evil spirit

Chapter 77 Yang Family BOSS

Chapter 77 [Yang Family B] (Part I)

I carefully looked at the man in front of me, Yang Wei's uncle, the head of the Yang family, and the parent of the so-called "three-leaf clover" family.

His age, I remember I checked the information between him. He should be forty-six years old, but he looks much younger than his actual age. His skin is very white, even a little beautiful, and his voice is very peaceful and tepid. His appearance should be handsome, and you can faintly see a little bit of Yang Wei's outline. After all, he and Yang Wei are close relatives. But obviously, his appearance is not very good, it can only be regarded as medium.

But it's strange that he sits on the sofa like this, and his body is even a little lazy, but his whole body has an indescribable, heavy, soft momentum! And this momentum is so calm and natural, but it is not half aggressive.

Hmm... by the way, the sea!

He seems to be soft and calm when the sea is calm, because his momentum is as wide as the sea and bottomless!

He is smiling at me. When he laughs, he will make people feel like a spring breeze, and he doesn't seem to have the majestic temperament of a big family at all, and even makes people feel very close. But if you go to see it yourself, you will find that his eyes are very special! Because although his face was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes.

No, it's not just when he laughs, it's just now. At the banquet outside, when he delivered his speech, when he spoke on the stage, he had to admit that he was indeed very elegant. But whether it's when he smiles, sighs, or when he uses those energetic words to stir up people's confidence... When he makes all these emotions, he always makes me feel a strange taste...

Well, now that I'm close to him, I just found out what's wrong with my feeling.

His eyes!

Whether he just laughed, sighed, or excited... His eyes, the look in it, are always calm. There are no mood swings!

I have seen a lot of powerful people. At first, when I was with Brother Huan... Ye Huan, he gave me the impression that he was like a amiable elder. Ye Huan's eyes, who appreciate you and are kind to your father and brother, are also so peaceful, but they will be a little fierce from time to time. And the eighth master. The eighth master's eyes are like an ancient well, very deep, so deep that it is difficult for you to guess his thoughts. Many times. You have tried your best to figure it out, but in the end, you will find that in fact, the eighth master's intention is far deeper than you think.

As for Solin, he is a standard Western leader. He is energetic and majestic, but he is cunning, sophisticated, and a little hypocritical. At the same time, it also brings a little Western gentlemanly stereotype.

And this Mr. Yang, his eyes... I can only describe it as "sea".

It's not that you can't figure him through, but... you don't even have to guess at all. Because he will show you his emotions... It's just that under this superficial emotion, only he knows what is hidden.

In the face of such a person, in the face of such a helmsman who controls a well-known family in the United States, in the face of such a person who controls hundreds of millions of assets and countless invisible power... Frankly speaking, I suddenly have a kind of person since my debut, A strange feeling!

In front of such a person, I actually feel... very small!

This feeling undoubtedly made me very depressed, and at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"Sit down, young man." He looked at me, very casually, and pointed to the sofa in front of him.

I took a deep breath, walked over, nodded to him first, and then sat down.

"Do you like this place?" He didn't seem to be in a hurry to talk to me about business, but spoke in a casual, chatting tone... This kind of conversation skill is actually not very skillful, but in the past, when I talked to me in this way, I always felt that the other party was pretending, and I would feel that the other party was actually detouring with me. I will sneer in my heart, because I know that sooner or later the other party will definitely get to the point.

But in the face of this Mr. Yang, he gave me an illusion... It seems that we are really just smoking cigars and chatting in such a small lounge.

"Well...this place is a good place." I'm careful with Li Yi's answer.

"Relax, young man." Yang Wei's uncle casually played the soot on the cigar: "This is my private lounge. Every piece of furniture in this room is selected by myself... Well, I have this habit. In every hotel, I will leave a private lounge that belongs to me, and I have to do everything in it myself. Select, don't go through other people's hands at all. This feeling is actually very beneficial, do you understand?

"Undert it." I thought about it sideways and replied.

"Do you really understand?" He smiled, but still, there was still no smile in his eyes, although he smiled so casually and naturally.

"I really understand." I nodded and added, "Nothing here is selected and arranged by yourself. Then you know every detail of this room, as if you are completely in your own territory and field. In such a place where you are familiar with the extreme, when you invite guests to negotiate, you will naturally relax completely and occupy the 'land' in a place you are completely familiar with. More and more freely... Although this advantage is not obvious, in some important negotiations, even a slightest, invisible advantage can play an unexpected role.

I finished in one breath, and at the same time, I carefully observed his eyes, trying to see his mood swings in his eyes. Because I'm confident, I guess it should be right!

However, I was disappointed, and there was still no fluctuation in his eyes. At the same time, he smiled and said, "Well, that's right. You are very shrewd." But then, he shook his head: "Although it's right, I didn't say what I was thinking about me."

Isn't that right?

I was stunned. I'm confident that I should be right!

