evil spirit

Chapter 49 Fraud

Chapter 49 [Fraud] (Part 1) The car walked through the streets, but came to a secluded place.

This is an old city, and the ground roads are potholed. Once it rains, the ground here will definitely be muddy.

The surrounding buildings are very old, and the streets here are in a gray color.

The metal window sills on both sides of the buildings and the fire stairs are rusty, and the roadside roads are also dilapidated. Our car slowly drove into this street, and I asked Ciro to slow down.

I also only know the address. I haven't been here before. I drove slowly all the way. I tried to identify the house numbers on the dilapidated buildings that I couldn't see clearly. It was finally found the address I wanted.

After letting Ciro park the car, I took Ciro into a three-story building.

As soon as we entered the first floor, we saw an old man on the chair at the door, dressed like a tramp, holding a shabby newspaper in his hand and a wine bottle next to him.

There is also the back of the surrounding buildings.

There are some suspicious people.

Sero frowned: "This is the most chaotic and dirty area in Vancouver.

What are we doing here?" I smiled and said, "Do you know this place?" Of course."

Ciro smiled bitterly: "At least I grew up in Vancouver.

This place is called a garbage dump, full of prostitutes, thieves, and drug addicts.

The gangster... Normal people are rarely willing to come to this block.

I curled my mouth and didn't say anything. Instead, I pulled Siro all the way up the stairs. The skin outside the worn wall had fallen off in many places, revealing the bricks inside. There was also a suspicious damp smell on the stairs. When I walked to the third floor, there was a man standing by the window at the top of the stairs This is a Chinese.

Wearing a simple jacket, he looks very capable and looks like I'm coming up.

The man was stunned for a moment and was a little surprised, but then he nodded to me and said hello.

We didn't talk to each other, we just made eye contact.

Ciro looked at this man for a long time and suddenly frowned and said, "I seem to have seen this man... he... seems to be a policeman?" I smiled and said, "You have a good memory."

Indeed, this Chinese.

is Officer Jeff's subordinate.

Ciro has indeed seen him.

Just when I first met Officer Jeff, he took me and Ciro to the police station with several Chinese police officers, and once had a short contact.

Ciro is not a talkative person. Seeing that I don't talk about it in detail, he won't ask. Anyway, the person has arrived here. If there is any problem, I will naturally explain it to him later.

Two broken boards across the door, this kind of rotten door.

A slightly stronger young man, I'm afraid he can hit his shoulder as soon as he hits it.

I pushed the door and walked in under Ciro's doubtful eyes.

Inside is a room. There are two men sitting in the room, both of whom are dressed in plain clothes. The two are chatting. One of them is a Chinese police officer, Jeff! Oh, Xiaowu, you're here."

Jeff nodded to me, came over and smiled, "Well, since you're here, I think my task is about to be completed... God, my two brothers have been here for many days, and they are almost suffocating.

It's not easy for you to ask me to help you this time!" I will pay the price to your satisfaction.

I answered him briefly, and then immediately asked, "Where are the people?" It's inside."

Jeff tilted his head and then walked to the room.

Inside is a door. After opening the door, there is a small room of about ten square meters. There is no window in the room, only a bed and a TV.

There are two beer bottles and a few empty cigarette boxes on the ground.

** Sitting cross-legged, a young man, about twenty years old, with yellow skin and black hair, was watching TV boredly, with a little depressed expression on his face.

As soon as I entered the room, I smelled the strong smell of alcohol and frowned slightly.

** The young man, when he saw me coming in, he immediately cheered up! But soon, his face suddenly changed, as if he thought of something. His rosy face turned a little white again! He hesitated for a moment and whispered, "...Little fifth brother."


I walked over.

Looking at the way he wanted to stand up, he shook his hand: "You still have a wound on your leg. Don't move. Sit down."

This young man has bandages on his thighs. Obviously, his leg has been injured and has not recovered.

Xi Luo's eyes were a little puzzled. Looking at the young man in front of him, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Yi... Aren't you Xiao Huang? Why is it here?" Xiao Huang.

A young man in his twenties is the eldest brother in the car repair yard and a direct member.

Like Ciro, he is also one of the rising stars in the gym... And, more importantly, his surname is Huang, and he is the nephew of the dead Lao Huang.

At the beginning, Lao Huang and four others died, and the police sent someone to enter the car repair yard for inspection, when the two sides confronted each other.

