evil spirit

Chapter 138 Turn your hand into the cloud, turn your hand into the rain

Chapter 138 [turn your hand into the cloud, turn your hand into the rain] "Damn it!" Jessica Wu Alba threw the newspaper in her hand directly out, and then she tried to take a few breaths and stood up in her nightgown. She walked around the soft carpet barefoot, then jumped to the edge of the window and pulled open the curtains hard... With a bang, as the curtains opened, the bright sun outside came in and sprinkled. It fell on her beautiful face.

The depression in Jessica's eyes was unconcealable, and she couldn't help looking at the newspaper she threw on the ground?? Entertainment version.

There is no doubt that this half year has indeed been a stage of bad luck for her.

As the most promising newcomer once recognized by all film critics, he is recognized as the "sweetheart" of the new generation in the United States.

She has always wanted to be a vase that only relies on showing off her appearance.

But ambition also comes with a little luck.

And poor Jessica, obviously, lacks a little bit of luck.

In the first half of the year, "Fantastic Four 2" is a movie adapted from a comic book, and it is also a sequel... Naturally, it can't be anything. It's just a typical Hollywood commercial special effects blockbuster.

Although the box office is not satisfactory, it is rated as garbage by almost all film critics... or close to garbage.

And I originally had high expectations for this movie.

As a result, because the film was ridiculed by those critics, it was not even a vase... And then the luck seemed to be worse, and the film was also awarded the Golden Strawberry Award (a competition dedicated to the mocking nature of bad films).

Then his star career seemed to be a little unclear, and the new film was delayed again and again because of investment problems.

After experiencing the previous bad evaluation of the Fantastic Four, Jessica intends to save her reputation.

The requirements for the script of the new film have reached the level of criticism... "I want to be an actress, not a vase!" This sentence used to be Jessica's slogan, but now it has become a super joke.

People magazine didn't put itself on the cover once this year... I used to be their favorite! Even the ranking of the sexiest and most beautiful women selected this year is 12 places behind last year's ranking! And now... Jessica walked to the mirror.

Take a look at my hair that had just been dyed black the other day.

Dy your hair black and add a little oriental mystery to yourself, which will undoubtedly make you look more sexy... This is completely the advice of your own image consultant, but... The newspaper actually rated his new hairstyle as one of the five stars with the worst taste this month! His acting skills were laughed at by film critics, and now it seems that he can't even be a vase??? And his agent suggested yesterday that he go to a guest appearance in a recently popular TV soap opera on NBC?! What the hell! I'm a movie actor! It's a big screen!! Do you have to go back and play in those cheap TV series??? This is a shame! In the United States, it is generally believed that the status of movies is much higher than that of TV series.

Film practitioners also have a detached position in the face of TV practitioners.

Many stars who are famous for their TV refuse to make TV when they enter the film industry.

will think that it is a kind of regression and depravity.

) But what if you don't shoot? I haven't had any new materials for a few months, and now even those gossip newspapers are reluctant to publish them for themselves.

Although the agent was a little annoying, he had to deny it.

He is right.

"Exposure! If you want to maintain popularity, you must maintain the exposure in front of the public!" Maybe he is right, but Jessica still feels that as an already famous film actor, it is a depraved act to run back and play in a TV series.

I didn't see that Jennifer Aniston has refused to star in any TV series since she became popular with Friends.

Even if the movies are worse than the other, they will not go back to star in any TV series.

Although, the agent made arrangements.

claims that as long as he is willing to make a guest appearance in that soap opera, he can arrange himself to go to the "TONIGHT" show.

(A very famous talk show in the United States, which is very good for its own exposure.

Well, maybe that's the only way. There is no suitable movie to make now... I don't even have a movie in my hand.

It seems that overnight, the most beautiful doll in Hollywood, the most desired baby in Hollywood selected by male fans, the most beautiful American sweetheart... Jessica Alba, suddenly became unattended? Indeed.

