evil spirit

Chapter 74 Qiao Qiao's Heart

Chapter 74 [Qiao Qiao's Heart] (Part 1)

Yang Wei took us to a hotel, which is obviously the property of the Yang Wei family. European-style sculptures, gorgeous and almost luxurious fountains, and the main building of the golden-walled building, this hotel has fully met the five-star luxury standard at least in terms of hardware.

We were arranged in a luxurious VIP suite. Qiao Qiao, who was speechless by Yang Wei all the way, almost gnashing his teeth and sent Yang Wei away without saying a word.

On the contrary, Yang Wei was still calm, but before leaving, he smiled at the door and said, "Oh, it's a pity that after you came, you could talk to you alone. Isn't it enough now? It seems that you are not convenient for you... Take a break. Tonight, my uncle invites you to participate in a small family. The banquet is a small dinner after the opening ceremony of a new casino in our family. You have been running all the way. I won't invite you to attend the opening ceremony in the afternoon.

After saying this, Yang Wei glanced at the room. Finally, a disguise fell on her face, revealing a faint look. She took a deep look at me, lowered her eyelids, and whispered, "You... Did you deliberately bring a girl here? Alas..."

After saying that, she didn't give me a chance to explain and drifted away.

"Say! What do you have to do with this Yang Wei? As soon as I closed the door, Qiao Qiao had already pounced at me with her teeth and claws. She shouted and jumped on my back, and then her whole delicate and seductive body was so close to my back, and her legs crossed my waist. The whole person just rode on my back, put his hands around my neck from behind, and shook it desperately... At the same time, he scolded in a delicate voice, "Okay, Xiaowu! Your skills are getting better and better! As soon as I arrived in Vancouver, I first met the ** princess, and went to Vietnam to get a pair of mixed-race sisters. You are picking up girls faster than Aze now! Ah!! Now another Yang Wei jumps out! Humph, I knew that you were sneaking to leave Yan Di and me at home and refused to bring it. There must be a reason! Sure enough..."

For the intimate physical contact between Qiao and me, we used to fighting in the past. But it seems that since the friendship between me and Jojo began to change qualitatively, she has rarely made such blatant intimacy with me. But now she suddenly jumped on my back and shook my head with both hands. I quickly opened my mouth to explain, but even though I tried my best, Qiao Qiao refused to give up.

Finally, I calmed down. Then his hands drooped, and let Qiao Qiao shake my head behind me, but said slowly, "Joe... come down..."

"It won't come down! Xiaowu. You can't figure it out today, so I won't come down!" Qiao Qiao looked very domineering, like a little wild cat.

"But..." I swallowed my saliva, and I didn't dare to move my hands. I smiled carefully and said with a wry smile, "Uh... you know. It's summer, and the clothes are very thin... Moreover, you don't seem to be wearing underwear today..."

"Ah!" Joe finally woke up. She just rode on my back like this. From the posture, it is equivalent to her "Let go of her chest" and her whole body is close to my back...

No matter how strong Miss Qiao is, she will still blush and jump off my back in a hurry, staring at me angrily.

As soon as the hammer entered the door, it ran into the room. We live in a ViP VIP set, which is about 40 square meters outside. The magnificent living room, and on each side, there are two, a total of four luxurious master bedrooms, in addition to a luxurious bathroom, a cloakroom, and a small conference room.

After Qiao Qiao finally let go of me, both of us were a little embarrassed and had nothing to say. We went back to the room to rest for a while. When we came out of the room again, both of us were a little embarrassed.

She carefully asked about the relationship between me and Yang Wei. Of course, Qiao Qiao claimed to interrogate me for Yan Di and said that she wanted to protect my chastity for Yan Di... Damn it!

I sighed and talked about how I met Yang Wei and the series of things I had after that. Qiao Qiao kept squinting his eyes and asked very carefully. I listened to what Yang Wei helped me through a series of adventures in Vancouver. When I finished, Qiao Qiao sighed. He frowned and said, "It seems that this woman is a powerful character."

Then she turned her eyes and said, "Well, before she left, she seemed to have whispered something to you at the door... Did I ask you to go to a private meeting in the afternoon?"

I sighed, first denied it, and then smiled bitterly, "Joe, you know what you're doing now. It's just a jealous and suspicious wife interrogantly about her cheating husband!"