Xiao Huang, this impulsive young man, suddenly heard that his uncle was dead. The young man got angry and rushed out with a gun to see his uncle's body.

In that case, both sides were at war, and the police were also facing a big enemy. Suddenly, they saw a large circle of young people rushing out with guns. According to the usual practices of the Western police, they all shot first! Fortunately, the other party has no intention of killing people.

He just shot him in the leg, making him temporarily unable to move.

As a result, he was hit in the leg, fell to the ground, and dragged back by the police.

Temporarily arrested.

However, after the development of things, it suddenly turned a 180-degree turn!! The bodies of Lao Huang and the four of them were sent back after secret negotiations between Jeff and me.

According to the habits of our Chinese people, the deceased should be restrained with a coffin, and his close relatives should put on a shroud for him! And the problem is here!!!" Xiao Huang, I have wronged you these days and left you here. If I do this, maybe you have some complaints in your heart.

If there is any grievance, I will apologize to you first! But I have my own difficulties with the situation a few days ago.

It's really messy, and this matter can't be exposed at inappropriate times..." I sat down, looked at Xiao Huang, and said slowly.

Xiao Huang's young face.

looked a little gloomy, but more sad: "I... I know, little fifth brother.

I don't hate you... It's just me..." At this point, he rubbed his eyes hard and wiped away his tears.


I patted him on the shoulder: "You are you, I know this matter, you have too much on your shoulders... You have grievances and guilt in your heart, I understand... You have to understand that I brought you here.

He also sent someone to look at you here. There was no malice, and even to protect your safety. Do you understand?" Got it..." "Hmm."

I nodded and motioned Ciro to stand beside me.

Jeff was very open-eyed. He knew that we might have to talk about some important things from the situation. He went out knowingly and closed the door for us casually.

"Little Huang!" I looked serious: "Now there are three of us here.

You can tell me everything you found that night from beginning to end! Start from the beginning, don't miss a word! Do you understand?" Obviously, I understand!" Then, Xiao Huang took a deep breath and began to tell... My father died early, and my uncle took me with him.

Following the Eighth Master, I have been in the car repair yard for eight or nine years.

Uncle takes good care of me, and I am very grateful to him... In addition, there are several other big brothers in the parking lot who take care of me, and the best one for me is Li Datou.

Li Datou is eight years old, and he was also brought by my uncle. He is the best one for me besides my uncle.

Treat me like my eldest brother.

Because I have a close relationship with him, we also know each other well.

For example, I know that he has a habit that is different from others.

Li Datou's family has three generations of single biography. In their hometown, there is a superstition, and there is a local way to avoid evil.

The underwear Li Datou wears, and there has always been a seam under the crotch of men's underwear.

Even if many underwear styles are sewn under the crotch, he will cut and sew them separately with scissors.

He and I have lived in the same dormitory for a year, so I know his habit.

In addition, Li Datou said that he liked to eat sugar when he was a child, so the innermost second tooth on the upper left of his mouth was emptied and then lost half of it.

Because it is not a deciduous tooth, it has not been filled later.

Other people don't know about these things. I have lived with him for two years, so I know.

Knowing that my uncle and Li Datou were dead, I went crazy at that time.

As a result, I was young and impulsive, and I also caused trouble for my fifth brother.

I squatted in the police station for a day. After I came back, I heard that the fifth brother had collected their bodies and set up a mourning hall in the parking lot, vowing to avenge them... Fifth brother, I'm convinced! Since the fifth brother said he wanted revenge, I believe it! Then, the night I came back, the fifth brother took me with a few sets of shrougs. He said that my uncle died unjustly, but after my uncle died, I couldn't see him off without a close relative.

So, he prepared a shroud and asked me to put it on my uncle with my own hands.

That night, there were only two of us in the mourning hall. When I first dressed my uncle with a shroud, I touched my uncle's cold body and couldn't help crying all the time.

I think my uncle died unjustly and tragically! When he died, his teeth were very tight and his face was still angry. I know that my uncle was killed by the enemy, and I will avenge him! I have always been Li Datou as my brother, and I also dressed him with my own shroud... He died miserably... He not only had gunshot wounds, but also knife wounds! His face was cut two or three times, and there was no eye... However, when I changed his clothes, I found that something was wrong!