeding.

I slapped him twice, which made his eyes shine.

"Say! Say it! I said!" He was going crazy and shouted crazily.

Then, he said an information that surprised us... a very useful information! ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ In Vancouver's Vietnamese gang, the largest leader surname is Ruan, called Ruan Ajie.

is known as Mr. Ruan.

He also has a younger brother, Ruan Wenjie, who is the third person in the Vancouver Vietnam Gang.

This pair of brothers are known as "Da Ruan" and "Xiao Ruan" on the road.

And this guy told me a message about "Xiao Ruan".

Xiao Ruan originally evaporated and hid in the world these days.

However, this kind of person who is used to being a boss inevitably has some habits and hobbies.

After a long time like this kind of ground mouse, it will naturally be a little unbearable.

Xiao Ruan has a mistress - it's not surprising.

The boss of the underworld, not to mention having a mistress, even ten or eight are very ordinary.

However, this mistress was just started by Xiao Ruan a few months ago, and it was the time when she was hot.

More importantly, Xiao Ruan seems to have sneaked back recently to see the mistress.

Originally, they hid under Da Ruan's order, but after all, Xiao Ruan was Da Ruan's younger brother. He secretly ran home with his brother behind his back. Even if others knew it, they didn't dare to say anything about him.

But the problem is that after Xiao Ruan ran back, he didn't want to come out. He simply didn't hide with the army, but only took two personal bodyguards, and he had been hiding in the mistress's house.

The reason is: his mistress is pregnant with his seed! Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan are all in their forties. There are a lot of women, but they have probably done too many bad things over the years, but no children have been born.

This time, a mistress was pregnant with Xiao Ruan's seed. Even when the situation was tense, he couldn't care so much, so he simply stayed at the mistress's house.

Originally, this was nothing.

Because it is actually safe to live in his mistress's house, and outsiders can't find out how many mistresses he has.

If he hides and doesn't go out, we can't find him.

But the problem is... the Vietnamese in front of me... Xiao Ruan's mistress is his sister.

This unexpected information made us excited at once! The stone touched his chin and couldn't help laughing and said, "Damn it, this little Ruan is a kind of love! Hey hey! OK! OK!" He glanced at me and said, "How's it going? Now we know a hiding place of the Vietnamese and the whereabouts of their No. 3 person. What should we do next? Should we kill their No. 3 character first, or go to their hiding place first? After thinking about it carefully, I suddenly moved my mind and came up with an extremely interesting idea.

"No hurry, no hurry."

I looked at the stone: "I suddenly remembered a funny idea..." I stood up and looked at the guy kneeling on the ground, with an expression of disgust on my face.

Humph, in order to survive, even his sister can go to the takeaway.

"Hey, do you know that if you told me the news, then your sister and your little brother Ruan will die! Huh?" I asked him.

The Vietnamese hung his head and didn't say anything, but his body was shaking.

"Kill him."

I said it lightly.

The stone immediately pulled out the gun and pulled the bolt.

The Vietnamese seemed to understand what we were going to do and howled loudly.

"What did he say?" I asked the stone.

"He said that you promised him not to kill him."

The stone curls its mouth.

"Oh, you tell him..." I said lightly, "I lied.

If he feels wronged, he can go to the Lord of Hell to complain about me.