"Boh!" Miss Qiao pinched for a moment, but soon, she said very regardless of her image: "Husband? You want to be my husband and have an 800-year dream!" However, no matter how big her eyes were, she could not hide the panic in her eyes.

Then she asked, "Say, are you going out to see her later?"

I shook my head and denied it, but at this time, the phone in the room rang.

The abrupt phone bell interrupted our conversation. Qiao Qiao's eyes lit up and said loudly, "Okay! Still deny it! Look, someone is calling to urge you!" After saying that, without waiting for me to speak, she jumped over and said, "I'll pick it up!"

She seemed to want to see my reaction on purpose, so she pressed the hands-free answer button...

"Haro" is a sweet and charming woman's voice that seems to shout a kilogram of cream, authentic American accent in English: "Sir, do you need special service? Five hundred dollars at a time... I'm a high-end product."

Qiao Qiao and I looked at each other quickly and looked at each other in consterance. Finally, after a few seconds, I reacted and smiled and said to the phone, "No." Then he hung up the phone quickly.

Qiao Qiao blushed and seemed to be embarrassed to look at me. I smiled and said, "Ha ha, this is a harassing call. It's normal. We are in Las Vegas, a famous tourist city. In this kind of place, almost all hotels have this kind of prostitutes who will call to do business."

Looking at Qiao Qiao's embarrassed look, I walked over and pulled her down to sit down. Then I got up and poured a glass of water for her. I sat in front of her, meditated for a moment and said softly, "Qiaoqiao, what's wrong with you today? I think you seem to be a little too excited..."

Qiao Qiao hesitated for a moment and drank a glass of water in one gulp. The domineering and anger on her face disappeared little by little. Suddenly, she calmed down and held the cup in her hand. After a while, she looked up at me: "Chen Yang, let me ask you a question. ."

"Well, what?"

"Alas..." Before Qiao Qiao opened his mouth, he sighed and then said slowly, "What on earth do you want? Have you thought about it?"

"What have you thought about?"

"Wish me... Well, our relationship." Qiao Qiao seemed to hesitate for a moment before she finally made up her mind: "I know that the girl you love the most in your heart is Yan Di, and it seems that the girl who should be with you the most is also her. Right?

I looked at Qiao Qiao, but I still didn't deny it. I nodded gently: "Well, she's my girlfriend."

"Well, yes, she is your girlfriend and your woman." Qiao Qiao read a word in a low voice, and then looked at me quietly and whispered, "So, what about me?"

I suddenly froze.

Yes, where's Jojo?

For a long time, I have told myself that Qiao Qiao is my good friend, my best friend, and Aze, and they are the same as Wood...

However, it can't be denied that it seems that recently, step by step, step by step, the relationship between me and Jojo seems to be getting more and more complicated... From the reunion in Vancouver to the experience in Vietnam... It seems that step by step, my relationship with her has unconsciously produced a qualitative change!

Yes, what is Qiao Qiao?

I'm not the kind of hypocritical and pretentious person. If I say "a friend" like that kind of hypocrite now, then I'm sure Joe will be so angry that he will slap me!


Do you have any friends who hug each other, kiss each other, and have ever slept on the same **?

I know very well that I'm not a fool! I know that there are some changes in the relationship between Jojo and me. That kind of change, which seems to be silent, is eroding our friendship and seems to turn it into something else...

"I... I don't know how to say it." I smiled bitterly, looked at Qiao Qiao, and grabbed my hair hard.

Qiao Qiao hummed softly, and then asked, "So... What if I leave you from now on, we will never see each other again and don't talk? In that case, will you accept it?

"No!" I answered quickly this time!

Just kidding! Let Qiao Qiao disappear from my life. From then on, no girl opened her teeth and claws at me, no girl and I robbed a woman, no girl to drink with me, no girl secretly teased me when no one was around, no girl sang the song "Brother Yixiu" in my ear...

For me, this is simply unimaginable!

"Sure enough." Qiao Qiao sighed and looked at me with an unexpected expression on his face with a smile: "Men, they are all greedy!"

Chapter 74 [Qiao Qiao's Heart] (Part 2)

"Well, you have a girlfriend, Yan Di is your woman... So now facing me, what kind of relationship do you think we are together?" Qiao Qiao asked in one breath.

