evil spirit

Chapter 44 Wake up

Chapter 44 [Wake up] "How's it going?" Back to the first thing in the repair yard, I asked the person in charge who stayed at home.

Now I basically regard the nine brothers I took out as my direct confidants.

Although I don't like factions, I haven't forgotten it now! Within the big circle, there can be traitors. I can't believe others. Only the nine people I take out are the only ones I can trust 100%.

"Everyone's mood is stable."

I was a little relieved to get an affirmative answer.

After rubbing my sour eyes, I finally showed a trace of fatigue on my face and waved into the eighth master's office... Well, it's my office now.

"I'll take a break and call me up in two hours."

I'm very tired. I didn't sleep last night and did so many things overnight. Today, I have been tit-for-for-tat with Doug in the police station for so long, and I feel very tired.

I closed the door and tilted over the chair where the eighth master used to lie. Although there were still a lot of things in my mind, I fell asleep quickly as soon as I touched the chair.

I have consumed too much physical strength and spirit these days.

I don't know how long I slept, but I'm sure I slept soundly! Because when I woke up, Ciro and another brother stood in front of me.

I was shocked and jumped up from the chair! I suddenly woke up and vaguely saw someone in front of me. My first reaction was to touch the dagger hidden in the soles of my trousers! But then I saw that it was Ciro and others in front of me, and I was relieved.

But he faintly blamed himself in his heart.

With my current skills, I asked myself that even if I fell asleep, if someone approached me secretly, I would wake up quickly! But now, in my sleep, Ciro and the others came to me. I didn't wake up, but Ciro woke me up with his own hands! You can imagine how tired my body is now! I rubbed my eyes, it was very sore, and I couldn't open it: "How long have I slept?" More than an hour."

The answer was Ciro, and his face was a little ugly.

"Oh..." I didn't look at his face carefully and stood up, but I felt something wrong with my body and my whole body was sore.

In fact, everyone experiences this feeling of fatigue, especially when people do not sleep and rest for a long time, people will reach the limit of fatigue in the first stage.

But if you grit your teeth at this time and survive this stage, you will find that you don't seem to be so sleepy, and you can continue to hold on for a period of time - of course, the damage to the body is not small.

However, once you fall asleep, you don't get enough sleep, and you will be called again after only a short period of sleep... At this time, you will have a feeling that you will feel more tired and tired than before going to bed! That's how I feel now. Although I didn't look in the mirror, I'm sure that my eyes must be red now! He took a deep breath, endured the soreness of his body, and his mind was still a little confused... "What's the matter?" I feel that I am a little impetuous. I will probably wake up from my sleep under extreme fatigue, and I will be a little angry when I get up.

Ciro's lips trembled a few times. Before he could speak, I suddenly saw the other brother standing next to Ciro, and his face suddenly sank! I recognized it! This brother is one of the people I stayed in the hospital to take care of the eighth master! Now he suddenly ran back from the hospital without my instructions... Could it be... I grabbed his clothes: "What's wrong with the eighth master?" The brother's face was a little complicated, and he whispered, "Master... woke up."

With no time to wash, I quickly rushed out of the repair yard with Ciro and several brothers.

On the way, I roughly looked at the end of the street, and the stalking police were gone. Unlike a few days ago, there was a suspicious car parked at the intersection.

Of course, they may also have a dark whistle, or on a building in the distance opposite.

But this possibility is very small. After all, Doug won't offend me too much now.

Moreover, our car came out all the way, but we didn't see any dazzling vehicles tracking behind.

The eighth master woke up! This news is undoubtedly surprising to me! And, from the bottom of my heart, I'm afraid I have some other ideas! In the past few days, I have basically straightened out the power here in the big circle, initially suppressed the scene, and established prestige... It can be said that as long as the eighth master does not wake up... Or even if he wakes up later, the overall situation has been determined at that time, my wings are full, and the momentum of the successor is irreversible! But now... the eighth master is awake! He is the boss, and I'm also the boss now! He is the eighth master, and now, someone outside has begun to call me "the fifth master"! In a big circle, can there be two boss? Can there be two "masters"? Don't think about this question, you all know the answer! Along the way, my expression was complicated, and Ciro, who was sitting next to me, seemed to faintly feel the strangeness of my emotions, so on the way, he didn't say a word, just sat next to me with his mouth closed.

