evil spirit

Chapter 51 Exposed! Up

Chapter 51 [Exposure!] ( On) "Chen Yang."

A sound with some indifferent urn, a strong American tone of English. I was a little familiar on the phone. I calmed down a little and realized that the owner of this voice... It was the black bodyguard beside Yang Wei... Hansen! Without waiting for me to speak, the other party just said briefly, "The time you were ambushed on the road... Someone saw what you and your brother did in the alley."

This sentence was very fast, and Hansen's voice was also very indifferent. There were no emotional fluctuations from this guy's voice, and... After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone immediately.

However, such a short sentence, like a sharp sword, pierced my heart in an instant!! Someone saw it..." Someone saw it?? Someone saw it!! I was ambushed by a Vietnamese on the road that day. What did Ciro and I do in the alley? Ciro killed the Eighth Master with his own hands!!! It can be said that even though I have exercised my nerves like iron, after listening to this sentence, I was stunned for a long time before I came to my senses! No need to look in the mirror, I know my face must be ugly! Moreover, above the back, the clothes are sticky, all in cold sweat!! There were countless scenes in my mind in an instant: things were exposed, and Ciro and I had the notoriety of killing the boss, and were chased and killed by those brothers in the big circle... desperate, desperate, desperate... nothing... stared at by the original brothers with hateful eyes.

Being scolded by others... The cold sweat on my forehead has fallen, and my fingers are tightly pinching the mobile phone. I hold it too hard, and the mobile phone makes a click... Finally.

When I came to my senses, there was only the busy sound of "dududu..." left on the phone.

I gasped a few times, and then went crazy. I dialed back with my mobile phone, but when I dialed back, it was always busy! After Hansen suddenly called, he suddenly lost contact... Ciro saw me with a scary face and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something. I looked awe-inspiring.

shook his head at him, gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, "Let's go... let's go."

I pulled Silo out of the door, and I didn't say a word in the elevator.

Just stared at yourself in the mirror.

My eyes are very scary... I remember that when I was in the animal circle when I was a child, I saw those wolves locked in an iron cage, which was this kind of look! ...I was seen! I tried to take a few deep breaths and forced myself to calm down.

But I still couldn't help rushing blood to my forehead. Finally, I couldn't help slapping myself hard and shouting at myself in the mirror, "Calm down! Calm down!!" Ciro next to him was stunned.

He didn't understand why I suddenly made such a crazy move.

Under my scary eyes, Ciro didn't dare to ask more, but as soon as the elevator door opened, I immediately walked out and led Ciro to the parking lot in a hurry.

...hum...being...seeing by...?! At this time, I was able to restrain myself a little, and all kinds of thoughts in my mind immediately turned quickly... First of all, how could Hansen call me this number? More importantly... Since Hansen can say such a thing... "Someone saw what you are doing in the alley..." Then, it is obviously certain... What we do in the alley.

Hansen himself knows it!!! What the hell! Walking to our car in the parking lot, with a bang, I hit the door of the car with a heavy punch, and the door was smashed into a piece by my punch.

I'm so anxious! How can people know! How could Hansen know about it!! That should have been seen by no one!! No one can see it!! There is only me and Ciro in the alley!! I also checked carefully, and those people on the ground were dead! Therefore, there can't be a dead fish! How can it be known!!! The situation does not allow me to lose my temper! Because I deeply understand that this matter is absolutely absolute, and under no circumstances can it be revealed! Once this kind of thing is leaked, Ciro, I, it's all over! It's a disaster!!! Sitting in the car, I felt my fingers trembling... It's not fear, but nervousness, anxiety! Ciro was scared by my appearance. He hesitated for a moment and didn't ask me anything more. He just started the car... Just as he stepped on the accelerator, I looked sideways at Ciro with a wry smile and said gently, "Ciro... Someone knows the cause of the death of Master Ba!" Squeak!!! Bang!!!" Ciro was shocked and stepped on the accelerator inadtentionly.

