evil spirit

Chapter 45 Brother!

Chapter 45 [Brother!] The pale eighth master was pushed out of the ward by me in a wheelchair.

His brain can't effectively control his body, making him look like a high-level paralyzed patient, leaning stiffly on his wheelchair.

Many of the brothers I brought were surprised when they saw the Eighth Master coming out.

I don't have much feeling about this... After all, the Eighth Master has been the boss for so many years, and he still occupies a lot of people's hearts.

In contrast, Ciro looks more and more eccentric! Ciro has been a little nervous since he entered the hospital... Although he is well disguised and calm, I, who has the best relationship with him, can see his tension and excitement hidden under his calm appearance from his many habitual movements! His eyebrows occasionally stirred gently, and his lips were squeezed... It suddenly occurred to me that from the time he entered the ward and saw the eighth master and we came out, Silo didn't say a word! The hospital initially objected to our pick up the eighth master, but we were resolute and signed some documents, which were finally completed.

"I can submit it."

Looking at Jeff who came to the hospital, this is what he said to my first sentence. He smiled and said, "These days.

I have a lot of courage.

The people in charge of guarding here are all my people. If something happens to Master Fang here, I will take the blame.

"Thank you."

I patted him on the shoulder and didn't intend to talk to him deeply.

"Chen Yang..." He suddenly laughed in a low voice.

shouted at me and looked at me meaningfully: "One mountain and two tigers... How can a gentleman deal with himself?" Humph, I smiled. This Chinese policeman actually dragged the text with me.

I pointed to my heart and left silently.

Nine people came all the way, divided into three cars, driving in the front car and guarding the back car.

Ciro and I have a brother as a driver, sitting in a car in the middle with the eighth master.

Before you get on the bus.

I told my brothers to be careful.

In fact, I have begun to be on alert before I go out this time.

Now the Vietnamese have become street rats.

The police will fight against them. It's hard to guarantee that they won't jump over the wall and come to us desperately! You know, they still have a batch of cobras in their hands! From today on, we have to be careful when we go in and out! I have to be careful! From the hospital to the car repair yard.

It's about a 45-minute drive.

Along the way, the car was so quiet that I didn't say anything.

The eighth master didn't say anything, and Silo, who was sitting in the front co-driver's seat, didn't say anything.

The driving brother is also one of my nine direct line. He is a very intelligent person. He also noticed that there was something wrong with the smell, so he simply shut up and drove honestly all the way.

The eighth master sat next to me. His body was still stiff, but his eyes were a little uncertain, and he didn't even look at me.

Such a strange behavior makes me feel more and more suspicious.

More importantly.

I noticed that the muscles at the corners of the eyes of the eighth master beat gently from time to time.

He is nervous! Originally, with the cunning of the Eighth Master and the depth of the city, he was not very good at revealing his heart's feelings on his face.

It's just that he has just recovered from a serious illness and has brain sequelae. He can't effectively control the muscles of his face, so he leaked some traces.

I didn't say anything on my face, but I was thinking about it in my heart. At this moment, the eighth master is mostly thinking about how to deal with me... Hey! Now I have won people's hearts and majesty. The Eighth Master goes back so rashly. If he doesn't fight with me, he will inevitably be empty. If he fights with me... I sighed.

This kind of thing is no longer under my supervisor's control.

This idea is still turning in my mind. A group of three cars are crossing a 50-meter-long street. There is an intersection in front of it. The first car is unobstructed. Our car is passing through. Suddenly, within the intersection on the left, a truck suddenly roared and crashed! The driving brother has tried his best to make the fastest response! He grabbed the steering wheel hard, carried the gear in one hand, stepped on the accelerator under his feet, and made a evasion action in a short moment, but the truck came in a hurry! I heard a bang, and I only felt that people were suddenly shocked in the car! The car was hit in place and made a 90-degree turn! Then he crossed far away and hit a street lamppost on the roadside again! There was a loud noise again.

