evil spirit

Chapter 80-81 A little less perfect

Chapter 80 [A little 'perfect']

When Yang Wei heard Mr. Yang Er's words, "This is also your casino", a trace of surprise flashed on his face. He couldn't help looking at me. I smiled bitterly and said, "Well, Mr. Yang Er and I have reached an agreement just now, and now I own 1% of the shares of this casino."

Yang Er patted me: "Okay, young man, go up and try your luck. Anyway, we seem to have lost now, don't we? Well, it's 100 million at most. We can still afford to lose this little money.

He actually pushed me up. The guy named Pete couldn't help frowning slightly. I guess he didn't have much confidence in me. After all, this is Las Vegas, a world-famous casino! As a young man, although it is said that the so-called "gambling is very powerful", I don't know how I think it is like the son of a rich family. This kind of person, the so-called gambling money is not only playing cards casually in my own circle. This Peter won't believe that I am a real gambler.

But he is just a part-time worker, and the Yang family is the boss. Since the boss asked me to speak, he naturally won't object.

Soon, I was pushed to the gambling table, and Qiao Qiao cheered in a low voice and jumped behind me. She also deliberately looked at Yang Wei: "Honey, will you come with me? Shall we watch the battle with Xiao Wu beside him?

Yang Wei frowned and didn't say anything. After all, Yang Er was next to her. She couldn't act too close to me. Besides, the kiss in the banquet hall just now...

With her hesitation, Qiao Qiao has come up quickly and followed me to the gambling table.

At this time, a waiter came quickly. I moved a chair and put it next to it, so that Qiao Qiao could sit next to me. At the same time, there was also a man who was suitable for walking in a suit, holding a small miniature electronic instrument and whispered, "I'm sorry, sir...,

I immediately agreed. This is to check to prevent someone from carrying some thousands of things with him.

I opened my arms freely. The other party quickly swept around my body with the instrument, and then bowed to me: "Thank you, sir. Please sit down."

Then the waiter came over with a round plate, on which was a warm wet towel, which made me wipe my hands.

"Would you like something to drink?"

I thought about it. I've drunk a lot of wine tonight: "Please give me a cup of tea."

The white man opposite didn't say anything, just looked at me. In fact, he is also losing now. It's just that we didn't lose as much as we did. On the contrary, the Japanese looked at me carefully, and the game looked at my hand. Suddenly, he smiled and said, "Oh, you have finally been replaced... This gentleman, is he better than Peter? Also, are you Chinese? Alas, I've never heard of any gambling masters in Chinese people. Oh, by the way, how many chips do you have?

I took a look at the chips in front of me and told the truth. It's really a little pitiful. I roughly calculated that it was less than 10 million at most.

It seems that Yang Er's meaning is very clear. He allows me to lose so many chips at most. If I can't win, he will simply be single and admit defeat. He would rather take 100 million yuan to let the other party go.

"Don't worry, our chips will soon become more." Qiao Qiao answered quickly with a sweet smile.

The Japanese's eyes fell on Qiao Qiao, undisguised, and his eyes suddenly radiated amazing eyes. His eyes were undisguised and aggressive, with ** naked covetous and hot, and even openly sighed in a low voice: "What a beautiful lady... Well, whether it's wine or a woman, Sure enough, it's better in China!"

As soon as I said this, my face suddenly changed, and a flash of a flash of eyes, staring at the other party, and he didn't seem to care about my threatening eyes, and laughed loudly, "Beautiful lady, alas, why can I see two such beautiful ladies here at once tonight... Well, that Miss Yang has no I was rejected... So what about you? Well... How about we make one more bet? If this gentleman loses later, can I invite you to have lunch with me tomorrow?

I'm furious!

Shit, when I get to the ground, do you dare to dig my corner? If it hadn't been for so many people, I would have taken someone to cut you off!

Qiao Qiao was not angry at all, but smiled and said, "Oh, can you bet extra for your bet?"

The Japanese smiled and said, "Of course not, but this is just a small personal proposal. If the gentleman around you doesn't have the confidence to win, you can refuse me."