She is a beautiful woman, and she is also a beautiful woman.

But a 27-year-old beauty, once the "most promising newcomer", has not been able to get to the real front line at the age of 27... Don't forget, this is Hollywood! The most indispensable thing here is beautiful women and handsome men!! Here are tens of thousands of young 18-year-old beauties and handsome men from all over the world with star dreams!! And I'm already 27 years old!! Just as Jessica sighed and was about to pick up the phone and call the agent, expressing her willingness to accept the guest appearance in the low-cost soap opera, she suddenly saw another piece of news from the newspaper scattered on the ground.

"Billy Mountain Film Company's foreign owner, mysterious Orientals inject new capital."

Below is a photo, obviously taken by the reporter at the door of the company. In the photo, a young man with an oriental face smiled handsomely and charmingly at the camera and waved his hand casually.

Although he was wearing sunglasses, Jessica could see at a glance that this man seemed to be the mysterious Oriental man he met at Mr. Solin's dinner in Canada six months ago. At that time, when he saw that Sorin's respect for him, it seemed that this guy was very talented.

It was completely out of instinct. Jessica roughly scanned the news text below, and such a sentence attracted her attention: the company announced that it may start shooting a new film in the near future, and the script creation has not been announced for the time being.

But it is rumored that the film may be joined by Colin Farrell and Keenu Reeves, and it is also reported that John Depp is also one of the candidates.

There is no doubt that this is the name of three first-tier actors who are currently popular in Hollywood, so that the three names can immediately attract a lot of attention... And Jessica's attention... In this news, there is no mention of any information about the actresses in the new film.

"Maybe..." She thought for a moment, and her seductive lips gently pulled out a charming arc... I think I was born with the ability to act... or to be a liar.

Entering Mount Billy's Film Company is almost as smooth... I even feel that the company's decision-making layer almost welcomes a foreign guy like me.

Although they looked at me, they probably regarded me as an idiot.

Now everyone knows that Mount Billy Pictures has gone bad, at this time.

There are also people who take over this company, either super masters who have played in the film industry, or... idiots! And I look.

It's really not like an expert in the film industry.

I did not disclose any plans such as the upcoming injection of new funds, but immediately asked for the convening of the company's board of directors, and then proposed that I was willing to acquire all the local shares in the hands of other directors.

It's not part, it's all! I want to take complete control of this company! And these shareholders, seeing that I, a "Kaizi wronged man", are willing to pay to take over these messes.

I can't ask for it.

Everyone knows that these shares in their hands are only "theoretically" valuable now.

But once the company goes bankrupt, the shares in their hands are not even as good as toilet paper! And now it seems that the company's bankruptcy is certain! The negotiations were extremely smooth. We signed the shares of most of the shareholders almost on the spot, and the price was ridiculously low... At this time, it was equivalent to a fast and dull rotten ship. Everyone was in a hurry to leave the rotten ship. How could anyone come to negotiate the price with me? Six million US dollars.

I bought all the shares.

In Yang Wei's opinion, this price is still too high. She thinks that if I am a little more ruthless, I can completely reduce the cost to less than three million.

After the lawyer was responsible for completing the legal procedures, signing all the contracts, and letting all the shareholders and directors of those companies leave, I immediately held a meeting of the company's internal management, and then announced that I would inject 10 million US dollars into the company to repay part of the company's debts.

This announcement is like a shot of stimulant, which makes the company, which has already de moraleated to the extreme, rejuvenate a little vitality! Especially those employees in the company! You know, in Hollywood, the center of the world's film industry, although this is the largest film production base in the world, it also gathers film practitioners from all over the world!! Although walking around Hollywood, I'm afraid the people you meet are either actors or screenwriters, photographers and so on... Anyway, it basically seems that the people here have something to do with movies... The competition has reached an almost horrible point!! A job in the film industry will be robbed by dozens or even hundreds of people at any time!! And the company can not go bankrupt, which also makes these people save their jobs for the time being! Otherwise, once the company goes bankrupt, they will all lose their jobs. I'm afraid that they will go to the set of several major companies to find those temporary jobs from tomorrow.

