evil spirit

Chapter 52 She's Coming

Chapter 52 [She's Coming]

On the night of June 9, many people walking on X Street saw a thrilling scene that they could not forget in their lives! It seems that someone has transplanted those hot and exciting scenes from Hollywood blockbusters into reality...

The quiet street was broken by the roar of car sirens... Then a huge large container car, with the roaring wind, drove at full power. On the head of the huge steel car, the special siren sounded through the long street, and then the huge container truck crashed into the head...

The gate of the police station on the street!

The glass gate, which was originally about three or four meters wide, was smashed in an instant! The container truck crashed into the police station like a tank! The overly high front of the car blew up all the ceilings near the gate on the first floor of the police station. Under the impact, the glass fragments splashed everywhere were like scattered flowers, as well as those walls that were knocked down, and the cement stones were flying everywhere...

At that moment, most of the scattered pedestrians around were stunned! After waiting for nearly ten seconds, someone began to make their first exclamation!

Then, in the noise and exclamation... There was a dense sound of gunfire from the police station!

Just as people ran around to hide, and some people picked up the phone and dialed 9111, someone suddenly came over: being attacked is the police station! What's the use of calling the police at this time?

And at this time, suddenly, it seems to be a scene in a nightmare! In the sound of exclamation and panic, suddenly, the whole street fell into darkness in an instant!

Street lights, buildings on both sides. Neon lights, all the electrical appliances in the room... are all dead!!

In the dark, it is the most frightening! Especially after the sound of gunfire and explosions around. Suddenly, it was as dark as death... It made countless people on the street panic!

In the dark, people run around, and I don't know how many people have been knocked down and how many shoes have been stepped on...

And about ten minutes later, a thunderous explosion suddenly came from the police station!

This explosion is different from the explosion of the bomb. There is only sound, but there is no fire!

But then, several windows on the second floor of the police station were pushed open at the same time, and several windows emitted thick smoke at the same time. The smoke was gray-blue. And it also has a pungent smell! At the same time, I saw many policemen lying in the window like dead dogs, coughing desperately! Coughing and scolding...

A little bit of insight. I immediately understood that it was not a bomb explosion, but a tear gas-like weapon exploded inside the police station...

About 20 minutes later, the sound of a roaring police car came from the street, which was sent by other district police stations to support...

Then. Under the attention of countless people, the police station extinguished the flames and calmed the riots. At the door, there is only the huge container truck with half of the body deeply embedded in the first floor of the police station...

All the media are crazy again! This is the second attack on the police station after the previous police station bomb incident!

Although the police blocked the news, those powerful media still tried to dig out some information from countless channels! So, the next morning, almost all the news media were reporting the matter on a large scale!

"Last night, the District C police station was attacked again! Some witnesses said. A container truck of about 15 tons crashed into the police station, and then, according to the witnesses around the scene, they heard the sound of gunfire and explosion that lasted for about a few minutes... A pedestrian at the scene took a set of pictures, and the attacker was likely to have detonated some tear gas-like weapon inside the police station..." With the new Hearing the fast voice of the anchor lady, the TV picture was switched off, and the camera turned. It was a set of blurred words. The phase and resolution were very low. Obviously, she grabbed cards with her mobile phone or other things in a hurry.

On the screen, the window upstairs of the police station was pushed open, thick smoke rolled out, and some uniformed policemen lay on the window and coughed and cursed...

"We have reason to believe that this is a deliberate provocation and attack against the police. When the police station was attacked head-on, the nearby power supply system attacked at the same time caused the whole street to be powered off for 20 minutes, which effectively covered their attack at the police station. The news anchor said blankly, "Because according to reliable information, six policemen were injured in the attack last night, and about 100 criminal suspects in custody in the police station took the opportunity to escape!" Fortunately, there is no news of death yet... CNN reporter, Nalia Figoton, live report.

This is the broadcast content of the news program at about eight o'clock in the morning.

However, in less than fifteen minutes, the news program, which should have ended long ago, suddenly flashed the opening in the TV again!