I was just about to speak, but Qiao Qiao gently pressed my hand below and motioned me not to open my mouth. She smiled regretfully and sighed deliberately, "Oh, it's just a pity that I never like to deal with the Japanese."

"You don't have to worry about this." The Japanese immediately laughed and said, "Actually, I'm not a purebred Japanese. My grandmother is Chinese, and I have a quarter of Chinese descent!" My name is Taro Ozawa, but I like the beautiful lady from China very much, so I gave myself a Chinese name. My surname uses my grandmother's surname 'Wu', and my Chinese name is called Wutaro!"

"Good name! It's really a good name!" Qiao Qiao stroked her palm and smiled, "But it's a pity. Although your name is very heroic, it's only a little 'a little', and it's perfect."

"Just a little bit?" Taro Ozawa was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, it's a little 'a little', because if you change that 'a little', 'Taro' will become 'Dairo', which sounds better!" Qiao Qiao looked sad. He looked sorry.

I tried my best to hold back my smile and didn't let myself lose my temper. I quickly picked up the teacup handed over by the waiter and used the action of drinking tea to hide my expression of forbearance.

Who knew that Taketaro's eyes lit up and his face was intoxicated. He stared at Qiao Qiao and shouted, "Okay! Good idea!"

He turned around and announced loudly to a group of Japanese behind him, "Remember, from today on, my name is Wu Dalang!" Do you understand!"

"Hi! Mr. Wu Dalang!" More than a dozen Japanese stood up and bowed in unison.

Pump! I spit out a mouthful of tea.

Qiao Qiao was probably stunned. She looked serious and gave a thumbs-up: "Okay! Good name!"

This Wu Dalangjun was a little fluttered in Qiao Qiao's praise, but he didn't forget our bet: "Well, I just proposed, beautiful lady, what do you think? If I win, can I invite you to lunch tomorrow?

"But what if you lose? What do you use as a bet? Qiao Qiao had a harmless and charming smile on her face.

"Well, as long as you can be invited to lunch together, you might as well make a bet." Wu Dalang looked confident. I guess he dares to talk big, probably because of his self-confidence that he will never lose: "Or, if I lose, I am willing to add an additional $10 million to the bet."

"Alas..." Qiao Qiao shook his head: "I don't want money, but I thought of another thing, but I don't know if you dare to agree." After saying that, Qiao Qiao blinked and deliberately looked at each other with a charming and charming expression.

"There's nothing I dare not to agree to!" Wu Dalang laughed loudly and said, "Beautiful lady, please say it."

"Well, okay... I want you..." Qiao Qiao's eyes flashed, gritted his teeth gently, and then said with a bad smile, "If you lose, I want you, take off your trousers outside, and then go all the way through the casino hall outside!" Her eyes flashed and she stared at Wu Dalang: "I just don't know, do you have the courage? Or, don't you have the confidence to win?"

Wu Dalang's face suddenly sank. After all, he was not a fool. He had already heard that Qiao Qiao was teasing him. He looked at Qiao Qiao with a gloomy face. Qiaoqiao continued to add fuel to the fire and laughed loudly, "Of course, my proposal may be too much... Because if you lose, you really can't afford to lose this person with great status like you."

Almost everyone in the audience, except for the Japanese, was looking at Wu Dalang with a smile. The Japanese looked uncertain and suddenly shouted, "Okay! I bet!!"

He stared at me with a little anger on his white and delicate face: "I don't believe that there are still Chinese people in the world who can beat me on the gambling table!!"

I never said anything, because Qiao Qiao kept holding my hand below and didn't let me talk, and I sighed in my heart: It seems that Qiaoqiao really trusts me. Does she believe that I will win...

But in this case, if I don't look at the Japanese in front of me, will I still watch him take Qiao Qiao out for dinner tomorrow? Shit!

But at this time, I seemed to hear the back. Mr. Yang Er suddenly recruited a subordinate beside him and ordered in an unstable voice, "Let someone turn on all the closed-circuit television cameras all the way from here to the door of the hall. Remember to record it later. Don't miss the good show." He seemed to order deliberately, and his voice was not lowered at all, which made the Japanese involuntarily stare at him with angry eyes.