Yang Wei's uncle sighed gently: "Actually, when I decorate every room, I just hope that I can be as comfortable as possible. Since it is your own place, you have to decorate it yourself to make people more comfortable. You see, my reason is actually very simple, just to make yourself comfortable, but in you... Well, there are many outsiders who think too much. He slowly took a sip of the cigar: "Many things in the world are like this. Often the motives of the authorities are actually very simple, but others are always used to thinking about a very simple thing, the more complicated it becomes."

Looking at me with a sty look, he smiled and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I may have talked too much. But now I at least understand why I appreciate you very much. You and she are the same kind of people. You are both smart and young... But you and a young man like Weiwei have the same problem, that is, you think too much.

I took a deep breath, smiled and said sincerely, "Mr. Yang, you are right."

Yang Wei's uncle shrugged his shoulders and suddenly said, "Oh, look at me. I almost forgot it. It's too unreasonable." He laughed and said, "You see, I already know that your name is Chen Yang, 25 years old. At the same time, now you control a medium-sized company called 'Hua Xing' under your name, and you have actually controlled the underground forces of the whole Vancouver. I know a lot about you, but I forgot to introduce myself... Well, I'm Yang Wei's uncle, and Yang Wei is my brother's daughter. Unfortunately, her father has passed away for many years. You are Weiwei's friend. From this point, you may be able to call me Unel like her. Of course, I think you still don't call me that, because your current status does not only represent you personally. I don't think I have that position, which can make the number one person in the North American circle call me Unel, so Well, you can call me Mr. Yang Er. Remember, it's not Mr. Yang, because I'm two at home. For my friends who are Chinese like me, they usually call me Mr. Yang Er.

"Yes, Mr. Yang Er." I shouted politely.

"Okay, young man, you are too nervous and cramped." He waved his hand gently, and then motioned with his chin to a wooden box on the table, which contained a stored cigar: "Would you like a branch?"

"Well...no need." I suddenly had a strange feeling in my heart: in front of this person, if it is not necessary, it is better not to pretend, say something, try to be the most honest, maybe the best effect. So I refused his invitation: "I don't like cigars. I prefer ordinary cigarettes, and I only smoke domestic flue-cured cigarettes."

I took out the cigarette myself: "Is it okay?"

He made a gesture of please.

I just lit a cigarette. Mr. Yang Er said a word and almost made me unable to sit still: "Oh, by the lady who came to the banquet with you tonight, is she your good friend?"

I immediately looked a little ugly, and I quickly said, "Well... I know some of her actions just now are..."

Chapter 77 [Yang Family B] (Part 2)

"No, no, no, no..." Mr. Yang Er shook his head and interrupted me with a smile: "No, no, I'm not asking that, and I won't pursue that kiss. I am a very strange father, and I try not to interfere in everything about my children. What's more, this is the United States and this is Las Vegas. Not to mention two girls kissing, even if a bear and an owl kiss, no one will be surprised. I just want to know, is that young and beautiful girl your good friend?

"Yes." I let go of my worries, but I was more surprised: "What's the problem?"

"If I remember correctly, she should be the daughter of Mr. Qiao in China, right?" Mr. Yang Er smiled and said, "I remember I seem to have seen her once, but she should not remember me."

I was stunned for a moment, and then I was relieved. Since Qiao Qiao's father knows Li Wenjing's parents, considering Qiao Qiao's father's status and wealth and power, it is not surprising to know Mr. Yang Er.

We chatted casually for a while. He asked how Yang Wei and I knew each other. At the same time, he smiled and invited me to try my luck in the newly opened casino, and even talked to me about my hobbies of tobacco and tea. But there is not a word about our business.

What makes me feel even more strange is... I clearly feel that he doesn't seem to be in a roundabout way... He is too natural and calm. He is simply natural, and there is no trace of performance all over his body!

"Mr. Yang Er." Finally. I couldn't help saying first, "I'm sure you know that I came to Las Vegas this time for a business. I don't know if I can have some opportunities to cooperate with your family."

"Oh. You mean that your local funds need to be circulated in my casino. Mr. Yang Er smiled and said, "So, Chen Yang, tell me, how much money do you need to transfer every year?"

"Now it seems that it is about 100 million US dollars a year." I thought for a moment: "Of course, this number may gradually increase."

"100 million US dollars." Mr. Yang Er smiled. He casually put the cigar in his hand on the ashtray, then sat up and picked up the red wine on the table. He poured a little for himself and looked at me again: "Drink a little?"

"Okay." I nodded.

He finished drinking and holding the glass. I took a sip first, and then smiled, "I don't want to hide it from you. You embarrass me. That's why I didn't meet you at the party immediately after thinking about it today.

I didn't say anything and waited quietly for his follow-up.

"Money laundering is a business. It's not a secret." Mr. Yang Er seemed to be meditating: "But there are some potential risks in this kind of business... The biggest key to this kind of business is two words: trust." He seemed to smile: "Habitually, I won't let a fund that I can't trust the source enter my casino. This is to ensure safety and avoid risks.

"I can understand." I sighed. He took a big sip with a glass.