These words really make it difficult for me to answer.

To be honest, in the past, I had been deliberately avoiding thinking about these problems in my heart. This problem is equivalent to a dead end to me! It's an untied dead knot!

Every time I think of these problems, I comfort myself and tell myself not to think about these difficult things for the time being. Things are not there yet. At least for now, the things between Jojo and me have not been made clear... If I don't make it clear every day, I can escape day by day.

But now, Qiaoqiao sat in front of me and asked me so directly: What's the relationship?

Yan Di is my woman. I love her, and she loves me with all her body and mind! Of course, it is impossible for me and won't be separated from such a girl! So, what is this ambiguous relationship between me and Qiao Qiao?

"Don't say anything, don't ask anything, because I don't know anything now."

I remembered what Jojo had said to me twice, and I couldn't help trembling.

It's exactly this sentence that I can sometimes use to anesthetize myself: Well, Joe is just having sex for a while, and she's just playing with me... Even if she really has something, it hasn't happened yet.

What hasn't happened, you can't think about it for the time being.

But is Joe really "don't know"?

Does she really "don't know"?

If Qiao Qiao "don't know", would she rather turn against Li Wenjing's family and run back to Vancouver to find me?

If Jojo "don't know". Will she take people to Vietnam to save me?

If Jojo "don't know", she will take care of me day and night when I am injured, and even live in the same room with me. Sleep in the same bed?

I want to go deeper...

If Qiao Qiao "don't know", will she come to Vancouver to find me with Yan Di after she turns with her family this time?

Joe is not a stupid woman. On the contrary, she is very smart! If she "don't know", then after knowing that she meets Yan Di, she will continue to stay with me in a stable relationship, and she usually has some ambiguous behaviors with me?

Think about it carefully, it makes me break out in a cold sweat!

Yan Di is my girlfriend! And of course, the Feiku hand beats Qiao Qiao, who knows this! She is in such a situation. Or came to me with Yan Di... Doesn't this mean anything?

Even if Qiao Qiao is barbaric, she is a girl after all! What am I waiting for? Do you have to wait for Jojo to take the initiative to run to me and tell me loudly that she likes me? Please let me be with her... I will face this problem?

As a man, you obviously have an ambiguous relationship with a girl, but you are slow to move. I want to wait for other girls to take the initiative to pull down their faces and beg you... Shit, is this still called a man?

It seems?

Did I do it wrong?

After f figured out this section, my heart was finally enlightened! Look up at Qiao Qiao. I couldn't help shouting, "Joe Joe..."

Qiao Qiao's eyes were a little complicated. He sighed gently and gritted his teeth. There seemed to be a resentment in his eyes: "Just five... I have come to you with Yan Di... What else do you want me to do? In addition to provoking girls, do you only pretend to be stupid?

I took a deep breath, and my expression was already moved at this moment, staring at Joe: "I... I don't know... I didn't know before... You know, I've always reacted sluggishly... And we... We... Alas, I don't know what to say, anyway. But now I'm very... Jojo, I'm not pretending to be stupid. Really not." I whispered in distress, "But I already have Yan Di..."

"I won't compete with Yan Di to be your wife!" Qiao Qiao raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I will compete with Yan Di? Then be your wife? Cut!"

Then she sighed and looked at me. There was a light in her eyes: "I, Joe, will never fall in love with another man in my life. But I won't marry you. I will only stay with you, let alone rob you with Yan Di. I will only stay with you. If you want, I can be your lover. If you don't want Yan Di to know, I can help you hide it from her... Hey, what is my Jojo? It's just a promiscuous girl. I never expect me to marry any man and live my whole life... Xiaowu, I like you now. I can be with you, but I won't ask you to marry me. I don't want to make our relationship public with you one day... I just need to quietly occupy a part of it. I know it myself... Well, my personality is really not suitable for being someone else's wife.

I'm really shocked!

This! This is a confession, right?!

I had a long mouth and looked at Joe in surprise... These words, these things, I didn't think about it... It's not that I haven't touched these thoughts.

However, I never thought that Qiao Qiao dared to say these words bluntly in front of him!