This is the almost cruel competition under the aura of the super-developed Hollywood film industry! Then, Yang Wei and I had a secret meeting with the representative of the bank.

Yang Wei's strategy is very simple: "Do the most things with the lowest cost as possible!" Originally, in my opinion, since there are a few contracts in the company, it doesn't matter if I directly pay the company to pay off the loans owed to the bank.

The loan owed to the bank is about 20 million US dollars.

These are all debts owed by the company over the years.

And Yang Wei refused to pay more money.

The beginning of negotiations with the bank has reached an impasse.

The bank insists on paying off all debts.

Or, announce the liquidation! The company was declared bankrupt, the bank took over the company, and then sold the company for cash to offset the debt.

"No, we have to repay 20 million dollars now... That's Tianfang Night Pool."

Yang Wei refused very simply.

Just as the bank representative was about to give up, Yang Wei coldly made his own offer: "Ten million, we can repay 10 million dollars at most.

For the rest of the debt, we are willing to propose a reasonable repayment date with the bank... Everything will be carried out according to the normal loan method.

"But you are not without money!" Obviously, the representative of the bank has also done a full investigation: "According to the information we have, Mr. Chen and Miss Yang.

Neither of the two local forces will care about the 10 million US dollars in this district! You have sufficient funds.

"Then there is no reason to force us to pay it back immediately."

Yang Wei didn't let go.

"Because the reputation of Billy Hill Company has been lowered to the lowest level! If it is another customer, we are certainly willing to continue the loan.

Anyway, we have money to make money, why don't we? The representative of the bank is obviously also a guy who is proficient in negotiation. He shrugged his shoulders: "We are very willing to continue to lend to our guests... But the problem now is that our evaluation team's evaluation of Bilishan Company is that this company is very dangerous at present!! We don't want to fall into the quagmire! We just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

We can't be blamed, but Billy Hill's bad bank credit over the years has caused this!", "But we only have 10 million now."

Yang Wei looked at him.

Then he suddenly smiled and said, "Now all the debts are 20 million dollars... Sir, we might as well make a very simple comparison... Or, you can accept our 10 million repayment.

And the remaining 10 million will be repaid in installments according to the normal loan procedure.

Either, you refuse us. Two months later, the company goes bankrupt and you sell the company.

She looked very confident: "But you might as well calculate... If you refuse our proposal and insist that the company go bankrupt... Then, in the current situation of Billy Hill, even if you take it out to sell it.

How much can I sell it back? "..." The bank representative was speechless.

"I can answer your question, because I did a very detailed calculation and came up with a very reasonable figure, about six million dollars."

Yang Wei's face was full of self-confidence. At this moment, she was like a real strategic woman, looking at the other party: "Look, you can accept our repayment plan of 10 million dollars! Or... you take the company and you can only get six million.

Such a simple math problem can be calculated by primary school students.

....... After sending away the bank representative, Yang Wei gave me a triumphant smile.

"We don't lack this ten million."

I shrugged my shoulders: "Why don't you just pay off your debts? It's not a good thing to owe money to the bank.

Yang Wei looked at me with a faint smile, and then she took the paper cup on the table and brought me the coffee.

I saw a faint mockery on her face: "Chen Yang, you're wrong. We don't lack this ten million... We lack more, one hundred million, two hundred million!" I sat in the chair, and she walked behind me. Her hands gently rested on my shoulders, and she stood behind me. Then she whispered in my ear and said, "Chen Yang, I know you have made a lot of money in the past six months.

But how many assets do you have now? Including the cash flow in your company, plus your current fixed assets, plus your current house, that villa, all your assets are only 100 million, right? She seemed to smile: "100 million dollars, in Hollywood, the production cost of any B-grade film is far more than this number! You're wrong. We're not short of money... but very, very short of money!!" She came to me, wrenched her fingers, and said with a smile, "You see, we are new here. We want to break into this ***. We want to have a relationship with the media, publicize and hold a party.

