evil spirit

Chapter 46 Righteousness

Chapter 46 [Yiqi] At this moment, I think God is taking care of me.

At this moment, I have a back gun. It was a little painful to raise my hand, and the flying knife was more or less inserted when I went out.

But this time he still hit the back of Ciro's hand.

Originally, I wanted to shoot his gun, but it was a little biased, and it still saved this bastard's life! I rushed over and grabbed the collar of Ciro's clothes. No matter what, I slapped him two times! Then he took a deep look at him, pulled out the dagger inserted in his palm with one hand, sneered, pulled a piece of cloth from his clothes, and quickly wrapped his hand around a few times.

Ciro looked at me with a blank face. He was pierced by a dagger on the back of his hand, but he didn't even hum a word of pain. He just stared at me quietly with extremely complicated eyes.

The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer. I quickly picked up the gun on the ground and hid it in my arms. Then I took a look at Silo and gritted my teeth angrily and said, "Let's go back first!" Silo was still in a daze. I was furious and patted him on the face again: "Now is not the time to put on a demeanor. Let's talk about it when you go back!" Give me some energy!" Then I squatted down and picked up the body of the eighth master. Looking at the dead, once majestic underworld hero, I couldn't have any joy in my heart, but my face was complicated, and I didn't know what it was like in my heart.

Finally, a brother rushed in. Of the nine people I brought out this time, only four were alive, and three of them were injured.

Several people rushed in.

I couldn't help but be surprised to see the bodies everywhere at the entrance of the alley. When I saw me kneeling in the corner of the garbage can, holding the eighth master in my arms... The bullet hole on the eighth master's forehead... Suddenly.

These people were all stunned, and I don't know who was in the territory. Suddenly, a man shouted loudly, and then threw himself behind me and knelt on the ground.

Soon, all four people knelt down. I stared at Ciro, and Ciro also knelt behind me.

Finally, the whistle of the police car sounded in the distance. I glanced at the brothers behind me and looked at them one by one with sad and angry faces.

said in a low voice, "This is not the time to be sad. First... take the body of the eighth master back, and the police still have to deal with it here... Damn it.

Vietnamese!" In a word, I planted the death of the Eighth Master on the Vietnamese.

No one present will suspect that the corpses on the ground are all Vietnamese.

We were ambushed by the Vietnamese is also a solid proof.

As for why the Vietnamese can kill Ba Ye in front of two people with such good skills as Ciro and me.

When I go back later, I will naturally explain to Ciro what to say.

Now, no one will ask me this kind of question.

The gunfight outside is over. The Vietnamese dispatched about 20 gunmen this time. From the perspective of their skills, they should be their elite, but the quality of the large circle is really not good. These 20 people occupied the sudden advantage of ambush, but only killed five of us in the end.

He was almost completely destroyed.

Of course, I also have a doubt in my heart, that is, the sniper of the other party.

The sniper was very threatening to us at the beginning of the gunfight, but later, he suddenly became silent.

If the sniper of the other party continues to shoot, we will fight back without long-range guns at such a distance. Even if we can determine his location, there is nothing we can do about him.

It was only later, but I didn't know why the other party's sniper suddenly stopped shooting.

We were surrounded by the police, and then the heavily armed policemen nervously took all of us back to the police station.

As for the dead, naturally, some forensic doctors have taken them away.

Obviously, in a short period of time, I visited the police station so frequently, which surprised Norton. At least this old guy who was mad at me seemed to want to take this opportunity to take this opportunity to get me.

But my lawyer is still very good.

I insisted that I was attacked on the road.

"This is a deliberate murder!" My lawyer is a 40-year-old middle-aged man of Chinese descent, with eyes and slightly fangs. All I know is that his surname is Zhou, and his nickname in Vancouver's lawyer *** is "week fangs", which is a master in this field.

He shouted to Norton indignantly, "From the preliminary evidence at the scene, my client is the victim! On his way home, he was attacked by a group of armed gangs for no reason! And this is a blatant murder!! Excuse me, as a senior police officer, you should have been ashamed of such a serious malicious crime in your jurisdiction! Instead of bothering my client for no reason! My client fought against criminals in the process of wanton murder in order to defend his life. In this case, he killed people, which is legally innocent!" Originally, Norton, an old man, wanted to detain me in the police station to assist in the investigation under the pretext of underworld revenge. Even if he locked me up for 24 hours, it was very cool for him.

However, he is doomed to be disappointed.

