evil spirit

Chapter 66 Just don't bird you!

Chapter 66 [It's just not a bird!] I didn't choose to deal with these two people with that kind of righteous "no blood to death".

Instead, he gave them to the hammer.

"Just make it cleaner."

This is my order to the hammer.

Although I understand why they betrayed, just like Tiger, they didn't get a chance to develop under the eighth master, and finally took risks... There is a saying that "If people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed."

Although what

said is a little extreme, objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with people working hard for themselves.

It's just that they shouldn't do it at the cost of selling their brothers.

So, they have to die.

Of course, for most brothers, they don't know what happened.

For most people, these two traitors are good brothers who died in the raid to hunt down Da Ruan.

I waved my pen and added their names to the pension list.

Tonight's Xiangtang, I killed my enemies in public, and I showed my toughness.

And in the secret room, the execution of the traitor shows my justice.

Admittedly, being a boss, toughness and fairness are necessary factors.

"But that's not enough."

After Lei Fox went back to his room, the fat man took the initiative to stay this time: "You did a good job tonight, but it's not enough."

"It's not enough for them to give up the coveted thoughts in their hearts."

The fat man smiled and said, "I said, your biggest weakness is that the foundation is too shallow, so no matter how tough you are, no matter how fair you are.

No matter how leadership you are, it is difficult to get their recognition.

"You mean 'they', do you mean the bigwigs in your family?" The fat man sighed: "Actually, it's not difficult for you to solve Leihu... The key is that after Leihu goes back.

Those bigwigs listened to his report, can they really recognize you?

Although whoever succeeds the throne and who will be the boss, we should not intervene here in Canada.

But as I said, in this world, the heaven and the earth are big, and the benefits are the greatest! It's a great thing. Even if you break your head, someone dares to rush up and do it! Indeed, logically, we should not interfere in your affairs... But..." The fat man said here.

smiled and said, "You can't reason with the underworld.

The underworld is unreasonable in the first place. We only pay attention to means and strength.

I patted the fat man on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I understand."

When I return to my room at night.

I don't look very good.

This is normal, because a few more people died tonight.

Da Ruan, and the two traitors.

After all, I haven't practiced the perversion of killing people without blinking an eye... I'm still alone, a young man in his twenties.

Even though I have experienced too much life and death, I am faced with the kind of killing.

It's really hard for me to guarantee that I'm indifferent.

In particular, kill the traitor who used to be his brother.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Qiao Qiao in a nightgown.

leaning on the chair without image, under the skirt of the nightgown, a pair of slender and plump thighs are so ** in the air, high on the coffee table.

She holds a bottle of moisturizer in one hand, and then gently and evenly rubs it on her legs... If it is usually placed, this action will make me feel very attractive... After all, Qiaoqiao is very beautiful and sexy, and her legs are very beautiful.

The legs are slender, straight, round and strong, and the skin is delicate and smooth... But today, I just glanced at her faintly and walked to the sofa next to her and leaned up.

I looked bad and sighed gently. Qiao Qiao looked up at me strangely: "What's wrong with you?" I shook my head and didn't say anything.

Qiao Qiao continued to ask, "What happened tonight? Someone came here in the evening and told us not to go out of the room tonight..." "Well, that's my arrangement."

I nodded.

Indeed, we set up a incense hall in the mourning hall and kill people! I don't want the two girls to see that kind of scene.

So I specially ordered people to stay here and not to let them go out.

"What happened? Is it serious?" No."

I shook my head and smiled hard, but I laughed a little tired: "It's not serious, but it solves some problems that have troubled me for a long time."

"Ah...that's the end..." Qiao Qiao also wanted to ask again. Yan Di had come out of the room. With a gentle face, she slowly walked to Qiao Qiao's side and gently put her hand on her shoulder.

Yan Di smiled gently and said softly, "Okay, don't ask.

Xiaowu should be very tired. You go in and wash your face, and I'll give you medicine later.

Watching me get up and leave, Yan Di stopped Qiao Qiao's intention to ask and whispered, "You see..." Following the direction of her finger, Qiao Qiao looked at it and saw a footprint on the floor of the door.

I left this footprint when I entered the door, only half of the soles of my foot, vague... But obviously, this footprint is dark red!" Is this... blood?" Joe frowned.

"And, don't you think he smells bloody?" Yan Di sighed: "He must have done something tonight that he doesn't want us to know."

"Yan Di."

Qiao Qiao suddenly sat up straight, and a rare look appeared on her face: "Do you... Do you think that Xiao Wu has changed a lot?" Yan Di didn't care too much about this problem. She just nodded casually, as if she didn't mind.

Even her eyes are very clear, without any trouble.

"I'm just a woman, and he's my man.

And when I knew him, he was never a man walking in the light.