These are all going to be spent in large sums of dollars! Newspapers, magazines, media, TV stations, radio stations, and those harsh film critics, industry associations... These will grow up and eat up our big budget!! We are so short of money!!" I couldn't help blushing slightly.

Indeed, maybe I've been a little complacent recently, right? With a profit of 100 million US dollars in just one year, a self-made guy like me is also a legend.

But such a great success also makes my mind a little hot.

"And the problem is that I'm not going to let you invest all your worth for this company."

Yang Wei's eyes are full of her usual wisdom and calmness: "This company will become our money printing machine... But this is just a tool to make money.

It's not your real career! It's not your real foundation! So here, I have made a calculation that the most reasonable way for you is to invest up to 30 million US dollars here! That's the only way! Your funds should be spent in more reasonable places.

not here.

Thirty million yuan in Hollywood, you can't do too much at all, and you may not even be able to play a splash?? If you want to make it bigger here! This little money is not enough.

"What's your plan?" My eyes lit up and I vaguely understood Yang Wei's intention.

"Second-rate smart people make money with their own money... First-class smart people use other people's money to make money for themselves!" Yang smiled happily: "My idea is very simple.

Don't let the bank run away and continue to tie them to us! I'm just going to pay them back ten million, and they will agree.

And the benefits of tying the bank to us.

has two aspects.

Yang Wei said her plan quickly: "First of all, we are outsiders, and we have no foundation here.

After swallowing the company, we only retained all the employees in the middle and lower levels of the company, thus maintaining the company's operating capacity.

However, the people on the ground floor of the company, those shareholders, have all left.

In other words, we have lost our connections and networks in Hollywood! When we are in trouble.

No one can help us! When we meet a malicious opponent... You know, this is Hollywood! There are countless large and small film companies! At any time, there will be competitors to give us a trap or find some trouble... At this time, we need someone to help us... And the bank is the best helper!" Maybe Chen Yang, you will never understand how powerful the bank is!! But I can tell you that in the capitalist world, banks represent the operation of capital! All companies have relationships with banks, all companies!! All!! Banks are not just a financial institution... In their hands, behind them, they themselves are a huge network that you can't imagine! Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, the bank will always be the winner! I've heard a saying in the United States: If you want to succeed, you just need to stay with the bank forever.

Of course, some people say that banks are a bunch of vampires, but they have to admit that they have a huge amount of energy in their hands.

There is no doubt that Yang Wei has taught me a good lesson! Maybe I used to think that I was very smart. I was very proud that I could collect the smuggling business and unify the underworld, but for this kind of orthodox, mainstream, commercial and political skills, I really have to bow my head to learn in front of Yang Wei.

You see, I offered to give them 10 million, which actually gave them unexpected gains.

Because if the company goes bankrupt as planned, the bank will get less.

These people only recognize money! In the West, never expect the bank to talk to you! And the 10 million I threw is also a bait! Let them taste a little bit first, and then they will see that our development is gradually on track, and at the same time, they will expect us to repay the remaining 10 million loans... At this time, if anyone is against us, it is against the bank! If anyone wants to bring us down... then the bank will worry that once we collapse, they will not be able to repay the remaining 10 million loans... So, at the critical moment, when we encounter difficulties, the bank will definitely help us! These help are not to lend us money! Many officials, governments, institutions, many large companies... They all want to sell bank face!!!" I nodded and sighed, "It makes sense!" This is just the first aspect of what I said.

The second aspect... As I just said, we are still short of money.

So, when the company is on track.

Not only will I not repay the bank's loan, but I also plan to add additional loans to the bank! Further financing!! We are like a quagmire. I want the bank to sink deeper and deeper in our quagmire! The more loans they give us, the more they will value us in the future! Because we fell down.