At least, all my records in Vancouver are so clean! I haven't violated any laws, and I don't even park illegally. I'm almost a law-abiding and tax-paying citizen.

The underworld? Which underworld boss can put a few file cabinets on the record? Where have I ever seen a underworld with a good record of purity like me? OK, you can say that the eighth master is a gangster, but he is dead.

As for the temporary deduction of me, my lawyer was the first to slap the table and yell at Norton! Finally, when Norton was about to be mad, Doug came forward, and he officially released me home.

But at least I signed a document to ensure that I will not leave Vancouver at will in the next week, because I am the party to this case, so I must cooperate with the investigation. When the police need it, I must obey the police at any time within a week.

Then, I signed my name on this document, accompanied by a lawyer, led my people and left the police station.

As for the quarrel between Norton and Doug, it has nothing to do with me.

"You're crazy!" Norton's red eyes: "Everyone knows that this is the revenge of the Vietnamese against the big circle! If you let this guy go back, he will immediately fight with the Vietnamese with the big circle! At that time, there will be a big mess!" Oh, so do you think you can't fight outside if you keep him here?" Doug replied coldly.

Of course, I didn't hear the conversation between the two, but later I inadvertently listened to Officer Jeff's relay.

I took Silo back to the car repair yard. The first thing I did was to order a funeral for the Eighth Master, set up a mourning hall, set up a sign, and prepare for the funeral.

And the body of the eighth master was cremated with my consent soon after the forensic identification.

It was not so simple originally, because the procedure of forensic identification is very complicated, and it also needs to investigate the scene, wrap the bullet hole on the eighth master's forehead, the direction of the shooting, the trajectory, the distance, and whether the bullet and the gun match, etc... However, Doug seems to know that even if they find out more clearly, The police can't get involved either.

The boss of our big circle was killed by the Vietnamese, and we will definitely take revenge ourselves.

Therefore, he doesn't have to waste too much police force on it. Even the forensic identification is hastily understood at the instruction of Doug.

I didn't care so much and arranged the affairs of my men. Although the news of the Eighth Master's death made the whole people in the car repair yard chaotic. For a while, the group was turbulent, some shouted for revenge, some were heartbroken, and some were angry.

I simply pressed and ordered no one to go out, and then I hurriedly dragged Silo into my office, let the hammer stay outside the office, and ordered no one to approach the office within 20 steps! You are crazy! Ciro!!" As soon as I entered the door, I flew up and closed the door, and then with a furious face, I grabbed Ciro's collar tightly with both hands and pulled him over: "Do you know, if..." "I know."

Ciro was not surprised by my fury, but replied in a low voice, "I know what you want to say."

"No matter what Master did to me..." I took a deep breath and stared into Silo's eyes: "He is always our boss! How can we do this kind of thing to kill the boss in order to get the boss!" No, it's not."

Ciro shook his head. His eyes were very clear. He looked at me and said slowly, "Five, if you want to compete for the position, even if you ask me to help you kill the eighth master, I won't do it... But I have to do it this time! Because I want to save your life! I'm not stupid! In these days when the eighth master is in a coma, you have achieved status! But now that the eighth master is awake, can he let you live? Do you think that even if you give in, he will let you stay with him? Let me tell you, Xiao Wu, there is no doubt that the eighth master will kill you! Either you die or he dies!" The more he said, the more impulsive he became. Suddenly, he broke free of my hand and pointed to the chair behind me: "Isn't that the seat? I didn't kill him to help you fight for the position! It's to save your life! Xiaowu, don't think I don't understand... With your cleverness, don't you know that Master Ba will definitely deal with you when he wakes up? However, there are some things that people like you can't do! Since you can't do it, I, as a brother, must do it for you! Do you want me to watch you die under the Eighth Master? Part II Chapter 46 [Yalty] (Part 2) "Shut!!" I couldn't help kicking him and kicking Silo down on the sofa. Then I rushed over and pressed his neck. Despite my anger, I tried to suppress my voice: "You bastard! You killed the eighth master for my little five! You are my brother. You are willing to do such a great thing for me. I will punish you for it!! But...but..." My eyes suddenly turned red. I looked at the boy Ciro's face and gritted my teeth and said, "But what the hell is it that you committed suicide! Even if you kill the eighth master, the matter can naturally be pushed to the Vietnamese. Why did you shoot yourself!!" Ciro shook his body, and his eyes were a little excited, and then he showed some sadness. He looked at me for a long time before he slowly exhaled: "After all, I have been here for many years."