"Hmm." Qiao Qiao shrugged his nose and glanced at me: "I wouldn't have told you these words. Since you like to pretend to be stupid, I'll pretend to be stupid with you!" Anyway, I will like you alone in my life. I have a lot of time to spend with you. I'm not afraid that you will continue to pretend to be stupid with me! But today... you actually carried Yan Di and me on your back, and got a hand with this woman named Yang Wei... You!"

Mars came out of her eyes again.

I quickly smiled bitterly and said, "What's the point... There's really nothing between me and Yang Wei."

"No?" Qiao Qiao's eyes were suspicious: "Have you ever hugged her?"

"Um...no," I replied, but thought to myself; when we fell down the mountain, hugging together was not a hug...

"Have you kissed her?"


"Have you been to bed?"

"That's even more gone!" I shook my head quickly.

Joe's face is slightly more relaxed. But then he took a deep look at me: "This doesn't mean anything! Humph... Don't think you can hide my Qiao Qiao's eyes! As soon as I saw this woman, as soon as I saw her look at you, I knew that it was definitely not easy between you and her!"

I still want to distinguish. Qiao Qiao sighed. She suddenly blushed, but she still looked at me with a tough look: "You... don't be proud! You forced me to say these words today, and you are not allowed to be complacent in the future! Well, if I hadn't seen you know such a woman again, I wouldn't have told you this!"

I know that it was probably the appearance of Yang Wei, which gave Qiao Qiao a serious sense of crisis. Otherwise, she would not have confronted Yang Wei all the way.

I quickly denied it, saying that I absolutely didn't dare to be proud.

Qiao Qiao's eyes turned. A cunning smile flashed and whispered, "Hmm, man. I don't expect you to control yourself... It's impossible to expect men not to cheat! But I tell you, with Yan Di and me, Qiao Qiao, you will be less greedy! This is Yang Wei. Humph... You don't have to swear, I'll solve it myself..."

Looking at my helpless and stiff expression, Qiao Qiao suddenly became angry. He beat me hard and said angrily, "Hey! The girl confessed to your face! As a man, can you give me some reaction!!!"

Then I suddenly woke up: "Ah...ah?"

"Idiot!" Qiao Qiao suddenly blushed, and her eyes softened. She gritted her teeth and whispered, "Kiss me..."

The fierce Qiao Qiao regained a charming look. He wanted to fly between his eyebrows, but he rarely flashed shyly. Such a look appeared on Qiao Qiao's face, and he couldn't help but make people feel shocked... My heart was pounding. Despite a sense of guilt, she couldn't help stretching out her hand and gently gave her shoulder to the landlord. Then, the two of them were silently approaching... approaching...

But just when their lips were almost touching each other, I could even feel Joe Joe's gentle and rapid breath sprayed on my face...

The phone rang inappropriately again at this moment...

The two of us were shocked, and I pressed the phone answer button with a little an annoyance...

"Sir, do you need special services... Another charming voice, but it's a strange voice. I think it was beaten by another prostitute.

Before the other party finished speaking, I quickly said angrily, "No!"

I hung up the phone angrily and looked up at Qiao Qiao. At this moment, Qiao Qiao's face is full of blush, and Miss Qiao's face is full of the shy blush unique to the weak little woman, and her eyes are gentle...

I was a little stunned, but I couldn't help asking stupidly, "Well...we...we're going to continue?"

Joe Qiao smiled, but there was a sense of encouragement in his eyes. I understood this bunch of eyes, and finally had the courage to come over again...

However, at this moment, the damn phone rang again!

This time, Miss Qiao is finally furious! She grabbed the phone hard and heard another strange woman's voice on the phone: "Sir, do you need special service...,

In the fire, Miss Qiao said to the phone, "Fu! There is already someone! Come back when the service is over!"

After saying that, she smashed the phone out casually... With a bang, she threw it on the door not far from the living room.

Immediately, the door opened, and the hammer inside pushed the door and leaned out. He said, "Who knocked on my door?" Are you going out for dinner?"

But at a glance, I saw me holding Qiao Qiao's shoulder in one hand, and the two hugged each other...

Under Miss Qiao's almost murderous eyes, the hammer quickly shouted, "I didn't see it, I didn't see anything!!" With that, he closed the door and retreated like running for his life.