"At the same time, the commission I took is not cheap." He said lightly, "I believe it's not easy for you to get your money. Well, your funds are only circulating in my casino, and I will draw a commission, which may make you feel very distressed. But I'm not going to lower my price. Although you are a friend of Yang Wei, personal friendship and business are completely different things.

Look at my slightly frown. Mr. Yang Er smiled again: "However, I talked to you for a while today. I like you very much. You are a good young man. I think if we have more contact in the future, maybe we can become friends... But I also want to tell you that even if it is my friends, I will not rashly do business with them. In my mind, everything is clearly divided. I like simple things... the simpler the better, but if you confuse the two things, then simple things will become complicated... I don't like that."

"So you refused, did you?" I said slowly, and I already had the idea of giving up in my heart, and I was even ready to get up and leave.

"No, that's not what I mean." Mr. Yang Er smiled again and said, "You see, I just want to tell you that I won't treat you preferentially because of personal friendship, so when we talk about business, it's better to talk only within the scope of business. Do you understand?" He looked at me: "If I refuse you, I won't invite you here today. I think my time is equally precious, isn't it?"

"So what do you mean?" I leaned back on the sofa.

"It's very simple, it's the condition of exchange." Mr. Yang Er smiled and said, "For me, I don't care about the commission I can earn by helping you wash this money... I'm sorry, my words may not sound good, but the annual business of 100 million dollars, and the reporting rate is so low, I don't need to waste too much resources on it, right? Whatever, I mean, unless I can get some other benefits in this business... Well, some other things."

He seemed to sip his wine carelessly: "I heard that you own a small part of the shares of Mr. Solin Group?"

I was moved... Is he also interested in this?

But I immediately shook my head: "Sorry, if you are interested in this, I can only regret to tell you that I can't give up this equity!"

If I give up my equity, I will lose Solin, an ally. Without Solin's ally, I can't fully control Vancouver's underworld. I can't control the underworld in Vancouver, so I'm not qualified to ask for prices from those smugglers... I'm messing around!

I refused bluntly. Mr. Yang Er didn't look too surprised. He just said "Oh", and then he thought about it and said, "Well, then I'll put forward another condition. This is my lowest price. If you can't accept my offer, then our cooperation can only be cancelled."

"Please say it."

"Your Huaxing Company." He smiled and said, "Have you seen the newly opened casino below me? I'll give you one percent of the shares in exchange for fifteen percent of your shares in Huaxing Company. If we can make a deal, then your capital flow will not be a problem. Your funds can flow from the casino, and... you can also save a commission for money laundering.

Looking at his smiling face, I suddenly felt a little unfathomable in my heart!

Black! Absolutely black!

Our Huaxing Company's annual net profit is one billion US dollars! He wants to take 15% of the shares, which means that I have to give him 15 million dollars every year!

To be honest, if he just launders money for me, the commission I will pay him is about 15 million, because of the rules of the road, the commission for money laundering is about half.

In this way, although he said that he doesn't want the commission for money laundering... he can still get 15 million a year! It's just that the money nominally changed from the commission to the name of a share dividend!

At the same time, it is equivalent to taking away 15% of the shares of our company!!

Calculated, he not only took a penny, but also dug out part of the ownership of our company!

Of course, the current Huaxing Company is not worth much money. The whole Huaxing Company is just an empty shell. It doesn't have much market value. The 15% of the shares he took don't seem to be worth much money... But...

I have long regarded Huaxing as the beginning of my career! Although it is not worth much money now, I am confident that under my development, it will become a very profitable company!

Isn't it? I own the whole of Vancouver, which is equivalent to the largest port on the west coast of Canada! It is equivalent to controlling most of the smuggling business on the west coast of Canada!! Huaxing Company still only relies on "protection fees" to make money, but in the near future, it will grow!

Now 15% seems to be worthless, but in the future... it's hard to say!

A company that secretly controls the smuggling business of the entire west coast of Canada... Will it be worthless in the future?? I'm afraid all idiots understand this problem!

Mr. Yang Er must have taken a fancy to this point, so he will make an exchange on this condition!

I sighed: "Your appetite is too big..." I shook my head repeatedly, looked at him, and said sincerely, "This company is not completely mine. I only have 70%! The remaining 30% belongs to Vancouver... Well, shareholders. If I am asked to give up 15% at a time, I can't accept this number.

Mr. Yang Er interrupted me: "Don't forget, young man, you can get a 1% stake in my casino! And one percent of this is completely yours. He smiled happily: "Although the casino downstairs has just opened, you know, this casino will form a certain scale in the short term, and... it will make a lot of money. Although you only have one percent of the shares, the dividend of the annual profit is not a small number. This number is enough. Make up for the loss of your shares.

There is a certain truth. Casinos in Las Vegas, of course, are profitable! Moreover, I don't know how many rich people have thought of ways to enter this market, and now, it is equivalent to entering this market at once... Although I only own one percent of the shares of a casino... It seems pitiful, but it is not an opportunity.