Many years! I was stunned.

Yes, I seem to have ignored Ciro's feelings.

Ciro and I did get to know each other, and we became good brothers after getting to know each other.

However, Silo is not only my brother Chen Yang's brother, but also a young man who grew up in the big circle! How many years has he been in the repair yard? For so many years, the eighth master has been his boss! Even if the Eighth Master did not have much kindness to Ciro in the past, after so many years, he would not have no feelings at all! Think back to the last bunch of eyes before Ciro shot himself.

My heart is bright in an instant! That's a shame!! Ezelo, a hot-blooded and impulsive young man, he killed the eighth master wholeheartedly for me! This is for the whole "brotherhood!" But the eighth master is our boss anyway, the boss of his Ciro! To the boss.

We should pay attention to the word "loyalty!" For the sake of the whole brotherhood, he has to be unfaithful to the boss! In the case that loyalty and righteousness are difficult to achieve both, Ciro will apologize with death! Thinking about this section, I was more and more moved. I haven't shed tears for a long time, but now I feel my eyes red. Looking at Silo with a quiet face, I think about how this stunned boy fought with me when I first came here, and then how I lived in the same house with him.

How did the two of them bask in the afternoon sun and move the old-fashioned record player to play music on the street... At this moment, they have a thousand words in their hearts, but they can't say a word.

I just took a deep breath and patted Silo on the shoulder with a slightly choked voice: "Go back and rest... Listen, Silo, you're my brother.

I don't allow you to die!" I was worried that his heart would not go away, so I added, "Now the situation is so complicated that I am on the edge of the cliff.

In today's big war, a few more brothers have been broken, and fewer and fewer people can be trusted around me... Do you have the heart to throw me in the minefield as soon as you die? It was still my last words that worked. Ciro's eyes showed vitality little by little. He lowered his head and thought about it. Without saying a word, he opened the door and left.

I was a little relieved.

It seems that Ciro has been calmed down for the time being.

Next is the problem of the eighth master.

After all, he is the boss. His death must be an explanation for everyone.

And several brothers who died in the war today also arranged the afterths one by one.

The mourning hall is still located in the repair yard.

Accompanied by everyone, I came to the mourning hall, looked at the card forest above, and counted. Since this war, there have been nearly 20 brothers who have died in the repair yard! Looking at the incense, the candlelight swaying, the snow-white hail hanging, and the wreath ready to come out in the past two days, the mourning hall is full of the atmosphere of grief! My heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Yes, in this world, either you eat me, or I eat you! Fighting back and down, one by one is like killing a red-eyed cockfight, you have to put the other party to death! Even the Eighth Master, which of these cards above was still a lively man in the past few days? Now they are all lying in cold coffins, turning into one tablet after another.

After the worship in the mourning hall, after I came out, I immediately found the little pig and told him two things.

The first is to find the barrister Zhou, who was originally a royal lawyer who served in the big circle. In fact, in the final analysis, he is also our own people.

The eighth master is dead. Although I can't stop him, the eighth master has mastered a lot of things after all, but he can't get out of control as soon as he dies! The simplest thing to say... Master Ba is the boss! Most of the funds in the big circle are under his control! Although I have been the agent boss for a few days, I don't have much money in my hand! Maintaining so many men eating and drinking, as well as guns and ammunition, the deceased's pension... This pile is all about to spread a lot of money! As for the second thing, it's more important... I pulled the piglet, let him listen to it, and told him carefully.

This boy is very delicate and capable, but it can save me a lot of worry.

Then, I went back to the office and contacted the stone guarding the Lighthouse Island with a confidential satellite phone.

Stone brought the captured Xiao Ruan back to the island early this morning. After a whole day of cross-examination, he could naturally get a lot of valuable information from the senior management of the Vietnamese gang! Sure enough, the stone has gained a lot, and Xiao Ruan has completely collapsed. Now he has accepted his fate. Under the self-abandonment, he did not do much resistance and said a few places where the Vietnamese people were hiding! However, what I am most concerned about is the cobra's horse, but Xiao Ruan doesn't know it.

Only the boss of the Vietnamese gang, that is, Mr. Ruan, knows about cobra.

Although Xiao Ruan is the No. 3 person, he did not intervene in this matter.

Then, I told Stone about the death of the eighth master.

Stone was obviously silent on the phone for a while, and then after a long time, he only said four words slowly: "I know."

