evil spirit

Chapter 63 Fang Pangzi's advice

Chapter 63 [Fat-fatty's advice] I am silent... Fatty Fang's words are not too much to hide, but they are outspoken, and the most direct one hits my biggest fatal point! The foundation! Qualifications!! The thunder fox was not good, and it was obviously against me.

And Fatty Fang's words revealed my biggest Achilles' heel! I may be respected as the little fifth brother by most brothers. I may be able to dominate the world in Vancouver. I may be able to take my brothers to fight again and again through a series of victories... I may now be recognized as the famous "fifth master... But all this, I can't hide a pale and powerless reality: I, the time to enter the organization of the big circle, is full of calculations, just a year or so.

From the front, I, a "newcomer" who has only been in the new organization for more than a year, can play a green cloud road in such a situation, step by step straight up... Step by step, be recognized by everyone.

From a newcomer, he jumped to a "crapper". I'm afraid that such a brilliance is an unimaginable miracle anywhere in the world.

But on the other hand... only for a year.

Even if I win the hearts of the people, after all, my qualifications are too shallow.

In the whole big circle of Vancouver, anyone who can become the core member of the big circle.

Which one is not at least six or seven years old? For example, Ciro is recognized as a "young man"... He has even been working as a car repairer since he was a teenager! Not to mention those who are in their early thirties, or even in their forties, who are alive now! Those people are the real big circle! I'm a person who has only been in the industry for a little more than a year... In fact, in the current big circle, it's not without newcomers like me who have only been in the industry for about a year... It's just that those people are all "peripheral personnel"! A newcomer who has been in the industry for about a year can enter the big circle.

Becoming the "core member" of the big circle is already a kind of radical and exceptional admission... Not to let alone imagine, a new rookie for a year has directly become the handle of the big moon! Although.

In my upper position, there are all kinds of coincidences... For example, the lack of young blood in the big circle made me and Ciro be promoted by the Eighth Master.

For example, in order to restrain Tiger.

and raised my status as an exception.

For example, Tiger's death made me make a great contribution in Vietnam in disguise.

And the eighth master had to give me a chance to take the position... For example, my relationship with the princess of the hell angel forced the eighth master to help me participate in the cooperation with Mr. Solin, which also led to the improvement of my status.

Again, because of the sneak attack of the Vietnamese, the middle-level leaders in the big circle hung up overnight... And my status rose again... Finally, the eighth master died. At this time, I looked up... There was no one on me.

I have unconsciously stood at the top of the Vancouver Circle! For more than a year, my status is almost like taking a helicopter... Uh-huh.

No, it's indescribable to use a helicopter! This is like a rocket speed! Even though I killed the double-flowered red sticks of the Chinese gang in infinite glory; even though I miraculously completed the task in Vietnam; even though I fought for the big circle, was born to death, shed so much blood and sweat... However, all this still can't hide the fact: I am a rookie who has only been in the big circle for Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, I can't even be regarded as a "big circle" in the true sense.

Or make a hypothesis... If Lao Huang's middle-level leaders, as long as one of them is still alive, then no matter how dazzling my credit is and how strong my ability is, I'm afraid it won't be my turn to be the boss.

And if... If it's not me who is the boss now, but Ciro... I'm afraid those guys in Asia won't object so blatantly! At least Ciro's monthly seniority has been several years, and I... even many "peripheral personnel" are thicker than mine! Fatty Fang's eyes were a little complicated, and he sighed slowly: "Do you understand now?" Got it."

I smiled bitterly and said, "I have understood it for a long time."

"Alas!" Fatty Fang's face was sad, and the fat on his face was squeezed into a ball. He spread out his hand and said, "To be honest, I think you are really a little ridiculous.

When I sent you here, I just thought that the situation here was very doable.

And here in Canada, it is clear that there are no new people under Fang Bazhi.

So, I thought about it for a long time at that time, and I felt that... Although his eight fingers were recognized to be more ruthless, in view of the fact that his men were indeed short of people, he sent you here, and there was no chance to stand out..." When the fat man said this, he couldn't help whispering: "**! I thought very well at that time. I think you are here. Even if you perform well, it will take at least two years to become a core member. When you can win a little position, it will take three or five years... At that time, Fang Bazhi will be old. Even if he refuses to decentralize power, he will not let it go. At that Good performance, maybe you can get into the situation of a middle-level leader..." They looked at me again and scolded me, but I didn't expect that you even jumped level 17 or 18 in a year..." I was silent.

"When I was in Vietnam, I thought you were running up too fast... Moreover, Fang Ba put you in a dangerous position..." The fat man shook his huge head and couldn't help sighing: "I've heard a little nervous about the relationship between Tiger and Fang Ba, but I didn't expect it to be there. To the point... I didn't think of it.