Since I have made up my mind to follow him, I have been ready for it for a long time... Even if one day he becomes a demon..." Yan Di smiled gently, and the soft-teed girl said in a tone that seemed to be understated at this moment, "... Then I am also willing to be the devil's woman."

Looking at Yan Di, who wanted to be weak, she was so firm this time... Even her firmness was not shown in that kind of swearing with that kind of gritting teeth and swearing curse, but in that understated and casual tone.

But it seems that what has been said has long been deeply painted in the depths of the heart, and it is taken for granted.

Joe looked at Yan Di in surprise.

Then he sighed gently.

Two big things happened on the day after that.

The first big thing is the funeral of the once powerful circle leader, the eighth master, and the square finger on the Vancouver underworld.

I have to say that this is a combination of Chinese and Western.

In the parking lot, we set up a white hall to accept the guests' worship, and at the same time, according to the rules of Westerners.

We bought a cemetery, which is a Western-style cemetery, which is simple and clear.

The door of the car repair site is full of wreaths.

something like that.

I was wearing a black suit, with a little white flower tied out by Yan Di at night.

And this day is undoubtedly a grand party in the Vancouver gangsters! Originally, the storm had gradually subsided in the past two days, and the police have focused all their attention on the Vietnamese.

And today, outside the repair yard.

It's almost full of high-end cars! The gang in the Vancouver underworld, whether it is a big gang or a small gang.

Or Iranians, Arabs, Indians, or local whites, Italians... Almost all the bosses who can come! The street outside is full of high-end cars.

These gangster bosses, with bodyguards, walked into the mourning hall in the car repair yard one by one, according to the rules of us Chinese.

Worship in front of the eighth master's throne, whether Chinese or foreigners, come and offer incense one by one.

I was aside and returned the gift as a family member.

Finally, the police also sent a representative. He sent a Chinese police officer Jeff.

This gangster party is even bigger than the last negotiation scene in the police station! People come more! Because... I sent a message.

Ba Ye's funeral, welcome friends from the big circle to come to watch the ceremony.

The simple line of my sentence is: If you choose to be friends with us, you can come! Otherwise, you are not our friend! None of the gangsters are fools.

Vietnamese people have been shoveled. Now in the whole of Vancouver, the hell angel, under the order of Solin, has long retreated far away and does not want to come and soak in the pool.

In addition, other gangs were suppressed by the police before... So, who is the most powerful now? Big circle! In addition, almost all the gangsters have been suppressed by the police before... but there is only a big circle, and their strength is almost unscathed! So, what does this situation mean? It's self-evident! Jeff wore a police uniform and brought several police officers, all in straight police uniforms, and came in a police car.

This guy was actually promoted. Behind the scenes, he told me in private that from now on, he can say the same thing about the police in Chinatown! Of course, he also brought another piece of news.

is also another big thing that happened today.

Mr. Norton, he resigned.

Now, Doug is officially in power.

Actually, I have always been a little skeptical.

Because Doug is not a policeman, he is just a special member of the government, he can't be the police chief.

I learned later that a politician like him did not need to control the police forces in Vancouver for a long time.

He only needs to intervene in police affairs, for example, for two or three years, in the name of a government commission, a committee within the police. At the same time, there will be a new police officer to replace Norton's position.

However, it is impossible to compete with Doug.

After two or three years, Doug, who has made enough political achievements, can leave.

And Vancouver's brilliant achievements in rectifying the underworld will also leave a lot of glory in his career! These will continue to climb up in the future, but they are of great benefit.

He needs to make political achievements, that is, he needs to let the underworld forces in Vancouver be under his supervision within two or three years. He needs to control the underworld in Vancouver. The social security situation is good, and the crime rate is reduced... Therefore, he needs to have a spokesperson in the underworld.

That is to say, with Doug's cooperation, I have a huge umbrella in the police in two or three years.

As long as I don't do anything out of line.

The police won't bother me... and even help me suppress my enemy.

After paying tribute to the eighth master, Jeff in a police uniform shook hands with me in front of many gangster bosses in Vancouver.

Then he shouted, "Mr. Chen Yang, on behalf of the police, I thank you for your contribution to Vancouver's security."

I smiled and said, "The police and the people cooperate."

What I didn't know was that the reporter of a gossip tabloid who sneaked in at the scene quietly evaluated this sentence as one of the top ten most shameless speeches of the year... After the funeral, some uninvolved guests left, and Officer Jeff naturally left.

But none of the remaining gangsters left.

In the mourning hall of the car repair yard, the wreath has not been removed, and the manor is still hanging on the wall, but the incense case is gone.

In the mourning hall, I asked someone to set up a long table and set up a simple meeting place.


I ordered unrepable people to go out.

Let all my men and the bodyguards of these bosses retreat out of the door.

