evil spirit

Chapter 42 Shut up without evidence!

Chapter 42 [Shut up if there is no evidence!] I still remember that Yang Wei once warned me that I can't remember her original words clearly. Anyway, the general meaning is: any gang is just a marginal force.

In a society with developed social politics, economy and culture, gangsters cannot compete with the mainstream.

It is undeniable that the existence of gangs cannot be eradicated, but it can be controlled to a minimum.

Because, no matter how big and powerful the gangster is, if the government is really determined to deal with you, you will definitely die! There is no chance of winning against the underworld and the national machine.

And today, these words are best reflected! In the morning, several TV stations have repeatedly played the video I sent anonymously at least 20 times! Almost all news programs focus on the Vancouver police! Just after ten o'clock in the morning, the police held a temporary emergency press conference. Norton, dressed in uniform, reiterated the police's determination to fight crime in front of the camera, and said that any aggressive behavior that provoked the police would be severely attacked by the police.

Then, under the camera, more than a dozen police cars roared out, and the police loaded with live ammunition rushed out of the street... In fact, I know that this is just to show the strength and prestige of the police.

A real large number of police officers, ten minutes after I called the police, had already assembled and went to the seafood processing factory in the suburbs.

Ciro and I randomly found a remote street to get out of the car, and then Stone and others continued to leave. They immediately returned to the lighthouse island and continued to lurk.

As for Ciro and me... I took Ciro to walk on the streets of Vancouver.

We turned a corner and had a big meal in a restaurant. I just had a plate of five-spice peanuts, a stack of beef, eight taels of dumplings, and two bottles of beer.

Then he gave the waiter ten Canadian dollars and asked him to adjust the TV hanging on the wall to a sports channel.

Other customers who were originally watching the latest police report on TV expressed their dissatisfaction, but I spent money, and the waiter ignored the criticism of other customers... Unless one of them was willing to spend more money to transfer the TV channel back to the restaurant.

I looked at the TV screen with relish, on which was playing a hockey game. This kind of sport is very popular in North America. Although I was not interested in this kind of sport at all before, I was very interested in it at this time.

Ciro next to

seemed to have a lot of words to say to me, but he put up with it, and it was inconvenient to talk in public, so he had to drink beer in one mouthful.

Finally, we sat in the restaurant for two hours, watched an ice hockey game, and saw that it was past noon.

The restaurant has been quiet, and there are no guests around. Xi Luo finally couldn't stand it and asked me in a low voice, "Xiao Wu... Aren't you in a hurry?" I lit a cigarette leisurely: "What's the hurry?" What are we going to do today? Silo scratched his ears and cheeks: "We have to take a big action today, right?" Oh..." I nodded casually, looked at the TV screen, and said casually, "Don't worry, it's time to watch a good show... Don't worry, we don't have to do it now, and the police will be cruel to the Vietnamese!" Terrorist attack? Announce responsibility for this incident? This kind of thing is not just a category of "gangster crime"! The police will definitely take some more special measures! I believe that it must be difficult for us to check the hiding places of other Vietnamese people.

But if the state machine intervenes in the investigation, it is almost the easiest thing! Who can be more than the Canadian government in this land? I estimate that the video this morning was exposed, and the Vietnamese have now been set up as the number one enemy by the police! As for the hiding place of part of the Vietnamese who I secretly informed the police... The police must have sent someone as soon as possible! After eating, I wiped my mouth and called the waiter to pay the bill. Before leaving, I smiled and said to the Chinese waiter in front of me, "Give a suggestion to your boss... Your dumplings are well done, but generally, those who like to eat dumplings are all northerners in China. Northerners have a heavy taste, and your dumplings The taste is too light. If it can be salty in the future, maybe the business will be better.

After saying that, I took Ciro to push the door back to the street. As soon as we went out, we saw a police car roaring past the street in front of us.

"Let's go!" I put my arms around Ciro's shoulder and smiled, "It's getting late."

"Where are we going?" ...The police station."

The door of the police station was really a busy scene. I saw that the original demonstrators outside had disappeared, but there were many reporters waiting at the door, and there were many people from the TV station, carrying cameras and reporters holding microphones... "Look, this is the freedom of the press in the West. Yes."

I laughed and said, "If in China, even if the video I saw last night was sent to TV stations and newspapers, no media dared to expose it today!" In China, the main task of the media is the government's words, and the secondary task is public opinion supervision.

But in Western countries, it's completely different.

When I walked into the police station, a police officer who knew me immediately saw me.

Then many people looked surprised. I probably didn't expect that in such an eventful time, I, the famous leader of Vancouver, would take the initiative to walk into the police station.

"I want to see Mr. Norton... or Mr. Doug."

I grabbed a police officer.

"Uh... Mr. Doug and Director Norton are..." In front of me was a young police officer, a little nervous in front of me.

But before he finished speaking, I heard a familiar one in the distance: "Oh, my God! Chen Yang, why are you here!" Then I saw the Chinese police officer Jeff rushing over and grabbed my arm, with a surprised face, as if he was afraid that I would run away.

"What's the matter? Officer Jeff? Jeff pulled me to the side quickly.

I looked up and down several times, took a deep breath, and then said in a strange voice, "Why are you... here? I..." He smiled bitterly and said in a lower voice, "I sent a group of people to guard the door of your repair yard and didn't leave for 24 hours.

My people didn't report. How could you leave quietly? I whistled and said with a smile, "Officer Jeff, if I didn't even have this ability, the big circle would have been swallowed up!" He sighed: "Mr. Doug is upstairs. I think he is happy to see you now... Alas, it has been chaotic these days, but today is the most chaotic day! What happened today has nothing to do with you, right? I restrained my smile, looked at him, and deliberately said with a straight face, "Sorry, I can't answer any of your questions without the company of a lawyer."