Fang Ba was so whimsical that he used you as a bargaining chip to deal with Tiger... As a result, Tiger rebelled and was killed by you, but you also naturally ascended to power... Too fast... Too fast... At that time, I didn't think it was a good thing... With Fang Ba's suspicion.

If you have been here for a few years and have a certain foundation, then you might as well fight with him... But you are a newcomer, without any foundation, but you have been mentioned in a dangerous position, so..." "So you hinted to me at that time, implying that my best choice is to leave the big circle, right. "Is it?" I smiled bitterly.

"Yes!" The fat man nodded seriously, but then he smiled bitterly and said, "But my mother didn't expect that you didn't listen to me.

I ran back to Canada and continued to work... It didn't take long for me to sit here!" I looked at the fat man silently.

He smiled bitterly, but his eyes flashed with deep worry.


I stood up, walked a few steps back and forth in the room, took out a cigarette from my arms, lit a cigarette, and then took a deep look at the fat man: "Brother Fang... I'm calling you big brother now!!" I took a deep breath.

There was also a little excitement in his eyes: "In this world, you are the only one who can make me shout 'big brother' convincingly now! To be honest.

I remember all the things, every thing and every detail in Guangzhou at the beginning! Everything... is engraved here!" I pointed to my head.

Then, I took a deep breath of cigarettes and looked at the fat man. I seemed to be recalling, and as if I was talking to myself... "I will never forget that night in Guangzhou, I was chased like a homeless dog! On the street.

There is still a girl with me, not even a dog! It was you who showed up and gave me a hand at the critical moment!" My tone gradually became solemn, and I said in a low voice, "Then... you took me back to your place, gave me food, gave me a place to sleep... That night, Huan..." I hesitated for a second, gritted my teeth and said, "Ye Huan! Ye Huan... He wanted to kill me... At that time, I actually had given up, and I had never been so sad in my life! On the street in Guangzhou, I was chased and cut down by so many people. At that time, I was already thinking about fighting enough money and making money... However, you appeared again to save my life! I will never forget the scene when I rushed out of the alley that day and saw you driving in front of me and waving to me to get me into the car!! I will never forget that you took me to the underground clinic to treat my wounds. I was rolling in pain. You pressed me and stuffed me with cigarettes in my mouth... I also can't forget that you took me to the country house to avoid the limelight. You lived there to take care of me and cook for me... And you later arranged for me to go to sea I was also a little excited, and my voice inevitably choked a little.

Finally, I took a long breath and stared at the fat man: "The kindness you gave me is not ordinary! It's a life-saving gift! Love is not an ordinary love, but a fateful friendship! If I owe the most to anyone in this world, then your fat man is undoubtedly the person I want to repay most for my kindness!" Dongwu..." Fatty Fang wanted to say something, but I waved my hand to stop him.

I continued slowly: "It's no exaggeration, without you who saved me, there would be no me today! Everything I have today, from the root, is what you gave me! So...Brother Fang!" I said slowly, "If they send someone else this time, in the end, I will turn against him!" But you... As long as you say a word, I will give in to a big mess here in Canada! My little five picked up the burden and left! These are all given to me. Now I give it back to you, and it's nothing... If..." I smiled, looked at the fat man's eyes, and said, "Even if you don't trust me, it must be my life... As long as your brother Fang says a word and doesn't have to be done by others, my life is yours! You can take it back at any time.

"Winter Friday!" Fatty Fang called me again, and his expression was also a little excited.

The two of us stared at each other... This is completely a kind of eye contact between men.

Finally, he smiled and said slowly, "Gangwu, if I want you to die, I won't persuade you to leave when you are in Vietnam... Now that you have come to this point, a man is a man who is a leader.

No one has any reason to let you be restrained... To be honest, this time.

I'm also against it. In fact, the opinions of those in the family are not the same... If I really want you to die, I won't sit here and talk to you!" Speaking of which.

He whispered, "Don't talk about life and death... You are still young. When you reach my age, you will understand that the word life and death is actually very heavy! Hey hey, and you forgot what I told you at the beginning... In this world, except for my own mother, there is nothing worth repaying with my life!" The fat man came to me and sat me down on the sofa.

He casually took the cigarette box from my hand, pulled out a branch and ordered it himself. He narrowed his eyes and said, "You are also a hero now.

At least hundreds of people are watching you, and there are thousands of people who rely on you to feed on you! Do you want to die? Let it go if you want? How can it be so simple! Even if you are willing, ask your brothers if they are willing to!" The fat man's tone suddenly became fierce. At this time, he recovered a little. He drove me alone and snatched me out of the knife and gun array.