The front of the car has been completely dented, and the steel plate on it has been raised in half. The front windshield has already broken. The driving brother's head hit the front glass, his face is full of blood, and he has tilted his neck and fainted! Silo's body was also stained with blood, but he didn't know whether it was his own or the driver's brother's, but before he fainted, he shouted, "Get out of the car!" I hit my head on the seat in front of me. Although I was a little dizzy, I was not hurt. It was just that during the collision, I accidentally kowtowed my teeth. At this moment, there was a salty smell in my mouth, and it was mostly bleeding.

And the eighth master next to him was a little uncomfortable. He hit the roof and glass twice in a row, and there was blood in his nose.

The door on one side has been slightly deshaped, and most of the glass is broken. I tried to open the door on the other side, but found it stuck! In a hurry, I kicked it out hard... Bang! I rushed out of the door and rolled on the ground. After I stood firm, I found that the first car in front of us had been stopped by the truck on the other side of the street.

This intersection is extremely narrow. Such a truck crosses the intersection, almost blocking the space on both sides! Unless the first car brother turns over from the train, but his own car can't drive it! And right now.

I heard the sound of ping-pong guns coming from the back of the truck! At the same time, behind us, in the car that had been following us, some brothers stopped when they saw something wrong here. The first brother who rushed out immediately snorted and fell to the ground.

In a hurry, I lay on the ground and waved to the car behind me and shouted, "Be careful! There are snipers!!" First, block the road with a truck, and someone controls the subordinates of the head car.

There are also snipers beside it.

Plus this narrow intersection.

This is almost an excellent ambush site! At this moment, Ciro also tried to pry open the door and stumbled out of it.

Hearing my roar, he did not stand up, but crawled all the way.


Our car hit the lamppost and crossed a little. I quickly shouted to Ciro, "Master Ba! Drag the eighth master out!" Ooh! Bang!! With a crisp sound of cracking, then there was a gunshot sound like fried beans above my head! Seven or eight men jumped out of the back of the truck, and everyone was holding a gun in their hands.

Shoot at us while pounced.

The bullet was fired on the body, leaving bullet holes one by one, bursting out a little spark! I don't care too much either.

He pinched the eighth master's leg, forcibly dragged him out of the car, and then stuffed the eighth master into Ciro's hand.

Where we parked, there is a concave passage behind, but it can be clearly seen. There is a dead end inside. There is only a tin garbage bin about two meters wide across the crossing. I pointed to the garbage bin and shouted at Ciro, "Quick! Hide behind!" " At this time, in the car behind.

Two brothers jumped out one after another, took out their guns and began to shoot at the group of people who got off the truck.

It's just that the other party still had snipers hidden aside. The two brothers we jumped down, in less than a minute, one of them came out a little too much, and immediately fell to the ground.

I lay in the back of the car and pulled out the gun with one hand. I didn't dare to show my head. I just reached over the roof of the car with the gun in my hand and shot randomly outside. The other hand had quickly opened the door of the cab, pulled off the driver's seat belt, and pulled him out... Dang! Dang! Dang! Four consecutive shots, close at hand! The bullet hit the body of the car and made a shocking sound! It's a sniper! Then with a bang, the car shook violently, and I knew that the tire had been strung.

I was immediately shocked! The target of the opponent's shooting seems not to come for people... but for the car! Fuel tank! Thinking about this section, I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Regardless of the pain of the driver's brother, I forcibly pulled him down. I saw the wound on his forehead bleeding, but at this moment, my life was at stake, and I didn't care about bumping! In the car behind, our three brothers, two were shot, and the other was overwhelmed by each other's random shooting.

On the other side of the truck, there were four brothers in the head car, who had not been able to rush over, so they heard the sound of gunfire from afar... Seven or eight people in front of them suppressed the last brother in the tail car, and half of the people who had already been separated continued to touch me.

I lay on the ground and held the unconscious driver in one hand, quietly showed half of my head from the front of the car, and then raised my hand to shoot.

With a muffled hum, someone was immediately shot and fell to the ground. He didn't move again. Obviously, he was dead.

I killed one with one shot, but the next two shots were not so lucky. One shot injured one, but it never hit again.