Yang Er didn't care at all. Instead, he sighed leisurely and muttered to himself, "Oh, I hope he wears his underwear today... Otherwise, someone will be naked on the first day of the opening of my casino, and it will definitely be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow."

Chapter 81 [Bet] (Part I)

When it comes to gambling, outsiders always seem to be very mysterious. Especially in that kind of movie, through stunts, sound and light effects, and a little bit of mysterious shooting methods, it is easy to make people have an illusion of "divine" about this kind of thing.

And the real gambling, in fact, to put it out, is very simple.

There are no flying poker stunts for gambling movies, and there is no extremely fancy shuffling (even if there is, shuffling is the work of the dealer.)

Frankly, I have gambled with people several times before. Whether it is playing cards with Li Wenjing and Minister Jin in China, or anything else, it is purely relying on the strong luck given to me by the ring to win the other party. When it comes to my card skills, it is really ordinary.

However, since Yang Wei gave me a wind-eye ring, and the relationship with Yang Wei has become more and more intimate, I am very interested in Yang Wei's family's development by the casino business. Usually, when I am at home, I will also chat with some brothers in the big circle who know a lot about gambling and ask about these things.

The underworld, the most traditional underworld business controlled by his subordinates, is naturally the three kinds of pornography, gambling and drugs. The big circle is a gangster. Of course, there are many peripheral elements who rely on gambling.

Especially before I came to Las Vegas this time, I also found someone to make up for some basic concepts of gambling.

Gambling, in general, is actually divided into two types, that is, real gambling and fake gambling.

The special function in the movie is changed. Or use superb methods to change cards and fake... That's not called gambling, but "thousands of tricks", a real gambling master. He is also proficient in thousands of skills, which is what you must know in order to walk in the world without being yin. But after all, it's a real master who disdains it.

And the real gambling skill, in fact, to put it is very simple, only two points: first, strong memory. The second is the strong probability calculation ability!

In the words of an agist, it is called "eye poison" and "fast heart". If you can do these two things and combine them perfectly. He is an excellent gambler!

Eye poison, naturally speaking, it is memory.

Strong gambling masters are all good at playing cards! Because before the start of each game. The dealer has to shuffle the cards. The dealer shuffles in professional casinos have fixed routines and modes. First shuffle the cards, and then let the gambler check the cards. This process of card verification is especially important! Everyone has seen how the dealer in the casino checks the cards in the movie: sweep it casually. Put a deck of playing cards on the table, form a month and a half of shape, and spread them neatly! Then take out a card. Turn the bottom together and go back and forth, and you can let everyone see the whole deck of poker cards...

The process is very short, even less than ten seconds! But it can also give you two or three chances to look at the whole deck of cards in this ten seconds!

A powerful gambling master, with a strong vision and a strong memory, can play the whole deck of cards in such a two or three eyes. Write down most of it!

The top and most powerful master can record all a deck of cards in this short time!

In this way, it means that when the cards are issued, all the cards are in his heart, and what cards the other party sends are clear in his heart!

However, the only way to do this is the gambling king level. In the movie, any master can remember all the cards at a glance. One card is not bad, that's fake. Most of the masters in reality can remember 70% or 80% of a deck of cards, which is enough for him to be proud of the world.

Imagine, in a few seconds, you can remember most of the messy cards that have been washed in a hurry. What a strong memory it is!

Of course, what can achieve the "eye poison" can only be said to have half of the time of the gambling master.

The other half depends on "fastness"!

Almost all gambling masters are super fast silent calculations! This kind of person is either born or nurtured. In short, it is very ** for numbers. In a short time, they can arrange the cards they get according to the order of all the cards they remember, and then arrange the cards they get, and the cards they get. How many kinds of cards, sizes, and winning faces of each game can be formed. ...Probability.

The so-called "fast-hearted" is to quickly calculate the probability! A deck of more than fifty cards, no matter ever-changing, is nothing more than the different combinations of these cards. In this case, a master can calculate all the cards that he and the other party may send, the probability of various combinations, the probability of size, and the probability of winning or losing!