Ciro's face was very cold, but after all, he was young. I saw his eyebrows gently stirring, and I didn't know what he was thinking at this moment... Although his face was depressed and calm, there was a faint blush of excitement on his cheeks.

Alas... Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Ciro... This is the closest brother in my heart. I take care of him very much. When there is a dangerous action, I will carefully leave him in a safe place! Because, deep down, I really treat him like my brother! But now... Is he so excited when the eighth master wakes up? Inexplicably, I suddenly had a little worry about gains and losses in my heart.

The car was close to the hospital. I looked at the white hospital building in the distance, and suddenly I figured it out... What's the hurry? Anyway, from the beginning, I have never had the idea of usurpation. Up to now, things have pushed me forward step by step. Whether it is the "fifth master" or "small five", it's all casual... The conscience of heaven and earth, the biggest idea that has supported me so desperately recently is to avenge my dead brother.

As for the real usurpation of the throne, I really didn't think about it that much.

People, it seems that it is a little difficult to give up what they have already got.

The car was parked in front of the hospital, and I saw a lot of police in the hospital.

Upstairs through the elevator, there are still many policemen in the corridor... It seems that the police still attach great importance to the safety of the Eighth Master and send a lot of people here.

As soon as I came up, my brother who stayed here led me to the ward.

At the door of the ward, a doctor just came out of it. I grabbed him head-on and asked about the Eighth Master.

"It's still very weak now."

The doctor thought for a moment and looked at me with a complicated look... He must know our identity: "But the situation has stabilized, but now I'm worried that there are still some sequelae... Because of the patient who wakes up from this deep coma, we are not sure that there are any hidden dangers left in his brain, perhaps, in one For a period of time, his spirit will not be very stable, and he will have a short coma... and even other symptoms, such as memory loss.


Looking at my face getting worse and worse, the doctor quickly comforted me: "Of course, what I said may just happen... At least the patient is still very stable now, but needs to rest. Now his spirit is still a little dull, and there will be some problems of uncoordinated limb movements. After a stage of health It will be all right again."

After sending the doctor away, Ciro and I pushed the door into the ward alone.

The ward was still white, **. The eighth master lay quietly. The only difference from what I saw before, the eighth master opened his eyes, but his eyes did not float to the door, but looked at the ceiling.

"The Eighth Master."

I exhaled gently and went to the bedside and called.

The eighth master's head slowly turned over a little, his eyes fell on my face, and a smile appeared little by little on his pale face.

His eyes are a little strangely quiet.

"You're awake."

I was suddenly speechless, and for a moment I found that I had nothing to say.

I couldn't help looking at Silo, and Silo stood beside me, but I found that one of his hands was trembling faintly, and I didn't know what he was excited about.

I sighed in my heart.

"How's it going outside?" The eighth master opened his mouth slowly. His speed of speech was very slow, as if he was pronounced slowly word by word, and his voice was also very soft.

I didn't know until I heard what the doctor said just now that the eighth master's reaction is a little slow, that is to say, the thinking in his mind is normal, but he is a little slow to control his tongue and limbs.

This is one of the sequelae of a long coma.

"It's okay."

I pondered for a moment, and then tried to give a brief explanation of the situation outside.

But I just said less than one-third of it, and I saw the eighth master's hand by the bed. He tried to raise his finger and shook it gently. His movements were very laborious, but it was clear.

Then I heard the Eighth Master say slowly, "Let's not talk about it, send me back immediately."

"..." I frowned: "Your injury... it's better not to leave the hospital."

The eighth master's voice was very flat. He ignored my words and still said slowly, "Get out of the hospital, go back."

At this time, he gave me a strange look, and there seemed to be something complicated in his eyes.

He is worried! I'm afraid! I understand this look! As soon as he woke up, he was in a hurry to go back! What do you want to do? It's very simple! After he woke up, before I came, the people around me must have told him about the current situation! He wanted to go back regardless of his health... in order to rush back to stabilize his prestige! I thought for a moment and took a look at Silo: "You go through the discharge formalities..." Silo heard the words and immediately walked out of the ward. He walked quickly!