Everyone's face was calm, and they probably thought of such a scene for a long time.

Because everyone knows very well that today is nominally the funeral of the Eighth Master.

And in fact... it's my inauguration ceremony!" Everyone, please sit down."

I looked at the Vancouver gangsters and pointed to the table in the mourning hall.

Everyone sat down quickly, and I couldn't give up.

sat in the top position.

Fatty and Lei Fox were also invited by me to attend this meeting.

"These two of our seniors are from Asia."

I introduced it with a smile.

No one has any reaction.

These people are the boss of the gang, and the forces in their hands add up.

occupies more than 80% of the Vancouver gang! Half of them were seen by me in the police station, and the other half didn't know each other.

"Gentlemen, it's my honor to have the honor to sit with you today."

I smiled and said, "The Eighth Master has passed away. Recently, I have been in charge of the encircle business.

I'm very young. If there is anything that can't be done properly, please take care of it... Although I have a smile on my face.

said such a thing, but everyone did not have a trace of contempt, but looked at me with a guard.

Most of them know.

At the beginning, it was in the police station, under the eyelids of the senior police officer in Norton! Just because Aziz, the boss of the Iranian gang, was disrespectful to me, he was beaten by me on the spot! Later, Aziz's gang was swept 18 times a day by the police! After Aziz came out of the hospital, he went straight to the prison.

So, no one dares to despise me now!" Mr. Chen Yang."

It was Abetoni, an Italian. This guy was still braided and said loudly in an exaggerated tone, "Now that you are a big circle of family members, I think everyone will be willing to cooperate with you."

This guy is with me, and the first one opened his mouth to support me.

Naturally, other people have no objections. Anyway, everyone understands that I am the most powerful now! No, no, no."

I smiled: "Dear Abetoni, my friend... You're wrong. I'm not a big circle member."

I slowly stood up, gently walked to the table, spread out my hand, walked and said with a smile, "As you know, when the Eighth Master had an accident, I just managed the affairs of the big circle as a last resort.

But I'm so young that I'm not enough to bear such a heavy burden... Besides, with my qualifications, I'm afraid there are still many people who don't obey me..." Abetoni immediately shouted, "No, no, no, I don't think anyone will accept you. You are a famous person in Vancouver now!" There are also many other people who say they are in line with it.

I smiled and glanced at Lei Fox. This guy narrowed his eyes and didn't say anything.

There are two Chinese old men present. They are the representatives of the Chinese Gang. I have seen both of them before.

The eyes of the two of them are much more complicated than those of those foreigners! When I said that I was young and could not bear heavy responsibilities, the two old men immediately seemed to notice something, and their eyes quietly circled around the thunder fox and the fat man! I think that these two people are sent by the Asian circle... If they come to the funeral place just for the death of the eighth master... If they simply attend the funeral, then the current meeting is obviously an internal affairs of the Vancouver gang, and there is no need for them to attend such a meeting! But they not only participated.

Sit still sitting next to me! There are a lot of deep meaning worth playing with! After all, it is the Chinese, and only the Chinese can understand the internal infighting of the Chinese.

Most of those foreigners don't understand.

I noticed the abnormal eyes of the two old men of the Hua Gang, and then turned my eyes to them with a smile on my face.

The eyes of the two old men turned around me and the thunder fox... They understood that I was forcing them to take a stand with my eyes.

After a moment, one of the old men cleared his throat and said slowly, "Chen Yang, it was inconvenient for us to talk about your internal affairs.

But we think.

Although you are young, you did the most credit when you were under the Eighth Master.

Now everyone has seen that everyone in this big circle is convinced of you. If you don't sit in this position, who else will sit? Lei Fox's face was a little ugly.

I smiled.

smiled kindly at the old man who made the position: "You are a senior. I just have the support of my brothers. I'm just to appease the scene for the time being.

About who is in charge of the big circle now... In fact, I will invite everyone here today.

Please witness the new head of our circle! Our new family must be old acquaintances with everyone here... I smiled, slowly walked to the side of the mourning hall, pushed open the door, and walked in.

In a moment, I came out of it. I pushed a wheelchair with an old man sitting in the wheelchair, about fifty years old.

The face is thin, and the eyes are as sharp as an eagle! From such eyes, it can be seen that this man's temper must be very hot... I pushed the wheelchair out, and half of the Vancouver bosses here were stunned! The old men of the two Chinese gang also seemed to be a little caught off guard.

The fat man sitting aside showed a surprised expression on his face, and his eyes radiated a strange brilliance! Suddenly, he jumped up, ran to me in two steps, and laughed loudly at the man in the wheelchair, "Aha! Seventh! Shit, Chen Yang actually carried you out!!" Naturally, the seventh uncle is sitting in a wheelchair.