Dare to put the right spirit with Jinhe with a gun! He sneered: "Those old guys at home are a little confused... The oil and water in Canada is thicker.

But over the years, Fang Ba has been operating very well. This is almost an iron barrel. We have been separated for many years. Now I want to reach out my hand. How can it be so simple! Those old guys are a little confused, but to be honest, I don't see you as young as you are.

The meaning of bullying you.


I nodded.

The fat man stood beside me, put one hand on my shoulder, and said with a smile, "You are young, and you are a rookie who has only been in the industry for more than a year, so those old guys in the family thought that you might be easy to deal with, so they wanted to send someone over to cheat you. If the fraud is Take it back.

Even if you can't cheat, you can at least get some benefits from you... Anyway, you won't lose money.

Such a good thing, if it were me, I would have no help fighting the autumn wind... Haha!" Brother Fang..." I was a little moved.

From his standpoint, he really shouldn't have told me this.

The fat man waved his hand: "Don't worry about me.

The guy Leihu and I are at a bad time.

I was originally a free god there.

Those old guys, I ignore them, and they usually don't care about me.

The situation here is different and more complicated.

This time, if it weren't for you here, I wouldn't be too lazy to come here! That thunder fox, just respect him for your face. If he goes too far, even if you kick him back, he won't dare to fart! This kind of old guy also doesn't have much real power at home. He comes to ask for some benefits.

But this old fox has such a big appetite that he actually wants to swallow it all in one bite... Humph, he is not afraid of choked to death!" Then what do you mean..." The fat man raised his eyebrows: "If he is asking for a sky-high price, won't you pay back the money?" He patted me on the shoulder: "As for those who are not qualified, it's all excuses.

This kind of thing is naturally problematic after in-depth study, but as long as you sit firmly here, who will pursue this kind of problem... Hey hey, that's right, for the big circle, you, Chen Yang, are an outsider.

But for this territory in Canada... You are the master here, and those of us from other regions are outsiders!" I smiled and said, "I understand this truth, but how to do it? I still have to be measured in my hand."

The fat man said leisurely, "Since I've said this today, I might as well give you the bottom... You are not allowed to touch the Thunder Fox. No matter how angry you are, you can't touch him! This is the big principle! As for the rest, you can do whatever you want.

There is no infighting in the big circle, which is the basic principle.

When you go back, I will help you make some room for manoeuvre.

Anyway, I also plan to retire. If you want to thank me, you can buy me an industry in Canada to let me retire, even if you repay my kindness.

I thought for a moment: "Ok, I don't plan to kill Thunder Fox... After all, I'm still in the same name. Besides, if I touch him, the bosses in your place will be angry and get two teams of airborne soldiers to trouble me. I can't afford to provoke me."

"Airborne troops!" The fat man sneered: "Are you really so united as a big circle? Airborne troops! Hey hey! If it weren't for our interests in Canada, do you think those bigwigs in your family would be so kind and send airborne troops to help you? I nodded and smiled, "That's good.

You fight and kill in Asia, and smuggle and sell drugs in the Golden Triangle and those small countries in Southeast Asia.

A half of the goods are sold from Canada every year. If the big circle here in Canada collapses, you can't live there.

So, this time I heard that I'm tight here, so you sent airborne troops so happily.

The fat man smiled, pointed at me with his finger, made a silent gesture, and said with a smile, "Very good, as long as you understand... but to the outside world.

The slogan still needs to be shouted... What a big circle of unity, deep brotherhood, these high-sounding words still need to shout more.

I see.

This time, this thunder fox is coming.

Actually, it's for speculation! That old guy, in fact, the real purpose is to think about whether he can take advantage of the chaos here. If everything goes well and catch up, he may be able to take back the control of the whole Canadian area.

Even if you don't succeed, you should at least get some benefits back.

That's what they really think.

If I guess correctly.

This thunder fox is probably a little too greedy.

As soon as I saw that I was so young, I was a little anxious to find some means.

I didn't expect that I couldn't give up.

His first wave of temptation was wasted.

Next, what he can do is nothing more than a few points... Taking advantage of my shallow weaknesses in the big circle... It's nothing more than differentiation and pulling in.

Humph, did he really think it was a romance novel? He wanted to come to Canada alone, and he took my country away? How can it be so cheap! But is it a differentiation... Although this routine is a little old, sometimes it is still very effective.

After all, this old guy has a big hat of "big circle orthodoxy" on his head! Although he is actually an outsider, what makes me depressed is... but this kind of "orthodox" hat.

This kind of high-sounding bullshit reason, among Chinese people, there are really many traditional people who like to eat this set.