The other party also seemed to be a little afraid. A random shot made me unable to raise my head. I could only hold the driver and move back desperately... Bang! Another shot directly hit the ground less than half a meter away from me! The spark splashed with bullets almost jumped on my cheek! My heart jumped, and the other party's sniper had been staring at me! The surroundings are empty, and only the dustbin behind him is the only shelter to hide. I know that there is only this line of hope at this moment. At present, there is no room for hesitation, and I gritted my teeth fiercely.

He grabbed the driver with one hand and hugged him. He bent down and retreated quickly to the inside... Bang... Bang... Two short voices, and then I heard a huge roar suddenly behind me! The fire soared into the sky, and a huge fireball soared into the sky.

The strong air wave overturned me to the ground. Almost half of my body was burning on my cheeks, behind my head and behind my back! It was dark in front of me, and I almost fainted.

Fortunately, the impact of the explosion only lasted for a moment. After the firelight dissipated, although the clothes behind me were a little burnt, there was no big problem.

It's just that the car behind was finally pierced and the fuel tank exploded! And although I had run nearly ten meters away, I was still blown away by the explosion.

Half of my body is numb.

I struggled for a while and wanted to continue to drag the driver in my arms, but I felt that the people in my arms had sunk. I looked down, and his mouth and nose were full of blood! But there is no movement at all.

I touched my nose, but I was out of breath! Looking behind him, there was a blood stain.

The flesh and blood are blurred, but a few fragments of the car's explosion just now were shot out and were embedded on his back! Seeing that he was dead, I hated him very much. For a moment, my hands and feet had a lot of strength, forcibly dragged him all the way in, and then ran a few more steps. The front of me had already pulled me, and I fell behind the iron dustbin in one step.

The thick smoke of the car explosion.

blocked the footsteps of the gunmen who ambushed me behind. Someone wanted to force it over while the thick smoke, but after only a few steps, they were shot down by the bullet behind the thick smoke.

This thick smoke also provides us with excellent cover.

As time went by, I heard a shout from outside. Obviously, it was Vietnamese shouted by someone. Then the footsteps came, and those people actually launched a desperate charge! I raised my hand and shot two, and the third shot hit one person on the shoulder, but the others had rushed in front of me! The knife was shining, and the cold wind had reached my face. I threw away the gun in an instant and immediately fell backwards! This knife is fast and fierce! It almost swept over the tip of my nose! I fell backwards, but my feet had been kicked out in a row. In an instant, I kicked out four feet quickly and kicked on the other party's waist! I didn't wait for my body to fall to the ground. My backhand had supported the ground, and then went to the fast side to the left, hugged the legs of a Vietnamese, and then the two of them fell to the ground together. I had already bent down and pulled out the dagger, inserted it into the root of his shoulder and thigh, and then turned hard... The son was bombarded with blood, and the man fell to the ground with his thigh in his arms.

I saw that Ciro had also been fighting with the other party, and the eighth master lay on the ground behind him. Seeing the two people in front of Ciro, he was a little dangerous. Without hesitation, I raised my hand and shot the dagger out, and immediately inserted it in the back of a person. The man shook, hummed, and fell down

At this moment, there was a gunshot behind my head. Although I had fallen down quickly, I still felt a sharp pain in my back! I was shot! My heart is sinking! Regardless of the pain, he turned around quickly and saw the two Vietnamese in the back, one with a gun, with a fierce light in his eyes! At this moment, I was on the ground, unarmed, and just shouted, "Ciro!" Silo just cut off the neck of the person in front of him with a knife. Seeing that I was pointed at by a gun, he threw out a dagger in a hurry... Although Silo is usually diligent in practicing martial arts, the ability of this flying knife is still too far away, but this time he took action in a hurry, and he actually played it! I saw that the Vietnamese man with the gun was about to pull the trigger, but the dagger shot at his gun. Suddenly, with a bang, the gun fell to the ground, but the bullet almost wiped my ear! I was shocked, but I didn't dare to delay a second. I immediately bounced up from the ground and fell in front of the man in two steps.

