evil spirit

Chapter 140 The Great Robbery 1

Chapter 140 [Amazing Robbery] (1) "Jessica, turn around!" Jessica, smile more brightly.

"Jessica, give me a shape..." Many media reporters next to her shouted loudly. Jessica seemed to be in high interest, constantly putting all kinds of seductive shapes in place, occasionally small movements, revealing fragrant shoulders, bending down slightly to reveal the cleavage, and attracting countless flashes around.

I carefully stood behind her about a step away, keeping myself from being included in the camera, but many reporters don't seem to want to let me go. Obviously, I, a rich man who has just come to Hollywood, the owner of a film company, also interested them.

Many reporters squeezed around outside the isolation belt and changed the angle. Jessica suddenly took my hand, and then leaned against me affectionately, smiling. At the same time, she said in a low voice, "Laugh, Chen, it's not good for you to have such a straight face like this.

You see, this is Hollywood.

This is part of the rules of the game.

I reluctantly took a few photos with her, and then took her away in a hurry.

But Jessica is obviously satisfied, and she has achieved her goal.

And I feel a little uneasy.

Although the feeling just now was not so clear and real, it really made me feel a trace of chill! But after it disappeared, the illusion of such an instant made me a little afraid to confirm it.

As we walked into the ground hall on the first floor of the building.

Today's grand display party gathered almost all the local celebrities.

The security level is obviously very high.

Several detection doors were set up at the entrance of the building, and the guests passed through the detection door.

It is said that this can put an end to some media that want to sneak in with photographic equipment.

Of course, it is even more impossible to bring firearms and so on.

Everything is for safety! Only a few specially invited media will have special people.

At a specific moment, accompanied by security personnel, it is allowed to bring photographic equipment to shoot the world's expensive jewelry and the diamonds worn on Hollywood stars... The red carpet was laid to the door of the elevator, followed the elevator to the sixty-second floor, and came to a large exhibition hall on the top floor. Li.

This exhibition hall has thousands of square meters. In some crystal display stands, there have been a lot of precious diamond jewelry, which are bright and unknown how many carats of diamonds.

It immediately aroused the amazement and expectant eyes of many distinguished ladies of the guests.

Jessica and I walked all the way into the hall, and Jessica next to her immediately turned into a cheerful bird, constantly talking and laughing and greeting the people around her.


Here, the most famous handsome men and beautiful women in Hollywood, and all the people who can be there are here.

There are also representatives of several major film companies, producers, and first-tier and second-tier directors.

Investors, etc.... Looking at the countless faces worshipped by fans all over the world on weekdays, I feel like I'm in a dream world.

Even the black actor Jessica introduced me to just now.

After a few words, I walked away. I suddenly remembered that the black actor just now seemed to have been on the Oscar podium... All the venues were dominated by blue tones, fully showing a dreamy color.

I'm afraid the most excited thing is Lei Xiaohu. This guy saw so many big stars around him. Under the suppression of Yang Wei, he didn't run up to make a shameful act of asking for signatures.

And I quickly found them in the crowd.

Obviously, Yang Wei comes from a big family after all.

She has full experience of communication in this type of situation. In just a few minutes, she seems to have mixed up like a fish in water.

She is talking and laughing very calmly with the people around her, as if the other party is a famous Hollywood film investor or something.

At the beginning, the other party was probably just shocked by Yang Wei's beauty, but after the conversation, Yang Wei quietly said his origin, in exchange for a real respect.

After we walked over, Yang Wei immediately introduced me to the person who was talking to her, and then Jessica also came up... In the following time, I heard such conversations: "Oh, have you seen Michael Bay's new film? This guy made a lot of money from Transformers, but now a lot of people take the money to ask him to make a film.

"What? Julie?? Which Julie are you talking about? Julia?? Or Angelina? Oh, I don't know, but she seems to be very enthusiastic about public welfare recently..." "Hey, I heard that there are some financial problems in the fourth episode of Spider-Man recently. Maybe you can contact them. This movie should be profitable.

Oh, of course, Batman is no longer popular. Oh, that prequel is simply terrible!" Stephen?? He won't be a director easily now... Do you understand? He is now the boss and can fire the director at any time, haha... But unless another movie about Jews comes out, who knows? Maybe God just knows."