Their loans will be lost! So they tried their best to escort us... At the same time, why not use bank money to make money for us? After saying this, Yang Wei looked at me and smiled and said, "Honey, this is the rules of the game in the capitalist world. You must learn these as soon as possible... Then, have a good 'play' here!" At this moment, the smile on Yang Wei's face was like a demon dragging a small tail behind her.


What's our next plan? I asked.

Yang Wei thought for a moment, "It's almost done. Although the bank has not replied to us today, they will definitely accept our request.

That's why the bank is here.

It's over for the time being.

Next, in the next few days, we need to meet and have a good talk with the big-name agent in our hands.

"Do you really want to make a movie?" I'm a little excited: "Colin Farrell, Kino Reeves... Oh, and John Depp.

He is one of my favorite actors.

"But you'd better be prepared. I think they are willing to admit that the possibility of making a film for us is only 0%."

Yang smiled and simply poured me a bucket of cold water.

"Oh? Don't we have a contract in our hands?" "The contract is not omnipotent."

Yang Wei shook his head: "I never expected to really rely on the film contract to let these big names come to make films for us... If we really did that.

is equivalent to offending a few powerful enemies!! Let John Depp make a movie at the cost of two million dollars? Damn it, his current salary is at least 20 million US dollars plus a share! Even if he is willing, his agent still refuses! Agents all rely on the income commission of their actors! If John Depp earns less, it means that his agent earns less... His agent will hate us to death! In Hollywood, under a big-name agent, there may be many big-name stars! If we offend a big-name agent, it means that we will always say goodbye to all the big-name actors under this agent! It's not worth the loss to do this kind of thing.

"So what are you going to do?" Next.

Yang Wei probably explained the rules of the film contract to me.

Even if you sign a contract, you can breach the contract. Of course, you have to pay a certain amount of default.

Generally speaking, the amount of default is about ten times the amount of the contract.

In fact, after some famous actors become famous, they will pay to buy back the film contract they signed before! It's better to pay liquidated damages!" It's very simple... honey."

Yang Wei couldn't help laughing. She smiled strangely: "I have seen our film contract with Colin Farrell, which is very clear. It is written on the film contract that Colin Farrell is even willing to make a '**' performance in the film."

She looked strange: "You see, that was many years ago! At that time, Colin Farrell was still a nameless boy.

In order to have a play to shoot, this kind of contract will be signed.

But what about now? Do you think he will still be willing to perform in the film? Unless you pay a sky-high price!" I nodded.'s head.

"So, my plan doesn't expect those big brands to really fulfill their contracts to make movies for us.

It's just that I want to use these as chips to negotiate with them.

They can pay a certain amount of default to buy back their contract.

Yang Wei said.

I thought about it carefully: "In this case... how much money can we get?" Yang Wei quickly took out a notebook, opened it, calculated it, and said with a smile, "Colin Farrell is at least. When he signed the contract, it was paid 150,000 US dollars.

And even if it is ten times, it is only 1.5 million.

But the unfortunate ones are John Depp and Kino Reeves.

John Depp's contract is two million dollars for a play.

And he has to pay liquidated damages, which will be increased tenfold according to the peace treaty.

That is, a compensation of 20 million US dollars.

And the most unfortunate thing is Kino Reeves... He signed three films at that time, six million dollars, and ten times..." She looked at me and smiled cunningly.

I whistled: "Sixty million? Oh my God.

I feel like I'm simply blackmailing.

But after thinking about it seriously, I sighed and looked at Yang Wei: "Okay, Yang Wei.

Don't play with me! I'm not a fool! Such extortion in Hollywood? Such extortion against the star with the biggest card? Is this possible? They will definitely resist, and the lawsuit will last for a long time! Will they obediently pay us tens of millions? Even if you are a superstar, you won't feel sorry for such a large amount of money.

Moreover, what's the difference between offending them and what you just said? We can't do this, for sure we can't."