At the beginning, I asked my brother Xiao Zhu to go out to do business. In addition to asking him to go to the bao ya zhou zhou lv shi, another task was to let him find the seventh uncle! My task to him is to stay with Uncle Seven, protect and take care of his family.

Xiao Zhu is a very clever young man. He persuaded Uncle Seven to hide and live in another place these days.

After that, I visited Uncle Seven in person... I need him to come forward! It's just to deal with the guys from the Asian circle, such as Lei Fox! I still remember that when I went to find Uncle Seven, Uncle Seven didn't even ask me, but directly replied to me: "I have washed my hands."

Although Uncle Seven is hot-tempered, he is not a fool.

By the way, the relationship between Uncle Seven and Master Ba is actually not as good as I looked when I came to Canada! Now that I think about it, most of the reason why the two of them were so intimate at the beginning was because someone around them deliberately made it.

Moreover, after the news of the death of the eighth master came out, the seventh uncle did not come forward to pay tribute to the eighth master! Uncle Seven also showed a lot of calmness for me to go to him.

He didn't even ask how the eighth master died! Just reply to my sentence: I have washed my hands.

I can see that Uncle Seven guessed my intention.

I said to him at that time, "Uncle Seven, I was brought into the big circle by you! Now the big circle is in trouble. I, a young man, can't control the scene! If you come forward at this time, I'm afraid I can't do a lot of things!" However, no matter how I am moved, Uncle Seven said: I have washed my hands in the golden basin.

I was helpless at one time.

But later, before I left, I said, "Uncle Seven, I always thought you should be a very righteous person!" Now that the eighth master is dead, although I can preside over the situation, can the people in Asia convince me? What should I do if they don't accept it? Can I find a way? I'm not here to beg you for myself, I'm begging you for the future of so many brothers in my family! I'm not asking you to be me as a puppet... I'm asking you to be me as an umbrella! At least for now, if you are willing to come out, you can also let many brothers below shelter from the wind and rain under your umbrella!" After saying these words, I raised my legs and left. At this time, the seventh uncle behind me finally said, "Wait..." Today, I pushed the seventh uncle in the wheelchair out and stood in front of everyone. Maybe everyone was just surprised. I probably didn't expect that I was in power now, but I had lost power for a long time. The angry old man held the position of the boss... And only Lei Fox, his face was gloomy, and he looked at me with complicated eyes.

There is clearly a kind of frustration in his eyes! Yes, you can say that my seniority is too shallow. You can say that my seniority is young and my prestige is not enough to convince the public.

So, you can try to interfere in our internal affairs with the authentic flag... But now I have picked up Uncle Seven! What else can you say? Speaking of seniority? Joke! Who else is more qualified than Uncle Seven in the big circle of Vancouver? Maybe some people think that I don't have to push Uncle Seven out, and what can Thunder Fox do with me? Indeed, Thunder Fox doesn't do anything to me! But what about the bigwigs in Asia? I have to make a gesture to show them a compromise! At least, I need an excuse, an excuse for them, and an excuse for me! I can't fall out with them in public! The big circle is characterized by airborne soldiers! I need airborne soldiers! I also need the support of Asia! Because in terms of business, the smuggling business and the way of money are inseparable from Asia! Don't you want a well-ed person to be the boss? OK! I'll give you a qualified one! But, at least in terms of face, everyone can get by.

The friendship between Uncle Seven and Fatty Fang was obviously very deep. They hugged each other, and then I pushed Uncle Seven to the front of the table.

At this moment, Uncle Seven took a cold look at Lei Fox and whispered in Chinese: "Lei Fox, are you here to attend the funeral? Now that the things have been done, you should have seen it. If you have nothing to do, you can go wherever you should. Remember not to stretch your claws in the future.

Otherwise, everyone has been friends for many years, and don't blame me for turning against others.

Lei Fox's face suddenly became ugly, suddenly blue and white, as if it was going to attack.

But after the seventh uncle said these words, he turned his face away, not even the bird, the thunder fox.

I stood behind Uncle Seven, with no expression on my face, but I loved Uncle Seven to death in my heart.

Only an old guy like Uncle Seven can say this kind of thing! Others absolutely can't say it! Moreover, this kind of words are said by Uncle Seven, and Leihu can only listen! Why? The river in Vancouver was fought by Uncle Seven's people themselves! Of course, Uncle Seven speaks hard! In his words, "Thunder Fox is a bird. In front of me, you see if he dares to fart!" There are some words that I can't say. I said, for those bigwigs in Asia, it's called "the following crimes" and "the disrespect of the younger generation to their predecessors"! But Uncle Seven doesn't have so many scruples, even if he is rude to Leihu and makes a lot of trouble.

For those bigwigs, this is just "some small contradictions between old brothers"...