evil spirit

Chapter 132 Save a Life

Chapter 132 [Save a Life]

At this time, I just got up from the ground and punched him twice in a row, clicked a few times, and I broke his ribs several times! I robbed his shovel and looked back at the last man, but he was already scared to death! Seeing that I knocked down his three companions, the man got into the car and tried to start the car to escape!

I went over and dragged him out of the car in his screams. He struggled desperately, but he couldn't defeat me. I threw him hard and fell to the ground. He was about to struggle when I caught him and stepped on his mouth!

This guy begged for mercy repeatedly. I raised the shovel and put it in front of his throat. I was about to insert it hard when I suddenly heard Fang Nan screaming in the distance: "Just five, no!"

As soon as my heart moved, I immediately reacted!

This is in China! Not Vancouver, not Canada! Here, if I kill someone, I'm afraid the trouble will not be solved so easily!

I put down the shovel, kicked the guy unconscious, and then looked at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan ran over and threw herself into my arms. I hugged her and comforted her in a low voice: "Didn't I let you run? Why did you come back again?"

Fang Nan was afraid and wronged. She cried for a moment. She hugged me and suddenly grabbed and pinched me hard. She shouted, "You, you let me run alone... How can I run? How can I run alone... You... They are very fierce. I'm worried about you. If something happens to you, what should I do? What should I do?"

I hugged her and comforted her repeatedly. She kissed her on the face a few more times, which coaxed her.

Then I rummaged through the car, and sure enough, I found a mobile phone. He threw it to Fang Nan casually: "Call for help."

I overturned in their car again. I didn't turn over anything, but saw half a pack of cigarettes on the window sill of the car. I haven't smoked for most of the day. I took it here honestly and pulled out one and lit it myself. I turned it over again and didn't find anything.

Just then, I suddenly heard a "bump"!

I was stunned for a moment and immediately looked around, but I didn't find anything unusual.

Just when I thought I had heard it wrong, there was a bang again. It's like something collided in the car.

The trunk!

My eyes lit up, I ran to the back to open the lid of the trunk, and just turned it over. I was stunned immediately!

There is a person lying in the trunk.

This man looks about 40 years old and is very fat. He wears a famous brand-name high-end shirt, but now it is full of stains.

His hands and feet were all tied. His body shrank into a ball and was stuffed in the trunk, with a piece of tape on his mouth, and he saw me standing in front of him. The man struggled repeatedly, and at the same time, his mouth made a whining sound, and his face was full of pleading and panic.

I went up and tore off the tape from his mouth. The man screamed bitterly. Once his mouth was free, he immediately raised his voice and shouted, "Help! Help!!!"

"Okay, stop shouting, who are you?" I looked at him.

"You...you are not their accomplice?" The fat man's voice smelled like Cantonese.

I went back to the ground and found the dagger and cut the rope on his hands and feet. Let him out.

The man was already scared. I gave him some water, and then he made things clear intermittently.

It turned out that this middle-aged man, called Gaowenzhan, was a rich businessman from Hong Kong. I was kidnapped when I was doing business locally! The four people who were knocked down by me were the four robbers who kidnapped him.

After talking about his situation, he asked me who I was with some fear. I just smiled and said, "I went out to play with my friends, but the car broke down. I just stopped the car of the four robbers and was ready to ask for help, but I didn't expect them to do something bad to us."

"So... you knocked down all four of them by yourself? You are so awesome!!" Gao Wenzhan sighed sincerely and said with gratitude on his face: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have died!" Even if my family pays their ransom, they will definitely tear up the tickets!"

I said a few words casually.

At this time, Fang Nan had come back with the phone. There was no expression of joy on her face, but a little helpless: "I called. I called the police, and they will feel it as soon as possible."

I nodded, and then took the ropes that had just tied Gao Wenzhan: "We'd better tie up these four people, which is more convenient."

Gao Wenzhan just said hello, and at this time, Fang Nan, who was standing opposite me, suddenly looked behind me, and then suddenly, her face changed dramatically! She pointed behind me and screamed in horror, "King! Be careful!!"

As soon as I turned around, I saw a gangster who didn't know when he had climbed to the side of the car. He put his hand into the door of the car, and he didn't know where he took out a gun! ( Damn it, I just turned it over carefully, and I didn't find the gun!)

At this time, it's too late for me to move again. I can only rush out as much as I can, and I hear a "bump" sound!!