Yang Wei looked at me with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes and smiled: "It's really great that you can think like this."

I can't help but feel a little depressed: "But that's it.

What should I do? These are the trump cards in our hands! If it can't be used...(..." "No, it must be used."

Yang smiled and said, "It's just to have skill and strength.

We can talk to their agent.

In the case that the legality of the contract cannot be denied, the only way for the other party's agent is to discuss with us how to cancel these contracts.

And we can't open our mouths and really ask them for full liquidated damages! My plan is to have less.

Even according to the contract amount, sell the contract to them without spending a penny.

In this way, at least you can have some relationship with them and win their favor... It's no harm for us to make two more super-big friends! At the same time, we can also make full use of this matter..." I suddenly smiled and didn't wait for Yang Wei to say it, so I said, "Discuss with them and cooperate with them.

Do some stir-frying? Good attention, they want to return their film contract, we want to return the cost, and at the same time, we can get a stir-fry... Several super brands work together with us to do it!" Yes, this company is actually very good. All the operating departments are complete. Although the sparrow is small, it is complete.

Moreover, in fact, they all had their own filming plans, but later the company became more and more miserable, so they had no money to invest in filming.

Even now, the company has an inventory of the scripts bought that year, the budget team, and so on.

As long as we have the funds, we can start shooting a movie at any time!" Yang smiled and said, "Of course, we don't have to worry about making movies. We just use this film company to make money... And at the same time..." Yang Wei said this. She looked at me and said quietly, "Gang Wu, with the development of your career, do you always use our family's casino to launder money? That means you have been putting your lifeblood in my uncle's hands! Now you and my uncle are allies, and you are in a cooperative relationship... But in case the situation changes one day in the future... What will you do? You need new channels for money laundering! And the movie is a very good way! You know, the seven giants of Hollywood, one of them has the background of the Italian mafia!" Yang Wei said these words, and I couldn't help but feel a little moved. I looked at her deeply and didn't know what to say.

She really abandoned the position of her own family and completely considered it for me! My heart trembled. There was no doubt that I read something from Yang Wei's eyes that made me feel very heavy! I sighed subconsciously and tried to dodge my eyes.

Fortunately, Yang Wei didn't want to embarrass me. She quickly adjusted her mood... This is really a very wise woman. She is extremely smart, but she is devoted to thinking about me without embarrasing me.

"Okay, let's think of a way first."

Yang smiled and said, "Now I want to think about what to do to make your last headline in the entertainment media in the fastest and shortest time! Well, now there are not many gimmicks in our company to fire, but I think the media seems to be very interested in you, a mysterious investor from the East... Well, I need a gimmick... A gimmick... Um... A gimmick..." She looked at me, as if thinking about how to squeeze the use value from me. It's like a smile.

I'm used to Yang Wei's frequent smile.

Generally speaking, when she laughs like this, someone has to be tricked by her.

At this time, the mobile phone I put in my coat pocket suddenly rang... The phone is a string of strange numbers, but obviously, it is a local number.

Huh? I don't remember if I have any friends there.

After answering, I just said "Hello", and then I heard a soft woman's voice from the other party: "Hi-Hello, is it Mr. Chen? Oh, I don't know if you still remember me as a friend? I'm Jessica Alba.

I didn't know you came to Hollywood until I read the newspaper. I wonder if you are interested in going out for a cup of coffee with old friends? I was stunned for a moment, but after all, the other party was an excellent beauty, and men were born with a deep memory of beautiful women, so it only took me a second to remember who she was.

"Oh, it's you, Jess."

I smiled and said, "I'm glad to receive your call. Well, when do you think... now?" I looked at the watch, and then looked up at Yang Wei. I covered my mobile phone.

"Who?" Jessica Fierba.

The Hollywood actress I met at Solin's dinner party.

I shrugged my shoulders: "She invited me to drink coffee."

Yang Wei suddenly squeezed his eyes at me and smiled in a low voice, "Look, the 'gimmick' is coming."