These big crocodiles and crocodiles in Hollywood are casually talking about the recent business. Those millions and tens of millions of businesses come to their mouths casually, and I'm afraid that these casual words may change the movie plans of fans around the world next year.

Do you want to watch the second episode of Transformers? Sorry, I'm afraid the film won't come out until two years later... I'm a little dizzy. I'm a complete lay man to Hollywood.

And when I took an opportunity to walk aside with Yang Wei, I couldn't help asking, "Who is Stephen they just said?" Yang Wei glanced at me, suppressed his smile, and whispered, "Stephen Spielberg."

Me:............" I'm a little dizzy, and this kind of social occasion makes me a little uncomfortable - the main reason is that the previous strange feeling is still affecting me.

I always have a feeling of uneasy foreboding... I pulled Lei Xiaohu aside and said to him, "You follow Yang Wei.

Don't leave her side!" Lei Xiaohu glanced at me and said, "Uncle Dong, what's wrong with you?" I thought for a moment, "It's okay. I'll go out to get some air and smoke a cigarette."

It's over.

I didn't say hello to the ladies, so I walked straight to the side, grabbed a waiter, asked him where the lounge was, and then I walked to the edge of the hall, then opened a door and went out.

There is a corridor outside, and I saw a sign on the top of my head showing the bathroom sign in front.

I frowned.

I want to find a smoking lounge instead of going to the toilet.

Maybe the waiter just heard my question wrong.

Since the left end of the logo is a bathroom, I simply strolled all the way to the right corridor to look for it.

In fact, the whole floor is in the shape of the word "back", and the middle is the hall.

It is surrounded by a circle of corridors, and the periphery are various working areas.

Today's party naturally has wine and food.

Originally, there was no kitchen in this kind of place.

Food is also ordered and delivered by a special food company.

There are many high-end food companies here that specialize in providing food and drinks for dinners and parties.


As long as you have money, you can enjoy any service.

I searched all the way. After walking for about dozens of meters, I smelled a strong aroma of food. I knew that I probably accidentally went to the temporary kitchen.

I think I'm probably going wrong again.

I couldn't help feeling a little depressed. I simply took out a cigarette in the corridor and lit a branch, and then walked all the way down... But just as I walked through the door of one of the rooms... Suddenly.

I heard a slight voice in my ear... I am a martial arts practitioner, and my ears and eyes are far more keen than ordinary people, and this voice fell into my ears, which suddenly made me feel abrupt!! Suddenly, I reacted instinctively and immediately took a light step under my feet! The sound was very short and light, as if the old-fashioned sewing machine turned it gently... But such a sound is too familiar to me! This is the sound of a pistol shot with a silencer!! What the hell! I realized it immediately.

Something must have happened! I immediately pasted the door.

There was a small transparent glass on the door here. I showed my eyes slightly and looked in... Unexpectedly, I saw a man with his back to me and then fell down softly.

The man's body was leaning against the door, and the back of his head was full of blood! Blood rubbed against the glass in front of me... I found that this person was wearing the security guard's clothes tonight. My heart tightened and I immediately shrank my head. After a few seconds, I looked out my eyes again and saw the situation in the room! This is a room temporarily converted into a kitchen. There are three men, all white, dressed in white waiter's clothes, but with pistols with silencers in their hands! On the ground, there were two security guards lying on their bodies. Looking at the blood stains on their bodies and the motionless appearance of lying there, they were probably shot to death! What made me notice is that the pistols in the hands of the three gunmen dressed as waiters are all plastic!! This explains why they can bring guns in under security checks! I was shocked! But then, I felt that one of them turned to me, and I immediately squatted down... There was a noise from the caller in the room, and then I faintly heard someone in a cold voice saying briefly to the caller, "Clean!" I hesitated for two seconds... My first reaction was to rush in and kill these three guys.

But I'm not sure that all three people have guns to go in and kill them.

So, I immediately bent over and shrank back, and then quickly returned towards the long way, walked quickly, and then quickly opened the door and walked in at the entrance of the first hall I found.

There is still music in the hall, and the voices are noisy.

Those celebrities in Hollywood are still talking.

I walked quickly in the crowd and tried to search for Yang Wei and others.

Obviously, something big is going to happen tonight! Finally, my anxious eyes found that Yang Wei and Lei Xiaohu were standing and talking to Jessica in a corner in the distance.

