evil spirit

Chapter 103 Yang Wei's Calculation

Chapter 103 [Yang Wei's Calculation] When I walked out of the airport, I saw Solin's people waiting outside to pick us up.

A lengthened Lincoln car and a bodyguard in a black suit.

This time Yang Wei and I came to Toronto without many people.

I still only brought a hammer.

And Yang Wei's side is naturally followed by the black bodyguard Hansen.

When I got on the extended Lincoln, I was finally relieved... This time, the princess finally didn't come to pick me up.

"Don't worry, your identity is different now.

In the past, you were just a little follower, and now you are at least a hegemon. Solin will no longer allow his daughter to mess up.

After all, Yang Wei is Yang Wei. When she was smart, she soon saw my thoughts.

Solin didn't arrange us in the lakeside resort this time.

Instead, we arranged to live in a five-star hotel with a history of half a century in the city center.

Although I still prefer to live in a lakeside villa, the person who received us told me that the lakeside villa is being maintained recently.

But tonight we will go to Mr. Solin's Zhuang Yuan to have dinner with him.

"It seems that Solin is not going to see us immediately."

I smiled.

Yang Wei shrugged his shoulders: "Don't worry, Solin is a smart man... Well, he actually wants to leave more time for me to convince you.

Because the actual situation is that Solin puts pressure on you through our family, and I have the task of being a lobbyator to persuade you to give up some of your shares.

So he won't be in a hurry to see you. He won't be happy to meet you until I convince you... Although it's in the car provided by Solin.

But we don't have any restraint in our words.

The isolation board in the middle of the front cab and the rear car has been raised, and it is soundproof.

and as Solin.

He won't put any eavesdroppers or anything on the car... Because that kind of thing, once found, will lose its identity.

We stayed in the luxury suite of the RLEROYALMERENKINGEDWARD Hotel. I put my luggage in my room and simply cleaned it.

immediately ran to Yang Wei's room.

In fact, she lives next door to me, and our room is at the end of the corridor.

After knocking on the door, Yang Wei opened the door and let me in. At the same time, he sighed, "Chen Yang, don't you know that you should let the lady have a rest first?" I looked at Yang Wei. She obviously changed her clothes. Today, the clothes she wore outside had been thrown in **. Now she is wearing a silk robe, and her hair is also scattered behind her head... Such an outfit adds a gentle taste to her.

"I'm sorry... if it's not convenient for you.

I'll come back later."

I'm embarrassed to play the game... Obviously, Yang Wei seems to be ready to take a shower first.

"Forget it.

Sit down."

After she finished speaking, she led me straight into the room.

There are drinks provided by the hotel in the wine cabinet in the luxury suite.

Yang Wei opened the wine cabinet and glanced at it.

took out a bottle of martini and two goblets.

She sat in front of me, sipled wine and handed me a glass, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's discuss how to deal with the old fox Solin tonight."

Look at my expression.

She smiled again: "Don't worry, I asked Hansen to check the room. There are no eavesdropping toys here.

Solin should know.

In our capacity, the bodyguards around us have such experts.

If he does this kind of pediatric thing, he will only laugh at the generous.

I was relieved. I thought about it for a moment and said, "You mean, I can only give up 5% of the shares?" Please note... I mean, at least 5%, 'at least', do you understand? Yang Wei's tone was very serious.

"Humph!" I sneered.

"I know you are still very unconvinced.


It can bring him at least five million dollars in net profit every year.

And according to your current development trend, this number can be at least doubled in the next two years.

This stock is very valuable now.

But I just talked to you on the plane.

In this case, you have no choice.

"I don't feel sorry for this profit of 5 million a year."

I said lightly, "Even if it's 10 million a year, I won't be so angry.

It's just that this is a breakthrough for him.

As long as he comes in, he will be able to think of all kinds of ways to encroach on my share in the future!" But we have calculated that it will be at least two years later.

In the past two years, he still needs a large supply of drugs, so he will not fall out with you in two years.

And..." Yang Wei thought for a moment, "Even after two years, you may not continue to be afraid of him.