And pay attention to it, it's just one word: Hurry up!

If a person can master both of these points and be proficient in the rules of gambling, he can be regarded as a master of gambling.

Of course, there are other techniques that are deeper, that is, some acting skills. When the card is small, it pretends to be an indomitable momentum, which is called stealing chickens... These are the internal psychological qualities. In addition, the observation of the opponent, the opponent's eyes, expression, and even every subtle physical movement, in the eyes of the gambling master, can become the confidence to judge the opponent and judge the actual size of the opponent's card...

There are many gambling masters, but in fact, they are also masters of psychological warfare. Of course, in gambling, various genres are different. Some people focus on technology, some people focus on psychological attacks on opponents, and some people are good at acting to deceive each other...

At this moment, Mr. Wu Dalang in front of me is obviously a technical player.

I have to say that his "eye poison" and "fast heart" are really surprising to me!!

In the first game, we are all testing. After the dealer shuffled the cards, when we checked the cards, I found that both the white man opposite and Mr. Wu Dalang restrained their superfluous expressions and concentrated a few glances. At this moment, they are undoubtedly very serious.

And I seem to be a lot of lay people... To be honest, I don't have that ability. I can remember the cards with a glance.

But my behavior is much more reassuring in the eyes of the other party. Although the other party didn't say anything, he couldn't help showing an expression like "this guy is a layman" on his face.

In the next game, it was obvious that the other party took the initiative, because both of them remembered all the cards. And the two carefully calculated the probability, follow or not.

Because, even if you remember the order of all the cards, you have to find a way to get the biggest cards to your own hands.

What should I do?

Simple, it is to use the rules of the card game to send the cards you want to your own hands smoothly!

The simplest explanation made by

: For example, by playing cards, you know that the next card to be issued is the largest A. You really want this A, but in order, the first one to get the card is your opposite. That is to say, according to the rules, the A will be sent to your home.

At this time, what should you do if you want to get that A?

Stealing cards? Joke, that's a joke! In a real international casino, there are too few opportunities to give you thousands of opportunities, and almost all the loopholes that can be thought of have been gambled! Thousands of possibilities are negligible.

Then you can only use your technology to interfere with the order of licensing! That is to say, the rules should be used reasonably.

Obviously, the A should be sent to your opponent. At this time, you can deliberately raise the bet, raise the bet, and then deliberately show your full confidence to intimidate the other party and hit the other party's confidence! At this time, you deliberately appear to be strong, which will make the other party think that your card is very good... And if his card is not very good, he may block the card, give up, and not follow.

If the other party does not follow, then the next card, that is, the A that originally belongs to the other party, will be sent to you.

This is just the simplest and most basic of countless skills.

Generally speaking, gambling masters, that is, record cards, calculate probability, and then make full use of the rules!

This Wu Dalang is obviously a good player!

In the first game, I didn't record cards, but he didn't despise me at all. Instead, he carefully observed whether I followed or not... Because there are three people in the game, whether I follow or not, it will affect the order of the cards!

And I, out of temptation, when I got the third card, I thought that I didn't win much, so I gave up and said I didn't follow. Although I lost 100,000 yuan, I didn't care, but carefully observed the confrontation between the Japanese and the white man.

When I quit, both of them immediately calculated the following order of handling. In the final game, the Japanese won 1.5 million.

After that, I gave up five times in a row. I always waited for the third card and said "I don't follow".

Several times in a row, the Japanese were a little annoyed. He looked at me and said, "Can you say something else except not to follow?"

I smiled and didn't argue with him.

In the seventh inning, the white man couldn't sit still.

In the previous games, he could still share equally with the Japanese, because he also remembered the previous cards very well. But in the back...

This is a high judgment!

Obviously, the Japanese have an advantage in the item of card! Because from the seventh inning, the white man can no longer remember the cards behind... In terms of memory, the Japanese won!

In such a case, it is equivalent to an eye-catching person blinding a man! Is there any reason why the Japanese can't win?