I walked over quickly, and Yang Wei had already seen that I looked different.

I walked up to her, and she had already asked me first, "What's wrong?" Something went wrong! You must get out of here immediately!!" After saying that, I quickly said what I had just seen in two or three sentences.

At the same time, I have grabbed Jessica with one hand and Yang Wei with the other.

winned at Lei Xiaohu and quickly walked towards the nearest exit to us.

"Ah!!" After listening to my words, Jessica just gave a short exclamation and I squeezed her arm hard, and then I said to her in a low voice, "Don't scream! We are in danger now! I don't even know if there are any bad guys among these waiters here!" You know, there are at least 20 waiters in the room now! Obviously, someone is keeping an eye on this tonight! I'm afraid the astronomical diamond jewelry on display here has attracted bad people.

My plan is very simple. Take the woman out of here as soon as possible! Especially Yang Wei!! Did you bring your phone?" I took a look at Jessica.

I didn't bring it with me, but Jessica brought a dinner handbag. It should be in the bag.

Sure enough.

She took out a phone for me. I quickly called 911 and said quickly to the phone: "A gun murder was found on the top floor of the Torch Building..." I didn't finish it, because halfway through it, I found that there was no connection in the mobile phone at all, but a short noise.

"The phone doesn't work!" I took a look at Yang Wei.

Yang Wei took it over and listened for a moment and shook his head: "The other party has communication interference equipment!" Never mind! We walked quickly to the door of the elevator, but we accidentally found that the button of the elevator was not bright! Jessica's face was pale, and she told me shiveringly, "I heard.

After the party starts, the main elevator will be deactivated for a while to avoid idle people coming up... for a while.

When waiting for the jewelry display, there is a makeup lounge on the downstairs floor. Those female stars who are invited to wear diamond jewelry display tonight will take the elevator from downstairs and directly enter the main venue... Before that, the main elevator is closed.

Maybe... only the two internal elevators in the back can be used.

I glanced at Jessica: "Side elevator? Are you sure?" I... I've been here once to attend a party, so I know."

Jessica reluctantly finished and couldn't help looking at me: "Let's tell everyone..." "It's too late! Once it gets messy, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome.

I pulled Yang Wei in this case.

I instinctively favor one over the other. Yang Wei is what I care about the most! After taking a look at Lei Xiaohu, he signaled him to take Jessica. The four of us walked along the edge of the hall and walked unnoticed to the back of the venue.

Just in the middle of our walk, suddenly, in a turbulent sound of music, the main light in the hall turned off. Suddenly, the light in the venue was much darker, leaving only a circle of side lights around.

Then, with a burst of music, a well-dressed white-haired middle-aged man came up at the front desk, holding a microphone in his hand.

I know that this man seems to be a famous master of ceremonies, and he is responsible for many TV shows.

"Ladies and gentlemen... Oh, let's see how many handsome men and beautiful women we have gathered here tonight.

God, I'm afraid my eyes are dazzled... Hey, who can tell me, is the Oscar award ceremony ahead of schedule? The master of ceremonies played off his humor, and then it really attracted a kind smile from the people under the stage.

They immediately said something quickly.

But I didn't care, but walked back quickly with the people around me.

...Well, since everyone is so happy on such a night, then..." When the master of ceremonies said this, he laughed, and then waved the microphone in his hand... Bang! Hearing this sound, I immediately shook my body!! Around the table, after the " bang" just now, several nozzles on the stage immediately spewed out artificial fireworks. Suddenly, in the dark venue, it looked extremely brilliant! However, I was the only one who heard it. In the sound of fireworks spraying just now, vaguely, I heard another gunshot! And it's ringing in the hall! I immediately looked around warily and saw a security guard at the entrance and exit of a venue in front of us, and fell down softly.

But immediately there was a man in the same security uniform, who coldly hugged him from behind.

set him away.

In a noisy scene, coupled with the fireworks, which attracted most of people's attention, no one found this scene!! But because of this.

Our way forward is blocked! The killed security guard is in front of us, and it is we who are ready to leave the entrance and exit here! Yang Wei stopped me and stopped! Then, all the lights in the hall suddenly lit up... This abnormality finally caused the strangeness of everyone present.