Our car rushed out and hit a pillar next to it! Fortunately, the speed of the car was not fast, and the distance was very close. Although the car body shook violently, it was just a concave piece in the front of the car.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the car froze! Silo looked blank, and his neck twisted. The two of us looked at each other... For a moment, the carriage was so quiet that we could hear the heartbeat... For a long time, Silo opened his mouth. I saw that he seemed to want to force a smile, but after all, he couldn't laugh, and his voice was also very bitter: "E book It seems that the sky can't be avoided. After all, it can't be avoided... Little fifth brother, I did it... I carried this matter alone.

I killed people, even if it's on my head! At worst, I will die. I can't get involved with you!" Bang! I answered that he was a slap in the face!" Carry it! How do you carry it!" All the emotions in my heart suddenly burst out! Like a madman, I squeezed his shoulder hard and shouted angrily, "Why did you say such a bastard again!" Do you carry it alone? At that time, the two of us were present. Do you think you can carry it alone? Can you hide the past?! Do you think you can save me with your life?? Ciro! You son of a bitch!" I was so angry that my chest fluctuated up and down and stared at him: "Who do you think I am Xiaowu? Didn't you do this for me!! You are fucking bullshit! ! Sell you? If I can fucking do this kind of thing to sell you to save yourself... you! Will you still call me 'little fifth brother'!!!" In my rage, I pinched my hands in and grabbed Ciro's shoulder. With too much force, Ciro's face was twisted with pain, but his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and there was a trace of undisguised emotion! I took a long breath, let go of my hand hard, still stared at his eyes, gritted my teeth and said slowly, "You didn't do it alone!" It's both of us! So, if something happens, it's impossible for our two brothers to carry it together! If both of them can't afford it and throw their lives together, it's no big deal!" But..." "No, but!" I interrupted him firmly: "Two brothers, your life is my life! It's useless to say anything now! The question of who dies and who lives is all bullshit! Now we need to carefully find out how the matter was leaked! Then find a way to solve it... If it really reaches the irreparable step..." A trace of tragedy flowed out of my eyes: "At worst, we will die together.

The two of us go to Huangquan together, and we are not lonely.

I said so, but I made up my mind that if the real thing is irreparable, I have to find a way to save Silo's life! That damn Hansen, the phone call told me such a sensational news, but he didn't say everything, just a few words, and suddenly disappeared! It makes me confused here! What's the situation now, but I can't find any clue! Ciro and I waited in the car for a while. One of us smoked a cigarette and tried to recall every detail of what happened in the alley that day, but we still couldn't find a breakthrough! Human nature is like this. The more unknown things that can't be figured out, the more it will cause inner fear and anxiety! Because you don't know whether it's a cliff or a green river in front of you! Because of the "unknown", it will trigger the most original fear! On the contrary, if you clearly know that there is a cliff in front of you, many people will not be afraid.

Hansen's phone call almost threw me into the glacier! My heart is cold! Anxiety, nervousness, and a series of negative emotions came one after another, which made me upset... And just as the two of us discussed fruitlessly, it was still another phone call, which pulled me up again from the bottom of my heart... Of course, only half of it was pulled up.

The ringing of the phone broke the dead silence in the carriage. I looked at my mobile phone indifferently and found that it was from the police station.

After connecting, I heard Doug's serious voice.

"Mr. Chen Yang, about the deliberate murder case of your ambushed on the road, our police have searched here and found some new evidence..." Speaking of this, he seemed to have deliberately paused, probably trying to sell his business: "Of course, I should not tell the parties involved in these new clues and evidence. It is revealed, but given that we are allies, I think it is necessary to share some valuable information with you.

When I heard that it was another "ambush case", I suddenly refreshed and tried to take a deep breath. I tried to hide my emotions, looked at the phone in the most stable voice, and said in a tone as if nothing had happened: "Well, what's wrong? Are there any new discoveries?