First, these two years are enough for you to develop your strength to a point where he can be afraid of you... Er, Chen Yang, do you remember? I told you that Solin is bleaching now, and he is very 'inried' to bleach. His movements are too big and his pace is too fast! He went the wrong way at all.

According to my estimation, Solin's current power is in a declining period... Uh-huh.

After two years, he will bleach to a considerable extent, but the more progress he has on his business, the weaker his underworld influence will be... At the same time, have you ever thought that with his bleaching, it is actually good for you.

Yang Wei said this, looking at me with a smile on his face.

My eyes suddenly lit up: "You mean... Solin will become..." "He will become fond of feathers."

Yang said lightly, "He doesn't use the means to you now. One reason is that he needs to maintain a good relationship with you now because of the drug business... Another reason is that Solin is bleaching now, and he is trying to get closer to the mainstream... At the same time, he hopes to wash himself in front of the mainstream society. The image of a drug dealer, the boss of the underworld... And with his step-by-step efforts, he should have achieved certain results in two years, but by that time... he has paid a lot. At that time, if he dares to use those underworld violence against you... Isn't he afraid that he will destroy his spending? Did you spend so much time and money to create a positive image? After all, you are not a nobody. If he wants to deal with a third-rate nobody, he just needs to do it behind his back.

And you now have a lot of power. If he wants to mess with you, the action will definitely not be small! Isn't he worried that another gang fight will affect his image? That makes sense! I sighed with emotion, looked at Yang Wei, and said sincerely, "Yang Wei, to be honest... I really admire you.

As soon as these complicated things come to your mind, you can immediately analyze so many things, as well as so many weaknesses and entry points... Alas, if only you could always remind me by my side.

I feel this sentence. I really lack a think tank like Yang Wei around me... But when I said this sentence, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed a little.

I saw Yang Wei's eyelashes tremble slightly a few times, and a blush seemed to flash on his face. He looked at me with deep meaning.

I also immediately realized that my sentence seemed to be a little ambiguous.

Obviously, I was just a very simple sentence, but between the special identity and relationship between me and Yang Wei, something subtle immediately occurred... Finally, Yang Wei sighed, looked at me, and smiled mockingly at the corners of his mouth: "I've been by your side to remind you... If your girlfriends are jealous. Let's see how you end it.

She seemed to have deliberately used the word "girlfriends" that made me blush and heartbeat.

Fortunately, Yang Wei did not intend to pester this topic with me. She just stabbed me gently, and then immediately changed the topic: "Just five, when you meet Solin tonight, he will definitely talk to you alone... Then, I guess he is nothing more than two means, coercion or inducement.

I think that since you have understood your situation, you might as well promise him... But Solin is a very greedy guy... Otherwise, he would not have annexed the whole Canadian underworld in 20 years! Although I told you that it was 5%... but in the actual conversation, he asked for more!! But I have made an estimate that 5% should be his reserve price.

As long as you bite this number, no matter what he says, just don't give in.

You have to understand that although you are much weaker than him now, he dares not turn against you now.


I nodded.

Then I remembered a question: "So what should I pay? I mean, I can give him this 5%, I admit it! But you can't give him away for nothing.

What's the price I'm going to pay?" Yang Wei really smiled this time. She smiled cunningly: "I think you can get something very good from him."

I saw the confident smile on Yang Wei's face, and suddenly I had some inexplicable confidence in her! Yang Wei stood up. She went to the cabinet, opened the suitcase, and took out a document from it.

She came back to me with the document, elegantly picked up the glass, and handed over the document to me.

"What is this?" Yang Wei took a sip of wine gently: "This is part of the shares of a company bought by Solin.

If you decide to sell 5% to Solin, then I suggest you, don't want his cash... Xiao Wu, you just won 100 million from the Japanese in Las Vegas, and my uncle's deal with you also gave you 30 million... It can be said that you don't lack cash now, what you lack is a job that can help you make money. Gu!! And this company, I have done a full investigation and calculation. If you take it down, it is likely to turn it into a hen that can only lay golden eggs! What's ridiculous is that Solin himself didn't know the benefits of the company, and he just bought it for some other reasons.

So my advice to you is... You can ask for part of the cash, plus this company!! I promise that in less than two years, Solin will regret transferring this company to you.