evil spirit

Chapter 70 Customs, Money Laundering

Chapter 70 [Customs, Money Laundering] Of course, this is just a stopgap measure. I'm still investigating Wick now. After all, Wick can't be regarded as my own people. I dare not leave many things to Wick to do. In the future, I think I can completely control Wick, or I'm relieved of him, and The periodontal period has done something.

The news Wick brought me was not bad. He had dinner with a customs director tonight and then gave him a small gift.

A pure gold paperweight! Speaking of customs... If I want to make the smuggling business bigger, then customs is indispensable for me, and I must overcome a difficult problem!! Many people may think that the so-called smuggling business is to get a few ships by themselves, transport goods between countries, avoid the border navy, guards, and anti-smuggling armed forces on the coast, and then drive the ship to the shores of other countries, trade with others, or trade on the high seas... This is indeed It is a channel for private business, but it only occupies a very small part! It can be said that almost any country in the world has smuggling! Even those countries and regions that claim to have zero tariffs have smuggling! Smuggling is not only to evade national tariffs to make huge profits, but also to smuggle some local prohibited items.

To make an example.

The United States has some anti-dumping laws for many cheap goods from China because it is afraid that the entry of too many cheap Chinese products into the U.S. market will affect their market order and will have an impact on U.S. enterprises.

restricts the entry of some Chinese goods into the U.S. market... In this case, these Chinese goods can only be smuggled if they want to enter the U.S. market.

Want to sue the U.S. government for trade barriers through the International Court of Justice? Unfair competition? Yes, you can sue! This kind of relationship can't be settled in a few years! In a few years, even if you win in the end, the cauliflower will be cold! The most famous example is the rapid development of the domestic color TV industry.

The output is huge, China's labor force is cheap, and the cost of color TV is extremely low.

A large number of low-priced color TVs were dumped abroad, especially in Europe and the United States, which led to anti-dumping laws in Europe and the United States! Restrict the export of China's color TVs to their countries.

In the end, several domestic color TV giants joined forces to fight a lawsuit with them... After so many years, the lawsuit has not been won.

No one pays attention to it anymore... Because the picture tube color TV in those years has long been eliminated, and now people have begun to use LCD TVs.


After so many years, even if those Chinese enterprises have won the lawsuit? So what? It's in vain! Few people may know that there was a time when Chinese color TV was smuggled abroad, which was very popular! In this case, some prohibited items cannot enter some areas, so we can only rely on the smuggling channel! And the channel of smuggling.

In addition to some of the smuggling groups that transport their own land and ships... In fact, a large number of smuggled goods are simply circulated through the formal import and export business through the country's formal customs channels! For example, what is smuggling? You set up a company, and then issue a list, and go to the customs to declare that there is such a batch of goods to be exported abroad... For example, on the document you give to the customs, it says the cheapest slag, so the customs will collect your tax according to the cheapest slag! But in fact, what is in your container is not slag at all, but a product that is a hundred times or even a thousand times higher than that of slag! In this way, your tax evasion will become your amazing profit! So, is the customs blind? Can't you check it? Will check! But I won't check it either.

The operation process of customs is unknown to most outsiders.

For example, in a port city like Vancouver, the port does not know how many 10,000 tons of 100,000 tons of cargo ships enter and exit every day, and how many tens of thousands of containers enter and exit... Every day! How many people can there be in the customs? Thousands of people? Two thousand people? How many inspectors can there really be on site? One hundred? Two hundred? Relying on this number of people, it is possible to open and check so many ships, so many thousands of containers and containers every day? I don't know how many boxes there are in each container, how many boxes... The customs may open all of them and check them one by one? Obviously, it's impossible!! The real way for customs is that all import and export companies will have a credit rating in the customs.

From high to ground, there will be files in the computer.

The customs adopts the method of "graded spot checks" for goods entering and going in and out every day.

For example, for the goods of 100 companies, if the credit rating is high, 1% will be drawn, and if the credit rating is low, 3% to 5% will be drawn.

After all the documents declared for import and export are collected to the customs, all the goods will enter the designated yard of the customs, and then those documents will be transferred to a special and complex inspection department of the customs. At this time, the inspection department will be in tens of thousands or even 100,000 goods according to the credit rating, each Hundreds of goods were pulled out every day to check! This is the biggest loophole! It can be said that even if you are a young man, even if the arms in your container are drugs! As long as you are lucky, it happens that the customs did not find your goods this time, and your goods have gone out, even if you are successfully smuggled!! There is nothing we can do about it. The cargo throughput of a country and a port is really a huge amount that is almost astronomical! Even if you let the customs people sleep 24 hours a day, and everyone is so tired that they vomit blood, it is absolutely impossible to check all the goods! Absolutely impossible!! Therefore, this loophole is a smuggling channel commonly used by smuggling groups all over the world.

They declare tax-evasion goods, or prohibited items, to the customs in the name of a legal and low-taxed goods... As long as the customs does not randomly check their goods, the goods will go out unconsciously.

Of course, the real business is a big smuggling group will not put all the risks on "luck!" Indeed, the proportion of customs spot checks is very small. Maybe you haven't been found for a hundred times, but you have been found at the 101st time... Then you are doomed! The smuggling group is not so stupid. If it is pure luck, everyone will inevitably go unlucky.

At this time, under such circumstances, the officials in the inspection department of the customs have almost become hens that can lay golden eggs!! As long as you can find a way to buy those customs officials who have special powers... Before the declared goods documents are extracted for inspection... Among so many documents, someone quietly thought of a way to gather those documents to be extracted for inspection... the documents that let you declare the goods are silent. "Disappear."

Everything is K! Just imagine, your documents have disappeared, so no matter how the customs extracts them, no matter how you randomly check them, it is impossible to draw your goods!! To be honest, it is recognized all over the world: the customs of any country is the richest place to flow oil!!! Why should I take the customs route? Indeed, it is still at the level of collecting protection fees.

But I can't always make myself a lay man! I think if you really interfere in the smuggling industry, you can't live on protection fees forever.

One more thing, Huaxing company, my name is an ocean-going international trade company. In name, this company is also engaged in import and export trade.

I also plan to start some business by myself, some of which also try to do smuggling, and the other part, of course, do some legitimate business, even if it is just to hide people's eyes and ears.

I have a legal company, so the huge profits I collect, the huge amount of protection fees... can flow into my pocket through the right channels! This is not a joke! The word money laundering has always been a difficult problem for gangsters all over the world.

Especially in Western countries.

To be fair, the laws of Western developed countries are better than those of our domestic countries.

Regulations, especially in tax matters.

For example, most people in China do not have an idea, that is, a large amount of property from unknown sources.

In Western developed countries, if you have a large amount of property, but you can't explain the source of this wealth, then this is also a crime! For any wealth, the state must extract certain taxes.

How did you get your money? Work and work to make money, OK, then your company will help you file the record, so that your income is legal.

Your money is given by others, so it's very good. You have to pay tax on the gift to prove that the money is legal! Your money is won by buying lottery tickets, so you must also register and pay taxes with the cooperation of lottery agencies.

Always, your money must have a legal income channel, and then pay taxes, and finally, you can use the money legally.

So, now Huaxing company may receive nearly one billion US dollars of protection fees from smuggling groups every year... This money, legally speaking, is black money!! It is impossible for me to transfer this money directly into my account and into my brother's account. The foreign banking system and tax system are very strict.

Then, this money must have a legal source of income.