I felt a pain in my arm, and the bullet shot through my left arm. As I fell to the ground, I didn't have time to do anything else, so I had to shout: "Fang Nan!!"

I saw that the guy had raised his gun and pointed it at my head...

At this moment, Fang Nan suddenly screamed. She was the closest to the gangster. Suddenly, she picked up the shovel on the ground and hit it in the face...

With a bang!

The shovel was hitting the gangster's head fiercely. His eyes turned over, and he didn't even have time to hum, so he fainted, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground. Fang Nan was in excitement, carrying a shovel in her hand. While screaming, he couldn't help slattering the gangster...

Finally, when Fang Nan was so tired that she was gasping desperately, I sat up. He looked at her and smiled bitterly, "Okay! If you call again, people will kill you!"

I covered my injured arm with one hand and could only stop the flow of blood with pressure. Fang Nan left the shovel and ran to me. She knelt down beside me and looked at the wound on my arm. Suddenly, she cried. Then she ran back to the Han carriage and hurriedly found a wild first aid kit. After tearing it, she took out a bandage and wrapped her arm tightly. Finally, he still hugged my neck. Cry loudly. It hurts.

I sighed, hugged her with my backhand, and said softly, "What are you crying about? It's just a minor injury. Isn't it all right now?"

paused for a moment, and I said, "Okay, stop crying. Hurry up and look at the other guys!" In case someone wakes up again, it's not good!"

Fang Nan jumped up immediately. I sat still on the ground, commanding Fang Nan and the Gaowen Exhibition. The two tied all four gangsters with ropes, and then I managed to stand up and sat in the car.

"How long will it take for the police to arrive?" I asked Fang Nan.

"They said it was fast. I don't know where we are. They said they would send a car to search along the road."

I nodded and was relieved.

Where is Gao Wenzhan still thanking me? I just shook my head and signaled that he didn't need to say more.

"I just saved you by chance."

"No! It's a coincidence for you, but for me. But it's my life!" Gao Wenzhan's tone was very serious. He looked at me and said seriously, "Sir, I must repay you!" Although I am not a big shot, there is still a little business in Hong Kong. I will definitely repay you for saving my life!"

He still wanted to ask my name. I thought about it. Anyway, when I saw the police later, I still had to say my name. It's okay to tell him, so I said it.

Finally, more than an hour later, a police car came in the distance, accompanied by an ambulance.

We got into the ambulance and drove back to Lijiang City. When we entered the hospital, it was almost dawn.

My wound was sutured by the doctor and some anesthetics were given to me. Let me sleep...

When I woke up, I felt that someone around me was holding me and crying. When I opened my eyes, I saw Fang Nan sitting next to me, crying like red peaches. I sat up, stretched out hard, and smiled and said, "Okay, why are you crying? Isn't it a big deal? This small injury is nothing.

Fang Nan threw herself into my arms and said intermittently, "It's all my fault! I hurt you!"

"Why did you hurt me? Nonsense! We don't blame you when we meet gangsters. I smiled and gently touched her hair.

"No, it's not!" Fang Nan looked up with a guilty look: "Last night... After our car broke down last night, I told you that my mobile phone was out of power... In fact, I lied to you. There is nothing wrong with my mobile phone!"

"Huh?" I was stunned and blurted out, "Why?"

"Because... I want to stay with you for a while." Fang Nan's face was full of shame. He lowered his head and muttered in my arms, "I thought that if I called for help immediately, I'm afraid you will leave my place as soon as we come back... So I said that my mobile phone was out of power... In this way, maybe I can spend more time with you... I didn't expect that It hurt you!"

Although I was surprised, looking at this crying woman, I was not angry at all, but only deeply shocked! I hugged her gently, kissed her on the face, and said softly, "Okay! All right, I got it. You don't have to cry... Alas, you are really stupid. If you just want me to spend more time with you, as long as you tell me directly, I will do it! Don't do such a stupid thing next time, do you understand?"

Fang Nan nodded in a hurry.

Then she suddenly remembered something and jumped out of my arms: "Oh, by the way, your people are already waiting outside. Well, Aze has informed your people to come over. Now your men are waiting for you to wake up.

"Well, let them in." I sighed.

Fang Nan nodded and looked at me reluctantly. Then she went to open the door of the ward and went out. After a moment, the teeth came in from the outside. With a relaxed smile, she looked at me and said, "Oh, my dear boss, my great love saint! How do you feel?"