When countless viewers sitting in front of the TV were surprised and thought that this was not a mistake by the TV station, the host of the news program on the TV said to the camera in a slightly excited tone: "About the attack on the police station last night, we just suddenly got a very important clue... "

With the flash of the picture... Xiao Ruan's expressionless face appeared again!

This time, the third figure of the Vietnamese gang, Mr. Xiao Ruan, once again bravely took responsibility for the attack on the police in a slightly hoarse and serious tone, facing the camera...

"I, on behalf of the Vietnamese XXX Gang, declare that I am responsible for this incident! At the same time, we announce that no matter how many brothers the police have arrested, our soldiers also have the ability to rescue them!"

Provocation! This is definitely a naked provocation against the police!!

Then, unlike usual... Most of the morning newspapers were temporarily reprinted!! Even if there is no additional publication site, just push the printed newspaper down and reprint it!

The result is. Almost all morning newspapers have missed the time to distribute newspapers! As a result, almost all office workers who are used to working with a newspaper in the morning have no newspapers to read...

But a little later, these are huge. With a sensational headline, the newspaper about the second attack on the police by the "Vietnamese" immediately caused an uproar!!

This time, there is no doubt that everyone understands that this summer in Vancouver will be an unforgettable summer!

casually threw a newspaper with such a huge headline as "Vietnamese provoked the police, night attack the police station..." into the trash can. It was a slender, white and delicate palm, and the knuckles were like tender green onions that had just been peeled. Ten-finger fiber... Looking up, the skin is delicate on the wrist, wearing a pair of Kadia's women's watch. This watch, worth at least three or forty million dollars, shows an elegant temperament in its luxury.

There is no doubt that this is a woman, a very young woman. With a good posture, Yingying grasped her waist and swayed gently with the wind like a willow... Such a style. There is no doubt that it has attracted the attention of pedestrians, especially men.

Looking at the back of the green onion, this place is indeed an extremely attractive place. A touching figure. Almost perfect upper body torso lines, slender waist, and semi-circular buttocks suddenly raised down... Of course, she wears Chanel's new summer dress, which also perfectly sets off the woman's style, especially the Chanel summer dress under the floor skirt, which happens to be on the knees... There is no doubt that a pair of beautiful legs under the skirt. It's top-notch, even if it's used as a silk stockings advertisement, it's more than enough! Straight and white, perfectly curved calves. Below are lace-up thin sandals... Stepping on the smooth ground of the airport, it makes a crisp sound.

It can be said that this is definitely a sexy and charming hot girl!!

She took two steps with a small suitcase in her hand, and suddenly turned around...

It turned out that many men who had been secretly looking at her charming back in the back finally saw the charming front of this person, and couldn't help showing an intoxicated expression...

Her eyebrows were slightly raised, plus a pair of peach blossom eyes... God gave her a pair of extremely charming eyes! With such eyes, she already has the capital to seduce a man's soul in a blink of an eye.

Straight nose, sexy and rich lips, with a faint smile on the corners of the mouth, and a few silver teeth like broken jade are faintly exposed in the lips...

Such sexy and charming lips, I don't know what it will be like to kiss...

Finally, the woman opened her mouth and shouted behind her, "Yan Di, hurry up."

With her call, behind her, a white figure came over as if it was floating.

Again, without a doubt, many men around him sighed slightly and sighed slightly.

If this sexy hot girl is a blooming rose, then the girl with the white figure behind is undoubtedly a pure and charming lily.

A straight black hair, a pure face without any flaws and makeup, almost perfect facial features, a pair of tender eyes, a simple, white skirt...

More importantly, such a girl who looked almost clean seemed to have a little hesitation and faint panic on her face. Her bright eyes kept looking around all the way, like a newborn antelope...

Such a girl, coupled with such a beautiful face, coupled with such a look and eyes... can undoubtedly stimulate men's sense of conquest and possessiveness!

Yan Di came over, gently squeezed his lips, and whispered, "Joe Joe... Shall we go to see him now?"