He smiled and sent me and Ciro into the elevator, but he didn't come in.

"Won't you go up with me?" No."

Jeff is smiling bitterly: "Mr. Norton is very angry now. I don't want to see him at this time."

I smiled at him and showed my understanding.

The elevator went all the way upstairs, and the police inside didn't stop me. Maybe Jeff called downstairs.

I quickly came to Doug's office in my memory. As soon as I got to the door, I heard a sky-high roar and roar from inside, which was obviously made by the grumpy Mr. Norton.

There was no secretary or assistant at the door of Doug's office. I knocked on the door first and pushed the door in without waiting for a reply.

In the office, Norton was dancing and shouting something in an angry tone. Doug looked calm, and even gently held his chin with two fingers, quietly listening to Norton's roar, but there was a trace of impatience between his eyebrows.

Seeing me coming in, Doug raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised. Then he stood up and smiled, "Oh, Mr. Chen Yang."

Norton looked back at me when he heard it, but the old man was not so polite when he looked at me. With an unhappy expression on his face, he snorted heavily, narrowed his eyes, suppressed his voice, and said coldly, "Mr. Chen Yang, this is the police station. What are you doing here?! Our negotiations with you people ended a few days ago! Now our police are conducting a large-scale anti-crime operation. Are you from the leader? I shrugged my shoulders, ignored Norton's sarcastic tone, went straight to Doug's desk and sat in a chair, looked at Doug, and then tilted my head to Norton: "What Mr. Norton just said... Can I understand that this is a senior police officer's false accusation of a law-abiding good citizen? I am a person with an innocent reputation, a law-abiding gentleman who has always had no illegal record! Now Mr. Norton insults me as a gangster, which is an insult to me... I will ask my lawyer to make a complaint.

Norton was furious when he heard the words and suddenly roared, "Chen Yang! This is the police station! It's not your big circle! If you want, I won't mind throwing you into prison!!" I sighed. The more angry he was, the calmer the expression on my face became. I looked at him. At first, I didn't say anything, but looked at him for more than ten seconds. Then I shook my head with regret, deliberately sighed loudly, and said slowly, "Seeing this Mr. Norton, I finally know why Vancouver's security meeting recently It's so bad... Alas, as a law-abiding citizen and taxpayer, I need to remind you that your position is to provide a safe social living environment for citizens and taxpayers, and your salary is paid by our taxpayers! Do you understand? Now the security situation outside is so bad. As a senior police officer, you are not diligent in official business, but you are yelling at a taxpayer here..." "FUCK!" Norton finally couldn't help saying a rude word, his face turned red, and said angrily, "It is the existence of your garbage that makes Vancouver look like this!!" My face suddenly sank, and then I stood up and forced Norton. The tip of my nose was almost close to his nose. I stared into his eyes and said coldly, "Mr. Norton! Listen to me! At least for now, all my files in the police station, I have not violated any law in Canada! I haven't even parked illegally! My file here is as pure as a virgin... So, if you slander me as a gangster again, then I will definitely accuse you of ruining my reputation! You are a policeman, and the law should teach you. No matter who you want to criticize, you must have evidence! If you have evidence, just arrest me... If you haven't..." I looked at him fiercely: "Then shut up!" ...Norton was almost stunned! I'm afraid he never thought that a gangster would dare to speak to him with such a provocative and bad attitude in front of a senior police officer like him! He was stunned at first, and then suddenly became furious, but after all, he still saw me take action. He didn't dare to do it himself, but shouted, "Stiv! Steve!!" " Soon, the door was pushed open, and two white policemen came outside. Norton quickly stepped back and pointed to me: "You... take him..." Fortunately, he was not dizzy in a hurry, but pointed at me and said in a trembling voice, "Cour him out!" The two policemen were about to step in when Doug, who had been sitting aside and watching the play, finally spoke. He said slowly, "Mr. Norton... I think you have forgotten whose office this is, right?" In such a short sentence, the two policemen stopped immediately.

Neither of them is a fool, and some of the subtleties on the scene can still be understood.

I leaned on the chair, looked at Doug, winked at him, and then deliberately shouted, "Mr. Norton, I have something to talk to Mr. Doug now... I think if you are a self-restrained gentleman, then you should know that the most important thing you should do now is to do us a favor... Please help me. Close the door of the office from the outside.

"Doug!" Norton stared at the smart dog: "What are you going to talk about with this kind of garbage on the street! Do you think you can make any achievements with the cooperation of such people? You are crazy! These people are all rubbish!" Doug's eyes flashed, but his face was very flat: "Oh, Mr. Norton, I think I just need to report my superiors for my work."

Norton was furious and slammed the door out of the office.

The door hit the wall, and then bounced back and closed it heavily.

Doug and I looked at each other and smiled, but everyone's eyes were a little complicated.

"Ciro, remember to remind me that when I go back, I will ask the lawyer to help me prepare a complaint letter, and I want to complain about Mr. Norton's insult to my personal reputation."

I smiled.

Ciro couldn't laugh or cry. Before he could speak, Doug had slowly walked out of the back of his desk. He walked to the edge of the coffee pot and made a cup of coffee for me. He seemed to say casually: "Oh, I don't think Mr. Norton will mind... Recently, he has received resistance every day. If all the complaints are piled up, it can be filled with the largest file cabinet.

Anyway, in a short time, these complaints will be meaningless.

I was moved and knew that he was hinting to me that Norton's time to stay in his current position was running out.