Chapter 81 [Bet] (Part 2)

Finally, the white man retreated one after another. Finally, he wiped his sweat, got up and walked to the back, and whispered to the people of his own forces sitting in the back. Then the leading white man nodded to Mr. Yang Er: "We quit." After a pause, he stopped talking to others and got up and left with his people.

I learned later that according to the rules, today's quota is 100 million US dollars. If the Yang family loses, the Yang family will pay 100 million US dollars for these families who come to smash the market. As for the 100 million US dollars, how the several families will divide it, it depends on the other party's own distribution. Whoever has more and whoever has less depends on the performance on the gambling table. The best performance is, of course, the biggest share.

But if the Yang family wins... Those who come to smash the scene will also compensate the Yang family for 100 million US dollars, which is shared by these families. As for who has more and who has less, it also depends on the performance of the gambling table.

So, although they came together to smash the field, they still fight with each other at the gambling table.

"Hey, 'not with sir', now I have left another house, and you and I are the only one left. If you don't follow, you will lose tonight. Wu Dalang stretched out and looked at me with some disdain: "How's it going?"

He smiled and sorted out the chips in front of him: "Now I have about 100 million on the table, and you only have less than 10 million. How do you want to play?

At this time, I finally pulled the corners of my mouth and smiled: "Okay, I don't like to waste time either. Why don't we decide the winner in one game?

The Japanese sneered: "Are you sure you will win in one game?" He said mockingly, "You are really a layman... You only have less than 10 million chips. And I have 100 million! Your bet is much smaller than mine. You pay 10 million. Why do I have to pay 100 million to decide the game with you? This is very unfair."

I smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll make a bet. Just add it to 100 million.

I looked back at Mr. Yang Er and said, "Mr. Yang Er, let's do this. My desk is 90 million less than the other party. This 90 million will be paid by myself. If I lose, I will also bear it myself. How about it?"

There was a strange brilliance in Yang Er's eyes, and he probably felt very surprised.

With a person like Yang Er, before he talked to me about business. It must have investigated me clearly!

I paid 90 million myself?

Objectively speaking, I do have 100 million annual protection income from smuggling businesses in the future... But now. All my assets add up, it's not that much!

The property left by the eighth master is only 20 million, which is already the property of the big circle. Recently, the first phase of the protection fee paid by the smuggling group is 10 million. In addition, in the cooperation transaction promised by Yang Er, he will pay me 30 million yuan in cash.

It can be said that even if I add up all my life. I don't have 90 million!!

Although Yang Er didn't say anything, he had already signaled me with his eyes, which was obviously clear: you can't take out 90 million at all.

I smiled and gave Yang Er a firm look.

Yang Er thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Mr. Chen Yang, I know you came here to talk about business this time, and you didn't bring too much money. In this way, I can lend it to you first. Just give it back to me when you get back. He paused: "Of course, you fight on my behalf. If you win, the gambling money will naturally belong to you."

After saying that, he asked his men to bring a chequebook, filled it out casually, and asked someone to hand it to me. I took the check from his men, but I unexpectedly saw that there was a note with the check, which was obviously written by Yang Er just now.

"You don't have 90 million. If you lose, I want Huaxing!"

Seeing this sentence, I immediately narrowed my eyes and looked back at Yang Er, only to find that he smiled at me leisurely.

Hmm, this guy!

Indeed, I lent him the money. If I lose, I can't afford to pay it back even if I lose all my money! He proposed to ask for Huaxing... easy to calculate!

But I don't care about it!

Since it's a big gamble, I'm naturally willing to fight!!

I took a deep breath, then put the check on the chip in front of me and looked at the Japanese opposite me: "Okay, now our bet is the same. Let's start. Let's see each other at once. How about it?"

The Japanese looked cold, looked at me, and said slowly, "You are looking for death."

At this moment, Peter, the master of the Yang family casino, who has been watching the battle next to him, turned pale! He looked at me with a surprised and desperate look. It seems that I'm sure I'm going to lose!