His reaction was too far worse than mine. He was hit hard on my heart by an elbow, and he sprayed blood and fell down. I took the opportunity to grab his neck and spin it hard... with a click.

The Vietnamese who rushed over were killed seven or eight times, and only the last two were left alive. One was just cut to the root of my thigh by me, and now he was still holding his thigh and howling on the ground. The other was kicked in the waist by me and fell to the ground, struggling to get up.

I bent down to pick up the dagger and gun on the ground.

He threw the gun to Ciro casually, and then went up and stabbed it into the heart of the man who was holding his thigh and howling.

Looking at my bloody and ferocious face, the last living Vietnamese was a little stunned, even when my hand grabbed his neck.

He even forgot to resist.

He may not understand that the seven or eight people who rushed here were all well-trained elites in the help, and the other party was still injured. How could they be killed all at once? I didn't kill him with a knife, but my heart moved and decided to leave a living person.

Just as I let go of the knife and was about to grab him and drag him back, the voice of Ciro suddenly came from behind me.

"From the king!" Looking back, I saw Ciro leaning against the wall.

Holding the dustbin in one hand, he was gasping violently, and his face was full of blood.

Holding a gun in one hand, the original arm drooped.

called me, but suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun... The muzzle was quiet, but it was towards me! The blood on his face covered the expression on Ciro's face at this moment, but in his eyes.

But the complex light flashed! With my understanding of Ciro, I seem to see Ciro's inner tension and excitement at this moment... and a trace of depressing madness!" Xi, Xi Luo?!" I blurted out.

As soon as I felt his name, I saw Ciro suddenly gritting his teeth and then pulling the trigger! Bang!! Bang, bang!! Three shots in a row, all shot at the last living Vietnamese! The Vietnamese didn't react at all and died in anger immediately! I looked surprised. Before I asked him, Ciro was already shaking his head and said slowly in a hoarse voice, "This man can't stay!" Why?" I stared at Ciro.

There was a faint anger in my heart.

What does this boy want to do!!" Just five... I'm sorry."

He looked at me. Obviously, he was in an extreme struggle at this moment, with a gasp. He said slowly word by word, "The situation is compelling! There is no other choice!" Ciro, what do you want to do? I just feel a little dry and uncomfortable in my throat.

In the face of my eyes, Ciro suddenly smiled. There seemed to be a trace of sadness in his eyes, but this trace of sadness just flashed away, and then a fierce flashed in his eyes! Dongwu, you are my only brother. You are younger than me, but I still think you are my eldest brother! So, there are some things that you don't want to do, don't want to do, don't disdain to do, can't do... Let me do it for you!" I suddenly thought of an amazing idea in my heart. I looked at Ciro in surprise and blurted out, "You, you want to..." "If he doesn't die, you're going to die!" You think I don't understand... In fact, I understand everything.

You are my brother, and I really want to help you! I wanted to do it in the hospital... but I didn't have a chance.

Now, the best opportunity is right in front of me!" His voice was very complicated, and even a little trembling faintly: "The world is very simple, the world is very complicated... These words were taught to me at the beginning..." Almost in a hoarse and inaudible voice, a trace of determination flashed on Ciro's face! Then he turned the muzzle of the gun... Bang! The eighth master lying on the ground, with a complex and surprised expression, had an extra bullet hole on his forehead, red and white, gurgled out... Then, the eighth master stared at his eyes like this, and finally swallowed the last breath in his life! I was stunned in an instant! At the same time, I feel cold!! I looked at Ciro in such a daze. Ciro's eyes were full of determination and looked sideways at me.

The eyes of the two of us met in mid-air... Almost at this moment, I understood Ciro's intention!! There were footsteps outside, and the thick smoke was about to disperse. I also heard the faint call of the brother in the car in front of me... "Winter fifth brother!" Ciro smiled even more, but he suddenly raised the gun in his hand, and this time he pointed to his own forehead! He wants to die!? Winter Five, now, you are finally the real boss!" Then, with a peaceful smile on his face, he looked at me and pulled the trigger!" Silo!!!" My eyes were red, I roared, the dagger in my hand shot quickly, and then rushed at him like crazy! Bang...