At this moment, the atmosphere seemed to be a little awkward.

Moreover, I suddenly thought of a problem that is likely to cause some headaches! The big circle here in Vancouver, Canada, although it has long been self-contained.

In fact, the big circles in all regions of the world are fragmented.

But after all, we are still one family with Asia! At least in the big system, wind | language hand typing | we are all from the same door! Although the eighth master is dead, I am the most important person here in Canada... However, can my position be recognized by other real big circle groups?

You still need to type a question mark.

In such an organization as Daquan, the older generation came out of veterans, and naturally it also pays attention to "equity"! As for my little five.

Although it has made a lot of fame in the past year, it is still limited to Vancouver, Canada.

Unlike the Eighth Master, he has a huge network! There are all kinds of friendships and contacts with large circle groups in other regions! I am the leader of the Canadian circle, and I am from other regions. I am not convinced.

Whether to admit it or not is still a big question mark! What if they don't admit it? Even... in the worst case, if there are organizations in other regions.

I think my fifth child has only been in for more than a year, and my seniority is too shallow to allow me to take office. If someone sends an old guy to Canada and wants to take over here... What should I do? These problems have to be considered.

Of course, it is impossible for people to directly send people to take over the country here.

However, if people don't recognize me as Xiao Wu.

But it's a big possibility! If it is not recognized by the big circle group in other regions... then what are the consequences? The consequences are very serious! The most powerful thing in the big circle is the kind of style of coming and going like the wind, daring to fight and fighting! That sharp and aggressive development model like a knife! Although there will be more enemies, I have to admit that this model is very sharp! And the core of this model is the "airborne troops"!! If there is a problem in one area, you can immediately mobilize more than N airborne elites from others! Such a method, such strength, is even enough to challenge any underworld organization in the world! However, if we are not recognized by other regions here in Canada... then it means that we are isolated! In the future, we will never get the support of "airborne troops" from other regions!! The big circle lacks a foundation, and the biggest weapon is the airborne soldiers! Once we lose the support of the airborne mode... we will become an ordinary second-rate gangster organization! It's quite big. It's really not so easy... I sighed, and the sound of stones finally came from the phone again.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment before he said, "I... I'll report the matter back... Xiao Wu, I think you're good, but I suggest you... contact your brothers in other places as soon as possible!" He is helping me.

I smiled and said, "Thank you."

I've already figured out a move, but I don't know how much the move can do.

"Hammer!" Putting down the phone, I thought about it for a moment and immediately called the hammer in.

The hammer's tall body pushed the door in, and I immediately ordered, "Go down and pick half of the brothers in the family!" Everyone takes the guys, and you and our other brothers lead the team in person! Drive out..." "Where are you going?" The hammer urn sounded like an urn.

"Go to the territory of the Vietnam Gang!" My eyes flashed: "Go and fight! Go smash it!! Go and grab it!! Aren't all the Vietnamese hiding? Aren't their venues closed, or are they all empty? Don't care! The empty field was also smashed! I only set three rules for you: First, don't kill people! Second, don't set fire! Third, never conflict with the police!! If the police stop you, you can take someone away immediately!! Do you hear me!" The hammer immediately stood up straight, and his face was a little excited.

Of course, there is no problem with this kind of revenge.

But I'm still worried, and I told a few more carefully, especially the three rules I said, and no one is allowed to violate them! I've left the matter to you. If you mess it up, come back and get the family law!" The hammer rushed out excitedly. After a moment, he heard the sound of calling for assembly below. Suddenly, the crowd was turbulent, and in a moment, a large number of people gathered.

I stood in the office and looked at the brothers below.

I sighed: Now everyone is full of resentment, and we have to give them a vent.

More importantly: Now no matter what, everyone knows that "the Vietnamese killed the big circle"! Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be too suspicious if we don't make any more noise?? If you don't do anything now, it's too abnormal! In this case, it's better to let the brothers go out and make trouble.

Moreover, now the territory of the Vietnamese is almost empty and there are few people.

Those empty fields are smashed, which is not a big deal.

As for the police... After Doug and I have a long talk, it should not be too difficult for me.

The hammer led people out here, and I walked out of the office, ran to the back room, and went to see Ciro.

Ciro sat in the room. He lay ** with a gun beside him, and his face was indifferent.

After I went in, I picked up the shoes on the ground at random and threw them towards him.

"Get up, go out with me, it's time to do something!"