Because the fireworks have not dispersed, the lights should not be turned on now! The white-haired star host on the stage was obviously a little unexpected, but he still took the microphone and said, "Oh, it seems that our lighting engineer hopes that everyone will not steal diamonds in the chaos..." He tried to save the scene with his own temporary opportunity, but immediately, a greater discord happened! The two side doors next to it were opened at the same time! Then, both sides, at the same time.

Several dining cars were pushed in by more than a dozen people in waiter's clothes.

I noticed that these people in waiter's clothes have men and women... It's even more surprising to me.

These people are not all white! Most people have brown skin... I don't have a good understanding of race. I just think their skin color looks like Mexicans or... Middle Easterners?! Hey! It's not time for food yet!" The white-headed star master of ceremonies was finally a little annoyed, and a series of chaos disrupted the plan.

I took a breath of cold air! Because of the dozen people in waiter's clothes who pushed the dining car into the dining car, each of them, both men and women.

They all look dull and gloomy. Obviously, they are definitely not waiters! These guys are all vigorous, and at the same time, everyone's breath is very gloomy... even with a trace of death! I know.

Only those who have really struggled on the line of life and death can make such a murderous atmosphere! The white-headed star host had not yet made a clear situation. He frowned and looked back at the stage behind him and shouted, "Where is the on-site command? Let these people out..." He kept making gestures... Then he grabbed himself, looked at the people under the stage, and reluctantly smiled, "Well, it seems that there is something wrong with the on-site scheduling here... Oh, God, let's look at tens of millions of diamonds while eating thousand-layer cake?" He is still joking.

But at this time, suddenly... bang! In the eyes of hundreds of people under the stage, a bullet passed through his head! I hit it from the left side, and a ball of blood immediately burst out on the right side! He fell to the ground with a grunt and died of anger! The red blood and white brain suddenly flowed out! And the microphone in his hand rolled to the ground, making a buzzing and harsh sound... Hundreds of people present began to be shocked! Probably no one would have thought that there would be such a sudden scene in front of him! A second later: "Ah...!!!" I don't know which woman will take the lead in screaming first! Then countless sad screams and exclamations broke out from the crowd! People began to squeeze around in panic, trying to escape... Most people ran in the direction of the elevator, but soon, the failure of the elevator broke everyone's hope. Someone rushed to the entrance around, only to find that almost all the doors were locked! Only me, I held Yang Wei tightly, surrounded by Lei Xiaohu and Jessica, who was half scared. The four of us did not move, and no one noticed us when there was chaos around us.

Finally, a man in a white waiter's costume walked to the stage.

This man has beautiful brown skin, big eyes, and even a little kindness on his face, but his eyes are very cold... He holds a gun in one hand. Obviously, he is the one who killed the host with one shot just now! After he walked to the stage, he bent down leisurely and picked up the microphone from the ground.

He even wiped the blood stains on the microphone with his snow-white waiter uniform, and then patted the microphone twice to audition before speaking.

His voice is very peaceful, even in standard American English: "Ladies and gentlemen.

I'm sorry to disturb you on this beautiful night... But here, on behalf of my team, I'm sorry to inform you that tonight's party..." He even had a gloomy smile on his face:... since it ended early.

With his wave, the waiters standing next to the dining car took off their white waiters' uniforms one after another, revealing the black clothes inside... And everyone had a bulletproof vest on their body! They immediately disliked the lids of all kinds of food on the dining car around them... Soon, the beautifully made food on the dining car, the huge barbecues, cakes, salad plates, cheese, cheese pieces... and so on, these things were all broken! Then, these people took out all kinds of weapons from the food like a trick! Those pistols, bullets, all outside were wrapped in a layer of transparent plastic paper. They quickly tore open the plastic paper, put guns in their hands, and loaded the bullets... I even saw someone take out a few black parts from the belly of several huge roast chickens, and then quickly assembled them into a submachine gun... And those The grenade hidden in the ice bucket... Damn it! These dozen dining cars add up to almost a small light weapons arsenal!! The crowd was still in chaos, but these bandits had rushed around quickly, punched, kicked, or shot and intimidated, and immediately controlled the crowd! Put everyone in the middle... "Ladies and gentlemen..." The man on the stage was obviously the leader. He looked at everyone, bent slightly, bowed, and said elegantly, "Welcome to hell."