I remember that there seemed to be such a play in the Three Kingdoms... In those years, Liu Biao and Liu Jingsheng, the lord of Jingzhou, came to Jingzhou alone. He did not take a single game with a soldier, but by the means of pulling in and differentiation, he actually swallowed the big Jingzhou in the strong and strong forest! I have to say that this miracle will only appear here among us Chinese people... But then again... If the old guy Leihu wants to play with me... I'm afraid he may not be able to play it.

Admittedly, his "big circle authentic" hat may be able to arouse the thoughts of many people who may not be convinced of me secretly.

However, when it comes to raping the leaders under me to betray me, it is too unlikely.

Because... To be honest, now in the big circle, except for me... almost all the other leaders are newcomers who have been pulled up by me in the past few days! Because... the old boss, Lao Huang and others are all dead! The guys I have brought up now are either my direct lineage, or at least the grace of my promotion.

No one should be able to eat the trick of Thunder Fox.

In addition to the differentiation, what Leihu is most likely to do is to do something about the "death of the Eighth Master"! However, although this weapon is sharp, it is not easy to use! If one doesn't work well, I'm afraid it will cause a big mess! If he really dares to make an article about the death of the eighth master... then he must think about the consequences of this matter! The death of the eighth master, this kind of thing can't be used as a weapon! Once taken out, it will be a scene where everyone will not stop regardless of life and death! If he really dares to play with this matter... Then there are only two results... Either he used this matter to bring me down... Or, he failed and I will continue to be in power... But the consequence is that from then on, the Canadian circle and the Asian circle will completely break up!! That's for sure! Now Leihu is here to represent the Asian circle! If he dares to publicly suspect that I have something to do with the death of the eighth master... It means that he suspects that I am the murderer of the eighth master on behalf of the whole Asian circle! This crime is not small! It's equivalent to forcing me to turn against them!" What are you thinking about?" The fat man saw that I was silent for a long time and didn't say anything. He smiled. Suddenly, he turned his eyes, patted me on the shoulder hard, and said in a low voice, "Are you calculating that Leihu will take Fang Ba's death?" I looked up and stared at Fang Pangzi.

The fat man shook his head and whispered, "It's still young. Calm down..." He sneered: "Hey! Fang Ba's death, no one will really care about this kind of thing! Xiaowu, I won't foolishly ask you how Fang Ba died... I won't ask that kind of stupid question... How Fang Ba died has nothing to do with us! What's more, to say something damn... I don't know if you killed Fang Ba... But even if it's really you... Why did Lei Fox question you? After all, he is an outsider.

Asia and yours are nominally big circles, but they are actually two families! Kill Fang Ba... Humph, even if you kill him, Leihu is an outsider. What kind of heart do you fuck? Besides, when Fang Ba came to power, didn't he also step on his brother's body to the top? At that time, no one came to investigate how Fang Ba's brother died! Why? Because when Fang Ba came to power, Fang Ba had deep qualifications and strong control, and there was no chance to intervene in Asia.

Even if you know that the death of the Fang Ba brothers is suspicious, no one will come out and say anything! Now, when you see the opportunity, let's talk about the injustice of Fang Ba's death. He wants to avenge him and uphold justice... This justice is too worthless.

I smiled and said, "Dude, I'm not worried about Thunder Fox doing this at all... He is an outsider in this matter. He first came to Canada and has no foundation here.

Unless there is an orthodox sign, there is no other advantage.

What evidence does he have to blame me for this? But I've made up my mind. I'll do a good show tonight. Let's show him some color first... Anyway, I want him to understand that I have the final say here now! I'm the little fifth brother in Vancouver now! And he, Lei Fox, is just a guest. It's better to be honest with me!" In the end, my voice was a little cold.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, and then the hammer pushed the door in and told me first that he had sent Lei Fox back to his room.

Then he hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to say something.

I smiled and said, "It's okay. This is my eldest brother. If you have anything to do, you can report it directly. Don't avoid him."

Hammer was relieved and said in a low voice, "Ciro and they are back... He listened to me that you are meeting guests here. Let me tell you that his work is done tonight... What you want... has been brought back, and now he is waiting for you in the dark house in the back."

I sighed, looked back at the fat man, and said slowly, "Dude, are you interested in going to a good show with me?" Without waiting for the fat man to speak, I ordered the hammer, "Order down and let all the brothers in the family guard the door outside, and everyone else should gather in the mourning hall!" A cruel smile appeared at the corners of my mouth: "Tonight, I'm going to set off my incense! It's for the dead brothers!" After a pause, I told the hammer again, "Go and call Mr. Lei up. I don't think he will probably sleep tonight. Just in time, you can invite him to the mourning hall."