Because just now, the dealer has shuffled the cards and checked the cards! Obviously, this new deck is not only Japanese, but also Peter next to him... Although Peter's ability to record cards is not as good as that of the Japanese, at least this deck of cards, the numbers he began to remember..."

According to the cards he and the Japanese remember... In this game, if it's a game... I'm sure to lose! Because although the cards have not been issued yet, they already know that the cards I have issued must be smaller than those given by the Japanese!!

I ignored the eyes of others, took a deep breath, and then slowly unbuttoned the buttons on my shirt and pulled a silver chain I had been wearing around my neck. There are two rings on this chain.

I took off one of them... And Yang Wei, at this moment, seemed to smile in his eyes.

This ring is a wind eye.

I put the ring on the middle finger of my left hand in public, and then laughed loudly, "This is my lucky ring. If I wear it, I will always have good luck."

No one has any strange indication... This is a normal move. Even ordinary gamblers are used to carrying some amulets or lucky tokens. This is just a small habit.

It's a very ordinary and popular habit, isn't it?

Only Wu Dalang curled his lips and muttered in a low voice, "Daster, you Chinese are really strange. Do you think a ring can change anything?" Then he sneered, "What's wrong? Is this ring given to you by your lover? Or do you think your lover will bless you? Unless your lover is the Virgin Mary. Hahahaha..."

I smiled faintly: "That's all."

When I said this, I saw Yang Wei, who was sitting on the bottom of me, slightly changed his face, and there was a slight blush on his cheeks. And Qiao Qiao, who was sitting next to me, didn't look so good-looking. Even below, he stepped on me with high heels.

"Come on!" I put on the ring and was refreshed! But at the same time, there is also a little nervousness in my heart!

Damn it, after all, I'm gambling with all my life!! Although I am very confident in the role of the ring, if I lose... Shit, if I lose, I will have nothing!

But the huge benefits in front of me can't help but be moved!

On the table, 100 million US dollars! If you win, it's mine!!

Start licensing!

At this moment, the whole audience was silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn! But I noticed that even the dealer who issued the cards was looking at me with a sympathetic look... Well, even he thought I was sure to lose.

Five rounds of cards are finished.

My four bright cards are A, J, 10, 9.

This kind of card is hopeless. I have the greatest possibility, unless my card is the same, then I only have a pair.

The Japanese looked at my card with a smile and said coldly, "Hmm, A, J, 10, 9. Boy, you only have a pair, but I have seen through your cards for a long time. Your card is not even A! You only have one card! You took a bad card, that is to say, you have an A at most, and you are sure to lose!"

Indeed, he was right. I took a look at my own card, and it was indeed an 8.

And the Japanese cards are obviously much more beautiful than me.

His card face is 10, J, Q, Shunzi's card!!

This guy obviously remembered the whole deck of cards in this game. He didn't even look at his cards from beginning to end! Just follow all the way to the end!

He obviously looks confident!

The dealer sighed, "Speak to your face."

Wu Dalang straightened up and looked at me proudly. His eyes were full of provocation, and he raised his chin: "Dongzi, you can see it clearly. I'm Shunzi's face! Do you still want to win or lose!"

After saying that, he pushed out all the chips in front of him and looked at me coldly: "I nd! Do you still dare to follow? Didn't you say that you will win or lose?

I didn't say anything, but calmly pushed out all the chips in front of me.

At this time, Pete and the dealer under the package looked at me with the eyes of a mental patient.

The Japanese were stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, pointing at me and laughing: "Hahaha! Are you really crazy? Damn it, you really followed it! What cards do you have? Your card is just one card! You only have one big one! Why do you play with me!"

I was not angry at all. I stared at him, gently opened my cards, and said lightly, "Indeed, you are very good at playing cards, at least you remember my cards very accurately. You're right. My card is indeed one, and my biggest card is just one. Well, now, let me see your cards.

The Japanese looked proud: "Humph, let you lose! My cards are the first pair of straights I took! 10, J, Q,, A!!"

After saying that, he picked up his card very freely, turned it over, and threw it on the table with a crack!